Jews shake down Panera Bread and Krispy Kreme donuts for $11 MILLION over non-existent “Nazi” ties 80 years ago

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What is absurd about this $11 million shakedown is that Panera, which has 2,500 stores in North America, is a TOTALLY American company that was started in Boston in the 1980s and had no historical connection whatsoever to the Third Reich. (Same goes for Krispy Kreme.) This American company was merely bought up recently by a modern German holding company! (A holding company simply owns assets/companies and does not run any sort of business.)

The German family behind Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Panera Bread, Pret a Manger and Einstein Bros. Bagels has finally come clean about their reported connection to the Nazis. “It is all correct,” said…
  • Regina Pasko WHY does it matter what happened all those years ago????? Fuck, STOP APOLOGIZING!!!
    • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch The $11 MILLION bribe/shakedown makes the problem go away. The Audi bad-brakes “scandal” was the same thing. ‘Pay up or we say 24/7 on tv in countries where German high-end cars are sold that Audi was part of the Holocaust until sales of Audi cars collapse.’ Same thing would have happened to Panera and Krispy Kreme: “evil Nazi bread” and “SS doughnuts” 🙂 ….
      The same kind of “we-will-ruin-you” threat was made to Henry Ford, which is why he caved in and apologized in 1927 for his book “The International J”.…/2015/06/25/henry-fords-apology
      Henry Ford's Apology
      Henry Ford’s Apology

      Henry Ford’s Apology

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