Judaism and Islam — blood brothers against Aryans; Swedish Resistance Movement booms

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…..Islam a violent offshoot of the violent Talmud

A comrade, one of many, wrote applauding the opening chapter of my book on Aryan religion, which was published on January 30th: https://johndenugent.com/english/i-proclaim-the-religion-virtus/

“I am glad you are doing this. I hope it is effective.”

I replied:

I felt this calling to create a new Aryan religion — that this was the ONLY path — way back in 1984.

Pierce and catI resigned (on friendly terms) from the National Alliance of Dr. William Pierce [jewsmedia photo on right, but he did love Siamese cats] because I could clearly see back then what is very apparent now: even one million facts about 1) evil Jews, 2) primitive, violent non-whites,

Toilet instructions photo by the company Global Fliegenschmidt in Coswig, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, for the (as Germans are told in their jewspapers) “muslim skilled immigrant workers whom German industry desperately needs”


or even facts about 3) Adolf the Great


cannot make us love, respect and cherish each other as white people the tiniest bit.

Should this be just a we-hate-them movement, or primarily a we-love-ourselves movement?


And is mere light skin, hair or eye color enough to make us  lovable? Suppose our behavior becomes appalling?

I feared, correctly, that the day would come when whites would wake up to the dangers surrounding them, in extremis, as the Romans would say, and no longer be brainwashed but still be worthless.

As Commander Matt Koehl of the National Socialist White Peoples Party said to me in 1979,


Whites would likely awaken only when they themselves became a racial minority, because we are taught how we must protect minorities.

But also by that juncture, as I correctly feared, Whites would have become so corrupt, so cowardly, so selfish, so treacherous, so faithless and utterly rotten (due to the terrible Jewish culture/music/movies/porn, tv and aggravated by the toxic neurochemicals in our air, water and food) that they would no longer love and cherish each other, no longer care, no longer feel any pride or attachment to our people — just accept the death of our race.

For, based on our behavior,  we would no longer even seem worth saving.

I feared correctly that we would not only become a minority but ACT like a minority, almost like the ghettos blacks did back in the 1970s – drugs, violence, divorce, shacking up, illegimitate kids, theft, dishonesty in every way — almost no difference.


I actually remember, and Margi too,

Above Lake Superior


a day when, if you did a good turn for another man, he would say appreciatively, “Brother, that was damn white of you.” And that was a real compliment. Most of us were decent, honest, hard-working and good people.

I remember the family comedy hit series “The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet” … 14 years on television, 1952-66  – how nice and clean the humor was, the music was melodic (the dark-haired Ricky (bottom right) sang fantastically … and it was a real American family, with many happenings from their life — marriage, school and raising kids — and the whole series was actually filmed in their real home!

The man (his name was really “Ozzie” [Oswald]) wore the pants in the family, but was very nice to his wife (she was also really “Harriet,” and was a born “Schneider”, i.e. of German descent) and he was a tough-love guy toward their two sons. All four of them had blue eyes. (A scientific photo study revealed in 1900 50% of all Americans had blue eyes).


A hectic Christmas (1964) .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osg8fL6RwiI


A great soft country-rock hit by Rickie Nelson:



I know how Aryans once were, and how they must be again.

I must turn these forlorn palefaces anew into Aryans (the word in Sanskrit means “noble”),  and thus worth loving and worth saving.


…..Courageous Italian WOMAN speaks truth to Jew-power — men, it is your turn!

Brave Italian female journalist screams accurately at John Kerry “YOU created Daesh [ISIS]!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoiVp5Y6IUg


….BBC fantasizes on nuclear war with Putin’s Russia


……Moon-o-theism — Islam as “submission” to the semitic moon god of war

Elizabeth-Kübler-Ross-nde-hospice-swissElizabeth Kübler-Ross (photo r.) was a brilliant Swiss psychiatrist who founded the modern hospice movement and wrote about NDE’s, near-death experiences. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisabeth_Kübler-Ross) This taught her not to fear death, because the soul lives on, and as immortal beings we deserve respect. She created hospices to assist people to have a dignified final chapter of life.

She also described the stages of reacting to traumatic news, such as when your doctor tells you you have terminal cancer.

In Dr. Kübler-Ross’s model of trauma, she describes also, in a way, the emotional pathway for any European with an interest in protecting the continent his forebears created from the perfidy of national leaders whose actions will breed him and his children out of existence.

First there was denial: surely Angela Merkel couldn’t be so stupid as to sink the European ship?

Next came anger as news of the organized attacks by so-called asylum-seekers on European white women seeped through the checkpoints embedded in the mainstream media machine.

Then came the stage known as bargaining as people thought they would settle for some restrictions on numbers so long as the tidal wave was stopped.

Finally comes acceptance that we, the white race, are going to die out as miserable slaves — or be directly raped and killed


From Moon-o-theism (http://www.yoel.info/moonotheismv1andv2.pdf or https://johndenugent.com/images/moonotheism-Yoel-v1andv2.pdf)

The Jewish Menorah is three crescents on a column or tree.


Logo  of the Mossad (screenshot right off the Mossad website Jan. 2016)



…and they symbolize, astrologically, the sun and six planets:  MoonMercury, VenusMarsJupiterand Saturn.

Islam also is symbolized by the crescent – – the moon shaped as sharp horns — or as a finial, the moon on a tree


Threatening-looking crescent “finial” or “alem” on the roof of a minaret (watchtower) of a mosque in Constanta, Romania



Muhammad was raised from ages 6-8 by his 3/4 Jewish grandfather


Notably, the fourth Muslim Caliph Ali (lived 602 “661 AD) was at least one eighth Jewish. Ali was Muhammad’s cousin and adoptive son and Abd Al Muttalib (three-quarters Jewish) was the grandfather of both Muhammad and Ali. Ali’s father was Abu Talib (died 540 AD) (one-quarter Jewish) and Abu Talib was the brother of Muhammad’s father Abd Allah (one-quarter Jewish). Ali married Fatima, who was one-sixteenth Jewish on account of her being Muhammad’s daughter.




