Leftist “VICE” demands: “Why Are So Many Marines Neo-Nazis?” ‘Cuz the Founding Fathers WERE!

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Why Are So Many Marines Neo-Nazis?

…..My introduction, then the VICE article

JdN: Maybe Marines become “neo-Nazis” because they have either knowledge or just the healthy instinct to see that this nation, White America, was founded on the REALITY-BASED TRUTHS of white racism, nordicism, and antisemitism, and therefore those who oppose these foundations of our country are the actual radicals, extremists and criminal traitors!
As a former Marine myself, it is beyond obvious why Marines think and feel as we do. While others talk, we fight, and we intend to live life as an elite, not your average ball-scratching slob.
By the way, author Ben Makuch (a bootlicker of jewry from a family of Polish traitors https://duckduckgo.com/?q=makuch+jewish&t=brave&ia=web), you make an utter fool of yourself in every sentence where you write “ex-Marine.”
Even my cat know it is “former” Marine. “Once a Marine, always a Marine” is something everyone seems to know but you. I suggest you ponder it.
But though you seem to know very little about your subject, the Marine Corps, there is a slight chance you have heard at some point of these famous American antisemites and racists, who of course are just losers for a Wokie like you. 😉


Woodrow Wilson endorsing the KKK and the Klan movie “Birth of a Nation”


USS Ronald Reagan
PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (June 28, 2010) Sailors and Marines man the rails aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan as it passes the USS Missouri and USS Arizona memorials in Pearl Harbor.


Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport



1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004: The Reagan Building for Commerce and International Trade



1980 US presidential election: the 6’2″, blue-eyed Reagan won 46 of the 50 states to beat the incumbent, a racially ultra-liberal president named Jimmy Carter 

1984 US presidential election: Reagan won 49 of the 50 states to beat the racially ultra-liberal Walter Mondale 


1,732,162 views on YT (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0eeNijdv3I), published Nov 5, 2017 Larry David on SNL
Watch 3:50-4:16 (Uploaded to my site, which costs me $1200 a month)

But there is more to why Marines become “Nazis.”

We take our  oath seriously to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Domestic enemies? Maybe that means you Constitution-haters and Bill-of-Rights foes at VICE (well-named, btw 😉 ).

vice vīs

  • n.
    A practice or habit considered to be evil, degrading, or immoral.
  • n.
    Wicked or depraved conduct or habits; corruption.
This mindset of how killing may unfortunately be necessary attracts masculine, yang people to the Marine Corps, and then bootcamp at Parris Island or San Diego and the whole “jarhead” culture reinforce this.
By the way, author Ben Makuch (Jew?), you make an utter fool of yourself in every sentence where you write “ex-Marine.”
Even my cat know it is “former” Marine. “Once a Marine, always a Marine” is something everyone seems to know but you. I suggest you ponder it.
You just insulted hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who gave sweat and blood to this country. And the domestic enemy of the Constitution is you, an enemy of the First and Second Amendments in the Bill of Rights. Why not move to Israel and hate the goyim from a safe distance?
Oh, and mine is not a hate movement. I have donors, webmasters (with access to my passwords!!!!), videographers,  readers and commenters — active  backers! — who are black, East Asian, jewish, gay, and even trans.
Why do they support ME?
Then-congresswoman (D-Hawaii) Tulsi Gabbard with a full-blooded jewish supporter and donor of mine from New York City who is smart, dedicated, serious, outspoken and courageous  — all positive qualities that many jews do have.
(I grew up with jews, and knew many at the elite and expensive Moses Brown School in Providence, Rhode Island.  Moses Brown, then affiliated with the Quakers, and just for boys at that time, was about 50% jewish kids. I had friends named Farago, Reisman, Axelrod, etc., who came to my house and I to theirs. 
Why do these diverse people support me?
Because the survival of the white race is good for the whole world, for all nations, races and peoples, and thus for them as well.
My webmaster 2009-11, Clark Lightbridge (pseudonym), when I asked him why he supported me, answered: “I saw my neighborhood in Los angeles, when it was mostly white, being safe, clean and nice. When the blacks and Hispanics moved in, it went to hell.”
Clark, 6’5″, half-Eritrean and half-Egyptian, lived with me and Margi for four months in Sarver, Pennsylvania, and continued his webmaster work for me there.
Later, in 2014, Margi and I in turn lived for four months in Apollo, Pennsylvania in the home of a black couple who sympathized with our plight after non-stop FBI harassment under Obama.
Jim said to me once: “I have known too many black devils to hate all whites. And I have seen the downfall of the white race since 1970.”
I did this video in HIS house!
This black minister, the Reverend Ray Hagins of Missouri, preached that Hitler was right!.
I would drink a beer any day with any courageous man, be he ex-jew, a black man,  a Vietnamese, or a person with a confused sexual identity.
I have two supporters who are that way, and more and more people are simply being born like this due to massive amounts of estrogen hormones being introduced into our drinking water via women using the Pill and then 2/3rds of the estrogen in it going into the water supply and not being filtered out, hormones being extremely tiny molecules, far smaller than the usual sewage elements.
Hermaphrodite fish — with two genders and both genitalia — are being discovered in major rivers in America, among them the Potomac River that runs through Washington DC, and major Pennsylvania rivers! https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/apr/21/toxic-stew-chemicals-fish-eggs
Jew reporter at FOX realizes I am not a hater:
When FOX News Channel interviewed me for the then-Shepherd Smith Report in 2009 for 45 minutes regarding James von Brunn and the Holocaust Museum shooting, the reporter for the Shepard Smith Report, a young jewish reporter named Grossman, exclaimed after the first 15-minute segment:

