Jews are sneakey fuckers. I saw 2 jews once at a BNP demo .Each jew was on opposing sides. Both were calling each other a Nazi,the so-called patriotic jewish nazi was shouting that ” All Muslims must be exterminated ,women and children especially to protect Israel” They should know better according to their history.
When I wrote articles questioning the Holohoax I got lots of death threats from jews ” We’re going to kill you and all your family, we’re going to exterminate you all”
Lol a Jewish einsatzgruppen.
Look at how many jews have played Hitler or SS officers in films whilst wearing full Nazi uniforms . Funny how they aren’t offended when getting paid.
I laughed when the jew Anton Differing played SS Reich protector Heydrich. He also played various SS officers in films.
So why is it acceptable for jews to wear swastika arm bands and iron crosses,whilst give a seig heil salutes. Hypocrites
She is not genuine, she is controlled opposition. There is a video circulating of her endorsing the green certificate and claiming that her party was first to endorse it and supporting the roll out as soon as possible in order to restore the freedom of movement and restart tourism.
I think Wood is probably jewish and a libtard, but that by itself, as you know, while certainly of interest, does not disprove her thesis. A jew invented the laser, but that does not make lasers fake. 😉
What I see in the predictable and bitter 9/1 squabbles, as in all the rest, is basically good people and courageous truthers accusing each other of horrible motives and secret agendas — the umpteenth, no, the millionth appalling exhibition of the egoic mind and thus its outcropping: the love of feuding, bickering, slander and cut-throat rivalry among the white goyim ….while the Big Jews, the white genociders, gloat away.
Dividing and conquering….
I agree 100% with Mike Delaney of the documentary masterpiece “911 Missing Links:
“It is a dangerous distraction to fight over HOW the Towers and the Pentagon were attacked.
.What is important is that it was the JEWS that did it.“
As for Christopher Bollyn, he is a perfect example of what I am saying here. His 9/11 website is superb, but he totally shuns me, and entirely because he had a gigantic falling-out over personalities with the Willis Carto organization for which I continued to work.
Margi and I in 2005 had him, his wife and kids over for a very nice afternoon, evening, a walk in the park and supper.
Yet I guess because I continued to work for Carto and be on good terms with Mike Piper, whom he accused publicly of being a homosexual with black sex partners (!), and Mike did have his many flaws, as did Carto, I am now an agent of the jews, too. 😉
The jew would get nowhere if Whites were united, spiritual, unegoic, and therefore always respectful and factual in their inevitable debates and disagreeements.
In another life, I suspended parliamentary democracy because all it led to 1919-32 was the Germans, who are even more cantankerous than other Whites, at each others’ throats instead of focusing on the jew.
As bright as the engineer Herbert Hoover was — and he was also a great humanitarian who would have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his work against famine in Europe after both WWI and WWII had he not died — he remained naive for his entire life about both white people and their incessant feuding, and also about the malevolence and power of the jews..and how they triggered the Great Depression to destroy HIM and install the hyper-wicked Roosevelt to implement their nightmarish New World Order.
Anton Differing spielte augenscheinlich lediglich sich selbst, was beispielsweise in folgender Szene des nach genannten Films ‘Nachtstreife’ besonders arg zum Ausdruck kommt – siehe bitte Standbild auf Minute 43.50.
Ironischerweise geht der Dreh zusammen mit Horst Tappert ab (deutscher Panzergrenadier der Waffen-SS) – was der Anton wohl über den Horst dachte?! 😉
Auszug aus der oben genannten englischen Fassung, und zwar:
Anton Diffring (born Alfred Pollack)
Diffring wurde als Alfred Pollack in Koblenz geboren. Sein Vater, Solomon Pollack, war ein jüd. Ladenbesitzer, der es schaffte, einer Internierung zu entgehen und die NS-Herrschaft in Deutschland zu überleben. Seine Mutter, Bertha Pollack (geb. Diffring), war Christin.
Er studierte Schauspiel in Berlin und Wien, aber es gibt Vermutungen darüber, wann er Deutschland vor Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs verließ. Der Audiokommentar für die Doctor Who-Serie Silver Nemesis erwähnt, daß er 1936 ging, um der Verfolgung aufgrund seiner Homosexualität zu entgehen.
Andere Berichte deuten darauf hin, daß er 1939 ging und sich in Kanada niederließ, wo er 1940 interniert wurde, was unwahrscheinlich ist, da er im Film Convoy der Ealing Studios auftritt – veröffentlicht im Juli 1940 als Offizier der U-37 in einer nicht im Abspann aufgeführten Rolle.
In Anlehnung meines vorherigen Kommentars und der Schwulität des Diffring möchte ich an dieser Stelle anmerken: Was der Horst wohl über den Anton dachte?! 😀
Bei derlei Karriere (hüstl hüstl) sollte es nicht verwundern, daß Anton Pollack den Mädchennamen seiner Mutter angenommen hat.