Abd Allah married Amina (died 576 AD), an Arabess. Amina then gave birth to Muhammad (born 570 AD; died 632 AD). This means Muhammad was one-eighth Jewish, unless of course Muhammad has still more Jewish ancestors unknown to early Islamic genealogists. Muhammad’s father, Abd Allah, died the year Muhammad was born. Abd Allah died in the care of his partly Jewish uncles and cousins at Yathrib. Muhammad’s mother Amina, died when Muhammad was six years old.

Muhammad was raised from age six to age eight by his three-quarters Jewish grandfather, Abd Al Muttalib. When Abd Al Muttalib died, Muhammad’s uncle Abu Talib [JdN: again, ¼ Jewish] raised Muhammad from age eight to the age of maturity.

Muhammad was an illiterate camel salesman who announced the angel Gabriel had ordered him to start a new religion and to slaughter all who disagreed. For me, “Gabriel” was a demonic entitity, and Islam just Judaism for brown people.


Male moon-gods in the Mideast often are pictured with scimitars due to the scimitar-shape of the crescent moon. Thus moon-gods were natural warrior gods. This fact seems to have been recognized by Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh seems to credit Sin for his ability to take an ax and a sword to kill and scatter a pride of lions on the prowl at night.53

A crescent-shaped muslim sword, a scimitar


Among the many ways to know that Allah was a war-god in pre-Islamic times is the fact that when the Makkans were about to have a civil war, war oaths were taken inside the Mosque next to the Kaaba. The oath takers then dipped their hands in scent and “rubbed their hands on the Kaaba strengthening the solemnity of the oath.”54

Moreover, the one who controlled access to the Kaaba and Mosque also was the caretaker for the standards of war, as Ibn Ishaq wrote: ¦access to the Kaaba, the standard of war, and the assembly house should belong to the ˜Abdu’l-Dar as before.55

The Kaaba was known as the House of Allah, so these war activities connected with the Kaaba suggest that Allah was the war-god. Similarly, the martial side of Mosques was seen in medieval Spain where the army standards were kept in the Cordoba Mosque until the troops went out to battle.56

The Islamic traditions and the continual warlike history of Islam show that Allah was a pre-Islamic war god. The Koran has many instructions about treaties (K 002:177; 004:090, 092; 008:056, 058; 008:072; 009:001, 003-004; 009:007-008, 012).

The 164 War verses in the Koran are a dead giveaway that Allah is a war-god. Allah repeatedly said that he “loves” his followers who “fight,” for instance: Surely, Allah loves those who fight in His way in [battle] ranks as if they were a firm and compact wall (Shakir K 061:004; also see K 003:146; 005:054; 049:009; 061:004).

Leading Islamist Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi said: When the Muslims, the Arabs and the Palestinians enter a war, they do it to worship Allah. They enter it as Muslims. 57

Usama bin Laden said in a video making the rounds of Canadian Muslims in 2006: “Therefore each individual from amongst the Muslims should come forth to kill the Jews and Americans, for killing them is foremost of obligations and the greatest form of worship.”58

The chest-thumping Allah was so interested in war all the time that his followers complained about it, saying “Our Lord! Why hast Thou ordained fighting for us?” (K 004:077; also see K 002:216; 009:086; 033:010-012; 047:020).

The fact that Islam is a Jihad fighting machine explains why the punishment for apostasy is death. Apostasy is akin to deserting the army during a battle. Another way to know that Allah was a war god is the fact that Harb means “war” and is related to the Arabic root meaning “fight” (hrb), “spear” (Harba) and Mihrab. The Mihrab altar is always on the Kiblah line at a Mosque and points to the Kaaba at Makka.

So every Muslim at a Mosque prays through a war-oriented Mihrab altar to the war-god and moon-god Allah. Also, an Umayyad-era coin dated 695-698 AD has a Mihrab and spear.59


Pictures of mihrabs, or prayer niches. All worshipers face here to pray to Allah in Mekka. It is “the most sacred part of the mosque.”   https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=mihrab+altar+mosque&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8



A mihrab inside the Hagia Sophia church in Constantinople which the Turks conquered from the Christians and muslimized




The Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran spoke on the purpose of Mihrabs in a 1981 speech celebrating Muhammad’s birthday:


Mihrab means the place of war, the place of fighting. Out of the Mihrabs wars should proceed. Just as all the wars of Islam used to proceeded out of the Mihrabs. The prophet has [had a] sword to kill people. Our [Holy] Imams were quite military men. All of them were warriors. They used to wield swords; they used to kill people.

We need a Khalif who would chop off hands, cut throats, and stone people…..in the same way that the Messenger of God [Muhammad] used to chop hands, cut throats, and stone people, and in the same way that he massacred the Jews of Bani Qurayza because they were a bunch of discontented people. 

If the Prophet used to order that a house be burned down or a tribe exterminated, that was justice.60

Yet another way to know that Allah was a war god is by looking at the many Mosques built like impregnable fortresses. The four Minarets remind one of watchtowers. The four tall, thick stone or brick walls surrounding many Mosques are so tall that anyone standing outside the compound can only see the dome of the Mosque. In these high-walled Mosques, clerics write Fatwas [JdN: death sentences: “go out and kill this person”] making the blood of heretics and apostates licit, and plan the violent Islamization of the inhabitants outside the windowless walls.

The Blue Mosque of Sultan Ahmet, Istanbul (Constantinople) uniquely has six minarets 



There is where Imams incite ranks of Muslims with fiery sermons and imprecatory prayers. There is where Muslims are primed to form vigilante mobs whenever they hear of an infraction of Sharia law, such as a Koran being desecrated. These heavily-built Mosques remind one of the Ribat castles that Jihadist volunteers used to man on the frontiers of Islam, and from whence Jihad campaigns were organized and commenced. This association comes to mind especially when one reads say, how Muslims are constantly killing Christians and burning churches in Nigeria. Thirty Nigerian churches were burned in the 2006 Cartoon riots alone!61

While the churches burn, Muslim clerics may be sitting comfortable in their unassailable and nearly unburnable brick fortresses, such as the main Mosque in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. Perhaps they even climb the Minarets to view the smoke rising from dozens of churches off in the distance.

