Leering Muslim immigrant jerks off in front of English lady’s kitchen window

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Put this nervy migrant in the man-sized microwave. And never forget it was the jews who changed our migration policies — and the jews use muslims to divert our anger away from them, the real enemy.


In the Jewnited Kingdom, this is what you really fought for, Tommy Jenkins. 🙁


    • Sulfuric acid.

      This REALLY infuriates me.

      I lived in Austria as an American. I learned their language, worked, obeyed all laws, and respected their culture and women. Same thing when I lived in France.

      This is a lack of respect by a guest who needs to leave and never return.

        • Yes.

          The Klan would have lynched him for this. They hanged negroes for rape, but also for lascivious remarks.

          It is clear from the physical differences between human males and females, especially in size and strength, but also in different amounts of testosterone and estrogen, that men are bigger, stronger and more aggressive in order to protect women, who in turn, as their chief function, bear the next generation of our peoples and our race.

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