COLORADO MASS SHOOTER LIKELY JEWISH; VACCINES to destroy kids and warriors; launch video finale part one of two; Spain moves toward civil war

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============very nice video

======1946 battle of Athens, Tennessee — GREAT DOCUDRAMA VIDEO!

Combat vets rise up against outrageous corruption — a true story!!!

Do you recall reading about THIS in high school?

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms.

Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

-Samuel Adams, in a stern speech at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia on August 1, 1776



Suppose Africa was “too black”?

This man is certainly no true leader for blacks, just another wise guy….

* * *

The Choom Gang: President Obama’s pot-smoking high school days detailed in Maraniss book

Posted by at 03:20 PM ET, 05/25/2012

Political blogs went to pot on Friday.

The Internet is buzzing after the Washingtonian published a review of Washington Post associate editor David Maraniss’s forthcoming book “Barack Obama: The Story,” including an excerpt about President Obama’s high school clique and their favorite pastime.

Let’s just say jobs weren’t the president’s first green initiative. The group of friends smoked marijuana frequently enough to nickname themselves the “Choom Gang.”

But enough of my bad weed puns. Here’s what other blogs are writing about the excerpts.

Yahoo: Bill Clinton he was not.

BuzzFeed has a handy “User’s Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama” compiled from excerpts in Maraniss’s book.

Time’s post is titled the “Audacity of Dope.”

And NPR has “Inhale to the Chief

ABC’s Jonathan Karl reminds us Obama has previously written about his drug use:

In his 1995 memoir “Dreams of My Father,” Obama writes about smoking pot almost like Dr. Seuss wrote about eating green eggs and ham. As a high school kid, Obama wrote, he would smoke “in a white classmate’s sparkling new van,” he would smoke “in the dorm room of some brother” and he would smoke “on the beach with a couple of Hawaiian kids.”

He would smoke it here and there. He would smoke it anywhere.

Conservative outlets are especially having fun with the new fodder.

Hot Air writes, “Apparently, we elected Pauly Shore.” And Reason’s headline is Obama Still Bogarting Nation’s Joints, Man.”

Since you stuck around this long, here are a few of the high-interest excerpts from Maraniss’s book:

Maraniss notes that Obama spent a lot of time at the Punahou School in Hawaii with a “self-selected group of boys who loved basketball and good times and called themselves the Choom Gang. Choom is a verb, meaning “to smoke marijuana.”

“As a member of the Choom Gang,” Maraniss writes, “Barry Obama was known for starting a few pot-smoking trends.”

One of those was: “Total Absorption” or “TA”.

“TA was the opposite of Bill Clinton’s claim that as a Rhodes scholar at Oxford he smoked dope but never inhaled,” explains Maraniss. If you exhaled prematurely when you were with the Choom Gang, “you were assessed a penalty and your turn was skipped the next time the joint came around.”

One of Obama’s old friends at the school, Tom Topolinski, told Maraniss: “Wasting good bud smoke was not tolerated.”

Obama helped popularized the concept of “roof hits,” as well, writes Maraniss.

“When they were chooming in a car all the windows had to be rolled up so no smoke blew out and went to waste; when the pot was gone, they tilted their heads back and sucked in the last bit of smoke from the ceiling.”

Maraniss also says Obama was known for his “Interceptions”: “When a joint was making the rounds, he often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted ‘Intercepted!,’ and took an extra hit.”

Maraniss notes that Obama, looking back later in life on those days, made it sound as though he was hanging out with a group of misbegotten n’er-do-wells, what he called “the club of disaffection.”

“In fact,” Maraniss writes, “most members of the Choom Gang were decent students and athletes who went on to successful and productive lawyers, writers and businessmen,” Maraniss writes. One notable exception was Ray, the group’s pot dealer who, known for his ability “to score quality bud,” would years later be killed by a scorned gay lover armed with a ball-peen hammer.

Maraniss notes that Obama, in a high school yearbook, acknowledged the hippie drug dealer, Ray, who sold the Choom Gang pot, but didn’t acknowledge his own [white] mother.

“Thanks Tut, Gramps, Choom Gang, and Ray,” Obama wrote, “for all the good times.”

* * *

This one did inhale!

