Antigentilic Jews still trying to exonerate sex killer Leo Frank

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Jewish Effort to Exonerate Sex Killer Frank Continues

(ILLUSTRATION: Former Ga. Supreme Court Justice Leah Ward Sears speaks at the Memorial service for Leo Frank. Sunday August 16, 2015, Kol Emeth Temple, Marietta Ga.)
Death threats to jury claimed by Jews never happened; were invented by Frank partisans years later
EDITOR’S NOTE: Jews are losing the debate on the Leo Frank case ” the very case that sparked the creation of their “Anti-Defamation League.” Due to the efforts of the National Alliance and its allies, the truth about Frank’s guilt is all over the ˜Net, social media, and respected alternative media.
There is no contemporary source for the claim that mobs threatened the jury with death. No newspaper accounts mention such threats ” and some of the papers were quite pro-Frank ” and the jurymen specifically denied that they experienced any, inside or outside the courtroom. Frank’s own lawyers never complained of such threats, which surely would have been grounds for an instant mistrial and change of venue ” which they never asked for. The evidence is overwhelming that Frank is guilty.
A GROUP OF lawyers and judges led by a rabbi gathered at a synagogue Sunday to say the state of Georgia should exonerate a Jewish businessman who was lynched 100 years ago for a murder they believe he didn’t commit ”and for which they believe he was convicted out of fear of an anti-Semitic mob.
They gathered at Temple Kol Emeth in Marietta, a few miles away from the tree on which Leo Frank died 100 years ago Monday. Prayers were said for the souls of Frank and Mary Phagan, the 13-year-old girl he was accused of killing.
[Nauseating, as if these jews cared any more about Mary Phagan than did the jew who worked her 55 hours a week at age ten and paid her $2 an hour, then sexuyally harased her, then punched her in the ye an knocked her out, then raped and killed her. At the time the jewspapers claimed maybe Mary was a slut!]
The audience of about 400 was asked to sign a petition for Frank’s exoneration.
“The rule of law should never be overcome by the rule of the mob,” said Cobb County Superior Court Chief Judge J. Stephen Schuster, [Jew] who spoke first and introduced the other speakers, including a prosecutor, two former Georgia Supreme Court justices and a lawyer who led the argument for Frank’s pardon in the 1980s after a new witness emerged, identifying another man as the killer.
The lawyer who won the pardon, Dale Schwartz of Schwartz Posel in Atlanta, an immigration firm, said he didn’t believe the Board of Pardons and Paroles would revisit the issue, having declined to rule on guilt or innocence before.
The board signed a pardon that was only an acknowledgement that the state failed to protect Frank in the prison from which the lynch mob grabbed him.
[True, for once. The ridiculous “pardon” did not say he was inocent of murder.]
“We would like some official statement from the state of Georgia that Leo Frank is innocent,” said Schwartz. He said it could come from the Legislature or the governor. “The history books should be closed with total forgiveness and exoneration of Leo Frank.”
Leah Ward Sears, a Schiff Hardin partner and retired chief justice of the Georgia Supreme Court, told the story of the 14 lynch men from Marietta ”including lawyers, a judge, a sheriff, a former governor, two former mayors and teachers ”who drove all night to the state prison in Milledge­ville to kidnap Frank and bring him back for a morning hanging. She noted the lynch mob was never prosecuted.
[The “lynchers” were carrying out the will of  three juries and five levels of the court system, from the Fulton County jury to the US Supreme Court (7-2)!!]
Sears said that while it would be nice to think such a thing would not happen again, recent events raise concern about continuing injustice. She mentioned white police officers shooting unarmed black men in Ferguson, Missouri, and North Charleston, South Carolina, and a white supremacist shooting a group of African-American worshipers in a Charleston church.
Former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Norman Fletcher used the occasion to call not only for the exoneration of Frank but for the abolition of the death penalty.
He lamented the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision denying Frank’s appeal. That decision prompted Gov. John Slaton, who believed Frank did not have a fair trial, to commute Frank’s death sentence to life, leading to Frank’s lynching.
“We can’t bring Leo Frank back to life, but we can see to it that he is exonerated,” Fletcher said. “And we can end the practice of the state doing the same thing as the accused: taking the life of a human being, created in the image of God.”
[Governor Slaton took a stupendous BRIBE to commute Frank’s sentence and was a law partner with the Frank defense team! He had to flee the state for eleven years due ot popular outrage at his blatant crookedness. The Frank lawyers literally moved into his law office!!!!!] 

Did you know that

*** from the book by Mary Phagan’s great-niece, Mary Phagan Kean

murder-of-little-mary-phagan-phagan-kean (p27)

“The Atlanta newspapers of 1913 show the law firm of Rosser & Brandon, 708 Empire, and the law firm of Slaton & Phillips, 723 Grant Building [photo], as merging. Then the 1914 Atlanta Directory shows the firm of Rosser, Brandon, Slaton & Phillips, 719 ”723 Grant Building.

They were also listed in the Atlanta Directory in 1915 and 1916. Slaton was a member of the law firm that defended Leo Frank.”

