Jewsmedia silent as the tomb over Hunter Biden’s constant n-word messages

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How the liberal media have completely IGNORED Hunter Biden’s N-word scandal: Not ONE left-leaning outlet covered the president’s son using racist language in texts first revealed by


  • The texts, which were exchanged in late 2018 and early 2019, were recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop and published by on Monday
  • The messages showed Biden repeatedly used the n-word in conversations with his white Chicago lawyer George Messires
  • In the days since the texts surfaced, the majority of US media outlets have chosen not to cover Biden’s use of the racial slur
  • Left-leaning networks, including CNN and ABC and MSNBC, haven’t dedicated notable air time to the story
  • New York Times and Washington Post’s frontpages have also not featured it
  • The lack of coverage has prompted outrage among conservatives with many accusing the liberal media of double standards

The liberal media in the US are coming under fire for completely ignoring Hunter Biden‘s n-word scandal after it was revealed by that the president’s son had used the racial slur multiple times in text messages.

The texts, which were exchanged in late 2018 and early 2019, were recovered from Biden’s laptop and published by on Monday.

The messages showed Biden repeatedly used the n-word in conversations with his white Chicago lawyer George Messires.

In the days since the texts surfaced, the majority of US media outlets have chosen not to cover Biden’s use of the racial slur.

Left-leaning networks, including CNN and ABC and MSNBC, haven’t dedicated notable air time to the story. The frontpages of the New York Times and Washington Post have also not featured it.

The liberal media in the US are coming under fire for completely ignoring Hunter Biden's n-word scandal. The frontpages of the New York Times this week have not mentioned Biden's texts

The liberal media in the US are coming under fire for completely ignoring Hunter Biden’s n-word scandal. The frontpages of the New York Times this week have not mentioned Biden’s texts

Text messages recovered from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop show the president's son (pictured last month) used the n-word multiple times in casual conversation with his lawyer George Messires, who is white

Text messages recovered from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show the president’s son (pictured last month) used the n-word multiple times in casual conversation with his lawyer George Messires, who is white

And online searches for articles on major left-leaning news websites do not come back with any mention of Biden and the n-word.

The lack of coverage has prompted outrage among conservatives with many accusing the liberal media of double standards.

The hashtag #RacistHunter started trending on social media as Twitter users slammed how the story is still largely being ignored.

President Trump’s two eldest sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, argued they would have been crucified by the liberal outlets if it had been them that had used the racial slur.

Many also pointed to how others have been ‘canceled’ of late for using the n-word.

The New York Times earlier this year forced veteran reporter Donald McNeil to resign after a student complained that he had used the n-word during a company-sponsored school trip to Peru in 2019.

Country music star Morgan Wallen was dropped by his label and radio stations started banning his music after he was caught on video using the racial slur while out with friends in February.

The frontpages of the New York Times and Washington Post have not featured the Biden n-word story

The frontpages of the New York Times and Washington Post have not featured the Biden n-word story

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow

CNN's Don Lemon

Left-leaning networks, including CNN and ABC and MSNBC, haven’t dedicated notable air time to the story. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is pictured on left, while CNN’s Don Lemon is shown on right

NASCAR driver Kyle Larson was fired by his racing team and dropped by sponsors after saying the n-word during a livestreamed virtual race in April last year.

All three of those stories were covered at the time by major US media outlets.

‘Can’t wait for the ladies on The View to discuss Hunter Biden’s repeated use of the N word. If it were the Trump kids it would be a topic for weeks. Let’s hope (they) don’t ignore RACIST HUNTER,’ Cable News Watch tweeted.

‘Of course Brian Stelter has IGNORED it. I bet Don Lemon didn’t mention it last night. Typical of CNN to put their head in the sand on issues like this.’

OutKick’s Clay Travis tweeted: ‘Hunter Biden alleged to have used the n word according to his laptop. Your usual conglomerate of left wing media have elected not to cover it. What would the media covered look like if one of Donald Trump’s children had been using the ‘n word’ in text message?’

One Twitter user pointed out the lack of Google searches found on CNN for the term Hunter Biden n-word.

‘CNN made a headline story out of Eric Trump LIKING a tweet with a ‘racial slur’ (dubiously characterized, certainly not the n-word). But when it’s Hunter Biden…’

The texts the liberal media are ignoring: Hunter Biden addressed his white lawyer as ‘n***a’ multiple times, used phrases like ‘true dat n***a’ and bantered ‘I only love you because you’re black’

By Josh Boswell for

Hunter Biden used the n-word multiple times in conversation with his white, $845-per-hour lawyer, his texts messages reveal.

The shocking texts may prove embarrassing for his father President Joe Biden, who just last week gave a speech decrying racism on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre, and has sought to portray racial justice as a top priority for his administration.

The president’s son joked in a January 2019 text to corporate attorney George Mesires about a ‘big penis’, and said to the lawyer: ‘I only love you because you’re black’ and ‘true dat n***a’.

In another text a month earlier he wrote to the Chicago lawyer saying: ‘how much money do I owe you. Becaause (sic) n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.’

Mesires replied: ‘That made me snarf my coffee.’

Hunter added: ‘That’s what im saying ni…’, cutting off the racial slur mid-word, then texted a picture to Mesires.

The picture was not downloaded on Hunter’s laptop, from which the text exchange was recovered by

But Mesires replied: ‘Why are you so tan?’

‘I’m sorry for sexting you accidentally that was meant for another friend named Georgia,’ Hunter replied.

In the January text exchange, the two men were talking about philosophy and bantering with each other.

