Joe Rogan with George Knapp and Robert Lazar; cloaking I experienced

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Physicist Lazar (who looks a bit like Dr. William Pierce) claimed he worked on a classic flying saucer at the S4 area of Nevada, next to the famous Area 51.

He may be half-jewish, but individual little jews do tell important truths. (I remember Pentagon whistleblower and little jew Daniel Ellsberg revealing the “Pentagon Papers,” which proved the military knew by 1967 that the Vietnam War could not be won, yet sent tens of thousands more young Americans to their deaths in the jungle from 1967-75.

And there are now many jews, among them medical doctors and bioscientists, exposing Covid and the lethal vaccine. I have now run verbatim many columns by Steve Kirsch on the Big Jews’ death vaxx, all factual, clear and accurate.

And yes, Kirsch has been cancelled and deplatformed just as we are.

(Jon Rappaport has been exposing toxic vaccines in general for years now.)

Going way back, it was a part-jew, Torquemada, who ran the Spanish Inquisition, an institution set up by the KING OF SPAIN, not the Church, to get all closet jews (“marranos”) out of the Spanish military, government, judiciary and church, all of which power positions they had infested AFTER supposedly being expelled in 1492.

As for George Knapp, obviously of German heritage, he has won six Peabody Prizes for investigative journalism. It is fascinating to see him discovering that the government has lied about Lazar, as with me, slandered him as a liar, as with me, and brutally threatened people with death (or the murder of their children) who were willing to corroborate his story. (They even got his MIT and birth certificate records deleted.) And threats were behind several people turning on me to save their own skin, some with defamation and others with embezzlement.

Lazar himself on Rogan:

The original tv report by Knapp:

I will add now this link:

The reason for this is the topic of “invisibility cloaking.”

Basically, you can be invisible to a person by bending the light around your body so it shows only what is behind you.

I feel that this is what I experienced with the strange reading-light incident of 24 Feb 2018.

It was not at all scary; I felt that some more advanced being was in the room, unseen but there, and he or she did this little trick to show support:

“We are watching you, helping you behind the scenes, and rooting for you so you will someday really start your credible, powerful Aryan religion.”

“John, if your Nordic aliens are real, why don’t they help us ?”; another sign happens; where is all this going?

And why do I and we have to start this religion?

Because this is our mess.

“Why don’t aliens save us?”

Why the fuck should they? There are billions of planets full of white humans who maybe might deserve saving, because they are not infantile, narcissistic, self-centered, lying, cowardly, entitled assholes — as 50% of earthlings clearly are.

They do not need us at all. In fact, we are a pain in the ass to the other species in this solar system.

Nordics help those who help themselves.

Agrippa, a red-haired nordic Roman who built the original Pantheon under Augustus. I knew him.


There are two kinds of nordic intervention:

1) the less effective kind when they show themselves as they are, almost godlike, and step out of a UFO.

Earthlings then, every single time, instantly demand yhat the aliens “save” them from their own shit.

Which they always refuse to do.

2) Nordics incarnate as regular earthlings, with a terran mom and dad, so as to live right among them and fully share their travails.

Klara Pölzl and Alois Hitler

This decision to be a full earthling and thus someone earthlings can identify with — “he feels our pain” —  is far, far more effective in softenung and changing the hearts of earthlings — to the extent that anything is able to change them. 😉

A strong, wise, loving and selfless leader can do this, but only if the masses are simultaneously staring disaster in the face.

I was that sort of leader 1919-28, but the Great Depression had not yet hit.

So we were clobbered in the May 1928 Reichstag election, after nine years of work.




…..Lazar on gravity and the bending of light


  1. FYI, none of the three videos you posted are displaying, at least for me using the TOR browser. Each video box instead has the following error message on a white background:

    “The page isn’t redirecting properly

    An error occurred during a connection to

    * This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

    Try Again”

  2. Now your video boxes are displaying a different error message when using the TOR browser – here’s the first one. At least it shows the URL now, which can be copied and pasted into a regular browser:

    “Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. Please try your request again later. Why did this happen?

    IP address: 2a03:4000:39:8a6::2
    Time: 2022-02-19T22:56:11Z

  3. Regarding Jews, there are some admirable ones, as there are in every group. But they have not “melted in” with American society as well as most other immigrant types. And they have comprised a hostile alien nation in our midst on two recent occasions: the 9-11 event, and the Holocaust hoax.

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