Join some new NS group? I been there and done that, kid — fuhgeddaboudit! ;-)

Spread the love

A comrade with a PhD and Ivy League degree asked me about joining either of two American NS organizations.

I replied:

Since you have a PhD (and my congratulations for that) you might want to take some serious time and go over my most important articles, because I am founding a new faith that melds both NS a-n-d spirituality. (And that word does n-o-t mere “idealism,” “spirit” or some kind of élan, but involves literally believing in an immortal soul, God and the afterlife. You are a spirit that has a body. Nothing is “spiritual” that is atheistic.)


Especially important blogs

But by itself neither NS nor spirituality can bring us to victory.

Think about how hopeless it really is with the traditional approaches: World-famous and wealthy car maker Henry Ford achieved nothing; the heroic, handsome and charismatic Charles Lindbergh, Jr. failed; and so did the dynamic US Navy Commander George Lincoln Rockwell (although Whites in the Sixties — I was a teen then — were livid about the Blacks, integration, forced school busing, drugs, and hippies burning the American flag while our boys perished in Vietnam because of the shameless liar, welfare-statist and racial integrationist Lyndon Johnson, etc.) If ever Whites could have risen up, it was in the Sixties, when we were 89% of the population, yet they did not.

Winston Smith

But in some way they were on the brink of arising. And how clever though the media and industry were to dilute the early maverick, beatnik, and hippie ideas, infiltrate the movements with leftist and black power activists and draw them down into the vulgarity of cheap fashion, mass production goods and the free-sex-industry.

John De-Nugent

Winston, regarding the Sixties generation, I was shocked how materialistic it became. In the end, a French friend said it best: “The Sixties were really about sex, free love, open dorms, communes and the Pill. The peace and love part was all window-dressing and b.s.” And there you see the hand of the Jew, always out to animalize the Aryan.

You can trust me after 41 years in this Cause, from seeing both myself and other very, very able white men simply spin their wheels trying to kickstart an utterly obtuse, cowardly, blind, sheeplike white population!!!


Nothing — and no one who is out there — can turn this thing around with the approaches we have used so far.

So any of these groups is just a waste of time. They will all be infiltrated, divided-and-conquered from within, and fizzle out.

I saw it with Matt Koehl and the NSWPP, I saw it with Dr. Wm Pierce’s National Alliance, and I saw it with Willis Carto’s once mighty Liberty Lobby, his huge Spotlight weekly newspaper, and with his IHR. All GONE, or taken over. (Rockwell they literally killed.)

I  was deeply committed to all these organizations, and it was heartbreaking to see them decline and go “out of business.”

But the Jews directly or indirectly control just about everything and everyone. Zero chance any group ranting about Jews ‘n blacks (add Muslims and gays now to the mix) can make any difference.

Whites have been “trance-formed” into zombies, and the 1/10th of 1% who are both awakened and also active and have “a pot to piss in” (excuse my vulgarity) is just not enough.


Goldman Sachs HQ in Manhattan, and its annex in New Jersey

Thus speaketh the voice of experience (just four decades 😉 )

WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent

…..Jack Bernstein’s famous formula — before they killed him

Jack Bernstein was an Ashkenazi (“white-skinned” European) American Jew who moved to Israel — and committed the cardinal sin there of marrying a dark-skinned, sephardic-Jewish girl (from the Arab countries).

The white Israelis are very racist against the dark Israelis (the two groups hate each other), and he got literal, serious death threats.

Outraged, he wrote a book, The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel.

Next thing you know he was dead.

No one has ever expressed more clearly the steps the Jews take against their enemies:


Until whites stop being like wild animals — though less wild than the other races — we simply cannot win.

That is why I am on the religious and spiritual path — not escapism  but to win.




A word about the generosity of my wonderful Australian supporters:

It far exceeds any donations from England, Canada or New Zealand, our white sister countries. I guess it must be a weird experience, being a (once) white country so far away from the mother ship of Europe (or its offshoot, America), so to speak, way out there and way down there in the southern ocean — and with the colossus of China and the Muslim world (Indonesia) dangerously close.
Also, Aussies are naturally feisty and irreverent, and they tend to like, or once did like, Americans.
I was also sent six of these silver, two-ounce Australian coins honoring the American victory over the Japanese navy in 1943.
And in Scott Morrison “Oz” has a quasi-conservative — a good sign.
Btw, my webmaster 2013-17 was an Australian, from Sydney, later Perth.
I thank all these Australian brothers and sisters for warm and vital support!





