Kaufman video breaking down in layman language the real story with viruses and vaccines; civil war ahead between vaxxed and unvaxxed?

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Spanish girl weeps and pleads as nurses force the deadly vaccine on her.




There is a new, excellent interview with Andrew Kaufmann, MD, by Russian Kate Sugak (Екатерина Сугак), in English.[1] All the major aspects (virus theory, infection theory, etc.) are discussed and illuminated.

Catherine asks excellent questions, and Kaufmann is also a great didact. One of her videos presenting PhD Stefan Lanka’s findings has already been translated into 21 languages.[2][3]

There is certainly action on the global enlightenment front, John. knowledge is now making its way around the world; and there is no stopping it. 🙂

Description on Rumble: “Andrew Kaufman and Kate Sugak on pseudoscience of Virology, Germ Theory of disease, contagion vaccine shedding and more”, 55 minutes,


[1] At Odyssey: “Kate Sugak interviews Andrew Kaufman”, 55 Minutes,


Excerpt at 53:13 — Sugak finds words of appreciation for the quality of Kaufman’s knowledge transmission, breakng things down simply for the layperson, to which he replies:

“Well, Kate, you know, these scientists have, like, a trick, that they create their own language, right, to make sure that no one else comes on their turf and takes their piece of the pie, and of course, they make it very complicated so it makes them sound smarter.

But in reality, we’re all able to understand these experiments. They are not very sophisticated, and you know we can just use our own common sense and reasoning. We have forgotten how to do that, but we all have the abilitity to do that — and so I am very lucky that I can translate, you know, these scientific principles into a way that people are accustomed to thinking.

But I firmly believe, that everyone is capable of understanding these principles and even learning this bogus scientific language [of theirs] if they want to spend the hours required to do that.”

[2] https://rumble.com/user/Virusomania
[3] https://odysee.com/@DeansDanes:1


……Think about this cartoon

Especially important blogs




My last donation was this, four days ago:

I have two huge donors, and one is about to lose his job, and the other has retired from working for health reasons and at his wife’s appropriate urging.

Also, my cancer caretaker checks for $1239 a month for helping Margi have stopped.

This site will go down if I do not get $1200 a month in donations.

And you will die, cursing yourself for your inaction.
…..The German comrade continues:

To your article:

“Meanwhile, the unvaccinated will inherit the Earth and be able to function at seemingly “super power” levels in society, thanks to their normal, healthy functioning brains, hearts, reproductive organs and more.”

That is one of the saddest and most depressing statements I have ever read.

Presumably, however, this is what will happen. Little by little, more and more structures of civilization will collapse, and it will no longer be possible to compensate for the loss of manpower. Surviving relatives will have to take care of family members who have been seriously injured by the vaccination, while still having been vaccinated themselves.

We are currently experiencing the largest mass suicide in human history, the largest human extermination ever.

“[…] at seemingly “super power” levels in society […]”. You have to imagine that: Even unskilled native helpers will suddenly become an exceptionally sought-after workforce, as they will be among the remaining functioning (unvaccinated). With all the tragedy, and as (unintentionally) cynical as it may sound:

The unvaccinated will not have to worry about a job anymore. There will be more than enough work waiting for them and also a great wealth of opportunities regarding the choice of work.

One can hardly imagine what will come now:

After the repression, there will be an unprecedented mass panic. In addition, there will be hyperinflation, economic collapse, and the final phase of flooding our nations with Third World people.

When the ignoramuses wake up, there will be an unprecedented counter-reaction.



Even if it takes 25 generations….. we will reincarnate again and again until they are gone.



  1. Questo è terribile ma lo immaginavo 🙁
    Non andrò mai contro un vaccinato.
    È semplicemente quello che vogliono i Giudei per dividerci.
    Non avranno questa soddisfazione.
    Hanno fatto troppo male e continuano…

    • Transl:

      This is terrible, but I imagined it would turn out this way.

      But I will never rail against any vaccinated person.

      It is simply that the Jew wants to use this to divide us.

      They will not have this satisfaction.

      They have done so much that was hurtful and now they continue …

  2. Hi John, I think this article is of key importance:

    “Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxides in CoV-19 Vaccines”,


    It contains detailed analyses and many photos of microscope images and describes in detail and in a generally understandable way that the damage is vaccine-induced and not “virus”- or “infection”-related.

    Blood images are also included: “[…] In Figure 1 You Can See What A Cluster Bomb of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Looks Like in the Live Unstained Human Blood after a CoV-19 Inoculation Causing Pathological Blood Coagulation![1][2][55][56][57] […]”


    In German: Impfstoffanalysen

    Hallo John, diese zwei Artikel (englisches Original und deutsche Übersetzung) sind meines Erachtens von zentraler Bedeutung:

    “Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines”,


    Sie enthalten ausführliche Analysen und viele Fotos von Mikroskopaufnahmen und beschreiben detailliert und allgemeinverständlich, daß die Schäden impfinduziert sind und nicht “Virus”- oder “Infektions”-bedingt.

