John and Canadian Brian Ruhe (, two of 35 WN activists whom the WN couple Kyle Hunt and Sinead McCarthy have defamed, discuss Hunt and the lessons to be learned about slanderers in this lively, one-hour videochat:
Brian Ruhe
2 weeks ago
Sinead McCarthy at Renegade Broadcasting has publicly attacked me since late January 2017.
Kyle Hunt and his spouse Sinead McCarthy run Renegade Broadcasting. When I joined this scene in 2014 I greatly admired Kyle as a brave hero and their website was the biggest influence on me at that time. They were both on my show twice and Sinead was the first person I asked to record the lyrics to the songs I rewrote.
Then, as soon as Trump got elected Sinead turned against me for supporting Trump. They were both my friends and I didn’t do the slightest thing against them.
I was shocked and publicly humiliated when they went to many hours of work to slander my reputation in two videos that they made. They have yet to understand the consequences of their actions. Sinead McCarthy and Kyle Hunt have done some excellent work in the past 10 years but they made one mistake: they attacked Brian Ruhe. They created an insulting, lying posting about me on Rational Wiki, and they hid the fact that they made it. When anyone Google’s my name, they positioned it right at the top because they were so JEALOUS of my rising good reputation.
I don’t have the technical skills they do and they know it. Here are their posts with one video:
Eliza Thentor
These two from RT, most especially Sinead, were nasty to people in general in their comment section. Any person that were not as red-pilled as them, Sinead went “for the throat”. I did not like their attitude.
I once was a believer in Jesus, but I changed as I got older and read lots.
Now I am an Agnostic, a believer in reincarnation, and I also tend to Paganism as a sort of ethnic/cultural glue between my folk and our Gods being archetypes or reincarnations for our people; and I also must say I have taken a lot of abuse from Christians only because by I stated these beliefs above.
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
The new faith which I am about to proclaim honors Jesus, as AH did, while refuting the toxic parts of Christianity which are just Paulianity.
Svord Aldeen
Kyle is a shill
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
“Shell” or “shill”? Actually, both might be true.
Mukunda Dasa
Can you see his jew locks?… This shill and Jesus-hater is in plain sight!
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Thanks very much, comrade. It is amazing how these people can execrate Jesus yet call themselves NS when the very founder of NS sincerely r-e-v-e-r-e-d Jesus, as the Timothy Ryback book proves, and so did his great mentor, Dietrich E! Keep up the great work! 🙂
…… It gets worse
….Does satanist Hunt now control Bitchute?
Bitchute now deleting all my comments and responses under my own video about satanist Kyle Hunt as spam!
UPDATE: All deleted comments have now been restored. I guess someone realized what a disaster it would be for Bitchute and its fundraising to be seen as lackeys of Kyle Hunt!
Sinead McCarthy, Hunt’s wife
…..Email about this video:
Loved your interview with Brian Ruhe! Lots of good subjects.
Interesting concept the life review between incarnations. I have always liked the Egyptian deity of MAAT, who judges your heart against the weight of a feather. And I have thought that there needs to be some accounting for your deeds after death. (Not like Christianity.).Your understanding of Hitler is greater than mine. One thing others use to smear him is his relationship with Geli Raubal, his niece. What’s your take on that?.
The death of Angela Raubal; the supposed flaw in reincarnation of not remembering previous lives
Kyle Hunt, seen in the foreground, and his wife Sinead McCarthy did fantastic work on the film version of the superb book “Hellstorm.” (It was about the Allied abuse of German civilians during and after the war, and was written by Thomas Goodrich (seen in a bandanna). Margi and I did six voices for it, and then I heavily promoted the film upon its release…….but then, in a stunning and sudden development, Hunt went off on me without provocation…..
–defamation in general and Hunt’s specific slanders against me;
–Hunt’s and McCarthy’s over-the-top, vicious hatred of Christ, Christianity and Christians
–Jewish and Israeli hatred of Christ;
–the traits of a psychopath and of a satanist;
–Jesus as seen by Hitler and Dietrich Eckart;
–Hitler’s well-underlined books on Jesus in his three personal libraries;
–Jesus’ failed project of radically changing Judaism;
–what the world would be like if Killary had won in 2016, not Trump;
–the real meaning of the world “devil” (diabolos in Ancient Greek), meaning SLANDERER
–infighting as literally treason
……Last blog before I start my religion
I waited for 1) Margi to beat her cancer (yes), 2) also for a good but super-liberal houseguest to leave (yes), and 3) for the right mega-crisis (yes — corona).
