Kyle Rittenhouse has PTSD recalling night of three deaths as he defended Kenosha

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Twitter EXPLODES in Sympathy as Rittenhouse Breaks Down Sobbing
November 10, 2021 (6h ago)



Twitter exploded in sympathy earlier today as Kyle Rittenhouse took the witness stand in his own defense. Rittenhouse’s daring move to clear his name was praised as brave, bold, and courageous.


But what happened next shocked everybody.

Kyle Rittenhouse calmly and coolly explained the events of that night… until it came to one terrifying moment. As Rittenhouse recalled the horrifying horde of BLM and Antifa ghouls chasing him down the street, trying to kill him, he was overcome with emotion.

It turns out that this young, brave kid who just wanted to protect his community and help clean up the streets of Kenosha was absolutely scared for his life when he was forced to shoot three different ghouls in self-defense.

Twitter exploded in sympathy at the sight of Rittenhouse breaking down in sobs.




Some labeled Kyle a hero for everything he went through and did.


In a touching twist, Rittenhouse’s mother also broke down in sobs at the thought of all her baby son had to go through, and the thought of him out there on the cold streets with a horde of bloodthirsty rioting demons straight from the pits of hell.


Many other commenters had a similar emotional response to Kyle’s testimony.



Others claimed Rittenhouse was suffering from PTSD.



Some commenters were absolutely livid at the prosecution for even daring to bring this total sham of a case.


One went so far as to slam District Attorney Binger and Attorney Kraus as “wicked human beings.”


At the sight of such an injustice, perhaps the only appropriate and healthy response is momentary rage.


Rittenhouse is still testifying live. You can watch here:

Pray for all involved. Pray that Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted, and pray that God have mercy on the prosecution and all the rioting ghouls who threatened Kyle’s life.

 4 hours ago

The prosecution and the rioters deserve no mercy.
Showing these sorts of people “mercy” is how we got here.
They should go to the wall.

 3 hours ago

Didn’t the prosecutor see the TAPE?

 3 hours ago

He never should have been charged. I have said that since the beginning. He really came to help since the mayor and the Governor allowed Kenosha to be burnt by the Mpls mob for political advantage. I hope they take that prosecutor’s license and fire that phony cop. This young man has been in jail for self defense

 3 hours ago


One thing that concerns me is that since we know the FBI seems to have been suppressing evidence that would exonerate Rittenhouse, the evil, corrupt Garland DOJ may try to arrest and prosecute Rittenhouse for “violating the civil rights of peaceful protesters” should he be acquitted by this jury or if the judge dismisses all charges with prejudice.

 2 minutes ago

Rittenhouse is WHITE. That’s why he is going through this garbage. I guess it doesn’t matter that he feared for his life that he shot those thugs. If he were blatt, there would be a celebration, and a monument built in his honor.

 4 seconds ago


I have said for several years we don’t have as much a “police” problem as we have persecutor/DA problem. Many only care about convictions, not justice. blm, antifa, gang bangers get a pass.


    • Thank you for this.

      Boy, this is one stereotypical jew, a shrimp at 5’3″ (jews have a shortness gene from their neanderthal DNA), a child rapist, a violent leftist, and he has red hair to boot like many jews.

      And, being defiant of authority, this demon midget was also listed as “non-compliant” with his sex-offender restrictions. But God’s Chosen People need not comply with the governments of mere goyim. And a jew has a right to rape or kill, lie to or steal from, actually any of us at any time…. This is THEIR planet and we ae only squatters on it.

      What is judaism if not megalomania, coupled with paranoia?

      As my Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin lays out, lapsed Catholics and Protestants should never think that jews are “lapsed” in the same way.

      Oh no, their core nature, and their swollen and psychopathic egoes are just humming right along, and their hatred for us is as vibrant as ever.

      The Talmud reflects perfectly their eternal spirit of conscious evil. Though half of all jews are atheists, as an article in Wikipedia states, they still are “religious.”

      They worship THEMSELVES.

      But the sad thing is that now this child molester cannot be put in the man-sized microwave.

      But Kyle Rittenhouse should get a medal for risking his life to carry out urgent human toxic-waste disposal.

      No white child will ever be raped again by this fiend.

  1. Ironic how the lefty jews are now the Red Nazis they pretend to hate. Threatening a 17 year old boy .Good job they are deceased, it was only a matter of time before they killed someone. Karma

    • Devi vedere gli “attori”(i genitori delle Nove vittime del concerto che ti avevo mostrato)quali gesti hanno fatto.Disgustoso.
      Come fanno a conoscere tutti quei gesti massonici se non conoscono neanche la Massoneria?!!!
      Scelgono le vittime da sacrificare,i carnefici..tutto per Moloch.
      Tutto sotto i nostri occhi…

      • Cosa vuol dire essere Eletti?Cosa vuol dire essere come NEO?
        “Siamo i creatori della nostra Realtà,siamo dentro un computer quantistico”,abbiamo la capacità di dividere il Bene dal Male,controllare ciò che ci controlla,il nostro Ego,la nostra più grande illusione e recepire le “mosse,le azioni” degli Arconti.
        Le nostre più grandi paure possono insegnarci a capire la nostra realtà.
        Quando affrontiamo il Dolore,queste paure con grande intelligenza.
        Questo è il Segreto degli Eletti.
        Tu hai affrontato le tue:”Il progetto MK Ultra” e la malattia di Margi.
        Io ho affrontato tutti i miei incubi notturni e il mio dolore.
        “Siamo immortali per questo”.
        Giovanni Gasparro ha avuto il cancro…
        È rinato attraverso i suoi dipinti.
        “Ora vedo cose che prima non vedevo”…
        La Fede non si può insegnare 🙂 🙂

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