Our karma for destroying Rhodesia and South Africa (or being cowards and letting it happen); “the most impactful film I’ve ever seen” — the 1984 docudrama “Threads” — ultimate nuclear-war realism

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…..Serious karma: WE American and British Whites let the jews destroy our brothers using African negroes


No one could have foreseen that….




He mad bout sumpin:



“Now the rape of White women is the national sport.” — Simon Roche of RSA to me in 2018…plus 60,000 murders out of 4 million Whites.





And now these South African conditions are spreading here in America and Britain, because all these countries have subversive jews!





I  remember well how the Carter and Clinton administrations, both full of libtard white Demoncrats and crawling with wicked jews, actively pushed the overthrow of white rule in Rhodesia and then RSA, the Republic of South Africa. Then spineless actor Ronald Reagan, no libtard himself but a man who knew better, just looked the other way and caved in to the jews and blax under pressure when he was president, just like Trump decades later.

My father knew Reagan and heard his chief of staff, the Texan Jim Baker, say

‘the Blacks want Martin Luther King Day? They want sanctions on South Africa? Fuck the blacks! And for that matter, they’ll never vote for us anyway!’


USS Ronald Reagan



….Runic expert told me about the norse gods and cowardice

I met one of the world’s greatest experts on the runic alphabet, long used by the germanic peoples, in Austin, Texas in the late 1980s.

Each runic letter also was seen by the germanic peoples as possessing a magic power.


This expert later drifted off into “left-handed” Odinism, a kind of black magick involving putting curses on people, just as in voodoo in Africa or Haiti, something which I intensely REJECT. Btw, the Latin word for “left” is actually the word “sinister.”

This man, I noticed, bore an uncanny resemblance to King Ludwig II of Bavaria, who built Castle Neuschwanstein, and was murdered.

Castle Neuschwanstein as painted in 1914 by a Munich-based watercolorist named Adolf Hitler before he went off that same year for four years to war:



*** Wiki on Ludwig II:

Ludwig II (Ludwig Otto Friedrich Wilhelm; 25 August 1845 – 13 June 1886)[1] was King of Bavaria from 1864 until his death in 1886. He is sometimes called the Swan King or der Märchenkönig (‘the Fairy Tale King’); outside of Germany, however, he is more commonly called “the Mad King” or “Mad King Ludwig”.[2] He also held the titles of Count Palatine of the RhineDuke of BavariaDuke of Franconia, and Duke in Swabia.[3]

Ludwig ascended to the throne in 1864 at the age of 18. Two years later, Bavaria and Austria fought a war against Prussia lasting only a matter of weeks, which they lost. However, in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, Bavaria sided with Prussia in their successful war against France. Despite Ludwig’s reluctance to support the Unification of Germany, Bavaria and 21 other monarchies became part of the new German Empire in 1871 (Deutsches Reich), with Wilhelm I, the King of Prussia and Ludwig’s cousin, as the German Emperor (Deutscher Kaiser). Bavaria retained a large degree of autonomy within the Empire under the new Imperial Constitution.Ludwig increasingly withdrew from day-to-day affairs of state in favour of extravagant artistic and architectural projects. He commissioned the construction of lavish palaces: Neuschwanstein CastleLinderhof Palace and Herrenchiemsee. He was also a devoted patron of the composer Richard Wagner. Ludwig spent all his own private royal revenues (although not state funds as is commonly thought) on these projects, borrowed extensively, and defied all attempts by his ministers to restrain him. This extravagance was used against him to declare him insane, an accusation that has since come under scrutiny.[4] Ludwig was taken into custody and effectively deposed on 12 June 1886, and he and his doctor were found dead on the following day. His death was ruled to be a suicide — but this too has been disputed.[5] Today, his architectural and artistic legacy includes many of Bavaria’s most important tourist attractions.


Anyway, this person told me that the absolutely worst crime for the Allfather, Odin, was to be a coward.

