Jim Rizoli and I continue our conversation and solve all world problems ;-)… and pot pourri

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A famous 1950s saying was “the family that prays together stays together” — and statistic prove it. Worldwide, in all races  and cultures, the heartbreak and financiaL disaster of divorce is far lower among the devout and the birth rate is much higher.


Jim Rizoli and I discuss taking God seriously, the JWs, the Massachusetts Puritans, the egoic mind, and avoiding extreme racial views

Some comments:
  • Jason_Clarke

    Great talk gentlemen.

    John, are you familiar with Dr Lorraine Day? She cured herself of cancer and is very vocal on the jewish problem. She cured her cancer with God’s laws.

    • You

      Thank you, Jason. Yes, we both are familiar with Dr Day and a friend of mine is personally close to her.

  • Milehigh303

    I love seeing 2 mature intellectual men that have great conversation skills.
    One talks, then finishes his point. Then the other responds within context of the subject. Then paints a ideas picture. Then one compares the subject at hand to something’s close or similar. Then the conversation deviates properly and slightly with each understanding of ideas. 

  • Trans, the result of pedo grooming

    I agree with you both. If I had read and believed the Bible’s words, I wouldn’t have made all the mistakes I made during my 20’s and 30’s. Thank you both for your insight and knowledge. A smart man learns from his mistakes, but a wise man learns from the mistakes of others. I strive to be wise someday. I watch your videos because of your wisdom.

  • Hadding

    The canard about Hitler’s paternal grandfather supposedly having been a Jew was disproven beyond dispute with DNA in 2008. https://national-socialist-worldview.com/2010/08/24/hitler-had-no-jewish-grandfathernbsp-and-he-wasnt-part-negro-either-you-nut/

  • Oliver_Revilo

    Jim, that’s also one of my main beefs with the Jews: the so-called “good” Jews never denounce the bad, evil and subversive Jews.

    • Elliot32

      Ditto! Thats what makes it seem like there is a jewish conspiracy as opposed to a few powerful jews getting together and causing mischief…

    • Yes, except for a few like Bobby Fischer or Ron Unz… or Torquemada, who ran the Spanish Inquisition

  • Hadding

    Alfred Rosenberg in January 1925 wrote that the Jehovah’s Witnesses portrayed the Jews as the rightful rulers of the Earth.


    That may be, but I never read it in any JW literature in the 1970s…. For me, the JWs are a Freemasonic psy op to test ways how to make people docile.


  • Oliver_Revilo

    Great interview. I first heard of John de Nugent about 10 years ago. I’m glad he’s alive and well.

  • Sum_Ting_Wong

    Hi Jim, I really enjoy your discussions with John. I hope you continue to post shop talk with John, it’s really interesting and informative. Thanks so much!

    • You

      Thanks. 🙂 I have seen a lot….

  • Fractured_Visionz

    This video is highly censored and hard to find, but it shows 🇺🇸 US communist soldiers actually bringing in a mass of illegals and they all hate you. The government is trying to replace you and kill you not just spread biases against you. Please watch and share https://www.bitchute.com/video/139LXV8ANILv/

  • doctor.dickface

    Appreciate your content, Jim. These videos with John have been especially interesting.

— Mandating a Covid (((vaccine))) that kills

Former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon maintains that since the infection fatality ratio of COVID-19 has not been high, the vaccines should not have been mandated.

Moreover, he heavily blasted the corporate media mantras that designate these as safe, effective, and necessary to end the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic.

Yeadon is a big pharma veteran with 32 years in the industry. He worked as the head of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer from 1995 to 2011 and is the former founder and CEO of Ziarco, a biotech company acquired by Novartis. Furthermore, he has a doctorate in respiratory pharmacology and holds a Double First Class Honors degree in biochemistry and toxicology.

A shocking 1,223 deaths and 42,086 adverse events were reported to Pfizer from the first day of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine rollout on Dec. 1, 2020, to Feb. 28, 2021.

