FBI harasser; “knowing” something, but not how or why: “One Hour Photo”; the Reich occupies the Slavic Czechs in March 1939 — why? GERMAN A-BOMB

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This is one of my more mind-blowing blogs, and I congratulate you for being here, for starting it, and even more so if you finish it — you are a special person. 🙂



…..What is the subconscious mind?

The conscious mind is what is thinking or reading words, watching tv or listening to a podcast.

Here is an example thereof:

You are back in high school, in the cafeteria (or the mess hall in the military), eating your lunch at a group table, either rectangular or round,  looking at your food, and maybe, these days, also “checking your phone.” 😉

All around you at the lunch table are conversations between various friends or colleagues, maybe two or three going on, and maybe even more are happening at the table next to you and within your earshot.

But your focus is on YOUR food and YOUR phone.

That is the conscious mind, aware of, and focusing on, only one thing at a time.

However, say your name is “Steve Logan,” and someone at your table or the next one over audibly says “Steve Logan is a prick” (!) or “Ask Steve Logan — he’ll know,” suddenly you hear your own name and stop what you are doing.

How can that be?

Because the subconscious mind literally HEARD and processed ALL THE CONVERSATIONS at those tables — ALL OF THEM!

It was just focusing on the food OR the phone.

But it took them ALL in!

The subconscious mind is also like a radar screen at LaGuardia Airport (in New York) or O’Hare Airport (in Chicago).

It is ALWAYS tracking ALL the planes……



If you are a big-city air traffic controller, you will see on your screen dozens of jets which are flying to or from your airport, or just passing through the region at high altitude on their way elsewhere. 

What interests you — what you focus on — what you are aware of — what your CONSCIOUS MIND is following — is only those $116-million-dollar, 93-ton jets, full of living, breathing people, which are preparing to land — or jets that are drifting too close to one another. 

Our mind is useful like that, a double mind, actually, focusing:

1) on the task at hand — which may be life-and-death decisions, such as the air traffic controller makes every minute, or you as well when maneuvering your car through hectic traffic in a round-about (also called a “rotary”) in a big city, yet

2) on everything in your environment, because another mind part is always taking everything before your eyeballs or your ears.

(If someone honks at you, suddenly you refocus on why — what his problem with you is.)

I myself do life-and-death tasks thrice daily, actually, even aside from being a high-profile, harassed and attacked white nationalist.

When I crush up pills for Margi to take via her feeding tube, as I still will be needing to do thrice daily for another month or two (until her throat has recovered enough from her throat cancer to be able to eat and swallow solid food again), I had better not give her too much morphine (or other powerful drugs, such as thyroid)!

I have to focus, and do the checklist.

Pill cutter & pill crusher on the left in my hand; checklist on the counter; and a basket full of prescription meds to deal with Margi’s pain (which is going down), and whatever remnants of cancer might still be there in her throat, trying to make a “comeback.” I also drive Margi everywhere, and walk with her very carefully on the ice and snow of our six-month winters. At just 87 pounds, she has no extra “padding” if she falls! 


*** My FBI harasser wrote me I am a “parasitical windbag” for being a paid Michigan cancer “caretaker” for Margi.

Yeah, I get $20 a day, Mr. Literal Cocksucker, like tens of thousands of other Michigan caretakers — and it’s a lot cheaper for Michigan taxpayers than putting a sick person in a home, hospital or other institution. I am SAVING the state money by being the caretaker! 

Meanwhile, YOU get paid $75,000 a year to sit on your pedophile lard-ass, and harass an American citizen and Marine and Army veteran….

….while boasting how you are listening in illegally, via our smartphones, on our private conversations as a couple inside the basement of Margi’s house, such as me gently scolding her for using the f- and d- word when she gets stressed out. 

With those $20 a day, I of course bought myself a big red Ferrari, don’cha know. 😉 

Actually it’s a 24-year-old Crown Vic, and it is off the road currently because I cannot afford car insurance.

