Joe Biden PROMISES Florida’s Haitian community he will let TENS OF THOUSANDS of Haitian migrants into the State in return for votes. Exposing Biden’s “Progress for Haiti Platform”-SHOCKING EXCLUSIVE

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by JdN contributing writer, François Arouet
On Monday, crooked Joe Biden promised Haitians living in America that the island nation slum and its diaspora predominantly living in Florida would not only have his attention, but “be the beneficiary of common-sense and compassionate U.S. policies.”
What, pray tell, would those policies entail?
Firstly, and quite comically, Biden wants to bring “fair elections to the island”.
I don’t even know where to begin with this one. After literally stealing the presidential election from President Trump and the American people – using creatures that look pretty much identical to the population of Haiti to rig the vote in Philadelphia, Detroit and Atlanta Biden wants to ship our “democracy” south?
Biden promised Haitian representatives he has presumably been engaging from his basement, via Zoom or SKYPE, I imagine, that he would “engage the international community and work with the Haitian government to hold free and fair elections as soon as possible”, as well as encourage the island’s leader (do you even care what his name is? I don’t, so I’m not even going to bother “Googling” him) to follow through with his promise to not only “hold a vote on a new constitution”, but “facilitate clean national elections”.
Biden reportedly told Haitian invaders that “if our policies are good for Haiti, they will also be good for South Florida and, especially, Greater Miami.”
Whatever would we do without all those high-IQ Haitian doctors, physicists and entrepreneurs!
Then came the immigration bombshell we all knew was coming at some point – just not this damn soon. The man’s not even seized the White House yet!
Joe Biden, by way of Florida’s Haitian leaders, announced his “Progress for Haiti Platform” which pledges to “immediately review the Trump administration’s decision to terminate TPS for Haitians” – an immigration designation which prevented Haitians illegally residing in the US from remaining here without applying for an official entry visa and Green Card and forcing them to leave while their application was reviewed.
So, what is TPS?
Temporary Protected Status (also called “TPS”) is an immigration status – quietly passed during Demoncrat Bill Clinton’s last year in office – that is given to nationals of designated countries who “are present in the United States”, even if they arrived illegally.

The status allows nationals from ten countries that “suffer from conflict and natural disaster”—Haiti, El Salvador, Syria, Nepal, Honduras Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Nicaragua and South Sudan – temporary protected status, regardless of how they’ve entered.

In total, about 320,000 people living, and presumably in some cases, voting in the US, had TPS as of 2017, the majority from El Salvador (195,000), Honduras (57,000), and the aforementioned Haiti (46,000).

Those numbers have dropped substantially while Donald Trump has been in office. The immigration designation also allows TPS applicants the automatic right to live and work in the United States while they apply for residency. For all intents and purposes, TPS is a golden ticket for people hailing from the most dysfunctional nations on earth which allows them to live in the US without having to prove they have ANYTHING of value to offer us.
(Note – The Clintons, by way of the Clinton Foundation, have a deep connection to Haiti which involves child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, vaccine sales, billions of dollars in embezzlement and corruption etc. We will go into that at a later date.)
President Trump RIGHTFULLY revoked this dastardly designation from Haitians who up until 2017 (for almost 18 years!) were allowed to illegally enter the United States and the work, live and claim welfare here, with no questions asked.

All while Americans scrimp, save, starve and suffer….
Under a Biden presidency these beasts would be allowed back in, and the hundreds of thousands of Haitians living illegally in Florida would have a clear path to residency and eventually citizenship – and all the rights associated with their new status.

Most of these animals would, of course, in turn vote Democrat, and as most live in Florida, a swing state the Democrats lost this past election. It would spell real disaster for America.
Biden also promised to “reinstate the Haitian Family Reunification Parole Program (HFRPP)”, which, created in 2015 during the last year of Obama’s presidency (see a pattern here?), allowed almost 10,000 beneficiaries of DHS-approved immigrant visa petitions, on wait lists of up to 13 years in Haiti, to join their relatives near the end of that period.”
As expected, the Miami Herald, run by a cabal of Left Wing elitists and their non-white pawns, praised Biden’s announcement, writing:

“President-elect Biden promises to reinstate the Haitian Family Reunification Parole program, created in 2015. It allowed 8,300 beneficiaries of DHS-approved immigrant visa petitions, on wait lists of up to 13 years in Haiti, to join their relatives near the end of that period. Without getting their visas any sooner, they could apply to wait for them up to two years earlier in the United States. They then could work and send home life-saving remittances. Trump, predictably, eliminated this worthwhile program. Biden should restart and expand it.”