Barry was quite the accomplished marijuana-addicted-enthusiast back in high school and college. Excerpts from David Maraniss’ “Barack Obama: The Story: Barry, The Dope Dealer” with the elaborate drug culture surrounding the president when he attended Punahou School in Honolulu and Occidental College in Los Angeles . He definitely inhaled a hell-of-a-lot of smoke.

1. The Choom Gang
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          1. The Choom</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Gang
A self-selected group of boys at Punahou School who loved basketball and good times called themselves the Choom Gang. Choom is a verb, meaning “to smoke marijuana.”

2. Total Absorption
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          2. Total</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Absorption
As a member of the Choom Gang, Barry Obama was known for starting a few pot-smoking trends. The first was called “TA,” short for “total absorption.” To place this in the physical and political context of another young man who would grow up to be president, TA was the antithesis of Bill Clinton’s claim that as a Rhodes scholar at Oxford he smoked dope but never inhaled.

3. Roof Hits
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          3. Roof Hits
Along with TA, Barry popularized the concept of “roof hits”: when they were chooming in the car all the windows had to be rolled up so no smoke blew out and went to waste; when the pot was gone, they tilted their heads back and sucked in the last bit of smoke from the ceiling.

4. Penalties
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          4. Penalties
When you were with Barry and his pals, if you exhaled precious pakalolo (Hawaiian slang for marijuana, meaning “numbing tobacco”) instead of absorbing it fully into your lungs, you were assessed a penalty and your turn was skipped the next time the joint came around. “Wasting good bud smoke was not tolerated,” explained one member of the Choom Gang, Tom Topolinski, the Chinese-looking kid with a Polish name who answered to Topo.

5. The Choomwagon
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          5.. The</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Choomwagon
[Choom Gang member] Mark Bendix’s Volkswagen bus, also known as the Choomwagon. … The other members considered Mark Bendix the glue, he was funny, creative, and uninhibited, with a penchant for Marvel Comics. He also had that VW bus and a house with a pool, a bong, and a Nerf basketball, all enticements for them to slip off midday for a few unauthorized hours of recreation…

6. Interceptions
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          6.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Interceptions
Barry also had a knack for interceptions. When a joint was making the rounds, he often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted “Intercepted!,” and took an extra hit. No one seemed to mind.

7. Slippers
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          7. Slippers
Choom Gang members often made their way to Aku Ponds at the end of Manoa Stream, where they slipped past the liliko’i vines and the KAPU (keep out) signs, waded into waist-high cool mountain water, stood near the rock where water rushed overhead, and held up a slipper (what flip-flops are called in Hawaii) to create an air pocket canopy. It was a natural high, they said, stoned or not.

8. Ray The Dealer
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          8.. Ray The</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Dealer
He was a long-haired haole hippie who worked at the Mama Mia Pizza Parlor not far from Punahou and lived in a dilapidated bus in an abandoned warehouse. … According to Topolinski, Ray the dealer was “freakin’ scary.” Many years later they learned that he had been killed with a ball-peen hammer by a scorned gay lover. But at the time he was useful because of his ability to “score quality weed.”

In another section of the [senior] yearbook, students were given a block of space to express thanks and define their high school experience. … Nestled below [Obama’s] photographs was one odd line of gratitude: “Thanks Tut, Gramps, Choom Gang, and Ray for all the good times.” … A hippie drug-dealer made his acknowledgments; his own mother did not.

9. Pumping Stations
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          9. Pumping</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Stations
Their favorite hangout was a place they called Pumping Stations, a lush hideaway off an unmarked, roughly paved road partway up Mount Tantalus . They parked single file on the grassy edge, turned up their stereos playing Aerosmith, Blue Oyster Cult, and Stevie Wonder, lit up some “sweet-sticky Hawaiian buds” and washed it down with “green bottle beer” (the Choom Gang preferred Heineken, Becks, and St. Pauli Girl).

10. Veto
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          10. Veto
One of the favorite words in their subculture revealed their democratic nature. The word was veto. Whenever an idea was broached, someone could hold up his hand in the V sign (a backward peace sign of that era) and indicate that the motion wash not approved. They later shortened the process so that you could just shout “V” to get the point across.. In the Choom Gang, all V’s were created equal.