“Wow, you are much more moderate than I thought.

We’ll keep this going.”

Then he wangled approval for two more 15-minute segments on the satellite hookup from New York City to Pittsburgh, where I was.
But then the arch-Deep-Stater, then-closet gay, and future Trump-hater Shepard Smith killed the whole interview!
The war-mongering, neo-con FOX was the ONLY network to cancel-culture me! (NBC, CBS and ABC all interviewed me and ran the clips.)
So did Iranian television, though I am fiercely anti-Islam:
Jewish reporter Steve Lyn was the ONLY reporter to give me fair and accurate coverage in 1990 when I ran for (and, IMO, WON, yet suffered massive vote fraud) the 1990 Republican primary for US Congress in the Sixth Congressional District of Tennessee (south and east of Nashville):
I said to Steve: “You jews wanted a homeland where you were safe, which was Zionism, and you got it, a country called Israel. What is wrong with
white zionism, with white people having a safe homeland too?” Steve looked at me and his eyes said “Yeah — I get it.” Now working in the country-music industry, he also told me in 1990: “Suppose I told you that you were running neck-and-neck in the polls” with my two Republican opponents?)
My Tennessee Congressional race:

In June-August 1990, de Nugent, using the campaign name “Jack Nugent,” ran in the Republican primary for Congress in the Sixth District of Tennessee, south and east of Nashville, on a pro-white platform. He achieved 26.7 percent of the vote, albeit de Nugent suspects that massive electronic vote fraud denied him an outright victory on primary day, August 10, 1990.

See 9:58 to 19:02


A screen shot of the TV results before the fraud was complete; Nugent at 30% in a three-man race (Cochran at 37% and Embry at 33%) 


He received extensive local publicity and references to his race were made by Time and the op-ed page of the New York Times.


WMZ-TV, Nashville, the then largest TV station in Tennessee, seen also in Alabama and Kentucky, broadcast stories constantly about the race. Here anchor Jeff McAtee.


De Nugent wrote in 2013 to a Texas friend named Ray:

When I ran for Congress in 1990, in Tennessee, I was a “damn yankee” (northerner) and from microscopic Rhode Island! I had barely set foot in that southern state and yet wanted to be their congressman.

Rhode Island (“RI”) in the upper-right of this map is a tiny state, 35 miles east-to-west and 60 miles north-to-south, no bigger than a county in Tennessee.

