……Remember Kathy Shelton; Hillary victim Kathy Shelton tells her story
Having been through something like this myself, I wept when I saw her speak. The Greatest Commandment in nature is to protect defenseless little kids! They are the future — our next generation!
Poor Kathy was in a coma for FIVE DAYS, and after suffering severe injuries in her female area, her doctor told her she could never have kids. And her rapist got off for time served. Damn Hillary to hell!
This world is truly a kind of hell. But it is this way because of us. We tolerate evil, and do not support those who choose to fight.
Kathy’s lawyer (also an attractive and articulate woman, btw) also makes good points.
Btw, in another interview she said she did not date men and lived with another woman. I see this a lot — women who were molested by a man as a little girl are so scarred that they avoid men. 🙁 This too is tragic! I find Kathy cute, even now as an older lady, and she could have had nice-looking white children!
As Sean Hannity brings out, now there are “rape shield” laws that forbid lawyers from attacking the character of the victim — nowadays, only the rape and who did it is the issue — and what Hillary did to this poor girl would be illegal — calling her a slut and fabricator, which also were totally false and outrageous charges in this girl’s case, and they increased her trauma.
United States
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, almost all jurisdictions in the United States adopted some form of rape shield statute. The laws in each state differ in the scope of sexual behavior shielded and time limits of the shield. Many states do not permit any evidence relating to the past sexual behavior of the victim. This encompasses evidence of specific instances of the victim’s prior or subsequent sexual conduct including opinion evidence or reputation evidence.[4]
The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 created a federal rape shield law.[5] The military has incorporated the rape shield law into Military Rules of Evidence, Rule 412.[6] The military’s rape shield law also applies to Article 32, pre-trial proceedings. [7]
Kathy, 12, a sweet girl, and her mom
Hillary Rodham (Clinton) fiendishly blamed the girl…. saying she “romanticized sexual experiences.” Hunh?!?! There are no words for this creature.
For all Trump’s flaws, in 2016 he gave Kathy a platform.
Kathy liked and/or retweeted two tweets I sent her.
…..VIP pedophiles
My most popular video came out on April 20, 2015
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