11. Maui Wowie, Kauai Electric, Puna Bud And Kona Gold:
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          11. Maui</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Wowie, Kauai</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Electric, Puna</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Bud And Kona</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Gold:
In the Honolulu of Barry’s teenage years marijuana was flourishing up in the hills, out in the countryside, in covert greenhouses everywhere. It was sold and smoked right there in front of your nose; Maui Wowie, Kauai Electric, Puna Bud, Kona Gold, and other local variations of pakololo were readily available.

12. The Barf Couch
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          12. The Barf</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Couch
The Barf Couch earned its name early in the first trimester when a freshman across the hall from Obama [in the Haines Hall Annex dorm at Occidental College ] drank himself into a stupor and threw up all over himself and the couch. In the manner of pallbearers hoisting a coffin, a line of Annexers lifted the tainted sofa with the freshman aboard and toted it out the back door and down four steps to the first concrete landing on the way to the parking lot. A day later, the couch remained outside in the sun, resting on its side with cushions off (someone had hosed it clean), and soon it was back in the hallway nook.

13. The Annex Olympics
Description:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          13. The Annex</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>                                                          Olympics
(The main hallway at Haines Hall was called the Annex,) home to the impromptu Annex Olympics: long-jumping onto a pile of mattresses, wrestling in underwear, hacking golf balls down the hallway toward the open back door, boxing while drunk. There were the non-Olympic sports of lighting farts and judging them by color, tipping over the Coke machine, breaking the glass fire extinguisher case, putting out cigarettes on the carpet, falling asleep on the carpet, flinging Frisbees at the ceiling-mounted alarm bell, tasting pizza boxes to the floor, and smoking pot from a three-foot crimson opaque bong, a two-man event involving the smoker and an accomplice standing ready to respond to the order “Hey, dude, light the bowl!


James Holmes studied for a PhD in neuroscience, was a counselor at a Jewish summer camp, “Camp Max Straus,” and had black curly hair. But they say he is not Jewish…..just “Irish”…. Well, the world has long been full of part-Jews: Lyndon Johnson and Franklin Roosevelt, to name the worst, Hillary Clinton, and many more: according to a recent book, the number of half-Jews is now equal to the number of full Jews!

See also this:

….and this (not surprised that the often grotesque “South Park” was started by a half-Jew):

This is a long (and maybe to some a surprising) list of full-and part-Jews, but you can ignore the leftist introductory paragraph and just skip to the list below, with the long full-Jews list on top and the half-Jew list one-third down:

One wit noted:

I think that people who call themselves “half-Jewish” are looking to get all of the credit and none of the blame:

“Gee, those Jews sure are smart and successful.”
“Well, you know, I’m half-JEWISH myself.” 🙂

“Gee, those Jews are a bunch of stingy, greedy assholes.”
“Well, you know…. I’m only HALF-Jewish.” 😉

I might add:

“A lot of serial killers are Jews, like Holmes, Loughner and the Unabomber, David Berkovitz, the “Son of Sam,” and Stalin’s killers. They ran eight of the eleven death camps in the gulag.”

“Well, you know, I’m only HALF-Jewish.” 😉

in high school….

Just like Jared Loughner…. who in Janury 2011 shot an Arizona congresswoman, leaving her brain-damaged for life, and killed a federal judge and five others….. Jewish and yet they deny it. (See my blogs

Suddenly the bio of the Jewish shooter becomes real uninteresting.

So this guy worked as a counselor for young Jews at a Jewish camp, “Camp Max Straus,” he majored in neuroscience (brain studies) and was going for his PhD, and now we are told he is NOT Jewish….. Riiiiight.
An undated handout photo released by the University of Colorado shows James Holmes, reportedly the shooter at a theater in Aurora, Colorado.
An undated handout photo released by the University of Colorado shows James Holmes, reportedly the shooter at a theater in Aurora, Colorado.
I bet he was a Haitian refugee….
Now they say the camp was non-sectarian…. Camp Max Straus was a non-sectarian camp. Yes, I am sure the Jews let goyim supervise their teenagers at Camp Max Straus……

Savannah Dietrich, 17-Year-Old Sexual Assault Victim, Faces Charge For Naming Attackers

07/21/12 03:56 PM ET AP

Video, Savannah Dietrich, Savannah Dietrich Attackers, Savannah Dietrich Kentucky, Savannah Dietrich Sexual Assault, Crime NewsSavannahdietrich

The Huffington Post doesn’t usually identify sexual assault victims, but Savannah Dietrich’s parents want her case to be public.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A 17-year-old Kentucky girl who was upset by the plea deal reached by a pair of teenagers who sexually assaulted her is now facing a contempt charge for tweeting their names in violation of a court order.

