LBJ had Kennedy killed — top 1960s Air Force general: ‘[FBI Dir.] J. Edgar Hoover told me so’

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Robert Morrow Political Research Blog

Monday, June 28, 2021


1969 – Air Force General Joseph J. Cappucci told Jan Amos that Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK

Video link on Rumble:

In 1969 Air Force General Joseph J. Cappucci told military friends that Lyndon Johnson killed JFK

Bio on Cappucci –

On 11/21/2013 (the day before the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination) in Dallas while standing in Dealey Plaza, I met an 84 year old Dallas woman named Jan Amos. Her husband was Col. Bill Amos and he was assigned to Air Force intelligence in the 1960’s.

In 1969, several months after Ted Kennedy-Chappaquidick incident, the topic of the Kennedys came up among her social group over drinks. Needless to say her social group of Air Force men and their wives pretty much hated the Kennedys.

At this point Gen. Joseph J. Cappucci, a man very high up in Air Force counter-intelligence and a man who had a personal friendship with J. Edgar Hoover said that Lyndon Johnson had murdered John Kennedy.

That was the first that Jan had heard that bit of blockbuster information.

After the intimate party had broken up, probably from the Hilton in Rome, Italy, Col. Bill Amos told his wife Jan Amos “Jan, you are never to repeat a word that Gen. Capucci spoke.”

Gen. Cappucci had clearly indicted Lyndon Johnson for the JFK assassination and said that his close personal friend J. Edgar Hoover had confirmed this to him.

I am getting Jan to more fully write this up and I want to get her on video. Also, she has another military wife, alive today in 2014, who is also a valuable source.

If you want more info on Brigadier General Joseph J. Cappucci, please google him. A lot comes up; he was high level Air Force intelligence and not a bit player.

Gen. Joseph J. Cappucci, the head of Air Force counterintelligence & a close friend of FBI J. Edgar Hoover, told Jan Amos and her husband Col. William Henry Amos, that Lyndon Johnson killed JFK. Cappucci was the direct superior to Col. William Henry Amos. Cappucci made these comments after a party at the Hilton Hotel in Rome in 1969.

Go to the 6 minute mark of Robert Morrow’s July 31, 2014 interview with Jan Amos at her condominium in Dallas:

Gen. Joseph Cappucci was very close to FBI director J. Edgar Hoover who in turn was very close to Lyndon Johnson. Col. Bill Amos was the bright star working directly under Cappucci at that time, but he was an alcoholic and later had to leave the military.

After Cappucci made these comments indicting LBJ for JFK’s murder, on the way home Col. William Henry Amos told his wife Jan Amos to never utter a word of what she had heard. Cappucci said “No wonder Lyndon Johnson had JFK killed” and he said this after the topic of Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick had come up. Mary Jo Kopechne, a passenger of Sen. Ted Kennedy, had drowned at Chappaquiddick on July 18, 1969.

Additionally, Jan Amos reveals that in 1964 President LBJ gave a direct order to the military to seize and destroy all copies of “A Texan Looks at Lyndon: A Study in Illegitimate Power” by J. Evetts Haley on military bases and commissaries nationwide. Col. Amos was given direct orders by his superiors to incinerate every single copy of this book which correctly implied that LBJ was murdering people to cover up the Billie Sol Estes LBJ-kickback scandal of the early 1960’s. Col. William Amos told his wife Jan that LBJ was the rudest and most uncouth bastard he had ever been around or worked for.

Jan Amos later moved back to Dallas and worked in high end clothing retail where she became friends and a personal shopper for the wives of the social elite of Dallas. She knew the Murchison and Perot families and numerous prominent Dallas families.

1) Go to the 6 minute mark of Robert Morrow’s July 31, 2014 interview with Jan Amos at her condominium in Dallas:




Retired   September 01,1974     Died  June 10,1992

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Brig. Gen. Joseph J. Cappucci is director of defense investigative service, Office of the Secretary of Defense.