It is a true Southern tobacco and cotton state that was home to President and war hero Andrew Jackson, to Confederate cavalry hero Nathan Bedford Forrest, to Memphis barbecue and to Elvis Presley. It was a segregated southern state, and Martin Luther King was assassinated here in 1968.


Statue of Nathan Bedford Forest, a brilliant and fierce Confederate cavalry general, in Memphis, Tennessee, with myself and Margi in November 2008


BUT in Tennessee just 50 signatures were enough to put me on the ballot, and the district was then 92% white, and, most of all, Southerners have been overtly racial in their identity since the six-state Confederacy broke away from the US in 1861.

In 1990, however, it was exactly like a Protestant Orangeman from Northern Ireland waving a Union Jack flag and wanting to become the prime minister of Catholic (southern) Ireland. He would be seen as an invader and traitor! And with me not even being a former Klansman and thus at least a southerner but instead a “Nazi” and thus a kind of “Germanized American,” for them I was a quasi-foreigner as well as a “damn-yankee”! ;-)

And yet off I drove from New Orleans, alone, alone, alone, in a decrepit, unreliable 1980 Oldsmobile diesel car, and drove up from Louisiana (where I had learned all I could about pro-white candidacy from David Duke), I arrived in Nashville, got the papers to file for US Congress, and then went to the supermarket near my motel in Murfreesboro to get 50 signatures in the boiling summer sun of Tennessee, all alone.


Tennessee Map


Why all alone? Why? There was NO “movement” at all in Tennessee, no Klan, no National Alliance, no Nazis, nobody. Zero activism.

And yet I ended up as I did, either winning the Republican primary (we cannot know due to the vote fraud), or I came very close, in a state I was NOT FROM, a damn yankee northerner in a southern state, with the wrong accent, and no local support. What does a nerd like [a critic of mine, and a mathematician] know about running for office, the money needed, the organization, the willingness to be ridiculed, defamed and threatened with beatings and death?

Did [my critic] ever have a millionaire approach his manager with a $10,000 under-the-table money offer in the last, desperate week of a campaign so as to set him up for arrest by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation?
(10:11 to especially the “quarter” experience” and then to the very end)

I am that same man today as I was then, Ray, but stronger, wiser, sadder, better prepared, and more full of hate to the death for the psychopathic Jew genociders.

This was a four-page letter I sent my backers explaining about Tennessee and a possible race against Senator Al Gore (the future Vice President) and 2000 Democratic nominee for President.

It strikes me how valid today, 26 years later , its message is. (I switched from running against Senator Gore to Congressman Bart Gordon due to a promise of support by a rich Gordon-hater.)

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While many vets are being outed as far-right extremists, one branch keeps popping up when it comes to neo-Nazis: the United States Marine Corps.
August 26, 2021, 9:15am
A screenshot of an Atomwaffen Division propaganda video. The terror group has been linked to multiple ex-Marines.

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Last Friday, the Department of Justice released one of the latest in an endless string of indictments involving white men subscribing to the tenets of the far right and planning acts of terror in the U.S. The document also had an all-too-familiar detail: Former American service members using, prosecutors claim, their tradecraft to plan an attack.

And although it has unfortunately become commonplace to see veterans connected to domestic extremism, two of these men were part of a military branch that has repeatedly popped up when it comes to neo-Nazis: The United States Marine Corps (USMC).

In the latest filing, four men were charged with planning a coordinated, armed assault on a power station somewhere in the U.S. Two of the conspirators, Liam Collins, 21, and Jordan Duncan, 26, are ex-Marines who were formerly stationed at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North Carolina. According to the new charges, both men “discussed using homemade Thermite” to “burn through and destroy power transformers” and also “stole military gear, including magazines for assault-style rifles.”

Another former Marine, Justin Hermanson, 21, was implicated in the same conspiracy and was previously charged; this is the  third indictment involving all of the accused, as investigators continue to tack on charges from the original filing in November 2020.