Abuja National Mosque, Nigeria


Note the crescent finial


That Islam is a war-god religion can be seen from the fact that some consider the sixth pillar of Islam to be Jihad, and a corollary is that the entire world is split between the Dar Al-Islam (Territory of Islam) and the Dar Al-Harb (Territory of War).

Notice the Harb root which common between Dar Al-Harb and Mihrab, discussed just above. 59 Mihrab coins are discussed and illustrated in the Venus Altar chapter. 60

¶ The reason that the Mihrab is named after a spear is that the outdoor version of a Mihrab is a spear stuck in the ground ”what the traditions call a Sutra. Muhammad’s use of a Sutra is discussed elsewhere in this book. One cannot pass off the Mihrab-equals-“spear” equation as a meaningless quirk of etymology when one considers the fact that for most of Islam’s history, the Imam held a sword during sermons which he gave in the Minbar pulpit that usually stood a few feet to the right of the Mihrab.

Riccoldo da Montecroce wrote in 1300 AD: ¦when they [Muslims] come together to be taught the Koran by their religious leaders, the one in charge draws a sword, holding it in his hand while teaching or placing it in full view in order to terrorize the hearers.62

In 1917 John Buchan wrote in Chapter One of his novel Greenmantle: Islam is a fighting creed and the Mullah still stands in the pulpit with the Koran in one hand and a drawn sword in the other.


Cologne, Germany mosque where the New Years Eve rapists, gropers and cellphone thieves worship the moon god when not getting drunk; always you see imagery of spears, swords and blades



Zwemer wrote in 1946 that Imam’s held swords during sermons everywhere: It is not generally known that in every Mosque, according to orthodox tradition, from West Africa to Western China, a sword or staff is kept near or in Minbar, and it is required that the Khatib hold it when preaching the Friday sermon. In some cases it is made of wood ”but the symbol is always present.63

Another way to know that Islam is a war-god religion is the fact that riots tend to occur right after Friday Prayers everywhere in Islamdom, especially in Israel. Goel reports on the experience of India in this matter: In the history of Islam in India, Friday ˜sermons result in working up the feelings of the Namazis [observant Muslims], and saber-rattling and street riots generally take place on Friday after the afternoon prayers.’64 The reason Friday Prayers get Muslims all riled up is the Imam reads and preaches out of the Koran with its 164 War verses at Friday Prayers. ¦.

Incidentally, Muhammad burned down the houses of those who failed to show up for Friday prayers.65 Not only does the Koran make Islam warlike but so does Sharia law, as Goel wrote:

It [Islam] looks too much like a military machine to pass as a peaceful society. The rules laid down by the Shariat [Sharia law] read like a manual compiled for use in military barracks ”waking up every morning to the call of a bugle, rolling up the bed ¦One is amazed as well as amused when this mechanical conformity to a set pattern of external exercises is presented by the spokesmen of Islam as the very essence of universal spirituality and morality.66

Count Keyserling wrote about how Islam is a big war machine and how Allah is a “warlord”: This militarization of everyday Muslim life was noticed with keen interest by Count Keyserling (1880-1946 CE) during his travels in Islamic countries. He summed up his overall impression in his The Travel Diary of a Philosopher.

˜Islam is a religion of absolute surrender and submissiveness to a God ”but to a God of a certain character ”a warlord who is entitled to do with us as he will and who bids us stand ever in line of battle against the foe ¦The ritual of this belief embodies the idea of discipline. When the true believers every day at fixed hours perform their prayers in serried [squeezed in] ranks in the Mosque, all going through the same gestures at the same moment, this is not, as in Hinduism, done as a method of self-realization, but in the spirit in which the Prussian soldier defiled [i.e. lined up in formation] before his Kaiser.

This military basis of Islam explains all the essential virtues of the Mussulman. It also explains his fundamental defects ”his unprogressiveness, his incapacity to adapt himself, his lack of invention. The soldier has simply to obey orders. All the rest is the affair of Allah.” 67

….My pet peeve, the word “Daesh”

Obama and other p.c. criminals sometimes refer to the Islamic State as “Daesh.” This is because of the myth of “moderate Islam.”

There is no moderate Islam, just as there are no moderate pedophiles or moderate murderers. 


In reality, we should call IS what they call themselves, IS,  the Islamic State. They are only doing what Muhammad commanded — murder, rape, pillage, torture, terrorize and enslave innocent people who do not want to worship their demonic moon godor read the Koran, the most moronic and appallingly stupid religious book on earth.

What does it mean?

Daesh is an acronym for the Arabic phrase al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant).

Essentially, it’s another word for ISIS – but apparently one that ISIS militants do not favour.

Why? Because it is similar to the Arabic words ‘Daes’, ‘one who crushes something underfoot’ and ‘Dahes’, translated as ‘one who sows discord’.


…..Reaction from my Greek-American friend Pete


I read the whole blog. You did an excellent job, especially in such short time. Very well done!

I noticed early in the blog that you mention how the menorah is three concentric crescents. That’s very interesting, especially since the menorah has been a symbol of Jewry since the Maccabee war against the Greeks in 162 BC.

In the menorah photo you show as a symbol for Mossad, the words Israeli Secret Intelligence Agency, the official name of the Mossad is written. Notice how the first letter of each word is written with a larger typeface spelling the word ISIS.

I suppose you are aware that ISIS is a Mossad creation and that al-Baghdadi is a crypto-Jew Mossad agent by the name of Elliot Simon.