Here is your proof, readers, that the Deep State is out of control — that whereas President Donald Trump issued an executive order very early in his administration that Homeland Security was to focus on Islamic terrorists, not white nationalists, the FBI ignores the orders of the President of the United States, and in fact, whether it is Comey or his compadres, tries to take HIM down!)


But, hey, once you kill a John Kennedy, in a coup d’etat, Mr FBI, it does get easier all the time to murder the innocent, right, FBI?

The Jewish War on the Kennedys

And this ultimate parasite accuses me of getting food stamps. Yes, I do, along with a ton of other white folks whom you Jews have thrust into poverty here in the UP of Michigan, closing the paper mills, shipyards, and copper and iron mines here.

If you attack me for that, you are attacking about a quarter of the 98% white people and VETERANS (like me) here in the UP.

So have at it, dickwad.

The difference between me and other UP whites is this:

I lost an inheritance from a multi-millionaire father because I am a national socialist.

And I lost my last “sort-of” good-paying job, $3K a month (which is not a lot at all in the expensive Boston area), in 2000, 19 long years ago, due to a leftwing Jewess at the private school where I was teaching and  the Jew principal.

But just remember, bad karma will get you: via other humans — or God Himself. Laugh now — you won’t then. And you will never intimidate me, just fire me up more.

Anyway, getting back to “One Hour Photo” (LOL 😉 ) I was thinking about my own subconscious mind, and how it reacted violently — with a full understanding of the film which my conscious mind lacked — to a movie in 2002.

My conscious mind only half understood it, and other moviegoers also were confused by its message.

Yet, subconsciously, I sure did totally “get it,” and my entire body burst out in a sweat like a sauna, literally during a Boston snowstorm. I began taking my parka and wool ski cap off as huge snowflakes came down upon me, and an icy breeze blasted my sweating body!

My subconscious mind was torturing me — about something that was monstrous, sick and horrible in my childhood at the hands of the Jews! 

And after this part, I will later on tell you about a weird feeling I got from another life, and how something the former Waffen-SS soldier Hans Schmidt wrote — his criticism about the German Reich occupying the entire Czech Republic, the slavic part, not just annexing the German “Sudetenland” part, in March 1939, a critique which seemed reasonable but lacked knowledge of secret facts.

I just knew it was wrong, and way off the mark, in a way that I knew, and felt, that Hans could not have known.

I FELT (accurately) that Hitler was right and Hans (a fervent national socialist, btw) was wrong, but was just not sure why — as I read it.

….About One Hour Photo:

The other night Margi, I and a house guest watched this movie that had utterly changed my life back in 2002, “One-Hour Photo” with Robin Williams.

He starred as a lonely nerd (a white male, and blond and blue-eyed,  btw) who worked in photo-developing at a Walmart-type store.

Well, while developing some family photos for his favorite customers, a family, he discovers something which horrifies him, and he goes nuts.

In reality, though many moviegoers do not “get it” at all, Williams is NOT any kind of  stalker or creepy, just a pitiful, lonely man who wanted an ersatz family.

….to be their “Uncle Sy.”

And when he confronts the adulterous husband with a huge knife, it is mostly his own “cry for help,” with no one actually getting physically hurt.

You can watch it here, and it may give you insights into a tiny bit of what happened in my life, though my own time in hell was part of the far worse thing, the Manchurian Candidate, MK-ULTRA government torture program: https://www.amazon.com/One-Hour-Photo-Robin-Williams/dp/B000I9VZRA

What I found, as Margi and her friend (who loved Williams as an actor) watched it with me (for me, it was the second time viewing it) was that the movie really confuses oblivious people.

And, hey, having repressed it all, even I did not consciously “get it” when it first came out in September-October 2002…

Or actually I did, but only on the subconscious level.

And that is why only my body had a radical reaction to it as I left the movie theater in the Back Bay of Boston, as I was about to blithely stride over to the subway station for the ride back to Winthrop, Massachusetts.