General Cappucci was born in Bridgeport, Conn., in 1913. He attended elementary and high schools in that city. He graduated from the University of Wyoming and received his commission as a second lieutenant, Army Air Corps Reserve, from the Reserve Officers Training Corps program in June 1935.

General Cappucci entered active military duty in October 1940 with initial assignment at Westover Air Base, Mass. In May 1942 he attended the Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., upon completion of which, he was transferred to the European Theater of Operations and placed on special duty with the British Intelligence Service. After his return to the United States in 1944, he performed duties as a counterintelligence and intelligence officer with the Army Air Corps until July 1946, when he was placed on detached service to the Central Intelligence Agency. He was integrated into the Regular Air Force in 1946 and in May 1947 he was transferred from the Central Intelligence Agency to the Directorate of Intelligence, U.S. Air Force.

He was assigned to the Counterintelligence Division, Directorate of Special Investigations, in August 1948 when the Office of Special Investigations was activated. In January 1952 he was transferred to the Directorate of Special Investigations, U.S. Air Forces in Europe, and served as chief, Counterintelligence Division. While in USAFE, he was a member of various intelligence boards in Germany, France and other areas in USAFE, and was responsible for putting into effect a counterintelligence program throughout all USAFE areas of interest. General Cappucci was awarded the Legion of Merit by the Commander in Chief, USAFE, for his outstanding performance of duty during this period of service.

Upon his return to the United States in August 1955, he was assigned to the Counterintelligence Division, Directorate of Special Investigations, U.S. Air Force. In August 1958 he was assigned as commander, OSI District 13, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., and held this position until February 1961, when he was assigned as director of special investigations, Pacific Air Forces. General Cappucci was awarded another Legion of Merit by the commander in chief, PACAF, for outstanding service as director of special investigations, PACAF.

He was transferred to the Office of The Inspector General, U.S. Air Force, in January 1964 and assumed the duties of deputy director of special investigations for operations in the Directorate of Special Investigations. He was appointed director of special investigations, and commander, 1005th Special Investigations Group in June 1964, which at that time was a worldwide, centrally directed organization.


General Cappucci retired Aug. 31, 1967, and was recalled to active duty Sept. l, 1967,to again serve as director of special investigations and commander of the 1005th Special Investigations Group. He was awarded two Distinguished Service medals for exceptionally meritorious service in a duty of great responsibility as director of special investigations. On Dec. 31, 1971 the Air Force Office of Special Investigations was created as a separate operating agency. General Cappucci retained his position as director of special investigations while also becoming Commander, AFOSI. At that time, the 1005th Special Investigations Group was disestablished.

In April 1972 General Cappucci was appointed director of Defense Investigative Service, Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Besides the Command and General Staff School, he also has attended the U.S. Air Force Special Investigations School, British Secret Intelligence School, Air Intelligence School, Radar Observer Intelligence School and the Airborne School, and holds the ratings of parachutist and gliderman.

In addition to the United States military decorations, he has been awarded the National Order of Vietnam in grade of Knight; Vietnamese Medal of Honor, 1st Class; Vietnamese Air Service Honor Medal; Philippine Legion of Honor; Philippine Legion of Honor (Commander); Most Exalted Order of White Elephant (2d Class-Knight Commander) (Thailand); Republic of Vietnam Air Force Distinguished Service Order (First Class); the Special Cravat of the Order of Cloud and Banner – Republic of China; Republic of China Police Medal; and the Order of National Security Merit Cheon-Su Medal, Republic of China.

He was promoted to the temporary grade of brigadier general effective June 1, 1965, with date of rank May 22, 1965.

(Current as of April 15, 1972)

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……See also: The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

Crypto-Jew (via his mother Rachelle Baines) and US senator Lyndon Johnson meets with Robert and John Kennedy in 1960. He later had both men murdered.

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