Jewsmedia in California hides that Chinese restaurant owner killed and ate the dogs of his neighbors

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CHINESE KILLS, EATS NEIGHBORS’ PET DOGS — A California comrade and donor wrote me in outrage:

A news story appeared tonight about a San Francisco Chinese restaurant owner being charged with killing peoples’ pet dogs for their meat. Then the story vanished!
I wanted to send it to you but suddenly I couldn’t find it; I guess the Jews simply deleted it.
Anyhow, the Chinese do indeed eat dog meat, and it’s very cruel how they do it. Some even cut off the dog’s legs while it is still alive. It infuriates me that this news story about the Chinese restaurant owner being arrested for killing pet dogs for their meat has been buried.

I replied:
Thanks for this item. Since dogs (unlike cats and other animals) intensely bond to humans and truly love them, as I have blogged, which they prove by their willing to fight and die for us, and grieving when their master dies, this crime is not just proof of callousness and even psychopathy in many Chinese. It also shows gross disrespect for the white country, America, that very foolishly took them in.

The Chinese are an ancient and great nation, but also sometimes pretty scary. If they see us Whites as weak (and this is true also of Blacks), then you had better watch out.
Under national socialism, we Whites were never weak!



  1. Cats do love their owners. They don’t fight for them like dogs, but that is because, unlike dogs, they are solitary hunters.

    The dog regards its human as part of his hunting team, which is something it will fight for if it is threatened.

  2. Cats love their “owners” just as deeply as dogs, though dogs still want to be with their humans a bit more often or actually permanently and are often downright ecstatic and “freak out” with joy when they see their owners or friends again.

    I lived with a female cat from 1978 to 1998, and very often took care of a female dog between 2003 and 2020. Cats are as sensitive as dogs, they sense the moods of the people close to them, they comfort when comfort is needed, they cuddle and they give warmth and security. As far as I remember correctly, it was around the time of the Holappa disappointment that JdN wrote that the tomcat suddenly joined JdN at head height to give comfort. And “Princess,” Margi’s and John’s later cat, also gave them both much strength.

    The Seth material (Jane Roberts) says that dogs regard themselves as protectors of their human families, that they are aware of this role. Animals are curious and hungry for experience. The contact with humans friendly to them is supposed to accelerate their development of consciousness immeasurably according to Seth.

    Cats and dogs, like humans, are highly individual and, depending on their stage of development, incredibly social. The dog I knew was highly intelligent, incredibly spirited and practically a social worker. From a certain stage of development on, a change of species is supposed to be possible.

  3. Katzen lieben ihre “Besitzer” genauso innig wie Hunde, auch wenn Hunde noch etwas häufiger bzw. eigentlich permanent mit ihrem Menschen zusammen sein wollen und oftmals regelrecht verzückt sind und “ausflippen” vor Freude, wenn sie ihre Besitzer bzw. Freunde wiedersehen.

    Ich lebte von 1978 bis 1998 mit einer Katze zusammen und paßte zwischen 2003 bis 2020 sehr häufig auf eine Hündin auf. Katzen sind genauso einfühlsam wie Hunde, sie spüren die Stimmungen der ihnen nahestenden Menschen, sie trösten wenn Trost gebraucht wird, sie schmiegen sich an und sie schenken Wärme und Geborgenheit. Sofern ich mich richtig erinnere, war es um die Zeit der Holappa-Enttäuschung daß JdN schrieb, daß sich der Kater plötzlich auf Kopfhöhe zu JdN gesellte, um Trost zu spenden. Und “Princess”, Margi’s und John’s spätere Katze, gab auch beiden viel Kraft.

    Im Seth-Material (Jane Roberts) steht, daß sich Hunde als Beschützer ihrer Menschenfamilien verstehen, daß sie sich dieser Rolle bewußt sind. Tiere sind neugierig und erlebnishungrig. Der Umgang mit ihnen freundlich gesonnenen Menschen soll ihre Bewutßseinsentwicklung laut Seth unermeßlich beschleunigen.

    Katzen und Hunde sind wie Menschen hochindividuell und, je nach Entwicklungsstand, unglaublich sozial, die Hündin die ich kannte war hochintelligent, unglaublich temperamentvoll und praktisch eine Sozialarbeiterin. Ab einem gewissen Entwicklungsstand soll ein Gattungswechsel möglich sein.

  4. Regarding the San Francisco Chinese restaurant owner mentioned above, he had dog meat right on his menu for his customers! From this we can infer that eating dog meat is thought to be okay in the American Chinese community.

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