Jews are sneakey fuckers. I saw 2 jews once at a BNP demo .Each jew was on opposing sides. Both were calling each other a Nazi,the so-called patriotic jewish nazi was shouting that ” All Muslims must be exterminated ,women and children especially to protect Israel” They should know better according to their history.
When I wrote articles questioning the Holohoax I got lots of death threats from jews ” We’re going to kill you and all your family, we’re going to exterminate you all”
Lol a Jewish einsatzgruppen.
Look at how many jews have played Hitler or SS officers in films whilst wearing full Nazi uniforms . Funny how they aren’t offended when getting paid.
I laughed when the jew Anton Differing played SS Reich protector Heydrich. He also played various SS officers in films.
So why is it acceptable for jews to wear swastika arm bands and iron crosses,whilst give a seig heil salutes. Hypocrites
She is not genuine, she is controlled opposition. There is a video circulating of her endorsing the green certificate and claiming that her party was first to endorse it and supporting the roll out as soon as possible in order to restore the freedom of movement and restart tourism.
Not a single puppet leader are for the people.
I think Wood is probably jewish and a libtard, but that by itself, as you know, while certainly of interest, does not disprove her thesis. A jew invented the laser, but that does not make lasers fake. 😉
What I see in the predictable and bitter 9/1 squabbles, as in all the rest, is basically good people and courageous truthers accusing each other of horrible motives and secret agendas — the umpteenth, no, the millionth appalling exhibition of the egoic mind and thus its outcropping: the love of feuding, bickering, slander and cut-throat rivalry among the white goyim ….while the Big Jews, the white genociders, gloat away.
Dividing and conquering….
I agree 100% with Mike Delaney of the documentary masterpiece “911 Missing Links:
As for Christopher Bollyn, he is a perfect example of what I am saying here. His 9/11 website is superb, but he totally shuns me, and entirely because he had a gigantic falling-out over personalities with the Willis Carto organization for which I continued to work.
Margi and I in 2005 had him, his wife and kids over for a very nice afternoon, evening, a walk in the park and supper.
Yet I guess because I continued to work for Carto and be on good terms with Mike Piper, whom he accused publicly of being a homosexual with black sex partners (!), and Mike did have his many flaws, as did Carto, I am now an agent of the jews, too. 😉
The jew would get nowhere if Whites were united, spiritual, unegoic, and therefore always respectful and factual in their inevitable debates and disagreeements.
In another life, I suspended parliamentary democracy because all it led to 1919-32 was the Germans, who are even more cantankerous than other Whites, at each others’ throats instead of focusing on the jew.
As bright as the engineer Herbert Hoover was — and he was also a great humanitarian who would have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his work against famine in Europe after both WWI and WWII had he not died — he remained naive for his entire life about both white people and their incessant feuding, and also about the malevolence and power of the jews..and how they triggered the Great Depression to destroy HIM and install the hyper-wicked Roosevelt to implement their nightmarish New World Order.
@Carl Mason
Anton Differing spielte augenscheinlich lediglich sich selbst, was beispielsweise in folgender Szene des nach genannten Films ‘Nachtstreife’ besonders arg zum Ausdruck kommt – siehe bitte Standbild auf Minute 43.50.
Ironischerweise geht der Dreh zusammen mit Horst Tappert ab (deutscher Panzergrenadier der Waffen-SS) – was der Anton wohl über den Horst dachte?! 😉
Derrick. Staffel 11, Folge 5: Nachtstreife
– Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –
Bezeichnenderweise ward die jüd. Abstammung bei dem sogenannten Wikipedia verschwiegen – zumindest in der deutschen Fassung …
… in der englischen Fassung hingegen nicht! 😮
Auszug aus der oben genannten englischen Fassung, und zwar:
Anton Diffring (born Alfred Pollack)
Diffring wurde als Alfred Pollack in Koblenz geboren. Sein Vater, Solomon Pollack, war ein jüd. Ladenbesitzer, der es schaffte, einer Internierung zu entgehen und die NS-Herrschaft in Deutschland zu überleben. Seine Mutter, Bertha Pollack (geb. Diffring), war Christin.
Er studierte Schauspiel in Berlin und Wien, aber es gibt Vermutungen darüber, wann er Deutschland vor Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs verließ. Der Audiokommentar für die Doctor Who-Serie Silver Nemesis erwähnt, daß er 1936 ging, um der Verfolgung aufgrund seiner Homosexualität zu entgehen.
Andere Berichte deuten darauf hin, daß er 1939 ging und sich in Kanada niederließ, wo er 1940 interniert wurde, was unwahrscheinlich ist, da er im Film Convoy der Ealing Studios auftritt – veröffentlicht im Juli 1940 als Offizier der U-37 in einer nicht im Abspann aufgeführten Rolle.
In Anlehnung meines vorherigen Kommentars und der Schwulität des Diffring möchte ich an dieser Stelle anmerken: Was der Horst wohl über den Anton dachte?! 😀
Bei derlei Karriere (hüstl hüstl) sollte es nicht verwundern, daß Anton Pollack den Mädchennamen seiner Mutter angenommen hat.