Normally, when you die, your soul lives on, something all Indo-European, Aryan peoples believed and knew to be true. In many cases, one eventually reincarnated. Often, a man or woman would reincarnate into one of their own grandchildren. In Iceland, sometimes a little boy or girl would say something, or have some mannerism,  which would cause family members to discuss it and say, for example:

“Arne must be grandfather Harold come back! Look at his chin, and how he stands with his hand on his right hip, and nods his head that way! And they both just loved drinking buttermilk.”

HOWEVER, if you were a stinking  coward, and ran from danger threatening the life of your loved ones, the gods would not let you reincarnate.

This runic expert told me: the gods take your soul, break up and dismantle it.

Your good traits are put, so to speak, on a counter to make a new soul.

I asked, so what happens to the person!?

He answered:

If the gods are disgusted enough, then that’s it. You become dead forever.

You will stop existing for all eternity.



And at this juncture I go back to what the great American novelist Ernest Hemingway, decorated for valor in both WWI and II,  said:



Cowardice indeed comes from not loving anyone or anything.

And if you do not love yourself, your family, your country and yur race, well, does the universe really need you? Not really…. You are just another selfish brat to be forgotten, a misfit to be destroyed. Whether pagan or Christian, as this jew-instigated horde comes at your Folk, and with the worst by far yet to come, WHAT WILL YOU DO?



— or, if ou are just a loveless, heedless excuse for a man, using up good oxygen, then are you okay with the punishment of eternal death?


The great Codreanu:

“I could not define how I entered into the struggle. Probably like a man who, walking the street, with all his own preoccupations, his needs and his own thoughts, is surprised by a fire which is consuming a house. He takes off his jacket and rushes to give help to those who are the prey of flames.

With the common sense of a young man of twenty or so, this was the only thing I understood in all that I was seeing:

we were losing our Fatherland,

that we would no longer have any Fatherland,

that, with the unwitting support of the miserable, impoverished and exploited Romanian workers, the jewish horde would sweep us all away to slavery and death.”





……”Threads” -the unforgettable nuclear-war docudrama 


While already being very knowledgeable about nuclear war and its horrible aftermath, yesterday I did force myself to watch the 1984 British film masterpiece “Threads” to see just how impactful it might be on me as a viewer.

My goal, after all, is to carry out my duty, which I accepted to come here, of changing and saving the white world via my work in the superpower America, and not just adding to my own knowledge base. 😉

So how indeed would it make me feel?

Like maybe even DOING something about it all? 😉

So I saw it, all 1 hour 55 minutes of it.







Heart-breaking….. I hate to see a woman cry. This is a movie of tears and those too overwhelmed to even cry, just rock.

At 68, I  do perceive clearly that —  unlike in the worst of the Cold War, such as the early 1960s with the Cuban Missile Crisis, or in the early 1980s with Reagan versus the Soviets — the jewsmedia are playing way, way down just how utterly dreadful a nuclear war would be — and especially dismal, dreary and deadly for the poor survivors!

Why are the jews playing down the horrors of atomic war?

They do not want THEIR PEDO LACKEY BIDEN to be impeached and thrown out before he can start this catastrophic and terrible nuclear war to crush Russia AND KILL OFF MOST OF THE REST OF THE WHITE RACE !




….. Jew animus against Russia

Two more points: it was, of course, when this movie was released,  Soviet Russia — in 1984 — not Putin’s neo-Christian and parliamentary Russia of today, but, once again, the bad guy in the jewsmedia is “the Russians.”

Only my readers understand that Stalin, a master thug who feared the other thugs, more and more broke with the jews, whom he rightly feared. And while continuing to use certain jews, such as for running the gulag — knowing he could count on jews to shoot Slavs because they hated them — the ruthless Georgian psychopath carried out FOUR great purges of the jews (without ever calling it a “purge of jews,” mind you 😉 ) from the Soviet power structure.


By the end of his life, Soviet policy was that no jew, being a dual loyalist and therefore a security risk, could be the head of any organization in the whole USSR.

(Well, of a synagogue, maybe 😉 )

This is a fact which a Soviet jew from Moscow, a psychiatrist in Boston, a client of mine for improving his American accent, confirmed to me. And as a psychiatrist, of course he had to talk a lot with his patients. A definite jew with black hair, a tan, and a hooked nose, he was actually very friendly to me, and said he missed Russia but he feared a new antisemitism was arising there.