I had instead a totally subconscious eruption, an emotional upheaval, because of this film.

It actually was a “good” crisis, where after it passed I knew I had to get some answers.


In “Good Will Hunting,” Williams is a caring psychiatrist who lifts weights, is macho, and can nudge Matt Damon’s character into the courage to face his own terrible childhood pain.


But in One Hour Photo, Williams himself plays the human wreck and the agonizing “basket case.”

Under police interrogation – after he only scared the adulterous husband and his tussy with the knife, and did not harm them —  Williams (“Sy Parrish”) breaks down and blurts out to the detective what was done to him as a kid.

The detective suddenly “gets it,” he feels compassion, he sees no one was overly harmed, and he thanks him for being so open.








So, no, “One Hour Photo” is not about a sicko stalker. And no one gets hurt.


The cheating husband probably even straightened out as a result, as a late scene implies.


In fact, maybe it was a win-win, because Sy too benefits, finally letting it all hang out, the horror, when a child is abused to the core by evil adults, and now “Sy” may even get some serious therapy help.

…..which is what I did, at age 49.

Yes, Mr. Tough-Guy Marine. Even I got so tired of my constant, searing, wake-up-screaming nightmares, decades of either insomnia or nightmares that after 1) this movie, and then 2) the Boston Globe exposé of pedophile Catholic priests, I went and got help. 🙂



My personal triumph of the will over the secret, federal MK-ULTRA and Manchurian Candidate programs for the kids of the “elite”

And yet I stress this, that what the Jewnited Snakes Deep State does to white children in the cellars of houses, padded with mattresses to keep the sound of shrieks out, is FAR worse even than what some individual pedophile priest did in a car, or some sicko dad ever did so he could sell child-porn pix, using his own kids, to make money.

Clint Eastwood’s “Mystic River,” also set in Boston, goes a bit into all this.





Here is an except (I know you cannot take too much of this…) from the book Unshackled, and this was “only” at the MK-ULTRA level.

This was NOT at the even more hideous, even more satanic, even more soul-scarring “Manchurian Candidate” level of pure, sick agony — where the CIA/FBI/Deep State is funding “white supremacist Nazis” who are neither white nor WNs.

Instead, the perps are committed JEWISH and Gentile Satanists. They rape, torture and kill WHITE CHILDREN,

….or force them to rape and kill each other, gladiator-style, to be spared torture and death themselves.

And then these Khazars tell the trembling, urinating-on-themselves-in-fear, fainting little-child victims

“WE are Nazis.”





“Ten years ago we provided support to a woman exiting a ritual abuse-torture (RAT) family and group. At that time the social silence about the reality of RAT was deafening. Kathleen Sullivan is continuing to break this silence by speaking of the atrocities she experienced as an infant, child, youth, and vulnerable adult. Her writings are an important contribution to a civil and human rights movement focused on devel
oping a child-friendly world.”

— Linda MacDonald RN, BN, MEd & Jeanne Sarson RN, BScN, MEd

Kathleen Sullivan — was tortured and forced to kill babies and children to become a mind-controlled “hitwoman”

“I met Kathleen Sullivan near the beginning of my healing as a ritual abuse survivor. We connected through PARC-VRAMC. It was early in the survivor movement, but Kathleen was already there reaching out to others and sharing her knowledge of recovery issues. I purchased one of her books, Lessons We Have Learned: A Survival Guide, and found it full of valuable information. She told me about her living memorial
garden to honor the dead, and comfort those who had survived. I was able to see some of the gardens, walkways and monuments in her newsletters and on her website.

“When I considered starting my own non-profit organization, it was Kathleen who pointed me in the right direction, and assured me I could succeed. With determination, I found my way through the stacks of government forms. Kathleen has remained a courageous and outspoken advocate to this day. She is an example of strength and fortitude. I wish her much success with her new book. She has earned that success. May her book be a means to educate the public and assist survivors around the world.’

