Jimmy Savile, pedo-friend of the British royals

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Savile molested 350 children, and even, some say, the dead

1 Comment

  1. The Royal family are corrupt. King Charles was recently questioned about the suitcases stuffed with cash he received from the Saudi Royal family. Watch was that for Charlie boy ?
    Today’s Royals are self serving wokey parasites. Just look what black and Muslim parasites in the Royal firm tried to do.Me me Meghan is a typical freeloader
    Henry VIII would’ve knobed her and then chopped her head off .
    She doesn’t want publicity yet can’t keep her black gob shut when whining to Oprah.typical black has to play the race card .
    She’s despised in Britain as a grasping bitch.Her latest whinge is her children might not get Royal titles , what did you expect? You declined your Royal duties and wanted a quiet life. Yet want people to treat you as Royals.
    The Royal family do and say nothing about creeping Islam, gimmegrant invaders, the EU power grab , fuel poverty , muslim paedo gangs and Westminster paedos.
    The masses all applaud them. Ignorant of their activities.
    It was never proven , yet a senior Royal raped a male servant .
    He was paid to keep quiet. I think they are just a tourist attraction and fail to serve the people. The controlled media feed the masses the drug they crave . The way our Royals treated the Rammanovs should tell you all about them. Worth Billions and only recently paid income tax .

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