He had a whole library of antisemitic books, among them an autographed book written by David Duke himself,  and also books by jews on antisemitism. I have gotten to know three jews as human beings very well in this incarnation. The real problem is the Big Jews, the pedophile billionaire class, not so much the little ones.

And this rule that jews must not be the number-one of anything applied to the KGB, to which a young Vladimir Putin belonged. He spent years in Dresden, East Germany with the KGB as a counter-espionage officer keeping an eye on NATO. And in the 1990s, back in his native Saint Petersburg, his old former KGB colleagues, the “siloviki,” supported him with this understanding. “No war with the jews, but they cannot be trusted to love Russia as we do. They will always be for their own people first.” 


Here were Stalin’s four purges of jews (while he kept on using certain individual jews all along) :

1) the Trotsky purges of the late 1920s, (with Trotsky/Bronstein himself getting assassinated in 1940)

2) the Moscow Show Trials of Old Bolsheviks;

3) the Cosmopolitan Trials in the late 1940s when the Jews were grabbing Palestine; [“cosmopolitan” = Greek for “world citizen” and a code word for jew, meaning obviously an international people], and

4) the [jewish] Doctors Trials of the 1950s, which was about accusing jewish MDs poisoning Soviet officials.

(Stalin then died suspiciously himself!)

The Soviet Union from 1942 on also became more and more Russian-nationalist.

During the war, Russia became again “the motherland,” the Russian Orthodox priests again came to the front and blessed the troops, and after the German surrender, quite stunning some old communists, Stalin made a famous “toast to the great Russian people.”

So World Jewry by 1945 began to resume its ancient hatred of “the Russians,” a loathing dating way, way back to when Prince Svyatoslav, a pagan, btw, crushed the jewish Khazar Empire in AD 965!

And Vladimir Putin, while not being openly antisemitic, does feel as this chart says:

And so whether they be Soviet Russians in 1984 or Putinsky Russians almost forty years later, the jews, who hate everyone, especially hate the Russians, and they have done so since AD 965!

Prince Sviatoslav smashes the Khazars:  https://en.topwar.ru/78161-1050-let-nazad-druzhiny-svyatoslava-razgromili-parazitarnoe-gosudarstvo-hazar.html

When a Russian speaks of “real Slavs,” he means not mixed with Tatars, jews or other peoples, but blond and blue-eyed like Svyatoslav and his warriors.



…..and now back to “Threads”

For viewers of “Threads”:

It might take a bit of careful listening and patience for North Americans to understand the Sheffield, England accent spoken here — but they will get it soon enough.

The actors were mostly local people, and it does seems a lot more real this way, using real folks — not so Hollywoodish.

And there is no movie music going on in the background; they just show what happens…..just the facts…. and with no histrionics either, the English not being whiners.

They suffer terribly, but mostly in silence, not unlike northern Germans.

The woman holding a teddy-bear as if it were a baby…trying to hold onto her sanity, I guess, and thereby trying to still care about something, anything at all… now that scene got to me. Poor woman….. everywhere death, stench, dust, shards of glass, groaning people, and grayness….

Also, this movie from 39 years ago depicts a “standard” kind of nuclear-fireball war.



But the new Russian Poseidon missile, about which I have been warning since 2018 — for five years now — is a new 200-megaton monster designed to explode underwater. Its purpose is to create a thousand-foot tsunami to wash over much or all of England, a mostly flattish island, drowning most everybody.

This project, now implemented after many decades of diligent Russian work, goes back to to Andrei Sakharov, the father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb (who as an older man became very anti-communist).


This underwater mega-bomb would also flood the entire US East Coast up to the Appalachian Mountains and take out the US West Coast.


I have been saying all this since 2018, right on this website for which 99% of you never send a penny in donations, AND NOW here we are.

But that death by drowning from the Russian tsunami bomb would almost be merciful, compared to what “Threads” shows:

First, Sheffield’s NATO air base takes a full nuclear blast, the wind knocking over buildings and then sun-level heat comes,  frying people alive to skeletons,

to be followed by

— fallout sickness

— cancer

— nuclear winter, with years of poor crops

— cataracts and blindness from the ozone layer being destroyed

— babies born either dead or deformed

…and, almost worst of all,

the very jew government that brought this war about, now rules by martial law, and the jews decide who gets food.