Maybe you didn’t want to point this out because it would divert the main thrust of your blog. But it is quite obvious that the fear of Islamic terrorism promoted by the fake ISIS terrorist false flags like Charlie Hebdo, Paris shootings, San Bernardino, fake beheading videos, etc is a deliberate plan to paralyze the West with Islamophobia. The Jewish led Muslim invasion of Europe is very real however.

All this, along with Merkel’s and the EU in general (not to mention bin-Obama) unwillingness to stop the Muslim invasion has to be part of creating some sort of learned helplessness, Stockholm syndrome within the white Christian psyche.

My opinion is that Islam was a Jew-created golem against Christianity (White race) from the start. While lulling the West into complacency about the Islamic threat since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire 100 years ago, the Jews are now unleashing the neo-Ottoman Caliphate
against the liberalized, pussyfied and disoriented West which has so far been paralyzed to stop the Jew-led Muslim invasion.

The Muslim invaders are not in the least confused about their jihad objectives in Europe. All their leaders have been very clear about this. Will enough goyim wake up in time to hang their traitor leaders and expel the enemy before the Muslim Hordes are unleashed on us with scimitars?

…..Contact and support



…..Smoloko runs my article on “the Jewish War on the Kennedys”

Smoloko is a good website that liked my article here: https://johndenugent.com/the-jewish-war-on-the-kennedys/

and ran much of it on their site: http://smoloko.com/?p=10316


….Daily Mail runs big (AND SLANTED) article on Swedish Resistance Movement

(the “Svenska Motständsrörelse”)

Lord Northcliffe founded the Daily Mail as a right-wing mass newspaper, and in the 1920s turned against the Jews; the next thing, he was arrested for insanity — his own doctor was bribed to accuse him of madness — and was poisoned.


EXCLUSIVE: Neo-Nazis thugs warn of a ‘year of violence’ following attacks on child migrants at train station in Sweden

  • Anger at open-door immigration and asylum policy is consuming Sweden
  • Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats now Sweden’s biggest political party
  • Sweden always had a reputation for being a liberal and unbiased country
  • A dark history of right-wing politics has been exposed by recent uprising
  • Even Ikea and the nation’s monarchy have been implicated in the far-right

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3426413/Neo-Nazis-warn-year-violence-following-attacks-child-migrants-train-station-Sweden.html#ixzz3zCgdi652

Neo-Nazi thugs in Sweden last night warned of a year of violence against immigrants as the so-
called ‘liberal’ state was forced to confront a new wave of support for the far right.

The extremist Swedish Resistance Movement (SRM) hailed the racist mob that attacked ‘foreign-looking’ men, women and children at Stockholm’s Central Station ‘heroes’ last week, describing them as modern ‘Robin Hoods’.

It comes amid rising anger at the nation’s ‘open door’ policy on immigration – and concern that the influx of migrants is fuelling the growth of the far right.

A recent poll found that the Sweden Democrats, an anti-immigration group with a neo-Nazi past, have become the country’s biggest political party with 28.8 per cent of the vote.

Scroll down for video 

Violent: Convicted killer Klas Lund is the founder of Sweden's neo-Nazis and has also been jailed for bank robbery, assault and possession of an illegal weapon. He killed campaigner Ronny Landin when he intervened to stop an assault on three immigrants in Nynashamn in 1986 but has seen a chilling rise in popularity following concerns over the influx of migrants

Violent: Convicted killer Klas Lund is the founder of Sweden’s neo-Nazis and has also been jailed for bank robbery, assault and possession of an illegal weapon. He killed campaigner Ronny Landin when he intervened to stop an assault on three immigrants in Nynashamn in 1986 but has seen a chilling rise in popularity following concerns over the influx of migrants

Extreme: Neo-Nazi thug Emil Hagberg (right, pictured with fellow neo-Nazi Haakon Forwald), the spokesman for the Swedish Resistance Movement, told MailOnline that the far-Right movement in Sweden is growing stronger and more determined to stand up to the 'madness'

Extreme: Neo-Nazi thug Emil Hagberg (right, pictured with fellow neo-Nazi Haakon Forwald), the spokesman for the Swedish Resistance Movement, told MailOnline that the far-Right movement in Sweden is growing stronger and more determined to stand up to the ‘madness’

Threat: Neo-Nazi demonstrators make the fascist salute during a demonstration in Stockholm, in December 2006. Despite popular belief that Sweden is a liberal and unbiased country, it too has a history of fascism

Threat: Neo-Nazi demonstrators make the fascist salute during a demonstration in Stockholm, in December 2006. Despite popular belief that Sweden is a liberal and unbiased country, it too has a history of fascism

Neo-Nazi thug and ‘Swedish Resistance Movement spokesman’ Emil Hagberg told MailOnline: ‘The coming year will be interesting. We will mount our own patrols in cities and towns in Sweden, wherever capable.

‘We have huge sympathy with the vigilantes who fought back [at Stockholm Central Station] on Friday. Finally someone has stood up to this madness.’

The dramatic rise in popularity for anti-immigration groups has exposed Sweden’s dark history of right-wing politics, which has penetrated some of the country’s best known firms and even the monarchy.

‘Sweden has always had far right political organisations,’ said Jonathan Lemas, a researcher at the neo-Nazi watchdog organisation Expo.

‘Radical nationalism is part of the political landscape in Sweden.’

IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad was a member of the pro-fascist New Swedish Movement and was friends with its leader Per Engdahl, a supporter of Adolf Hitler.

Queen Silvia of Sweden’s German father was a member of the Nazi Party and made a fortune from a factory seized from Jewish owners.

But it is the ugly modern face of fascism that is triggering most concern.