Anyway, will there be any elections? Will the jews behind Biden cause an economic, military or “pandemic” crisis so huge that he can cancel the election which his Demoncrats would lose in a landslide? Then we get the Great Reset.
— Elon still doesn’t get it! Who owns all parties in this  (((“democracy”/)))?
— Food shortage to come…will benefit China in this gigantic economic war

Food Shortages In Six Months

A week ago there was a torrent of press releases from global institutions all mentioning the same exact same concern: Food shortages within the next 3 to 6 months. These statements line up very closely with my own estimates, as I have been warning regularly about impending dangers of inflation leading to food rationing and supply chain disruptions.

The IMF, the BIS, World Bank, The UN, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Bank of America and even Biden himself are all predicting a major food crisis in the near term, and it is not a coincidence that the policies of these very institutions and the actions of puppet politicians that work with them are causing the crisis they are now predicting. That is to say,

it’s easy to predict a disaster when you are creating it.

The claim is that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the primary cause, but this is a distraction from the real issue. Yes, sanctions against Russia will eventually lead to less food supply, but the globalists and the media are purposely ignoring the bigger threat, which is currency devaluation and price inflation created by central banks pumping out tens of trillions of dollars in stimulus packages to prop up “too big to fail” corporate partners.

In 2020 alone, the Fed created over $6 trillion from nothing and air-dropped it into the economy through covid welfare programs. Add that to the many trillions of dollars that the Fed has printed since the credit crash in 2008 – It has been a nonstop dollar-destruction party and now the public is starting to feel the consequences. Lucky for the central bankers that covid struck and Russia invaded Ukraine, because now they can deflect all the blame for the inflationary calamity they have engineered onto the pandemic and onto Putin.

Inflation hit 40-year highs in the US well before Russia invaded Ukraine, but let’s consider the ramifications of that war and how it affects the food supply.

The Russian invasion certainly disrupts Ukrainian grain production, which makes up around 11% of the total world wheat market. Russia also maintains a 17% share and together these two nations feed a large swath of third world nations and parts of Europe with 30% of wheat and barley exports, 19% of corn exports, 23% of canola exports, and 78% of sunflower exports.

It is the sanctions on Russia that are a problem well beyond Ukraine, however, as Russia also produces around 20% of global ammonia and 20% of global potash supplies. These are key ingredients to fertilizers used in large scale industrial farming. Farmers are estimating an overall price spike of around 10% in food markets, but I believe this is very conservative. I am already seeing overall price increases of at least 20% from six months ago, and I expect there to be another 30% in price hikes before this year is over. In other words, we are looking at 50% in average increases in 2022.

*** I was so shocked yesterday at the grocery store (though admittedly our local  store has very high prices because we are isolated and the truck has to go a long way)

five dollars and nine cents! It was three dollars last year!



Official government inflation data and CPI cannot be trusted. Double whatever numbers they give and you will be much closer to the truth. The inflation rate used by Shadowstats.com, calculated using methods once applied by the US government in the 1980s before they “adjusted” their models to hide the data, supports my position so far.

The expectation among US agricultural experts is that China will fill the void where Russian supplies disappear, but it’s a mistake to make this assumption.

Something Weird Is Going On In China

China’s crackdown on covid infections has reached levels so bizarre I have to ask the question: Are their lockdowns really about covid, or are they hiding something else?

The death rate of covid in China is impossible to calculate accurately because they have never released proper data that can be confirmed. However, almost everywhere else in the world we see a median infection fatality rate of 0.27% for covid; meaning, over 99.7% of people in the world on average have nothing to fear in terms of dying from the virus. But in China, the CCP is acting as if they are dealing with the Black Plague. Why?

Lockdowns have resulted in food shortages across the country as supply chains become strained and manufacturing remains shut in many cases. The story many westerners are not hearing much about, though, is the fact that Chinese exports have essentially been frozen. This is very important so I think it needs emphasis – Over 1 IN 5 container ships IN THE WORLD are now backed up in Chinese ports due to their covid lockdowns. This is incredible.

Why would China do this over a virus we all know is not dangerous to the vast majority of people? Why institute the worst lockdown in the country so far and starve their own people when the majority of Western governments have now given up on their pandemic fear mongering and the forced vaccination agenda?