Biden also pledged to reverse a regulation that limited student visas for Haitians to two years as well as to increase aid to the country and implement effective oversight of how U.S. government funds are spent.”
Wait, what….Haitian students? That’s an oxymoron if I’ve ever seen one.
Besides, if Haiti is such a dreadfully dangerous place to live, how the hell can its people be applying to attend university in the United States?
And why the sudden interest in Haiti, Mr Biden?
Last month, while the media was covering that fly that landed on Mike Pence’s head during the Vice Presidential debate, 82 Florida-based Haitian-American leaders signed a letter to candidate Biden with several requests which included “restoring Haiti to the list of nations whose citizens can get H-2A and H-2B temporary-worker visas that President Trump had removed”, the restoration of both the afore-mentioned HFRPP and TPS, as well as for Haitians living in the US illegally to have a guaranteed pathway to citizenship. For this, they promised….
You guessed it.
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(Note – Can I ask you where else you’d hear about this story? For us to continue to bring you news and commentary you simply will NOT find anywhere else, we ask that you reach out to us, and if you are able to, that you send us a donation. We urgently need your help as money is running low. We will press on regardless, but a little help wouldn’t hurt. 🙂 Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Francois.)
For those of you who don’t know all that much about Haiti – besides the fact that it is a dump of the grandest proportion – Haiti is a former French colony inhabited by former African slaves located on the island of Hispaniola in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean Sea. Although most people presume that, like Cuba, Haiti is surrounded by water, it is in fact connected to the relatively wealthy (by Haitian standards, at least), Spanish-speaking Dominican Republic.
What’s Haiti’s biggest claim to fame? Its capital city, Port-au-Prince – boasting a population well over 3 million people – doesn’t have a sewer system.
Yep, you read that right.

There are literally no sewers connecting showers, sinks and toilets to the few wastewater treatment plants the State operates in a city the size of Chicago.

The vast majority of the three million plus people that reside in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area use outhouses – or as president Trump refers to them, shitholes – and much of that waste ends up in ditches, make-shift canals and dumping grounds where it contaminates drinking water and spreads diseases like Cholera, Dysentery etc.
Although the Dominican Republic is hardly what one would call a first world nation, what little European blood still flowing through the circulatory systems of the island’s elite has made it a far better place to live than Haiti.
In fact, Haiti is so diseased and backwards that the Dominican Republic has all but put up a wall preventing Haitians from entering the island. Or perhaps it’s to keep the sewage out.
Although there have been calls from the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, World Health Organization and Haitian representation living in the United States for the Dominican Republic to open its border with Haiti, the nation’s officials have not budged.
Haitians who commit crime have the highest rate of HIV in the Caribbean, have nothing remotely of value to offer, and are simply as unwanted in the Dominican Republic as Hondurans and Guatemalans are in Mexico.
Although all of these nations are shitholes, some are just bigger shitholes than others. 😉
Apart from the few Haitians that enter on daypasses to hack down sugar cane (The DR side of Hispaniola still has thriving sugar cane plantations-remnants of its colonial past; Haiti should have them too, but they have all failed), Haitians are enemy number-one in the Dominican Republic.
The Miami Herald reported that the Haitian leaders’ letter also asked Biden to urge the United Nations to compensate victims of the recent cholera epidemic which it – both Haiti and the newspaper – claim United Nations troops had introduced to Haiti in 2010.”
Oh yeah, ’twas the UN that brought Cholera in. Couldn’t be the fact people are literally drinking, cooking with and bathing in their neighbors’ feces.
The Miami Herald also reported that the US-based Haitian leaders “desperately” urged authorities in the Dominican Republic to “protect the rights of its citizens of ethnic Haitian descent who had entered the nation illegally” and were being “exploited on sugar plantations.”
The Op-ed in the Miami Herald closed with an attack on President Trump for daring to protect us from disease-infested Haitians and the crime, evil and violence associated with Haitians, as well as voicing their support for Biden’s pledge to the Haitian people.

“The Trump administration will soon end. The Biden administration can and should promptly reverse its arbitrary, inhumane and reckless policies and adopt others rooted in a respect for justice and fairness. This will be in keeping with one more pledge from the president-elect’s campaign platform to the Haitian people: “Ensure that Haiti and the Haitian people arriving on our shores are treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve.”

Oooh, aren’t you all excited to make me some Haitian friends?
God help us all.
[End of article by Francois Arouet]


–16 Nov 2020 50 Australian dollars ($30) and card from P in Australia

The card shows the “”Old Harry”




Dear John and Margi,

I hope you are both well and that the autumn colours are affording some solace in these most critical times before us. The very near future is ominous and foreboding, not least in appearance but fundamentally.

So may you continue with strength in your noble endeavours for our people and the Aryan soul. This is desperately needed as clean air is to breathe. Keep safe and well.

Kind regards…


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  1. It’s funny how refugees can travel halfway around the globe, yet never stay in the first safe country when they flee.

    Then they turn the host country into the toilet that they fled from.

    Financial parasites. In the UK we send illegal gimmegrants to our universities whilst denying places to our own kids.

    Gonna end in tears…..

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