The Associated Press does not normally report the names of sexual assault victims, but Dietrich and her parents say they do not want to shield her identity and want her case to be public.

The boys’ attorneys have asked a judge to hold Dietrich in contempt for violating the confidentiality of a juvenile hearing and the judge’s order not to speak about it.

Dietrich told the paper she was assaulted in August 2011 by two boys she knew when she passed out after drinking at a gathering. She learned months later that pictures of the assault were taken and shared with others.

“For months, I cried myself to sleep. I couldn’t go out in public places,” she told the newspaper, as her father and attorneys sat nearby. “You just sit there and wonder, who saw (the pictures), who knows?”

Dietrich’s attorneys want her contempt hearing open to the media, arguing she has a First Amendment right to speak about her case and to a public hearing.

The boys’ attorneys, however, have asked to keep the hearing closed.

The contempt charge carries a possible sentence of 180 days in jail and a $500 fine.

The boys pleaded guilty on June 26 to first-degree sexual abuse and misdemeanor voyeurism. Dietrich says she was unaware of a plea agreement until just before it was announced in court.

She could not say what the proposed punishment was because of the court order, but said she feels like it was a slap on the wrist.

The teens are to be sentenced next month, and the judge could reject or modify the terms of the proposed agreement.

When Judge Dee McDonald admonished everyone at the hearing not to speak about what happened in court or about the crime, Dietrich said she cried.

“They got off very easy … and they tell me to be quiet, just silencing me at the end,” she said.

Afterwards Dietrich tweeted, “They said I can’t talk about it or I’ll be locked up. ….Protect rapist is more important than getting justice for the victim in Louisville.”

David Marburger, an Ohio media law specialist, said Dietrich should have tried to get the courts to vacate the gag order rather than simply violating it.

But Gregg Leslie, interim executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, said Dietrich should “not be legally barred from talking about what happened to her. That’s a wide-ranging restraint on speech.”

Leslie said this sort of issue is becoming more common.

“In the past, people would complain to anyone who would listen, but they didn’t have a way to publish their comments where there would be a permanent record, like on Facebook and Twitter, for people to see worldwide,” he said.

Dietrich said she just needed to stand up for herself.

“I’m at the point that if I have to go to jail for my rights, I will do it.”



===================vaccinated kids have five times more diseases

================a combat Marine and friend who got the anthrax vaccine


A friend was telling me about a buddy who lost an arm and a leg in Afghanistan and only gets 60% disability, $400 a month!

Then he took a swig of his small glass of beer and said, “‘You know what they did to me?”

I replied: “Well, I heard they gave you all kinds of hellish vaccines.”

He went on:

“They made me take the anthrax vaccine twice! Each time it felt like a worm going through my veins. It was the weirdest sensation.”

I replied:

“Did they think the Taliban was going to fire anthrax bombs at the Marines?”

He answered:

” I dunno…… [shook his head in disgust]. They lost my record and so the corpsman made me take the vaccine twice! I said no way, but they were giving dishonorable discharges left and right to Marines who refused it!”

I looked at his big, sad eyes, and he went on….

“My pelvis now is like swiss cheese. It is porous. I am afraid I might break it.”

I have never felt such rage in my whole life at the Jews, for deliberately destroying our bravest, handsomest and finest men, and the next generation that will not even be born.

Vengeance, justified vengeance.





I think the new version looks great, created by my webmaster in Ireland! I love how the 22 Points on the left side, “John de Nugent for President of the Americans,” now turn red when one cursors over them, and how the whole 22-Point surface is now translucent! Great work!  As the 1970s song goes, “Let the sunshine in!”
A fine young Irish-Italian American, a former Army soldier and military policeman and local western Pennsylvanian,  is now helping me with Linux (safer operating systems), and we are making great progress there too.
I just changed my license to Apollo, Pa., and finalized the headquarters deal this afternoon.