I would suggest the possibility that China might already be engaging in an economic war that many Americans and Europeans don’t even realize is going on. This may be a beta test for a shutdown of exports to the US and Europe, or it is an incremental shutdown that is meant to become permanent. The bottleneck on trade may also be a precursor to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

Taiwan is actually more dependent and intertwined with China’s economy than many people know. China is the biggest buyer of Taiwan’s exports and those exports account for 10% of Taiwan’s GDP. Taiwan has hundreds of thousands of workers and businessmen that travel regularly to China to work, another economic factor that is now strained by lockdowns. Furthermore, Taiwan has multiple corporations that operate their factories on mainland China, all of which could be closed due to covid lockdowns.

All I’m saying is, if I was China planning on invading Taiwan in the near future, I might consider using covid as a cover for damaging their economy first and disrupting their export model. Communists see the population as a utility that can be sacrificed if necessary, and China is perfectly willing to cause short-term suffering to their people if it means long term gains for the party. Beyond that, if I was going to engage in economic warfare with the West covertly, what better way than to tie up 20% of the world’s cargo ships and disrupt supply chains in the name of protecting the country from a “pandemic?”

The bottom line? Don’t rely on China to fill export needs for fertilizer ingredients or anything else as sanctions on Russia continue.

Inflation vs. Supply vs. Control

It’s not just globalist organizations talking about incoming food shortages; the CEO of international food corporation Goya has also recently warned we are on the precipice of a food crisis. As I have noted in the past,

inflation leads to government price controls, price controls lead to lack of production incentives (profits), lack of profits leads to loss of production, loss of production leads to shortages, and shortages lead to government rationing (control over all large food sources).

As we have seen with almost every authoritarian regime in modern history, control over the food supply is key to controlling the population. It is only surpassed as a strategic concern by control over energy (which we will also see shortages of soon as Europe sanctions Russian oil and gas and starts eating up supplies from other exporters). The food issue hits closest to home because we can see the effects immediately on our wallets and on our families. There is nothing worse for many parents than the prospect of their children going hungry.

The mainstream media is once again ignoring any potential economic threat, specifically they are denying the notion of food shortages as something to be worried about. I say, why listen to a group of people that are always wrong on these types of events? If anything, I would at least take the words of the globalists seriously when it comes to economic collapse; they benefit the most from such disasters after all, and they also have the most influence when it comes to triggering crisis.

Preparedness today costs nothing tomorrow. Lack of preparedness today costs EVERYTHING tomorrow. The choice for anyone with a brain is simple – Get prepared for the end of affordable and easily available food before this year is out.

— Regarding the mass shooting in Buffalo : the goal is to get rid of the 2nd Amendment, the right to firearms
— Mayor of Chicago : ”Critics come from sexist and racist people. Me, I’m pure”
— Molière
”People whose behavior is the most ridiculous are always the first to slander others”
— US : go woke, go broke
—  Good meme but Obama is a luciferian with a jewish mother

—  The Steinlight Plan (and I verified this): phase the angry Whites down gradually



The food-shortage crisis is now my signal to move forward. No matter how many chemtrail fumes the sheeple breathe in, louder is hunger than any propaganda.
I will just do the “Is Putin a Jew?” article and the four German chemistry professors asking the BionTech CEO if some vaccines are placebos and others lethal.
Then I am done until the religion. Now hunger is my powerful ally against apathy — the growling stomach and starving kids looking at their parents in reproach.

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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!




  1. Jim Stone’s website also mentions the monkeypox, and how it can only be spread deliberately:


    “About the monkey pox outbreak:
    There is no way this outbreak could be happening simultaneously world wide unless it is intended because monkey pox is not transmissible enough, BE CAREFUL OF PUBLIC TOUCH SCREENS. ATM’s, transit systems, or wherever else they may be, those touch screens are going to be THE VECTOR of transmission. The disease spreaders absolutely WILL go around and contaminate them all. So a guy uses a touch screen, then takes a pee without washing because you wash after that, right? And THEN gets monkey pox lesions down there . . . . . that’s probably how it is nailing guys in the nuts. RT is onto this being a planned outbreak but did not conclude the way I did as to how it is likely being spread. And “they” will get better and better at spreading it, BANK ON IT.”

    The RT article mentioned above by Jim Stone:


  2. Rense just posted a whole bunch of articles on monkeypox. Apparently this is going to be the next COVID. Mandatory monkeypox vaccines soon to follow. Thank you, Big Pharma!:


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