— Jeanne Adams, founder of Mr. Light & Associates, Inc.

“Kathleen Sullivan makes the critical connection between the communications industry and the mind-control projects. Her ability to see through the pain and horror to the truth, the actual reasons behind the systematic abuse of children, is exceptional. I highly recommend this book for those interested not only in what happened, but why.”

” Patty Rehn,
US Contact
The Advocacy Committee for
Human Experimentation Survivors (ACHES -MC)

“We all look for the purpose God gave us to be put on this earth. Sometimes we come to find out that purpose. If I have one thing to teach from my experience, it is that we must be knowledgeable so we don’t continue to make the same mistakes and allow bad people to take advantage of us and our children. The answer is there. Dig for truth and then share it.”

— Jackie McGauley, Advocate,
Affirming Children’s Truth (ACT)
TunnelReport @ aol . com

“As a criminal-justice trainer and consultant on cult crimes and crimes against children, one of the difficult tasks is coming to terms with the unacceptable evils that are done against little ones. One has a choice: ignore it and pretend it isn’t real, or face it and do
something about it.

The second way is more painful and difficult; but to do nothing is to let the evil flourish. Ms. Sullivan’s book is a book that demands a response. Read it only if you are prepared to be responsible for the awful truth you will learn, and brave
enough not to turn away.”

” Dr. Gregory Reid, DD
Occult Research and Crime Consultants



Unshackled 2


When I was only four years old, Dad started making me kill babies, his hands forcing mine. Each time he made me kill a precious baby
(really, he killed it), he said that either I would do exactly as he said, or he would kill the baby himself, after giving it additional pain. Dad never made an idle threat. When I resisted, he immediately tortured the infant and laughed, forcing me to watch.

Although the guilt of killing the babies was unbearable, I knew they were better off with my killing them as quickly and painlessly as possi-
ble, than if my father tortured them first.

I couldn’t possibly live in both my home and ritual worlds with a single mind and consciousness. I’m certain I would have either gone insane
or died from the cumulative emotional shock and physical pain.

Since he kept me up late during those rituals-going to bed around 3:00 AM was the norm-I was often sleep-deprived the next day.
Exhausted, I sometimes accidentally slipped into a trance state. When I did, I had flashbacks of the rituals. The strange words spoken at them poured out of my mouth. To a psychiatrist unfamiliar with ritual chants, my words might have sounded like “word salad,” a kind of gobbledygook spoken by some people who suffer from schizophrenia.

Each time I did this, either Grandpa M. or another relative drove me in his car-usually a station wagon-to a flat-roofed, one-story facility
some distance from the city. Mom usually sat in the front, passenger seat while I lay down on the back seat to keep from throwing up from motion sickness.

The driver usually parked just beyond a dull-colored, plain metal door on the right side of the building, near the back. Each time, I was whisked through that side entrance, then a short distance down the narrow corridor into the first empty room on the right.

Each time, I was made to lie on my back in that private room on a single-sized hospital bed, with my wrists and ankles in leather restraints.
Up to my left, in a cement wall, was a white-covered window. The door to the corridor was across the room. It was also made of dull-colored



metal with a small, criss-crossed, wire-reinforced window that a tall, putty-faced, brown-haired man in a white medical coat occasionally
peered through.

Whenever Grandpa M. brought me there, he talked to me alone in the room, reminding me that I had to stay there until I stopped “talking.”
After he was gone, the room became my safe place. Alone and undisturbed, I was able to remember what I unconsciously repressed at home. 6

In that private room at the facility, I fully remembered the secretive, occult rituals. I remembered that Dad took me to several different buildings in the Reading [southeastern Pennsylvania] area. I remembered a large, encircled hexagram on the floor of each ritual room-white if the floor was painted black, and black if the floor was light colored. I saw the flickering white candles that were placed carefully on each point of the star, where it touched the circle. I heard the otherworldly chants of my relatives and other adults who walked around the circle, clad in long black robes with pointed hoods.