A 6th-grade science teacher, Mrs. Parks, asked her class, ‘Which human body part increases to ten times its size when stimulated?’

No one answered until little Mary stood up and said, ‘You should not be asking sixth-graders a question like that! I’m going to tell my parents, and they will go and tell the principal, who will then fire you!’

Mrs. Parks ignored her and asked the question again, ‘Which body part increases to 10 times its size when stimulated?’

Little Mary’s mouth fell open. Then she said to those around her, ‘Boy, is she going to get in big trouble!’

The teacher continued to ignore her and said to the class, ‘Anybody?’

Finally, Billy stood up, looked around nervously, and said, ‘The body part that increases 10 times its size when stimulated is the pupil of the eye.’

Mrs. Parks said, ‘Very good, Billy,’ then turned to Mary and continued.

‘As for you, young lady, I have three things to say:
One, you have a dirty mind.
Two, you didn’t read your homework.
And three, one day you are going to be very, very disappointed.




Previous Launch Video segments:

Part one of six (link: [Tony, pls use the embed code for number one and display it, not the rest.]

Part two of six (link:

Part three of six (link:

Part four of six (link:

Part five of six of the launch video (link:
* * *

Some reactions to part five:

From the Assistant Editor of The Barnes Review magazine, John Tiffany…..

A great video. I must say it actually made me cry, especially about the Corrie girl and the Palestinians.

The Georgia Guidestones bit was great too, and the denunciation of holocaustianity–everything was great.

Another reaction, from French revisionist Vincent Reynouard:

From Vincent Reynouard and his wife Marie:
Great ! This is A VERY GOOD JOB ! Vincent looked at it and he was happy about the result, but also deeply moved by the fate of the girl who died at 23 years old…


* * *

This was part six of six of the launch video (link:

The final launch video, part two of two, will be available very shortly! Your donations will make it possible and the approaching LAUNCH!

(Here are my previous videos on God and what is really going on in the world:



=============HOW TO DONATE TO ME NOW

I think of the New Testament verse about the Last Days:

“Because of the prevalence of wickedness, the love of the greater number will grow cold.”

So many have decided that bitterness and selfishness are the only realistic way to go, seeing it all around them, and they lose out on everything in the end.

I suggest that American and Canadian supporters send me postal money orders!!!!!! (Canada even has postal money orders denominated in US dollars.) And keep the receipt! This proves you sent it, and if I do not get it you can get your money back. Just fill it out with my name, John de Nugent, and my address:

John de Nugent
76 Highlands Mall, Suite 67
Natrona Heights PA 15065



If you wish to donate via PayPal, please contact me. There is a proven way you can do that.

My email address:






(724) 212-5426

If you wish to send me a substantial donation, CALL ME.

Anyone who sacrifices is my brother or my sister.

Moneygrams (locations: ) and Western Unions (locations: ) are the best way to send the Eternal Solutrean Agency  needed funds. Just go to one (Walmart service desks all have Moneygram, and Woodforest banks inside Walmarts have Western Union), fill out the form and send it off, then get me the reference number so I can pick it up.

You say you want a leader and a white mass movement?

A comrade told me he is gradually infiltrating the Masons….and getting good results. I wrote back:

Fine, but that would have been better in the 1970s when the country was still 85% white, all white men had military experience, and very few under 60 had a beer gut, but we need a mass movement, comrade, and we need it now.

The “commander-in-chief” of the Armed Forces is a black, bisexual communist, and so is the Attorney General.

The average white is now 43.

Whites are now just 49% of the US population.

And most of THEM are older, out-of-shape and obese.

Some are even mentally ill, or have challenges like ADD, Asperger’s or Tourette’s.

We could face a government-caused race war in Obama’s second term.

And as Obama said to Russian president Medvedev, he can do more in his second term when he does not have to worry about re-election……


There is no more time for gradually winning over tiny handfuls of people.

It is time for a mass movement. OUR ten percent of patriots can beat THEIR five percent of scum. The people just want to know who is the boss, the boss that cares. They hate what is going on. NO ONE LOVES THE SYSTEM ANY MORE.

