JewTube deletes Giuliani video; Trump rallygoers tried to stop mysterious men from breaking US Capitol windows; Trump speech promises coming “Giant Voice,” a military broadcast term; FCC issues “Enforcement Advisory” to all TV & radio stations: “YOU MUST CARRY PRESIDENTIAL EMERGENCY MESSAGES”

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….Trump rallygoers tried to stop mysterious men from breaking US Capitol windows

Trump Supporter to Antifa smashing the Capitol building Windows: “Hey WTF Man! Are you Antifa? Are You Fucking Antifa? What are you Doing??”


This is the human turd who once was a WN, slandered ME, then had sex in a trailer park with his father-in-law’s wife, then a fistfight with said father-in-law.

This beauty then left our Cause — and joined with the jews!

And then he even hooked up with Philadephia Antifa. This is Heimbach inside the Capitol!


….Mike Adams: it ain’t over

If Mike Adams is right, Trump is fully cognizant of the disaster of a Biden presidency and is about to make his military move, with tens of millions WANTING him to do so.

You can see this radicalization toward martial law from comments underneath vote-fraud and January 6th videos.

Why would Trump NOT be inclined at this stage to take drastic measures? After all, as a reviled, loathed ex-president in a totally Demoncrap-ruled country,  he, his family, his businesses, and his 75 mio supporters — 90% white — are all in mortal danger.

Backing that up, the ineffable Beijing Biden just called the Capitol occupiers “thugs” but more than that.

Yeah, gotta shoot an unarmed woman in the neck ‘cuz she a thug, maaan….

But also — and these are legal designations —  Biden called the purported Trump supporters “insurrectionists and domestic terrorists.”

Here is the Mike Adams daily broadcast now on Trump being in Texas, having NOT conceded, and having the FCC send an “FCC Enforcement Advisory” (the key word being “force”)  to radio and tv stations:

‘You must carry presidential emergency messages.’

……Rudy Giuliani on how the violent Capitol occupiers were Antifa:

Oh, wow, JewTube just banned a video by the lawyer for the President of the United States and former two-term mayor of New York  City.


Underneath the video, some patriotard wrote “Biden would take our guns like Hitler did.”

I replied:

The media did not start lying only yesterday! They also lied starting back then in the 1930s with this claim about about Hitler supposedly taking the Germans’ guns, and they keep on lying about it now.
It was American general Dwight Eisenhower who took the Germans’ guns, not Adolf Hitler, and that was in 1945.
Unsurprisingly, “Ike” later became a RINO Republican president, and he appointed the arch-liberal, disastrous Earl Warren as Chief Justice of the SCOTUS.Warren ruled that racial segregation was unconstitutional, had Ike use federal troops to ‘desegregate’ a high school in Arkansas, and also took prayer out of our schools, which was the beginning of the whole cancel-culture for Christmas and Easter.
Hitler actually expanded the Germans’ gun rights. And, far from being a tyrant, he ran for office 1930-32 openly asking for emergency powers. Once they were legally granted him by the German parliament, he was then a highly POPULAR authoritarian ruler. Look at any newsreel.
German Chancellor Adolf Hitler waves to a crowd from an open car as he leaves the ice skating stadium following pairs competition at the Winter Olympic Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Feb. 24, 1936. (AP Photo)
Hitler had only an average of 10,000 political prisoners per month in 1934-39, many of them literal Communist Party members, out of a nation of 80 million — just 1 German in 800! 
If Trump had done the same, declaring an emergency and martial law months ago against the Deep State and Beijing Biden, he could have saved this country and us patriots, too.
He still can — and IMO Donald Trump absolutely must!



…..”Great Voice”

In Trump’s  written supposed concession statement and a Tweet, he spoke of a “Giant Voice.” On January 8, 2021, President Donald J. Trump tweeted:

“The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE [Trump’s capitalization] long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”

Well, for whatever is is worth, this is “Giant Voice”: military emergency communications….


…..The Italian affidavit that can trigger Trump’s 2018 executive order, saying foreign election interference would trigger a state of emergency


…Meanwhile, Antifa/BLM rampage on unchecked

A reminder that Communist Antifa are still strong in Portland, Oregon. Trump’s administration (Chad Wolf, DHS –photo) refused to declare these violent thugs as terrorists, thus did nothing.



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