Terror: A 'hundreds strong' mob of black-clad masked men went on a rampage in and around Stockholm's main train station targeting refugee children and anyone who did not look ethnically Swedish on January 29

Terror: A ‘hundreds strong’ mob of black-clad masked men went on a rampage in and around Stockholm’s main train station targeting refugee children and anyone who did not look ethnically Swedish on January 29

Founder: Swedish Resistance Movement founder Klas Lund and convicted killer, at home in Grangesberg, is the figurehead of the neo-Nazi movement that is warning of violence against migrants 

Founder: Swedish Resistance Movement founder Klas Lund and convicted killer, at home in Grangesberg, is the figurehead of the neo-Nazi movement that is warning of violence against migrants

Rising anger: Grangesberg, pictured, is home to the head of the neo-Nazi movement but far-right sympathies are increasingly mainstream. The Sweden Democrats, an anti-immigration group with a neo-Nazi past, was named the country's biggest political party with 28.8 per cent of the vote in a recent poll

Rising anger: Grangesberg, pictured, is home to the head of the neo-Nazi movement but far-right sympathies are increasingly mainstream. The Sweden Democrats, an anti-immigration group with a neo-Nazi past, was named the country’s biggest political party with 28.8 per cent of the vote in a recent poll

Birthplace: The main station at Grangesberg, in Sweden, the hometown of Klas Lund, who founded the neo-Nazi group the Swedish Resistance Movement. It has dramatically grown in size in recent months as Sweden's government has welcomed record numbers of migrants into the country

Birthplace: The main station at Grangesberg, in Sweden, the hometown of Klas Lund, who founded the neo-Nazi group the Swedish Resistance Movement. It has dramatically grown in size in recent months as Sweden’s government has welcomed record numbers of migrants into the country

Cradling a broken hand, which he injured in a riot two weeks ago, Hagberg said members of his openly ‘national socialist’ SRM had joined football hooligans to beat up ‘foreigners’ as ‘private citizens’.

The 31-year-old from Ludvika said: ‘People are afraid to talk about immigration. But these people are heroes, Robin Hood figures, who have popular support.’

Rooted in the country’s Nazi tradition, the Swedish Resistance Movement (SRM) was formed in 1997 by white supremacists released from jail.

Its founder Klas Lund, 47, has a long criminal history including a manslaughter conviction for killing anti-racist campaigner Ronny Landin, who intervened to stop an assault on three immigrants in Nynashamn in 1986.

He has also been jailed for bank robbery, assault and possession of an illegal weapon.

Yet this fascist criminal has been able to capitalise on the growing tide of anti-migrant feeling.

SRM spokesman Hagberg told MailOnline: ‘We are National Socialists [Nazis]. Our main aim is the protection of Sweden’s [white] people and culture. We don’t want our [white] people to disappear from the earth.

‘People come to us because they see the streets are full of Somalis and Syrians and they are starting to listen to us because we have been warning of the dangers of immigration for years.’

Vulnerable: Stockholm Central Station is now heavily patrolled after a rampage by masked men who targeted anyone who did not look ethnically Swedish 

Vulnerable: Stockholm Central Station is now heavily patrolled after a rampage by masked men who targeted anyone who did not look ethnically Swedish

On patrol: Police presence appears to have been stepped up after the attack on migrants at Stockholm Central Station, where commuters told MailOnline they had concern about immmigration

On patrol: Police presence appears to have been stepped up after the attack on migrants at Stockholm Central Station, where commuters told MailOnline they had concern about immmigration

Concerns: Emelie, 25, fashion journalist from Stockholm, told MailOnline that the Swedish Democrats are ‘using immigration propaganda as an excuse for all of Sweden’s problems’ Josefine, 22, right, a media student from Stockholm is concerned about the growth of racism

Emelie, 25, management consultant from Stockholm told MailOnline:  ˜Some people are angry at the level of immigration but that is not the majority. The right-wing politicians are using this for their own gains.'

Emelie, 25, management consultant from Stockholm told MailOnline: ‘Some people are angry at the level of immigration but that is not the majority. The right-wing politicians are using this for their own gains.’

‘The Swedish Resistance Movement has a political branch but their main thrust is extra-political “ violence, intimidation, crime,’ revealed Jonathan Lemas, of Expo, where Stieg Larsson, author of the ‘Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ books, worked.

‘They hit people who don’t agree with them.’

Long proud of its liberal society and welfare state, Sweden and its left-wing coalition government has come under intense scrutiny over its open-arms approach to Europe’s migrant crisis, and is being accused of opening a window of opportunity for extremists.

Sweden has taken in more asylum seekers per head of population than any other European country.

The far right Sweden Democrats (SD) have since surged in the opinion polls amid growing concern about immigration.

The refugee issue was named as the most important political topic in Sweden, the YouGov poll found, ahead of health care education and unemployment.

SD spokesman for migration and citizenship Markus Wiechel told MailOnline: ‘The rise in Swedish nationalism is a direct consequence of the situation we see today.

‘A lot of Swedes did not realise what was going to happen when we opened the borders [to large numbers of refugees].

Booming support: MailOnline spoke to commuters at Stockholm Central Station who blamed politicians for the rise of far-right sympathies, both by creating an open door policy and by stoking fears of immigration

Booming support: MailOnline spoke to commuters at Stockholm Central Station who blamed politicians for the rise of far-right sympathies, both by creating an open door policy and by stoking fears of immigration

Protection: Concerns have been raised about the number of migrants at Stockholm Central Station

Protection: Concerns have been raised about the number of migrants at Stockholm Central Station

‘It was hard to find people homes in our cities. And now we have these new people to house, educate and look after.

‘People have started to understand that it is there money.’

MailOnline spoke to commuters in Stockholm about their views on immigration, some of whom linked the recent arrival of over 160,000 refugees to Sweden with the racist attacks. One woman said she understood the thugs’ anger.

Anna, 35, a shop assistant, told MailOnline: ‘I can understand why those people attacked immigrants on Friday night [at Stockholm Central Station].

‘The government does nothing to control immigration. They don’t tell us what is happening. They did not ask before they let hundreds of thousands of immigrants in to the country.

‘The immigration policy is to blame for what happened here [at Stockholm Central Station]. The government just said it is ok to let people to come here.