So attorney Luther Rosser, defending Leo Frank, moved in with Governor Slaton, who commuted Frank’s sentence!



Georgia Assistant Attorney General Van Pearlberg, a former Cobb prosecutor, told the story of Frank’s trial, which he said was derailed by prejudicial publicity, false testimony and an angry mob outside the courthouse. He quoted Frank defense attorney Reuben Arnold calling the case the “most horrible prosecution of a Jew since Christ.” He said the mob would chant to jurors outside their hotel, Hang the Jew or we’ll hang you.”
[This Jew is an  assistant attorney general? There is ZERO evidence for this vile canard! The Frank defense team, the best in Georgia, would have demanded the trial be moved in that case!!!!]
The service concluded with a speech from Rabbi Steven Lebow, who has been studying the Frank case since he moved to Marietta 30 years ago. He offered what he called a “hopeful conclusion” to the “horrible deeds and despicable acts” behind the stories told.
“It happened in a Georgia that is long gone,” Lebow said. “We don’t live in the old South anymore.”
In the spirit of the new South, “we come to demand that Leo Frank’s name finally be cleared,” Lebow said. “How hard can it be?”
Lebow offered such poetic lines as “justice is the debt that the present owes the future,” and “justice delayed is justice denied.” He quoted John Lennon and called on the crowd to help him. “You may say I’m a dreamer, but what?” The audience filled in the line with “but I’m not the only one.”
The congregation stood and applauded when Lebow closed with a final call on the state to clear Frank’s name. “Nothing more is needed, but nothing less will do,” the rabbi said. “You cannot make the future good unless you are willing to make the past right. Where are you?”
Before leaving, the congregation sang, “God Bless America.”

….the truth is the exact opposite




 The Original Trial Transcript: 3,647 Pages, is MISSING

The original seven-volume Leo M. Frank murder trial transcript stenographed on 3,647 pages of legal cap paper was stolen from the Georgia State Archives in the 1960s and is still missing today, presumed gone forever after fifty years.

Why was this massive public document, the property of the people of Georgia, stolen? Hmmmm.

2) Frank’s own detectives decided he was guilty. 

The renowned (and Jewish) historian Albert Lindemann,

….with a Harvard PhD in history and a full professor of history at the University of California/Santa Barbara, admits in his book The Jew Accused


…on page 249 that both teams of detectives hired by Leo Frank and his dream team of top Atlanta lawyers to gather proof of his innocence came to the conclusion that

Leo Frank was guilty of the murder “beyond any doubt.”

3) Did you know that in commuting Leo Frank’s death sentence, Governor John Slaton was a partner in the law firm that defended Frank, and that he illegally retried the case himself in a long document, and claimed that the blood on Mary’s dress in the crotch area was from her “period”?


….ADL glorified itself and attempts to get murderer Frank off

Endless lies:
1) Frank was not convicted of rape (because no semen was found), but of murder “only”;
georgia-governor-Joseph-Mackey-Brown-lyncher-leo-frank2) It was not a “mob” (defined as “an unruly and excitable crowd”), but a precise, planned, paramilitary operation, carried out to perfection by the fmr governor of Georgia, John Mackey Brown [photo], the Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives, and by both the duly-elected sheriff and the fmr sheriff of Cobb County, Ga., among other elite, reputable, and highly educated citizens.


It fulfilled the will of three juries (the first of which, the coroner’s jury, had four jews on it) and five levels of the American court system, including the Fulton Cty (greater Atlanta) court, the Georgia Appeals Court, the Georgia Supreme Court, the US Court of Appeals and the US Supreme Court.


Nineteen females testified Frank had harassed them or Mary Phagan, and/or that he was a lecherous pervert, and Frank’s lawyers did not cross-examine even one of them. Frank himself refused to take the oath and be cross-examined.

His principal accuser, however, withstood eight hours of brutal cross-examination by the top lawyers in Georgia, who were working to get the pedophilic sex killer Frank off.

Though the ADL lies it is “against racial hate,” the Frank defense team (and jewish-owned newspapers nationwide) played the anti-black race card to the very hilt in this trial and in subsequent appeals, constantly referring to an innocent black janitor employed by Frank (because on the stand he helped to amply prove Frank’s guilt, and would not let Frank frame him for his own crime) as “that drunken brute of a negro.”
This video also does not going into the financing of the ADL by vile mafia mobster, financial bag man and killer Meyer Lansky, and many other shocking realities about this antigentilic, con-man organization.
Its entire goal is to DEFAME Gentile critics of jewry (and honest Jewish whistleblowers), not to fight defamation, and to contradict the overt verity pronounced by the famous Jewish scientistand Nobel Laureate Albert Einstein: “Anti-semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in non-Jews by the Jewish group. This is the normal social reaction.” (From Albert Einstein’s 1938 book “Why Do They Hate the Jews?”, p 194.)
Jews themselves cause antisemitism by dishonesty, greed and arrogant, master-race behavior, and antigentilism. They have brought persecution on themselves for 3,200 years now, going back to the ancient pharaohs of Egypt. Look at yourselves in the mirror!


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