All conditions are now “go.”
The next blog will be my religion and message to the world.
This is no time to curtail financial support. Do you realize that IF I FAIL, YOU ARE TOTALLY DOOMED?
….Gosia on certain Pleiadians giving up
After seeing these two videos, and the absolutely genuine frustration they express,
I decided even more that she and the whole Taygetan thing are authentic. Basically, however, they have decided that 99% of humans are hopeless, nasty zombies,
and the fact is that we cannot win with 1%.
1) Gosia, normaly all cheery and happy, here turns very frustrated and attacks UFO researchers for jealously ignoring her/their work, and talks about profound Taygetan disappointment, so I would be worried, very worried.
2) a live chat
What I came to realize is that the problem is this, that Gosia is a nobody, however caring, mature, smart, brave, cute and industrious she clearly is.
And so my time has come.
Nothing ever has any effect until a big name endorses it and big money gets behind it..
…..I want to thank God and the angels for a searing, horrible but very motivating experience I just had
I have written of my certainty that I was in the MK-ULTRA program as a child, part of my pretty extraordinary life.
Why Khazars are building a pedophile elite; my personal hell as a child in MK-ULTRA
I have also written how, thank God, I have no specific memories of being in the very, worst, most horrible branch of that torture program, the “Manchurian Candidate” program.
It is designed to take kids of the social, business, military and educational elite and mind-control them to be puppet leaders: presidents, senators, generals, admirals, police chiefs, newsmedia anchors, movie stars, etc.
The whole point is for the victim to repress everything via experiencing horrors so unspeakable that your brain makes you forget everything, and thus you have no idea whatsoever that you are mind-controlled, nor what sick, outrageous tortures were used to get you that way.
It is essential –think about it — for the Jews that a puppet president NOT REALIZE he was tortured, or by whom, why, and to what end.
Because if said president ever he woke up, he could unleash with hate and vengeance in his heart the full fury of the federal government on the Jews.
Anyway, it seems that Someone On High decided I needed a final jolt of righteous anger…. so I actually go to the very end of the high diving board and dive in,
….as Hitler reincarnate (“the most evil tyrant who ever lived”), denouncing the Jews, saying they actually serve a reptilian race out to genocide us humans, and that reincarnation and aliens are real.
I am guaranteed to reap a firestorm of ridicule, threats, retaliation and violence when I do, one that will escalate as, to the surprise of most, it take off with quite a few people who are doers.
But I have to do my duty.
Because Jesus was right:
Only the truth, and the intensive, true love of it, as expressed by just one thing, the courage to fight and die for it, can set us free.
….. and especially now I must act, and thus stop the closing-in-for-the-kill NWO Corona hoax.
……Spiros Skouras: Banning our cash and “digital currency” are imminent and fatal for all freedom
Well, what triggered an and righteous rage in me was this.
I was reading how chicken farmers get rid of male chicks, simply because only females, the hens, lay eggs.
Anyway, it is called “chick culling” — — (and it is disgusting).
This video shows a macerator, which grinds the live chicks up alive. At a massive hatchery operated by Sanderson Farms, which supplies chicken meat to Walmart, Sysco, Arby’s, and other companies, a PETA eyewitness documented newborn chicks left to languish in barren plastic crates, then being ground up alive.
I saw this video and then suddenly I had THAT FEELING. My legs became rubbery and I had to go sit down fast on the couch as my head spun. It was a feeling of being about to lose consciousness, of being about to faint.
I have no conscious memories of what was done to me in the “Manchurian Candidate” program, but as I sat there on the couch (and Margi’s sweet cat kindly hopped on my lap and acted very comforting), and I was feeling nauseous, I realized that one of the things I am suppressing is this:
….hearing and seeing shrieking white children, kids whom I knew and felt for, being ground up alive.
There is no surrender possible…
….to such psychopaths.
Victory or death
……FBI sends a threat
I will fight you in every way for 25 incarnations until you are gone — from here and everywhere.