Extremism in the US Military Is Not New

Over the past three years, at least seven former Marines have openly avowed or been identified with neo-Nazism or the extreme right, with some alleged to have been involved in planned terrorist acts. The Corps reported to NPR in April that it had, in ​​the past three years alone, found 16 cases of extremism within its ranks. Though these numbers account for only a tiny fraction of those Marines who enlist and serve, the problem is worth noting, especially given the USMC’s past.

Friday’s charges also noted that the four men had made a video shooting weapons and wearing the trademark skull masks popularized by the neo-Nazi terror group Atomwaffen Division (AWD), which has been under a yearslong FBI crackdown and is connected to several terrorism-related crimes in the U.S. One of the earliest members of AWD, Vasilios Pistolis, 23, was a former Marine whom ProPublica and Frontline outed for his involvement in the terror group in 2018. He was subsequently charged and booted from the Corps for his ties to the group.

Over the past four years, at least seven former Marines have openly avowed or been identified with neo-Nazism or the extreme right, with some allegedly involved in planned terrorist acts.

The Base, a sister organization to AWD that has seen over ten of its members arrested in the U.S. and Europe, also had a connection to the Corps. Earlier this year, VICE News broke the story that former Marine poolee Ryan Burchfield, 21, a Virginia native and onetime member of The Base, was deported from Ukraine for his alleged affiliation to a neo-Nazi extremist group and for trying to fight in the ongoing war in Donbass as a foreign fighter. Under an alias in 2019 and in an encrypted chat room, he told other members of The Base, “we’re going to make Atomwaffen look like boy scouts.” Prior to that post, AWD was well known for being implicated in five murders in the U.S.

Some of the alleged terror plots tied to Marines, like the latest involving Collins, Jordan, and Hermanson, are elaborate. In June, the Daily Beast reported that Travis Owens, an active-duty Marine, had plotted killing members of the Democratic National Committee and people of color with two other individuals, one tied to AWD. Though the plans never materialized, the FBI investigation that followed led to Owens being booted from the Corps for his involvement. Similarly, another former Marine, Nicholas Tindall, was implicated in a domestic terrorist plot against critical infrastructure in the U.S. with unnamed co-conspirators.

Court records show Tindall is heading to trial in the fall and has maintained his innocence, but the Marines did tell VICE News that Tindall was booted in 2019 because the “character of his service was incongruent with the Marine Corps’ values.” (Tindall’s lawyer declined to comment on whether the domestic terror plot that the Georgia native was accused of being involved in was connected to the far-right.)

More recently, Christopher Pohlhaus, 34, another former Marine and open neo-Nazi wielding a sizable Telegram network of thousands of supporters, advocated for white men and women to colonize Maine and transform it into an all-white ethno-state. Last summer, he also told followers in detail how they could theoretically disrupt the American supply chain by sniping truckers driving down highways. According to Pohlhaus, he only quit the Marines because President Barack Obama was elected and he refused to serve under a Black commander in chief.

Do you have information about extremists or extremist groups? We would love to hear from you. You can reach Ben Makuch by contacting 267-713-9832 on Signal or @benmakuch on the Wire app.

In a broader story about extremism in the U.S. military in May, journalist Talia Lavin outed another Marine, whose online footprints clearly espoused Nazism, as an extremist who was harassing her about her book Culture Warlords, which broadly examines the internet world of the far right. That man was subsequently investigated by military authorities and then demoted, but remained active-duty.

The list of reported Marines involved with the violent far right goes on and on and raises the question of why this specific branch has so many former members engaged in political extremism.

“It seems to me that the anecdotal evidence is piling up that there is something weird about the Marines,” said Heidi Beirich, a longtime expert on right-wing extremism and the chief strategy officer at the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism. “I think it has to do with a couple of things. The Marines have the most hardcore culture in in the military, aside from some of the Special Forces teams; they’re also centralized on a couple of bases. So they’re not as distributed throughout the United States as other forces are.”