Struggle: Sweden last year took in almost 170,000 asylum-seekers, and immigration has become the number one political issue in the country. Pictured is Sweden Democrat MP Markus Wiechel at Sweden's parliament in Stockholm, who insists they are a party of the centre

Struggle: Sweden last year took in almost 170,000 asylum-seekers, and immigration has become the number one political issue in the country. Pictured is Sweden Democrat MP Markus Wiechel at Sweden’s parliament in Stockholm, who insists they are a party of the centre

Protest: Members of Sweden's Vitt Ariskt Motstà¥nd - named after the U.S. white supremacist organisation White Aryan Resistance - march through the country with flags and flanked by police officers

Protest: Members of Sweden’s Vitt Ariskt Motstà¥nd – named after the U.S. white supremacist organisation White Aryan Resistance – march through the country with flags and flanked by police officers

Implicated: Ikea creator Ingvar Kamprad became one of 8,632 Nazi sympathisers who joined the pro-Fascist 'New Swedish Movement', after he signed up in 1942 aged just 16

Not even Queen Silvia of Sweden (pictured) could escape the furore, and was forced to hire historians to stem embarrassing revelations that her father WalterSommerlath had joined the overseas affiliate of the Nazi Party in 1934 - a year after Hitler's rise to power in Germany

Implicated: Ikea creator Ingvar Kamprad was a member of the pro-fascist New Swedish Movement, after he signed up in 1942 aged just 16. Queen Silvia of Sweden’s (right) German father was a member of the Nazi Party

‘I have been to North Africa and the Middle East and you can’t go anywhere without being harassed and it’s becoming like that here.

‘We are having to adapt to their culture. They should adapt to our culture, obey our laws and traditions.

‘Swimming pools now have to segregate times for men and women because women keep being assaulted in the pool.

‘That is not right. These men should obey by the laws and not touch women.

‘A woman should not be treated this way in Sweden. This is not part of Swedish tradition, our society.

‘I am glad I don’t have a daughter. I would not like to bring her up here in Sweden right now.’

Others branded the racist attacks ‘terrible’ but believed they were the result of immigration policy and linked it to the rise of far-right political parties.

Lina, 18, a model, said: ‘Maybe some people believe that the [Swedish] immigration policy is wrong but that is terrible because that is not how most Swedish people think.’

Julia, 23, a volunteer worker at old people’s home, said: ‘Some people are frightened by immigration. They fear they will lose their jobs because immigrants. But that is not true.’

Emelie, 25, management consultant, said: ‘I guess some people are angry at the level of immigration but that is not the majority of people. Most Swedes want to help [refugees].

‘There are always people looking for scapegoats. And the right-wing politicians are using this for their own gains.’

Emelie, 25, fashion journalist, said: ‘I think the Swedish Democrats are using immigration propaganda as an excuse for all of Sweden’s problems.’

Josefine, 22, a media student, said: ‘It is our tradition in Sweden to help refugees but some people don’t like that. These racists are horrible, nasty, rude people.’

Aggression: Far-Right extremists in the town of Grangesberg (pictured), in Sweden, hailed the racist mob that attacked  ˜foreign-looking' men, women and children at Stockholm's Central Station as  ˜heroes' describing them as modern  ˜Robin Hoods'

Aggression: Far-Right extremists in the town of Grangesberg (pictured), in Sweden, hailed the racist mob that attacked ‘foreign-looking’ men, women and children at Stockholm’s Central Station as ‘heroes’ describing them as modern ‘Robin Hoods’

Fears: Right-wing politicians and members of the public insist that there was no warning of what would happen when Sweden's borders were opened to asylum-seekers. Pictured is the town of Grangesberg, where the leader of the neo-Nazis lives

Fears: Right-wing politicians and members of the public insist that there was no warning of what would happen when Sweden’s borders were opened to asylum-seekers. Pictured is the town of Grangesberg, where the leader of the neo-Nazis loiv

While born out of the same far-right nationalist movement in the 1980s, under the umbrella ‘Keep Sweden Swedish’ organisation, the Sweden Democrats party has tried to distance itself from its neo-Nazi past.

SD MP Markus Wiechel told MailOnline: ‘The background of party was not too bad but in the 1990’s it was infiltrated.

‘The leadership has done a good job to clarify what we stand for. From 1995 it was not acceptable to have any links with neo-Nazis whatsoever.’

Wiechel, SD migration and citizenship spokesman, added: ‘We are a party of the Centre. We are a social conservative party that stands on nationalist ground. We are social democratic on some issues and right-wing on others such as law and order and immigration.’

Threat: The Swedish Resistance Movement told MailOnline that they are a Nazi group, determined to protect Sweden's people and culture. Pictured is a house in Grangesberg, a town where far-Right 'vigilante' groups are predicting a year of violence against migrants and refugees

Threat: The Swedish Resistance Movement told MailOnline that they are a Nazi group, determined to protect Sweden’s people and culture. Pictured is a house in Grangesberg, a town where far-Right ‘vigilante’ groups are predicting a year of violence against migrants and refugees

Force: Although the Swedish Resistance Movement has a political branch, its main thrust is 'extra-political', including 'violence, intimidation and crime'. Pictured are homes in Grangesberg, where many claim they feel under threat from migrants entering the country

Force: Although the Swedish Resistance Movement has a political branch, its main thrust is ‘extra-political’, including ‘violence, intimidation and crime’. Pictured are homes in Grangesberg, where many claim they feel under threat from migrants entering the country

However the Sweden Democrats share many policies with the Swedish Resistance Movement, the country’s main neo-Nazi organisation.


SD MP Wiechel: ‘We should close Sweden’s borders to asylum seekers and return those who have not come directly from a conflict zone.’

SRM spokesman Hagberg: ‘We would close Sweden’s borders immediately and repatriate all the immigrants. We would arrest the politicians and public figures who have lied to us about immigration and charge them with treason.’


SD MP Wiechel: ‘Most people coming here [to Sweden] have passed through a safe country. Economic migrants, I would like to call them.’

