Know this, and now more than ever; superb video on jewry for awakening normies starting to doubt the System

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Not looking very jewish…. This was posted on Putin’s answer to Faceberg, VK (which has been owned since June 2021 by the Russian government of Vladimir Putin, whom many WNs slander as a jew, a pedophile, etc., even right on VK! I will do a blog on the three questions: Is Putin part-jewish? Whether he is or not, does he actually sympathize with jews? Or did he maybe in the past only, now “wising up” to the JQ, and turning against them as they turned against HIM?)


Führerin Lynn
yesterday at 8:42 pm

It is important for our people to fully understand the serious consequences that come with posting pro-white content. We are living in a territory that is occupied and governed by a hostile, foreign tribe of people that want to end our bloodlines. Speaking out against jewish power will get you put onto lists and tracked, even if it’s not the “feds” doing so. Law enforcement acts at the behest of NGO’s like the ADL to target those exposing the jewish agenda of demographic replacement.

They will try to dox you so that you’ll be fired from your career [happened ot me both as a Marine  and as a teacher] and be unable to support your family. They will flag your accounts across social-media platforms to get permanently banned to take away your 1A rights online.

They will then build a “red-flag” case against you using your online posts to remove your 2A [ = gun] rights. They will get any charge against you elevated by calling it a hate crime which then adds potential time to your sentence. They will then turn the majority of the public against you prior to a trial (tainting the jury pool) by calling you a White Supremacist or neo-Nazi that wants to genocide all non-whites repeatedly on their “news” and media outlets.

The average person will never defend you because they have been indoctrinated since birth to disavow anyone speaking positively about the white race and against egalitarianism. They have used the fabricated story of the Holocaust to ensure no one wants to be associated with those ideas that were the norm in western countries prior to WW2.

This is not intended to discourage you from engaging in pro-white politics and to fight for the future of our race. This is meant to ensure that you fully realize what’s on the line when you do. This isn’t about edgy memes, follow counts, or online clout. It’s about ensuring a future for white children, and it comes at serious personal risk to wage that fight.


…….I had $3, now $153. An Aussie came through for me. And for you.


…..Superb video for normies who are asking questions

As we all know, there are so many sheeple with glazed-over eyes who cannot (yet) be reached.

Then we all have friends, relatives and colleagues who have that questioning look in their eyes that WE had, years ago, as our awakeniong priocess began.

Without having any facts to run with, they are nevertheless SENSING at least this — that something is very, very wrong.

This is one of those videos that are perfect for such cusp-normies, normies who are on the cusp of full awakening to both the racial and  the jewish problems.

I had a few quibbles, however,  regarding this documentary:

Excellent video….. Ken O’Keefe, the fmr Marine, is superb to start it off, and he does sometimes openly discuss the JQ. (I have seen him go into the USS Liberty attack, 9/11 and the crushing of the Palestinians:’Keefe ) I have seen O’Keefe interviewed on RT, btw.
Good info on Moses Hess, too. But who is the older man, an educated Brit by his accent, who speaks about Marx and slavic genocide at around 8:21? He should really be identified —- his status and expertise, in other words, why he is qualified to say these things. And Ken O’Keefe should be identified, too, as perhaps “Gulf War US Marine veteran, activist”….
Viewers may be asking themselves, “Just who are these talking-head dudes? Why should I trust THEIR word?”
Btw, it is such incredible chutzpah that the richest people on earth should want Palestine to be GIVEN to them. Why not just PAY the Palestinians if you want their land, out of the trillions of dollars you jews possess?



1 Comment

  1. Of all the people with whom I’ve spoken [in Britain] about Mr Putin’s actions in the Ukraine, 99% are anti-Russian.

    When I ask them why would Mr Putin even invade the Ukraine? — 100% have no answer.

    Truth –the big jews want Vlad gone so Russia can be broken up.

    The states and regions will be in constant conflict to achieve this goal whilst the corporations and Big Jews steal Russia’s natural resources.

    Most of the warring regions will be muslim, anti-Christian and anti-white (except for young white girls and boys, for whom they have a nasty taste) and they are nuclear-armed.

    Then a Muslim leader will be allowed to emerge and lead a global jihad against ALL non-Muslims. That’s you. Dopey!

    Another global war for the Big-Jew bankers.

    Your children will die screaming whilst being raped.

    And YOU did nothing to stop it.

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