I recalled ritualistic activities that my father and other adult cult members performed in those buildings. Their “sacrifice” might be a child to
be raped, an animal to be killed, or-on special days-a (pure) infant or a child to be slaughtered. Afterwards, during the inevitable anticlimatic
orgy, I was ordered to sexually service the adults.

I remembered another night when Dad took me into a large wooded park near our neighborhood. There, he bound me, naked and inverted, by my wrists and ankles to a big wooden cross that he’d laid on the ground. After he restrained me, he inserted a cattle prod into my stretched vagina and electrically tortured me in a way that quickly broke my mind, creating an alter-state that compartmentalized a deep and powerful rage.

During some of the indoor rituals, Dad told me that child sacrifice was sanctioned by God, because He had commanded Abraham to sacrifice
his son. He also said that unholy communion-cannibalism and drinking victims’ blood-was sanctioned because, after all, Christians professed to drink Jesus Christ’s blood and eat His flesh during communion.





Whew. 🙂


…..”Knowing” Hitler HAD to occupy the Slavic part of the Czech Republic

So, anyway, Hans Schmidt wrote once in his GANPAC Brief (here is an example from 1987: ganpac-brief-feb-1987-hans-schmidt) that Hitler DID make SOME mistakes, for all his many achievements.

I was fine with that.

But not with his example thereof in that issue (and I am just paraphrasing his argument, which SEEMED very reasonable):

‘The world understood it when Hitler reunited various Germans into the German Reich: the Saarland, Austria, and the Sudetenland. And what could the other nations say — “the Rape of Austria?” — when the German-speaking Austrians cheered him fervently as German troops poured into the Alps?

But when he annexed the rest of the Czech area in March 1939, calling it the “Reich Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia,” there were no cheering crowds this time, not among the Czechs…

And this annexation, which had not been agreed to with the other Great Powers at the Munich Conference of Sept 29, 1938,

The British PM Chamberlain; the French PM, Daladier; Hitler, Mussolini, and his foreign minister, Ciano

played right into the Jews’ hands, suggesting Hitler was indeed “out to conquer Europe, and then the world.”

Yes, the Czechs also had some important industries that were useful for German production — engines, steel and armaments — and yes, Czechoslovak was shaped just like a dagger, pointed at the interior of Germany+cum+Austria….and it could have allowed French or Soviet troops to land there and set up military bases against Germany….. BUT taking it was a PR disaster.

And it helped Churchill, Roosevelt and the war hawks to claim Germany was insatiable, gobbling up country after country, and a menace to world peace.'”




But here is what Hans did not know, and as I read it, I knew he was wrong, but as it was another life, I could not recall the details that buttressed my feelings.

And reincarnation often means this: you have a feeling, a hunch, an attraction or aversion to something, someone or to some idea, and you do not know why.

But you have a very strong, insistent “feeling.”

Here is the overriding truth:

The Czechs had uranium.

And everyone was out to build The Bomb first.

Back when I had been a Jehovah’s Witness (1970-75), I read once a report on how the JWs fared in Czechoslovakia (badly) after WWII, when Stalin and his Red Army controlled the country.

I read in one of their Yearbooks how he rounded the Czech male JWs up, and tried to force them to mine for uranium for the Soviet A-Bomb.  If they refused, right in the wintertime he had them stripped naked, and then doused over and over with buckets of ice water. It was agony.

When I read this, something in me went



Here is confirmation.


Tomas Rychtarik, the local director of Diamo, said the area contained the largest known reserves of uranium in the European Union: at least 70,000 tons, or enough to power the country’s six reactors for 70 years.