ONLY  if you perform unpaid slave labor in the fields with a hoe — like a serf back in 1300 with no fuel for tractors — do you get anything.

Disobey — and the state cuts you off.

Oh, and they have guns, not you.

The Big Jews now control you totally.

You are directly at their mercy:

slave away silently,

or starve.


What’s not to like if you are a jew?

Of course, the goy can always scrounge up some firewood, and then catch, roast and eat the rats.

They are actually scurrying all about, thriving from eating corpses.

Britain has fallen from 67 million people to 11 million.

That means 56 million cadavers, stinking away but perfect rat food.




….Okay, so here is the movie;  do not be a coward now — WATCH IT

Young lovers Ruth (Karen Meagher) and Jimmy (Reece Dinsdale) decide to get married after Ruth unexpectedly gets pregnant. But their quiet lives in Sheffield, England, are threatened when the Soviet Union and the United States go to war. After a nuclear attack destroys a NATO base 20 miles from Sheffield, the town falls into chaos.

Forever Geralyn
1 year ago
For me, this is the most realistically acted apocalyptic films ever produced. Saw it years ago. Watching it again years later, it still has the same gut wrenching impact. The true horror is that there’s no monsters or zombies, the destruction all comes down to humanity, or lack thereof.

9 months ago
I’m so glad to see that somebody put this masterpiece on YouTube. I read somewhere that “Threads” only aired once on the BBC, but still had a huge impact on public opinion about nuclear weapons. It scared millions of Brits half to death. It scared me when I watched it more than any gory horror movie. Its like you see what nuclear war means: the death of creation.


La La Ha Ha
4 months ago
This movie is a haunting masterpiece showing us how spoiled we are and that it could change in an instant.


corn on the cob
7 months ago (edited)
This movie is incalculably depressing. It fascinates me. It’s incredible how transparent and surreal this movie is. It’s almost as if it’s completely avoidant of all media influence. It’s literally a glimpse into some other dimension, it seems.

One of the most depressing and profound moments, for me, was when the famous paintings were being taken down. It’s nothing short of the death of humanity and its perseverance to so much as TRY to live.

“You are better off in your own home. Stay there.”


Yondo central
1 year ago
This movie has no music to tell you how to feel and yet it’s still the most impactful film I’ve ever seen


4 months ago
Saw someone mention this movie somewhere online so I decided to watch it. Normally I don’t pay much attention to “disaster movies” as I have been disappointed so many times over the years, but this one.. maaaaaan. This, to me, seems like perhaps the most realistic outcome of a nuclear war I’ve ever seen in a movie.

Unlike most movies that show a happy ending of humanity moving on, this one just builds up, sinks you into darkness and leaves you in the pit of despair which it just dragged you through. Top quality. Also glad to hear the cat scene was not an actual cat suffering.


The Real 411
1 year ago
I’ve heard how depressing this film is. Now that I’ve finally watched it I realize

it’s far more depressing than I ever imagined. The end is especially staggeringly powerful.


1 year ago
The real people who won in this movie were the ones that were vaporized instantly


…or see it here:





Reviews on rchive.org

Reviewer: Liz1540 – favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – February 1, 2023
Subject: Threads

Depressing, scary but brilliant in its reality. I still remember seeing it w-a-a-y back on tv. There were a few movies around like that at the time, reflecting the current political tensions in the world. The US also produced a few films but they were so, ‘everything will miraculously turn out in the end because we’re Americans and we’re invincible’ theme.
The UK version was much more brutally honest, and scared the bejeezus out of everyone who saw it.
Reviewer: Cherryaa – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – October 21, 2022
Subject: Depressingly brilliant

I couldn’t watch this in 1984. A post-war child, I grew up with siren tests and absurd nuclear drills involving the kitchen table and a white sheet. By the time ‘Protect And Survive’ came out, I already knew the newer advice – though better – would also be useless. We should be called the Jaded Generation: prepared, and knowingly unprepared, for two possible futures; one of them short and horrible.

