Know your Protocols — the whole jewish master plan! They want total goy chaos, stopped by total jewish rule

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There once were great leaders, such as Saint and King Louis IX of France, who ruled his nation justly for 46 years and waged war on both jewish and muslim enemies. The fearless and devout king (who died while on a Crusade) also had thousands of Talmuds publicly burned.

Like many northern Frenchmen in the Middle Ages, a mix of native Kelts and Teutons, Louis had blond hair and blue eye.



A British white comrade, activist, father and husband, who is also a former British soldier who saw active combat/urban duty in Northern Ireland and later in the Mideast, saw my article on the US Navy’s official drag queen…..

…and commented:

Is this a f**king joke?

How embarrassing and disrespectful! Next they will be wearing cocktail dresses and high heels on ships.

I can’t believe the top brass allowed this. Some of the comments on the clip sums up feelings. Truly a world gone mad. The armed forces need disciplined, aggressive and technical types who can fight.

Words fail me.

Is this part of the plan? To destroy trust in politicians, police, teachers, armed forces…noo more strong leaders, only wokey ones.

So we accept a NWO to”save” us from the mess they engineered?

The EU is now economically dying. The financial power has been moving east for a long time….to Russia, China and India.

Africa will become one giant farm and industrial complex under China’s rule, as it’s cheaper to use Africa with its low wages than China.

Britain joined the Common Market for trade, not governance from Brussels. It took Britain’s politicians 10 years to give us a referendum on EU membership.

640 MPs and actors think it is right to tell 64 million people if they should get a referendum or not on the EU, the wnkers. Who do they think they are? Bloody commie bastards.

Merkel is a German jew and former STASI officer. Her real name is Dorothea Kasner. Why all the subterfuge?

The Labour Party (Google labour25) sent a junior minister to sign an important treaty document, the Lisbon Treaty. She never even read it. This document gave away even more of Britain’s laws and powers. And the silly bitch never even read it!!! She was ordered by Labour to “just sign it.”

This is a legal contract and she never read it.

All 640 MPs, and Fanny Davito (Barack Obongo) should be chained by the ankle and chased around a field in a flail tank whilst the speaker blares out “Tomorrow belongs to me.”



I responded:


Yes, exactly, Carl.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a work which I and other active antisemites believe to be a mega-brilliant analysis of the jewish master plan for world conquest by an antisemite posing as a jew.

The Protocols in Modern English pdf

Others who see it this book that way — as an insightful antisemite posing as a semite to draw attention to his amazing analysis — include David Duke, who for all his serious faults is a very good anti-jewish & anti-Israel activist, and also Vincent Reynouard, the great French revisionist on the Holofraud and on the supposed Waffen-SS “massacre” at the French village of Oradour.

Reynouard is now languishing for many months in a Scottish jail and fighting a completely illegal extradition from the UK — where Holocaust “denial” is still legal and therefore Reynouard has committed NO crime —  back to France, where since 1990, under a law named for the French jew politician Fabius, it has been a felony to refute the Holofraud.

Anyway, the Protocols say that the jews should impose on the gentile nations certain gentile puppet politicians who are utterly stupid, incompetent cowards. They will be told to create a colossal mess.

Think of Teresa May, Rishi Sunak, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Volodimir Zelensky, Emmanuel Macron, and Olaf Scholz in Germany — or go back to George “Dubya” Bush — all uninspiring, abject, overt failures.

Dubya was often unable to complete any longer sentence in a grammatical way, usually speaking in third-grade-vocabulary and in three-word bursts.

He also had no presidential dignity. For eight excruciating years this man was a national embarrassment.

Even FOX News once carried an item where a psychologist and expert on SAT test scores determined his IQ was 117, so low that it would make the Commander in Chief of the US military — the one who got us into the debacles of Iraq and Afghanistan — ineligible to be appointed a second lieutenant in the US Army.


Compare these recent losers with the master politicians (whether evil or good) of the past such as Clinton, Reagan, Thatcher, Helmut Schmidt in West Germany, a defense minister and then chancellor….

