Kennedy pointedly ignored Jews, antisemitism and IsraHell in his speech to the ADL; Nixon, his 1960 opponent, on American jewry

Joseph P. Kennedy, center, member of the Harvard class of 1912, at the class celebration. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the Maritime Commission, came to Cambridge, Mass. to attend Harvard commencement on June 23, 1937. He is shown here with John F. Kennedy. (AP Photo)
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John Kennedy at Harvard did not fully share his father’s fierce antisemitism, which his brother Joe had fully embraced, which IMO led to Joe’s death in WWII when his bomber somehow “exploded in mid-air.” (By amazing cohencidence, President Rosenfeld’s son happened to be piloting the bomber right behind it.)

But that anti-jewish resentment did erupt later when JFK was president and had to deal with Israel.

Kennedy realized the Israelis, under Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, were secretly building The Bomb, and feared an Arab-Israeli nuclear war could erupt or even WWIII. Note the body language.

I have published before on my site the short and cold speech, found below, which JFK gave to the ADL, which was about as warm as a meeting with an ex-wife’s divorce lawyer.
There was no genuflection to jewry, no weepy tears about the Holocaust, and no paeans for “brave little Israel.”
In fact, Kennedy did not use once the word “jew” in his entire speech!!! It was entirely a salute to the GENTILE Founding Fathers! No bootlicking!
The jews got the message, or rather the confirmation of the message: antisemitic Joseph Kennedy Senior’s son was now in charge of the United States.

All the jews demand of a president of the United States is this:




Nixon and Reagan on the Blacks:

Nixon to Rumsfeld on the Blacks:


  1. Chickens are coming home to roost.

    I believe it was a growing awareness of Jewish power and influence that caused the launching of the Covid crisis with its lockdowns. That awareness will only intensify.

    Regarding the Blacks, the cruel punishment of the Mc Michaels will have a lasting effect on White/Black relations.

    The times are favorable for the growth of White Nationalism and what Arnold Leese termed “Jew wisdom.”

    • Yes, but we need earthling wisdom, too.

      As a little kid already I noticed the jewish Star of David at the top of the Great Seal of the United States, found prominently on the back of the US one-dollar bill.

      Is there one single American adult who has not held hundreds of these one-dollar bills in his hands?

      I wondered:

      “How come no one else sees this, or asks about it? What is this jewish symbol doing ABOVE the American eagle?”

      The problem is in us.

      I showed this to a local businessman in Apollo, Pennsylvania, in conjunction with educating him about NUMEC, Israel, the cancer epidemic in the town, and the John Kennedy assassination.

      His reaction was:

      “Even if you convince half the town yoy’re right, they still won’t do anything.’

      The problem is in US.

      The jew is openly giving us The Finger.

      • White Americans are a trusting people. That is a virtue that has paid off handsomely in many ways for the betterment of the country.

        The downside of this trusting nature is that it can be exploited.

        However there are limits to how far this exploitation can be carried out. And when these limits are exceeded there will be a reaction.

        I personally have faith in White America. I think the aforementioned limits have been exceeded, and a reaction has already begun.

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