    Auch Blutaufnahmen sind enthalten: “[…] In Abbildung 1 sehen Sie, wie eine Streubombe aus reduziertem Graphenoxid (rGO) im lebenden, ungefärbten menschlichen Blut nach einer CoV-19-Impfung aussieht, die eine pathologische Blutgerinnung verursacht![1][2][55][56][57] […]”

    • Thank you very much.

      I read already on VK a French translation of all this. What mars it all, without actually disproving it, is that Robert Young is not a legitimate PhD at all.

      In fact, he did prison time (he was sentenced to 44 months) for claiming to have earned a PhD degree. His diploma is from an unaccredited natural-medicine college which was sued, changed its name and then went out of business: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clayton_College_of_Natural_Health

      However, to be fair, I think Young is a sincere and idealistic person, I have listened to audios of his shows on the Internet, and his research may be legitimate.

      It may also be that the college was unfairly persecuted by the Establishment. But there are other schools that teach nutrition and natural medicine, and they do not have these accreditation problems. My problem is with him claiming a PhD.

      In my own case, I chose to go to a recognized and elite university, Georgetown, and to stay there for the full four years to get my diploma there. I knew that in the long run, this was the best choice. For the same reason I joined the Marines and then the Virginia Army National Guard and did very well at both places. Both offered very good military training — AND their legal status gave me true crediblity with the masses.

      The basic problem now is that when Young writes something, is is true?

      Here is the very hostile, somewhat slanted and, in places, perhaps unfair and wrong Wikipedia article on him:


      I would advise rebels to go to an accredited university, get their degree there, and then branch out on their own path with their own theories, but having a legitimate diploma on their wall.


      DE Vielen Dank.

      Ich habe bereits auf VK eine französische Übersetzung von all dem gelesen. Was das Ganze schadet, ohne es tatsächlich zu widerlegen, ist, dass Robert Young überhaupt keinen legitimen Doktortitel besitzt.

      Tatsächlich saß er im Gefängnis ein (er wurde zu 44 Monaten verurteilt), weil er behauptet hatte, einen echten Doktortitel erworben zu haben. Sein Diplom stammt von einer nicht akkreditierten Hochschule für Naturheilkunde, die verklagt wurde, dann ihren Namen änderte und dann ganz zu bestehen aufhörte: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clayton_College_of_Natural_Health

      Um fair zu sein, denke ich jedoch, dass Young ein aufrichtiger und idealistischer Mensch ist und seine Forschungen legitim sein können. Es kann auch sein, dass das College vom Establishment ungerechtfertigt verfolgt wurde. Aber es gibt andere Schulen, die Ernährung und Naturheilkunde unterrichten, und sie haben diese Akkreditierungsprobleme nicht. Mein Problem ist, dass er einen faken Doktortitel beansprucht.

      In meinem eigenen Fall entschied ich mich, auf eine anerkannte Elite-Universität, Georgetown, zu gehen und dort die vollen vier Jahre zu bleiben, um dort mein Diplom zu erweerben. Ich wusste, dass dies auf lange Sicht die beste Wahl war. Aus dem gleichen Grund trat ich den Marines und dann der Virginia Army National Guard bei und schnitt an beiden Orten sehr gut ab. Beide boten eine sehr gute militärische Ausbildung – UND ihr Rechtsstatus gab mir echte Glaubwürdigkeit bei den Massen.

      Das grundlegende Problem ist jetzt, wenn Young etwas schreibt, die Frage ob es wahr ist?

      Hier der sehr feindselige, etwas schräge und stellenweise vielleicht unfaire und falsche Wikipedia-Artikel über ihn:


      Ich würde Rebellen raten, an eine akkreditierte Universität zu gehen, dort ihren Abschluss zu machen und dann mit ihren eigenen Theorien ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen, aber ein legitimes, anerkanntes Diplom an der Wand zu haben.


      FR Merci beaucoup.

      J’ai déjà lu sur VK une traduction française de tout ça. Ce qui gâche tout, sans pour autant le réfuter, c’est que Robert Young n’est pas du tout un docteur légitime.

      En fait, il a fait de la prison (il a été condamné à 44 mois) pour avoir prétendu avoir obtenu un doctorat. Son diplôme provient d’une université de médecine naturelle non accréditée qui a été poursuivie, a changé de nom puis a cessé ses activités : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clayton_College_of_Natural_Health

      Cependant, pour être juste, je pense que Young est une personne sincère et idéaliste et ses recherches peuvent être légitimes. Il se peut aussi que le collège ait été injustement persécuté par l’Establishment. Mais il existe d’autres écoles qui enseignent la nutrition et la médecine naturelle, et elles n’ont pas ces problèmes d’accréditation. Mon problème est qu’il réclame un doctorat.