So this is how reincarnation works for most people:


You “know” certain things, but not why. 🙂


. ….See also

We had the Bomb first, but it was inadequate. The Americans used GERMAN A-bombs to devastate Hiroshima and Nagasaki (the only two cities in Japan with large Christian minorities!!!) —

…but our early bomb only knocked down paper and wooden buildings! It was mostly radiation and heat, and just a weak “blast” (air wave)!

And the Allies threatened to poison-gas all of Germany with 10,000 bombers — if I did use it on them!

Hiroshima: — every steel-reinforced concrete building still stood! 

Remembering Rochus; what I told him about the Bomb



…..Who really was and is JdN?

Margi took this shot in May 2019 near the old Franklin Mine in Hancock, Michigan, and you can see — in very, very exaggerated form with the dowward, sideways angle of the harsh sunlight — the unique double bulges over the inner eyebrow area — and the “V” that flares off it onto my side forehead.




Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

Why it should be beyond obvious to not look exactly like Hitler


I dyed it black so you maybe, just maybe finally “get it.”  😉 My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look like The Average Man myself — like a working-class man.  

Same mindset, same cheekbones, same sloping forehead, same twin bulges over the inside of the eyebrows, same v-ridges in the upper forehead and creases along either sides of the forehead, same height, same DEEP-blue eye color, same marionette facial line back from the chin — and the same military leanings, and an uncanny ability to speak both fluent German and Austrian dialect with no American accent.

Even my compositional style, just as with Mein Kampf back then, is way-too-long paragraphs, and concepts far too advanced for the average Joe. 😉
Hey, I admit it — I am too wordy.
I often actually think in German, and my style in English occasionally shows it. 🙁
And I never kiss my readers’ butt, but instead I openly pour out my scorn like the mustache-guy on all WHITE whiners, WHITE excuse-makers, WHITE cowards and WHITE bumblers!
This was, in fact, the real me coming through in the bitter and sarcastic original title of Mein Kampf!

4.5 Years of Struggle

Against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice

— A settling of accounts [with my enemies]

…and a certainty, since age 5 on, that I WAS THAT MAN, AND — gulp  —worse, much worse, that I WAS THE REBIRTH (a soul GIVEN A NEW CHANCE) of the MOST HATED MAN on this earth.
Oh, Shit! Here we go again! 😉


with unique, rare, solid, dark blue eyes – not an Irish or Polish light-blue, not a blue-green, and not blue-gray either. Solid, deep blue. 


Here is some humor — but the serious point is this:  The whole Hitler approach may have turned the Germans on — who are a highly militaristic, stern, soldier-like people, and the Spartans (if not “Klingons”) of the white race — but all those uniforms, heel-clicking, and the sieg-heiling turned the rest of the freedom-craving white world OFF ;-(


The Hitler strongman image, face it, was a huge turnoff to the freedom-loving Americans, who are genetically a heavily keltic people (meaning the common English people, and of course the Irish, Scots, Welsh and the southern Germans).

Hitlerism, the one-man rule, the dictatorship, was seen as a step backward in Western Civilization into the Middle Ages, and as a slap in the face to what the Founding Fathers wanted — freedom of speech and a limited government.

Even the young John Kennedy, secretly very antisemitic like his dad, disliked the Hitler approach, while also admiring the man’s achievements.

One-man rule went very much against our Anglo-Saxon grain, our fear of megalomaniacs, and the famous dictum of Lord Acton:

“All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

We all know the Ancient Romans were no liberal, peacenik hippies.  Nor were they opposed to powerful leaders……

But for five hundred years even the Romans banned one-man rule and kings — establishing even a dual presidency, two consuls — two rulers — and even those two were closely supervised by the Roman Senate.

SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus — “the Senate and the People of Rome”


So this time around, the flavor of National Socialism has to be modified, but the core ingredients are exactly the same!

The Aryan folk community is invincible — and must live again!

God, guns,guts and glory!

And this time, Jews,

it will be the world!






  1. Prussia was disbanded because it was the world’s most premier example of an authoritarian state with negligible corruption. How anti-Semitic!

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