Kwitcherwhinin’ and get on VK!

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Try putting this on Faceberg! 😉

I invite everyone for the one-zillionth time to (as we say in Pittsburgh) “kwitcher-whinin’ ”  and join me and other super-hard-core types over on VK, which at this point seems to be 99% censorship-free.


I think Putie, himself p-o-ed to the max at Israel after his Il-20 was shut down (killing 13 of his officers) and arming Assad now with deadly S-300 missiles against the Zios, has put the word out to let the WNs say and post just about whatever they want on VK…. even AH glorification, which is really, really hard for most Russkies to take.


Also, a major Russian Holo “denier” ‘s conviction was overturned.

Brave Russian professor acquitted by Perm jury of “Holocaust Denial” — Jews wallowing in self-pity


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