…..Recent donations

With my website, which costs me US$250 a month for webhosting and a top-flight webmaster, you get info you can find nowhere else. What other English-speaking blogger speaks three languages fluently and is conversant in four more, has lived in Europe, had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions, had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism to create a NEW SYNTHESIS TO PUSH OUR CAUSE OUT OF ITS DOLDRUMS TOWARD VICTORY?


–14 January 2020 VERY generous donation via PayPal to a friend for my webhosting and webmaster fees

–14 January 2020 $50 Australian from P in Oz

–13 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $50 from T (location unknown)

Thank you, TJ, for the newest Gift Card, the third! I also mentioned it on my website article (on Australia) for today! It has been a hard 18 months dealing with Margi’s undeserved cancer and almost losing her in January and July, but now, with the help of generous supporters like you, everything is on track again to me to have the time and energy to start a credible new faith that will enable us to beat the evil religions of Judaism, Islam and Masonry — and finally change this agonizing world!
Thanks again!
— John de Nugent

–12 January 2020 50 euros in cash and a warm New Year’s card from M in France

Dear John

Cher John,

You’re back home [from two months at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota for Margi’s successful cancer battle]!

De retour chez vous!

That’s great news for the both of you.

C’est une merveilleuse nouvelle pour vous deux.

Thanks for sharing your views and analyses.

Merci de partager vos émotions et réflexions.

It’s full of knowledge for your followers.

C’est riche d’enseignements pour vos lecteurs.

I wish you all the best for 2020!

Tous mes meilleurs voeux pour l’année 2020!



–12 January 2020, 20 euros in cash from C in Germany


–11 January 2020 $130 via PP from T in Australia

–10 January 2020 check for $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–8 January 2020 $77 Amazon gift card from T

–5 January 2020 $50 Australian and a lovely card from T in Tasmania


–4 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $50 from TJ

–3 January 2020 check for $40 for Margi’s cancer recovery from J in Tennessee

–2 January 2020 check for $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–20 December 2019 $100 via PayPal from D in Australia, sent to a WN friend

–19 December 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada

–12 December 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada

–7 December 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada

–26 November 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada

–21 November 2019 $40 cash from L in North Carolina

–19 November 2019 check for $100 from P in Maryland

–16 November 2019 5o euros in cash and wrapped in aluminum foil, with an interesting bilingual letter, from France

–15 November 2019 50 euros in cash and wrapped in aluminum foil from Bavaria, Germany

–14 November 2019 two checks for $88 each from an Old Fighter from the NSWPP, G in Cicero, Illinois (forwarded to me in Rochester, Minnesota from Ontonagon Michigan)

–7 November 2019 50 euros and two postcards, a touching note, and a beautiful copper pendant for Margi of Egyptian inspiration from southern Italy



The castle at Melfi, as well as the town walls and cathedral, were all built by my Norman relatives.

–23 October 2019 40 euros from regular donor A in Germany

–22 October 2019 25 British pounds (US$32) via PayPal from A in Scotland

–21 October 2019 $20 Australian and a very nice card from J in “Oz” (Australia)


–19 October 2019 $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois and $20 from K in California

–11 October 2019 $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–9 October 2019 $50 in cash from S in Florida

–6 October 2019 loan of $88 forgiven


–4 October 2019 $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–3 October 2019 $100 PayPal via a friend from J in Texas

–28 September 2019 $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–26 September 2019 check for $20 from J in Maryland

–24 September 2019 $100 Amazon gift card from V in USA

The PayPal address for Margi of is no longer valid, since PP abruptly canceled it after six years with no explanation.

If you wish to donate via PayPal, please write me for details of other PP accounts that trusted friend have.

–23 September 2019 $100 via Paypal (frozen by the jews for six months) from J in New England

–21 September 2019 loan via PayPal of $100 from M in California

–20 September 2019 loan via PayPal of $88 from B in New York State

–20 September 2019 check for $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–10 September 2019 $50 via PayPal from P in New England

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