Mesires: ‘There are ideals of unconditional love that serve as proxies. I don’t have many. You. God,’

Hunter: ‘OMG n***a did you just a fictional character from the imagination of the collective frightened and my dead brothers unconditional love is what I should rely on and my kids aren’t children George.’

Mesires: ‘My parents love was conditioned.’

Hunter: ‘My penis as of late has been un conditional.’

Mesires: ‘That’s why we are searching.’

Hunter: ‘For my penis.’

Mesires: ‘And we will always be searching.’

A December 2018 text message exchange obtained by show Hunter asked Mesires: ‘How much money do I owe you. Becaause (sic) n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates’

In another exchange the following month, Hunter flippantly addressed Messires as 'n***a' again and cracked jokes saying 'I only love you because you're black' during a seemingly somber conversation

In another exchange the following month, Hunter flippantly addressed Messires as ‘n***a’ again and cracked jokes saying ‘I only love you because you’re black’ during a seemingly somber conversation

Hunter: ‘Its big penis George. They always find it. And I only love you because you’re black.’

Mesires: ‘It’s so annoying when you interject with frivolity.’

Hunter: ‘True dat n***a. But I’m done my rant.’

In October 2018 Mesires sent a bill to Hunter’s business partner Mervyn Yan, involved in his infamous deal with Chinese oil giant CEFC, showing the attorney’s hourly rate of $845.

The bill, which included ‘teleconferences with H. Biden regarding Hudson West’, Hunter’s joint venture with the Chinese, totaled $88,465, for 107 hours work from August 2017 to April 2018.

Among the photos stored on Hunter’s laptop was a meme which also included the n-word.

The meme, dated June 5, 2017, included a photo of Joe Biden hugging Barack Obama with a caption describing a joke conversation between the former president and vice president.

Hunter said the racial slur multiple times while speaking to Chicago corporate attorney George Mesires - who is reported to have an hourly rate of $845

Hunter said the racial slur multiple times while speaking to Chicago corporate attorney George Mesires – who is reported to have an hourly rate of $845

‘Obama: Gonna miss you, man

‘Joe: Can I say it? Just this once?

‘Obama: *sigh* go ahead

‘Joe: You my n***a, Barack’

It is unclear why Hunter saved the meme on his computer.

Neither he nor Mesires responded to’s request for comment.

The president’s son and the White House have repeatedly failed to respond to any requests from about any of the material on his laptop.

The 51-year-old’s computer had a week of his internet browsing history from March 2019 saved on it before he abandoned it at a Delaware shop, which showed pornographic photos and videos downloaded on his laptop included an orgy between a woman and several black men.

Hunter’s father has attempted to make race a central issue in both his presidential campaign – which came amid nationwide protests over racism and police brutality in 2020 – and in his administration.

In a speech last week on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre in which a white mob killed an estimated 300 black people in Oklahoma, Joe Biden said he had come to ‘fill the silence’.

‘Some injustices are so heinous, so horrific, so grievous, they cannot be buried, no matter how hard people try,’ he said. ‘Only with truth can come healing.’

Biden pledged to help fight racism in policing following George Floyd’s death, and has even backed studies exploring reparations for slavery and other injustices against African Americans.

The president picked the US’s first black vice president, and was himself VP to the first black president.

The texts may prove embarrassing to the president, who has sought to portray racial justice as a top priority for his administration

The texts may prove embarrassing to the president, who has sought to portray racial justice as a top priority for his administration

In an interview on NBC’s Today show in April, the president said he did not believe that the country was racist.

‘I don’t think America is racist,’ he said. ‘but I think the overhang from all of the Jim Crow—and before that, slavery—have had a cost.

‘After 400 years African Americans have been left in a position where they’re so far behind the eight ball in terms of education, health—in terms of opportunity.

‘We have to deal with it.’

Biden was previously the subject of a smear attempt that claimed he had used the n-word as a racial epithet.

The smear used a video of a 1985 Senate hearing in which Biden says ‘We already have a n****r mayor, we don’t need any more n****r big shots!’

The then-senator did utter the words, but was in fact quoting a Louisiana lawmaker, asking then-deputy attorney general nominee William Bradford Reynolds why he had ignored the racist comments by the lawmaker and allowed gerrymandering that underrepresented black residents.

However, some attitudes towards uttering the n-word even in quotes have turned since the 1985 hearing.

In October 2020, a first-year student at Rutgers Law School in Newark used the word while quoting from a 1993 legal opinion in class, warning her fellow students beforehand that the quote contained the slur.

The student said: ‘He said, um – and I’ll use a racial word, but it’s a quote. He says, ‘I’m going to go to Trenton and come back with my n*****s”.’

A race row erupted last month when her fellow students circulated a petition demanding she and professor apologize.

The New York Times reported that University staff discussed barring the word’s use in class in a meeting following the row.



  1. What a degenerate Hunter is.
    The reason i don’t believe the frazzledrip thing is that you can’t keep anything from the net today. I chatted with two guys on YouTube who both say they saw it, but I think theyr’e lying. One of them claimed he saw it on youtube and that it was on youtube for almost a week. If that was true thousand would have copied and uploaded it to thousands of websites. There are a lot of mentally ill people who need to seem interesting to others and lie about such things.

  2. That Word is a derogatory diminutive of Negro, which was conventional into the 1970s. It was told to me that Black folk used it to call one of their own trash; but because of unfortunate historical circumstance, that word coming from a White person carried a connotation that the person so denoted was trash simply in virtue of skin color. That rang so unfair even to a child, that when my grandparents told me the word simply did not belong in the mouth of a White person, I understood and agreed.

    Why should I gratuitously act rudely to another person because he or she is a different race or ethny than I?

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