I’m incredibly grateful to have lived, instead, with Option One. Bizarrely, MAD (mutually assured destruction) did afford us pretty comfortable and safe lives, powered by the drive to rebuild and explore instead of the opposite. Sure, it’s imperfect and numerous mistakes have been made – but none close to the worst that could have been.

Even decades later, I cushioned my re-watching of the film by reading first about how it was made. What a masterful achievement! On a tiny budget, using local people instead of known actors and with inventive DIY special effects (the burns are made with Rice Krispies and ketchup), the team created a realistic apocalypse whose possibility still threatens – and always will, for as long as MAD remains the best compromise.

This should be remastered and re-released.

Reviewer: Tomthumb111 – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – October 18, 2021

Threads is a towering achievement that did so much to wake the world up to how gruesome such a conflagration would be.
Reviewer: Kementiri – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – February 5, 2021
Subject: Still scary even in 2021

I remember being 17 when this was first aired and being scared out of my mind. The people of today never had to live in the shadow of a looming possible nuclear war. It got pretty real in 1984 with Reagan in power and then Gorbachev as well.
Being a Canadian teenager, I remember feeling powerless and having many nightmares of this impending doom. They even wrote songs on the bloody radio about it. I am amazed we have made it to 2021 but now we have Covid 19 to deal with. There will always be something 🙁
Reviewer: Dee_Snutz – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – September 22, 2020
Subject: Cliffhanger

But what does the baby look like?
Reviewer: sawlty chris – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – January 26, 2019
Subject: Great movie.

I saw this movie when it first aired on KCOP network back in 1984 during the final stages of the Cold War. A very humbling movie and something that the millennial generation must see to understand what life is when the very little things we take for granted are lost and make no mistake about the aftermath of a nuclear war, this is it. Fallout turns your family into an elimination sequence in front of your eyes, imagine never seeing a cheap bowl of beans, rice, hot dogs and instead, rat meat and someone else’s bodily remains. Wake up, people, and count your blessings. This can happen anytime in anyone’s life and anywhere.
Reviewer: davidcummings65 – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – November 11, 2018
Subject: Threads a B.B.C. telivision production.

Threads was a B.B.C. television Documentary-Drama … It is Not a Film or Movie.
I was made by the B.B.C. as a documentary-drama
1, A documentary in the context of explaining (with an audio narrator) and showing the implications with explinations of actions.
2, A drama using a human situation narrative incorporating a city and its inhabitants thus incorporating a nuclear audio-visual storyline
Reviewer: dethkids – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – May 26, 2018
Subject: Trumped&Kim’d to Oblivion

This was horror-show horrible & I don’t think many people realize how awful the sick toys our leaders play with are. I live in Nevada too, and being from Las Vegas, having a Nuclear Test site Museum and discussions of such things as a norm, I did not even grasp the horrific pandemonium and lifeless dismay that such a terrible weapon good cause. Not to mention our new inventions of mini nukes that spray a bunch of tiny nukes all the hell over creating nasty pockets of nightmares around the world as I sit back in U.S. looking forward to my next enjoyment and entertainment. This movie made me sick in an enlightening and very aware way.


The news feeds overloads of fear to the public with the us vs them brainwash, but this shows how we are all in this together and at the end of the day, each other food and a home on earth is all that matters. Everyone ESPECIALLY in these times and any other when humans wish to flirt with annihilation, MUST SEE. Adieu fellow human beings, I love you all more than you’ll all ever know.
Reviewer: Dutchlady – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – February 28, 2018
Subject: Raw and impressive
This movie is certainly one of the most impressive and realistic movies I ever saw about this topic. How is the world (in this case the UK) suüpposed to truly cope with the aftermath of a nuclear attack? Who is in charge, who gets food, medical treatment, who gets a bed to sleep in, etc?
The movie is a storyline, varied with all kind of figures and numbers of casualties in every stage of the 13-year period the movie clasps. I would recommend this movie to everybody who is interested in these kinds of movies.