SRM spokesman Hagberg: ‘They are mostly opportunists. If there were bombs dropping on my home I would not complain about being sent to a centre in the countryside or worry about ghosts and moose like they do.’


SD MP Wiechel: ‘The money spent on supporting one asylum seeker here in Sweden could pay for 300 people in a United Nations refugee camp.’

SRM spokesman Hagberg: ‘Money spent on one asylum seekers in Sweden would be better spent buying them rice and beans in their own country.’


SD MP Wiechel: ‘There is a clash of cultures. People are coming from countries with different customs and beliefs. They don’t have the same values [as Swedes]. We are becoming a divided country that is the consequence of a multi-cultural society.’

SRM spokesman Hagberg: ‘Our mission is to protect our people [white Swedes] and culture. We care about our own people and culture. We don’t want it to disappear from the earth.’

A committed neo-Nazi Harberg admits to being a member of the far-right gang that fought with unruly youths from immigrant backgrounds during the Husby riots outside Stockholm in May 2013.

He was also part of a neo-Nazi mob that attacked an anti-racist demonstration in Kärrtorp, outside Stockholm, in December last year.

Hagberg told MailOnline: ‘The Sweden Democrats see the same problems as we do but they see a different solution. They play by the rules of the enemy.’


On Hitler’s birthday “ April 20, 1944 “ a Swedish politician praised the Fuhrer for being ‘a symbol of the best of what the world has produced’.

‘We can only celebrate him as God’s chosen saviour of Europe,’ Per Engdahl continued in defiance against his country’s neutrality during World War II.

But, contrary to popular belief about Sweden having always been a liberal and unbiased country, Engdahl was not a lone voice: 8,632 Nazi sympathisers joined the pro-Fascist Nysvenska Rorelsen – New Swedish Movement – after it was founded in 1941 including IKEA creator Ingvar Kamprad, who signed up in 1942 at the age of 16.

It is not known when Kamprad left the organisation but in 1948 he paid to publish a book of Engdahl’s political writings and in 1950 he invited the Fascist to his wedding to first wife Kerstin.

Swedish politician Per Engdahl described Adolf Hitler (pictured) as 'God's chosen saviour of Europe' and  ˜a symbol of the best of what the world has produced' for his birthday, on April 20, 1944

Swedish politician Per Engdahl (pictured) described Adolf Hitler as 'God's chosen saviour of Europe' and  ˜a symbol of the best of what the world has produced' for his birthday, on April 20, 1944

‘Saviour’: Swedish politician Per Engdahl (right) described Adolf Hitler (left) as ‘God’s chosen saviour of Europe’ and ‘a symbol of the best of what the world has produced’ on his birthday, on April 20, 1944

His secret emerged in 1994 after Engdahl’s death. Blaming his German grandmother, who regarded Hitler’s seizure of the Sudetenland as liberation, for indoctrinating him, he said: ‘This is part of my life I bitterly regret. She was very dominating and very pro-German. She set me off on the wrong path.’

Since then there has been a tide of allegations against the Scandinavian country, which created the Nobel Peace Prize, including claims that it supplied raw materials to Hitler’s military, laundered gold confiscated from Holocaust victims and turned its back on Norwegian Jewish refugees.

According to Jewish records, Sweden accepted just 3,000 Jewish refugees from Norway in the run-up to the war “ another 1,000 were allowed to to use the country as a transit stop “ but once war broke out they began to turn Jews away at the border, only absorbing political refugees. In 1942 they finally agreed to accept 900 Jews from their neighbouring country “ but by then 700 Norwegian Jews had died at Auschwitz.

The wartime files of the Swedish police suggest that the Swedish-German Chamber of Commerce went even further in supporting the Nazi regime, conducting a secret policy of ‘Aryanising’ their Swedish companies to maximise trade with Germany, forcing them to remove Swedish Jews from their workforce – in order not to be blacklisted.

Fleeing: Jewish refugees in Malmo, Sweden, having escaped from Denmark in small boats. According to wartime files of the Swedish police, the country's Chamber of Commerce even attempted to 'Aryanise' companies to maximise trade with Germany

Fleeing: Jewish refugees in Malmo, Sweden, having escaped from Denmark in small boats. According to wartime files of the Swedish police, the country’s Chamber of Commerce even attempted to ‘Aryanise’ companies to maximise trade with Germany

Bleak: Once the Second World War broke out, Sweden began turning away Jewish refugees at the border, according to Jewish records. A photograph taken in 1942 shows Jewish deportees in the Drancy transit camp, outside Paris, their last stop before the German concentration camps

Bleak: Once the Second World War broke out, Sweden began turning away Jewish refugees at the border, according to Jewish records. A photograph taken in 1942 shows Jewish deportees in the Drancy transit camp, outside Paris, their last stop before the German concentration camps

Horror: In 1942, Sweden finally agreed to accept 900 Jews from its neighbouring country  “ but by then 700 Norwegian Jews had already died at notorious Nazi death camp Auschwitz (pictured)

Horror: In 1942, Sweden finally agreed to accept 900 Jews from its neighbouring country “ but by then 700 Norwegian Jews had already died at notorious Nazi death camp Auschwitz (pictured)

And Norwegian journalist Espen Eidum recently claimed that Sweden was instrumental in helping Germany to occupy Norway, allowing the Nazis to use its rail network to transfer troops and supplies to the front lines in Narvik.

In his book Blodsporet – The Blood Track – Eidum detailed how, in October 1940, four months after the Norwegian defeat, Swedish diplomats in London lied to the Norwegian government-in-exile representatives about allowing German combat troops disguised as medical personnel to use the network.

Even Queen Silvia of Sweden has not escaped the furore. Five years ago, she employed historians to stem embarrassing revelations that her father Walter Sommerlath, who was brought up in Brazil, had joined the overseas affiliate of the Nazi Party in 1934 “ a year after Hitler’s rise to power in Germany.