….Recent donations
–21 March 2020 $145 and a note from K in New England
–17 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada
–10 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada
–4 March 2020 50 euros and a card from M in France…
…. who said he especially enjoyed this recent article:
–3 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada
–29 February 2020 $100 in cash from B in Florida
–28 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada
–27 February 2020 $30 Australian, letter and copied material on the Ainu from P. in Australia
–26 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Cicero, Illinois
–24 February 2020 $30 Australian and card
–22 February 2020 two French postcards from the Dreyfus Affair period a century ago for Margi’s project on Dreyfus, showing the massive and successful Jewish effort to get the traitor off
“Rehabilitation of Dreyfus — he rejoins his unit”
–20 February 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card, sending me simply the Gift Card code number.
The comrade also emailed me:
Just saw on CBS News more disgusting nonsense, lies, distortions and demonization of whites over slavery. It was talking about a Texas history book that, God forbid, showed a picture/painting of some slaves that were not being terrorized or tortured — as if they were never well treated.
This coverage can do nothing but further anger and inflame the blacks watching it. It is so patently anti-white and does no one any good. These Jews in charge of the media are really something to be allowing and pushing this crap. They are in favor of this not because they like blacks, about whom they could care less, but because they hate America.
–19 February 2020 genuine Harper’s Weekly issues from 1899 and 1906 glorifying the “poor victim of antisemitism,” Jew Alfred Dreyfus, showing the massive press campaign to whitewash this arrant traitor — this French army captain sold top military secrets to the Germans for whore, gambling and champagne money — because the Jews stick up for each other when arrested IF it is a case that can advance their agenda. (Margi and I are finishing a big project on this.)
–18 February 2020 $88 from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper in Nevada
–16. February 2020 $25 via Amazon gift card from D (location unknown)
–11 February 2020 $88 from J in Illinois
50 Euro in aluminum foil with a letter from M in France
–9 February 2020 Book Hollywood Godfather by former Mafioso Gianni Russo from S in Idaho (because of the section on money laundering of Mafia drug money by the Vatican Bank and the murder of Pope John Paul I in 1979– after only one month in office — because he had resisted this crime!)
–10 February 2020 Israeli stamp glorifying the Jewish traitor Alfred Dreyfus, who sold French military secrets for money for his whores, gambling and champagne — sent from Serbia! (This is for Margi’s and my Dreyfus project.)
–8 February 2020 $50 Australian from J in New South Wales
–8 February 2020 check $50 from an Irish-American in Utah
Digging out e
John what’s your opinion on the one of the few or only White nationalist/advocate organization aka Patriot Front?
They had organized a 150+ man march towards the Capitol Building in D.C.
It looks really, really excellent, though since it began in, it seems, 2017, it obviously has not taken off.
And we cannot win with tiny handfuls of people — with 1/10th of 1%.
As my Margi has pointed out, there were in fact only about 40,000 bolsheviks in 1917, and while they did overthrow the gigantic Russia, they were 80% jews and were massively financed and trained by Wall Street jews. Furthermore, unlike us, jews are a born race of psychopaths, revolutionaries, subverters, and conspirators, replete with incredible tenacity and a burning hatred of the goyim.
Beyond this, who is the Patriotic Front’s leader? Some fellow with an Italian or Hispanic name, Nick something?
I really don’t want to distract you from your work, but as is often the case, I read this posting and put it in the slow roaster (possible pun here).
We see chicks as cute and furry, but in actuality are lizards who grew feathers. People who tend chicks on large chicken farms will accidentally step on and crush dozens per day.
My initial thoughts were of disgust. Once the thought of compassion for these creatures is purged from the mind, then the thought turns to one of disdain for this as a wasteful endeavor. Can’t these male chicks be simply sold as fryers?
There is probably an economic equation involved in this, otherwise why buy and maintain these expensive macerators?
Your analogy is spot on though: the Jews have no more thought of us as they do of culled chicks.
They say ALL roosters do is fight each other to shreds, like many male white nationalists. 😉
Not four years ago a Sean McGuire was writing me Rockwell was a jew (yes), then that Koehl had him bumped off. 😉
Heimbach attacked me, then his own father-in-law.
Holappa attacked me, then his next huge backer, the Nordic Resistance Movement.
Both men now attack our entire cause.
Macerators for attackomanic males come in too small a size. 😉