==============recent website visitors

07/20 @ 05:43 : Amman, JO[RDAN]
07/20 @ 05:43 : Cottonport, Louisiana, US
Cajun crawfish
07/20 @ 05:42 : Leipzig, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
07/20 @ 05:42 : Boise, Idaho, US
07/20 @ 05:42 : San Juan, PR
07/20 @ 05:41 : Boise, Idaho, US
07/20 @ 05:39 : Constanta, RO[MANIA]
07/20 @ 05:39 : Biel, CH [SWITZERLAND]
07/20 @ 05:39 : Simcoe, CA
07/20 @ 05:38 : Constanta, RO
07/20 @ 05:38 : Mesquite, Texas, US

07/20 @ 05:31 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US

07/20 @ 05:30 : Sandusky, Ohio, US
07/20 @ 05:29 : Beynost, FR[ANCE]
07/20 @ 05:28 : Saint Petersburg, RU[SSIA]
07/20 @ 05:28 : San Marcos, California, US
07/20 @ 05:28 : Zhytomyr, UA [UKRAINE]
07/20 @ 05:23 : Katowice, PL [POLAND]
07/20 @ 05:19 : Arlington, Virginia, US
07/20 @ 05:19 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
07/20 @ 05:11 : Newark, Ohio, US
07/20 @ 05:04 : Salta, AR[IZONA]

07/20 @ 05:03 : Ashburn, Virginia, US
07/20 @ 05:00 : Madison, North Carolina, US
07/20 @ 05:00 : Baraboo, Wisconsin, US
07/20 @ 04:56 : Warsaw, PL [POLAND]

07/20 @ 04:56 : Alpharetta, Georgia, US
07/20 @ 04:52 : Troy, Missouri, US
07/20 @ 04:51 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
07/20 @ 04:50 : Parma, IT[ALY]
07/20 @ 04:49 : Albania, AL[BANIA]
07/20 @ 04:49 : Hernando, Mississippi, US
07/20 @ 04:45 : Dietzenbach, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]

Parents with kids in Dietzenbach on the first day of class


A supporter wrote me:

The following comes from my brother who has lived in Spain for 20 years.  R

* * *

The situation here is very dire.  It already looks like the beginning of a civil war.  The usa news does not report anything, but police are now shooting demonstrators with rubber bullets,  tear gas, etc.

It looks like the beginning of a possible civil war with buildings burning and the armed forces out on the streets.

It feels like the beginning of Syria to me.

Our business is completely stopped and my expenses threaten to put me out on the street eventually , barring some kind of miracle.  Someone is coming to see my house to buy today,  but then where will I live? 



Wall Street falls as Spain bailout feared

ReutersBy Edward Krudy | Reuters – 53 mins ago

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Stocks broke a three-day winning streak on Friday as Europe’s debt crisis engulfed markets with renewed fears that Spain may be unable to dodge a costly bailout.

The news that the heavily indebted region of Valencia asked Madrid for financial aid interrupted a period of relative calm for Wall Street and raised the specter that the euro zone’s fourth-largest economy may itself need to be rescued.

Bank shares, sensitive to signs of trouble in Europe, were among the biggest losers. The KBW bank index <.BKX> fell 1.9 percent, taking its weekly decline to 2.3 percent. Shares in Morgan Stanley fell 3.5 percent to $12.78.

Valencia, which already used several government credit lines in the first half of the year to meet debt repayments, still needs to repay 2.85 billion euros by the end of the year. That figure is not huge compared to the billions used in other EU bailouts, but investors are concerned about the overall stability of the country and its banks.

“We don’t want to go to a full Spanish bailout if we don’t have to,” said Paul Mendelsohn, chief investment strategist at Windham Financial Services in Charlotte, Vermont.

* * *

I also just read a report by a German comrade that the huge Santander Bank, headquartered in Spain, but located all over Europe now, the biggest bank now in the Eurozone (! —, was moving heaven and earth to prevent German customers from withdrawing their money…. Germans are well aware of the turmoil in Spain, that country being one of their favorite tourist destinations, especially the Costa del Sol, the Canary Islands and the island of Mallorca.



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