Torture: This aerial view shows the layout of the largest concentration camp and death camp run by Nazi Germany during World War II at Auschwitz near the town of Oswiecim, Poland, in August 1944

Torture: This aerial view shows the layout of the largest concentration camp and death camp run by Nazi Germany during World War II at Auschwitz near the town of Oswiecim, Poland, in August 1944

Anger: Hundreds of neo-Nazi demonstrators clashed with anti-Nazi demonstrators in Gothenburg, Sweden, in November 1993 (pictured). The demonstration was organised by the White Aryan Resistance

Anger: Hundreds of neo-Nazi demonstrators clashed with anti-Nazi demonstrators in Gothenburg, Sweden, in November 1993 (pictured). The demonstration was organised by the White Aryan Resistance

According to the Swedish television programme Kalla Fakta “ Cold Facts “ he returned to Germany with his family in 1938 and took over a factory that had previously been owned by Jews, making parts for German tanks and anti-aircraft rockets.

So much for Swedish neutrality.

But the history of Nazism in the Scandinavian country did not end when Hitler committed suicide in his bunker on April 30, 1945. The New Swedish Movement had a resurgence in the 1950s as Endahl lectured across Europe and made ties with fascists in other countries.

It only ended in 1960 when he was blamed for the Swastika epidemic, which spread across the world “ despite denying the allegations, the organisation was tarnished and membership dropped.

Gradually groups such as the Nordic Reich Party and the Nordic National Party took up the mantle and there was a marked escalation in rightwing extremist violence against Jews, immigrants and homosexuals during the 1970s and 1980s.

Racism: Nazi skinheads wearing vests branded with the phrase 'White Only' demonstrate in Rinkeby, a suburb of Stockholm in 2006. A tide of racially-fuelled violence has been sweeping the country in past months

Racism: Nazi skinheads wearing vests branded with the phrase ‘White Only’ demonstrate in Rinkeby, a suburb of Stockholm in 2006. A tide of racially-fuelled violence has been sweeping the country in past months

Infamous: John Ausonius (pictured) shot 11 immigrants during a killing spree armed with a rifle. He was arrested in 1992 and sentenced to life imprisonment

Infamous: John Ausonius (pictured) shot 11 immigrants during a killing spree armed with a rifle. He was arrested in 1992 and sentenced to life imprisonment

The violence culminated on Midsummer Eve 1986 when skinheads – including Lund – beat Ronny Landin, 20, to death on the coast in Nynäshamn, 50km south of Stockholm, after he intervened in a fight between immigrants and neo-Nazis. Five months later, on Halloween, skinhead Ronny à–hman, was murdered by four immigrants “ possibly in revenge.

By 1991, the groups had united under one banner, Vitt Ariskt Motstà¥nd – named after the US white supremacist organisation White Aryan Resistance. Founded by Lund, one of its key supporters was Peter Melander, editor of the magazine Storm, which appealed to ‘race-conscious whites’ to unify.

He published a list of names, photographs, addresses and telephone numbers of around 15 well-known Swedes in Storm – including the chief of police and the chairman of the police union – stating they should be ‘lined up against the wall’. On that list was Steig Larsson “ known worldwide as author of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy – who had antagonised them with his book Extremhögern – The Far Right.

Killer: Anton Lundin-Petterson from Trollhättan, north of Gothenburg, killed a pupil and a teacher at a Swedish school in October 2015 in a racism-fuelled attack. Pictured, the 21-year-old posed for this picture just moments before stabbing a second teacher in the attack

Killer: Anton Lundin Pettersson from Trollhättan, north of Gothenburg, killed a pupil and a teacher at a Swedish school in October 2015 in a racism-fuelled attack. Pictured, the 21-year-old posed for this picture just moments before stabbing a second teacher in the attack

Gruesome: The killer was shot dead by police, after he strode through the school's corridors wielding a sword and dressed like a 'Nazi Darth Vader' 

Gruesome: The killer was shot dead by police, after he strode through the school’s corridors wielding a sword and dressed like a ‘Nazi Darth Vader’

Tensions between the far right and left were exacerbated when John Ausonius, dubbed the Laser Man by the press, went on a killing spree, shooting 11 immigrants with a rifle equipped with a laser sight “ he was arrested in 1992 and sentenced to life imprisonment two years later.

Although he was not linked to the White Aryan Resistance, the group has been implicated in a string of other crimes including one of Sweden’s most high-profile murders “ the 1999 execution of two police officers – Robert Karlström and Olov Borén “ after a bank robbery in Malexander.

Neo-Nazi Jackie Arklöv, a former mercenary, convicted of war crimes in Bosnia, who was convicted of their murder, had joined the White Aryan Resistance as a teenager. ‘What’s wrong with that?’ he asked later. ‘Didn’t you know that Hitler had blacks in his army?’

Although it no longer exists, many of the current neo-Nazi organisations stem from the White Aryan Resistance, including the Swedish Resistance Movement, led by Lund, and the anti-immigration party the Sweden Democrats, which claimed its first MPs in the 2010 general election.

Their controversial campaign, which included a banned television advertisement showing women in burkas jostling with a white pensioner for benefits, won them 5.7 per cent of votes and the balance of power in a hung parliament.

Since then the violence has spiralled out of control. Last October killer Anton Lundin Pettersson, wielding a sword and dressed like a ‘Nazi Darth Vader’, goose-stepped through his school in the industrial town of Trollhättan, north of Gothenburg, after stabbing a teaching assistant to death. He was fatally shot by police after a fellow pupil and stabbing two others in the racially-motivated attack.

An investigation by Expo magazine into his social media activities found that he had ‘liked’ several YouTube videos glorifying Nazi Germany and was a Facebook supporter of the Sweden Democrats.

Then, on Friday, a gang of masked men marched into central Stockholm, handing out leaflets threatening to punish ‘north African street children roaming’ the Swedish capital.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3426413/Neo-Nazis-warn-year-violence-following-attacks-child-migrants-train-station-Sweden.html#ixzz3zCgKRI7J
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