I will use this. 😉
But here is a caution. After my movement begins, and WWIII continues to loom, do NOT  imagine I will send all you moochers money to get you up here to the UP.
Isolated, nearly all-white, right-wing, massively  pro-Trump in 2016 and 2020, full of guns and veterans like me …. with good soil for farmers, deer for hunters, lumber for houses….

But if you never sent me one dime when I was desperate, why are you the kind of person I would want near me?

I just had to sell my paid-off house to continue my operations – and it will take weeks to pack up and move, then settle into a new place.
Why did I sell a really nice, paid-off house?
1) My finances went down by 75% when Margi died.
And 2) there was no increase, but a decrease in donations from you!
 I have a record of every donation by name going back to 2013.

$2,876 plus four excellent books since December first

So users and empty talkers, go cook and eat your rats who fed on your own mother’s corpse and die.

Keyboard commandos, this is you. 😉

My God is tough love. My honor is DOING THINGS.

Offended by the truth? Awww, tell it to the Marines!



With both yin and yang, we will wake our folk up. I sold my house, just off the lake, and full of memories of my beloved wife, to do this great task.
Margi, dying, whom a Herschel Goldfarb called a “disgusting old hag.”                                   
There is only one thing to do with absolute evil that gloats over her death.


  1. Exactly. For a long time now there has been an anti-white crusade against our homelands. White history, culture. our way of life, and our jobs all have to be diluted in the name of multiculturalism and diversity.

    Inviting gimmegrants into our white homelands is like mixing dog shit with ice cream. 😉

    Poor gimmegrants leaving their self-made shitholes to turn our white countries into the same shitholes they left behind… whilst claiming they are British like me!

    Different history!
    Different language!
    Different DNA!
    Different culture!

    So how exactly are you “British” like me?

    Utter multicultural Bollocks.

    Now, whites are ethnically removing themselves due to suffering from rainbow vision. 😉

  2. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/mystery-schoolgirl-14-dark-secret-26912862.amp

    British schoolgirl was groomed, raped, murdered, turned into kebab meat and sold to the public.

    What bastards thought immigration was great? What bastards tried to cover it up?

    Since Britain has had open borders for gimmegrants, there have been 1000s of rapes, murders, kniffings, drug factories, prostitutes, child grooming gangs in every town. Drink drivers, the eating of Britain’s wildlife [such as swans, among them, those in the ponds of our public parks]….and there are the shoplifters, scammers, nd fraudsters, raiding our churches at night.

    Then the bastards complain about 150-year-old statues of famous men who were “racists”.

    Are the White Cliffs of Dover the wrong colour? Do tell us, you gimmegrants wogs!

    • Thanks, Carl.

      IMO the cops know who killed and ground up that girl, Charlene Downes.

      IMO, the cops also knew in the 1890s who Jack the Ripper was, but because he was a jew, a gimmegrant Khazar from Poland, they lied on orders from On High that the case was unsolved.

      After all, we mustn’t cause any “Islamophobia” or “antisemitism.”

      And the murder of beautiful BBC tv reporter Jill Dando, uncovering paedos at the BBC, is also still “unsolved.”

      And the BBC House itself still has an openly pedophilic sculpture out front!

      • The police have told me personally that they are reluctant to press charges against gimmegrants as they will be called racists! Ffs!

        Its a badge of honour when I’m called a racist. I’m loving it.

        Police officers regularly destroy forensic evidence of Muslim grooming gangs. They tell victims not to talk to the press.

        The self-confessed killers of Charlene Downes walked free, due to incorrect police paper work. The child rapists even got compensation.
        I’ve been in court when self-confessed Muslim child rapists walked free.

        The BNP under Nick Griffin launched public demos to get these child rapists retried and successfully jailed.

        The police and barristers [lawyers] are the problem.

        The woke bastards let Muslim paedos walk free!

        Teachers also support Muslim paedos and criminals.

        The media try to not report such incidents.

        Let the self-confessed paedos walk.

        I don’t mind running the fuckers over. I’ve got insurance. Any moaning survivors will be despatched via my hammer

        It’s a nasty old world, John — so glad I’m a bastard.

  3. At the time of that quote (1975), a Rhodesian veteran told me “Ian Smith will capitulate. He’s a Mason”.

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