Jim Nichols’ accurate page on Nordics from the star system Aldebaran

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This is an excellent article below out of an excellent website. It looks “high-school level,” but the facts I have seen so far on his site are very accurate.



Articles with content like this (which I found long before discovering Mr. Jim Nichols, actually “James H. Nichols”) helped me also to understand the mystery of my own unusual life, such as as my beginning to study German at age five to the shock of my family.

We are almost pure-British (aristocracy) and I am but 1/8th German — on my father’s side. He was a WWII vet who was very anti-German when I was a boy (though less so later on, as the Sixties began and with it the degenerate unraveling of our country). In the end, he sensed and even said to me once, sipping his Beefeater martini, and watching with me the British historical series “The World At War” and its episode (full of Nazi-bashing, of course) on Hitler attacking Stalin’s USSR:

“Well, John, some say we [Americans] fought on the wrong side in WWII.”

(But, knowing my tendencies 😉  he was terrified to encourage me to anything further, and left it with that one, brief, unforgettable utterance.)

with President Ford in the Oval Office

My very German, not British, facial appearance (as seen in this German officer in a Hollywood film) with the rectangular shape and coloring also baffled people. 😉

But if you are willing to open your mind, and pray with your entire heart, and with no delusions that you can hide who you really are, to your own angels, your spiritual guides, for answers, you may receive mercy, as I did, and find the answers you seek, even if, as in my case,  the truth was scary.

I feel I was called to a scary destiny that, like that of Jesus, to whom I do not dare compare myself otherwise, will inevitably involve being incredibly feared, hated, and endangered by the ignorant and spiritually blinded at every waking and sleeping second of my coming life.

But as we have received love, we give love, as we are forgiven, we also forgive, and we grasp that our duty must be done. That is why we are here, not to drink beer and watch tv. 😉

No matter who listens, I answer only to the God who made me, who made you, and who created all things.

You too should see yourself correctly, as a man or woman with a high karmic mission. “Man is a fallen angel who remembers the heavens.” We come from a higher world to this one, to grow and serve others here.

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