      Dans mon propre cas, j’ai choisi d’aller dans une université reconnue et d’élite, Georgetown, et d’y rester pendant quatre ans pour y obtenir mon diplôme. Je savais qu’à long terme, c’était le meilleur choix. Pour la même raison, j’ai rejoint les Marines, puis la Garde nationale de l’armée de Virginie et j’ai très bien réussi aux deux endroits. Tous deux offraient une très bonne formation militaire – ET leur statut juridique me donnait une véritable crédibilité auprès des masses.

      Le problème fondamental maintenant est que lorsque Young écrit quelque chose, est-ce vrai ?

      Voici l’article de Wikipédia très hostile, quelque peu biaisé et, par endroits, peut-être injuste et erroné sur lui :


      Je conseillerais aux rebelles d’aller dans une université accréditée, d’y obtenir leur diplôme, puis de se lancer sur leur propre chemin avec leurs propres théories, mais en ayant un diplôme légitime sur leur mur.

  3. Thank you for the ongoing analysis, summaries, and reader comments on Johndenugent.com

    A supplement: on August 18, 2021, there was another interview with Jane Ruby, with reports of German doctors analyzing the blood and vaccine serum under the microscope, with many microscope images:

    English video, 13 minutes, among others on Bitchute: “Stew Peters With Dr. Jane Ruby – VAXXED Patients’ Blood Examined, Horrific Findings!”,

    Audio file of the whole broadcast: https://stewpeters.podbean.com/e/breakingphysiciansexamine-bloodof-vaxxedpatientsreveal-horrificresultsfather-fightsforson-as-texas-forcesgender-transition2-kids-confirmed-dead-aft/

    Original German video (17 minutes) can be viewed here, among others: ” ” (URL is so long),

    Download link: https://odysee.com/$/download/———⚠️/a43a1cd75afd8e24a24933c739e06ffee7b4da20

    German translation of the StewPeter interview, download link: https://odysee.com/$/download/USA–Dr-Jane-Ruby-bei-RVM/abeaed0128bf7ce042272293d4384bbdcf5a9211


    In German: Impfstoff- und Bluatanalysen II:

    Danke für die fortlaufenden Analysen, Zusammenfassungen und Leserkommentare auf Johndenugent.com

    Am 18. August 2021 gab es ein weiteres Interview mit Jane Ruby, mit Berichten von deutschen Ärzten, die das Blut und das Impfserum unter dem Mikroskop analysieren, mit vielen Mikroskopbildern:

    Englisches Video, 13 Minuten, unter anderem auf Bitchute: “Stew Peters With Dr. Jane Ruby – VAXXED Patients’ Blood Examined, Horrific Findings!”, https://www.bitchute.com/video/2UUI5eCqIB5n/

    Audiodatei der ganzen Sendung: https://stewpeters.podbean.com/e/breakingphysiciansexamine-bloodof-vaxxedpatientsreveal-horrificresultsfather-fightsforson-as-texas-forcesgender-transition2-kids-confirmed-dead-aft/

    Deutsches Originalvideo (17 Minuten) unter anderem hier ansehbar: ” ” (URL ist so lang),

    Herunterladelink: https://odysee.com/$/download/———⚠️/a43a1cd75afd8e24a24933c739e06ffee7b4da20

    Deutsche Übersetzung des StewPeter-Interviews, Herunterladelink: https://odysee.com/$/download/USA–Dr-Jane-Ruby-bei-RVM/abeaed0128bf7ce042272293d4384bbdcf5a9211

    • Thanks.

      Jane Ruby is jewish, but some jews do tell the truth. She does have a PhD, in health economics, but does not have any degree in a bioscience or in medicine, which does not impinge on the accuracy of her views.

      The “German doctor,” Bärbel Ghitalla, is a Heilpraktikerin (literally “healing practitioner”), which means a licensed natural physician, like an American naturopath.

      This is not an MD degree, which is okay, since many MDs are just zombies of the pharmaceutical industry and gigantic hospital chains. I and Margi have encountered some MDs who just memorized and repeated whatever their hospital told them to say. They rarely read scientific or medical journals, assuming the hospital heads have done so.

      Such MDs are basically bright, good memorizers…. who will not question the narrative for several reasons.

      There are about 44,000 Heilpraktikers in Germany. Heilpraktikers are legal and recognized in Germany under a 1939 law  (passed, thus, during the Third Reich period). They are not quacks.


      The somewhat slanted Wiki article on all this:


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