His wedding photo during WWII with his bride Hannelore (“Loki”) as a Luftwaffe lieutenant; Schmidt’s Wehrmacht file said he was an “excellent officer” with a “vorbildliche NS-Haltung” /being an “exemplary incarnation of NS values”)  

Defense Minister Schmidt helped the Bundeswehr become a first-rate fighting force against the Soviet threat

Schmidt speaking confidently, clearly and amusingly in perfect English at a British Labour Party conference:

And there were men like John Kennedy, Charles de Gaulle in France (who was also an excellent writer and thinker, btw) and, I hate to say it, Churchill in Britain.

Churchill was an almost great leader, almost-great because while he did get America into the war and did a lot to defeat Germany, his decisions bankrupted the British Empire he cherished and ended it, because white rule was now evil.

Also near-great, sadly, was FDR in America, who for all his evil, overwhelmed the old Republicans, in-the-closet, pro-white antisemites — and the paleo-conservative forces on the Right, and got himself elected four times in landslides.

FDR makes a joke out of a Republican rumor that he had sent a US Navy destroyer to pick up his dog, Fala, a Scottish terrier:

Rosenfeld did run the US war machine very effectively, especially in choosing the highly competent German-American Dwight Eisenhower as his top general….

His D-Day invasion at Normandy (and not at Calais) was pure evil but an amazingly successfully deception and an awesome feat of planning and execution. I visited Normandy, home of my ancestors, and Omaha Beach there, plus the beautiful US Cemetery. It is just amazing how the Americans in the US ‘Army (a third of them of German blood) persevered and got up those cliffs under fire. The white race had a lot of competent leaders back then.

For thousands of years, for obvious reasons, especially in republics or constitutional monarchies, our leaders, like our businessmen, teachers, farmers and clergymen, were often bright, inspiring, energetic, popular and skillfull. They got to the top by having “the right stuff.”

So, going back now to our incompetent goyish “leaders” of today, this is the scenario:

The entire West becomes one gigantic, suffering, quivering pigsty, with a starving, lawless society, and undergoing possibly a race war, with a collapsing economy, becoming a total mess in every way.

And maybe there will be a “Died Suddenly” demographic collapse, where tens of millions die right on the street, including vaxxed doctors, vaxxed nurses, vaxxed cops, vaxxed airline pilots, and vaxxed soldiers.

Maybe the “dumb Italian” Anthony Fauci will become the scapegoat, together with the “stupid [supposed] WASP” Bill Gates.

And why not also blame the hated GERMAN-American, the 6’3″ blond, blue-eyed goy, Donald Trump, ahem, Mr Warp Speed.


All this jewish authorship of the whole Covid mega-crime will be forgotten:


Then the jew-controlled media, having bashed all goy leaders, will order new Gentile puppets to rise up ………….and humbly beg the jews to come and rule us.

Yes, the very chaos which the jews caused (how classic, and, as Margi always said, the jewish motto is “start a fire/sell a firehose”) will be ended only by the top goyim sellouts literally begging our betters — the brilliant, competent, highly successful jews whom the bootlicking Count Coudenhove-Kalergi ever glorified — to take the reins openly, and so let The Jews directly rule the West from their sacred capital of Jerusalem.

And their Freemasonic goyish lapdogs put this out too in their own way.

A one page summary of the Protocols:

— Goyim are mentally inferior to Jews and can’t run their nations properly. For
their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them
with a single government. This will take a long time and involve much
bloodshed, but it’s for a good cause. Here’s what we’ll need to do:

— Place our agents and helpers everywhere
— Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
— Start fights between different races, classes and religions
— Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
— Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
— Appeal to successful people’s egos
— Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
— Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism
— Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
— Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
— Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
— Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
— Rewrite history to our benefit
— Create entertaining distractions
— Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
— Encourage people to spy on one another
— Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
— Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold
— Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
— Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
— Replace sound investment with speculation
— Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments
— Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

Eventually, the Goyim will be so angry with their governments (because we’ll blame them for the resulting mess) that they’ll gladly have us take over.

We will then appoint a descendant of David to be king of the world, and the remaining Goyim will bow down and sing his praises. Everyone will live in peace and obedient order under his glorious rule.

“The remaining goyim” means this — 500 million miserable goy slaves are still alive, whereas 90% of us are to be killed off by war, disease, sterility and famine.

And it all comes down to this: Wil our race again have, welcome and accept a visionary, dynamic, and brilliant leader?


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