As early as 2012—well before the far-right problem among American servicemen became widely known—a unit of Marine Scout Snipers was photographed proudly and openly brandishing a flag of the Nazi S.S. death squads during a tour in Afghanistan.

The Corps, Beirich added, is known as a “really, really macho, violent institution” that might attract more extremists and is generally seen as “a lot more belligerent than some of the other services.”

“The anecdotal evidence is piling up that there is something weird about the Marines.”

There is a history of far-right extremists inside the Corps, Beirich said. For example, in the 1970s at Camp Pendleton, active-duty Marines openly paraded their membership in the Ku Klux Klan, intentionally threatening Black Marines with knives. In 1986, white supremacist Marines stole weapons from Camp Lejeune, the same base where Collins and Duncan were stationed, then funneled them to their underground paramilitary organization in preparation for their antigovernment activities.

By its own admission, the Marine Corps is aware it is susceptible to extremist influences. But in a statement to VICE News, the Corps couldn’t account for why so many of its former members were recently avowed Nazis or far-right extremists.

“The Marine Corps is clear on this: There is no place for racial hatred or extremism in the Marine Corps,” it said in an emailed statement, pointing out that it takes the problem of extremism so seriously that it screens the tattoos of all new recruits for gang and hate symbols. “Our strength is derived from the individual excellence of every Marine regardless of background. Bigotry and racial extremism run contrary to our core values.”

“We are proud of the fact that Marines come from every race, creed, cultural background, and walk of life. We expect every Marine to treat their fellow Marines with dignity and respect.”

Still, according to Beirich, the Marines have taken a trailblazing approach to the extremism within its ranks. It was also one of the most proactive branches in the military to recognize it had a problem.

“I can tell you that when I was with the [Southern Poverty Law Center], we worked with the Marine commandants on the east and west coasts on extremism issues when the rest of the military didn’t listen to this at all, didn’t even care,” she said.

The Marines were the first military branch to ban the Confederate flag from its bases, something Beirich thinks could have also contributed to a backlash within the Corps from some recruits who took exception to the prohibition of the hate symbol.

“It may be that there’s a certain backlash to that,” she said. “The [white supremacist culture] doesn’t appreciate that these things are happening, which makes it easier to recruit people into extremism.”

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  1. The reason for neu Nazis and the rise of fascism is due to the failings of the jew worshipping politicians and left.Too thick to work it out! I don’t hate jews , blacks or Muslims, gimmigrants. I question their actions and and impact on my country , coulture and history. The situation is generated by the politicians and their zionst backers .All brewing for a race/religious conflict for jewish geo politics

  2. “Reclaim the elegance we lost”: Yes! America was always America, with all its unique peculiarities and beauties, it was not just a second version of Europe.

    And yet, at the same time, it was always a second Europe, with its magnificent elegance and beauty, in every sphere of life, with great technical innovations, with classic timeless design and cultural goods in every sphere of life. It was itself, and yet the spirit of the white peoples of Europe lived in it, in a new, magnificent synthesis, in a new folk soul expression, just as Rhodesia was a unique high culture, with corresponding soul expression.

    The white creative spirit even created a unique nature trail in the middle of a concrete and asphalt desert: “Great Museums: Elevated Thinking: The High Line in New York City”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CgTlg_L_Sw

    The European peoples will reconquer their ancestral homeland. And: Every informed non-white sees through the anti-white propaganda and knows that the right of self-assertion to existence has nothing to do with hate, as the background power propaganda incessantly proclaims.

    Nobody wants to be made a minority in their own homeland, many informed non-whites in Europe and in the USA know this, some of whom are also desperate because of the NWO scum selection from Africa, the Orient and Eastern Europe. By the way, there have also been black African LePen voters in France for a long time, whose ancestors came to France several generations ago, who want to see white France preserved, who are horrified by what has been happening for decades due to the flooding of Europe.

    There will be an ethnic disentanglement, then the white peoples will again live in the majority in Europe, and a few of the culturally compatible multicultural groups will probably be allowed to stay. In the USA, the process will be analogous.

    You recently wrote: “White-on-white hatred is in fact exactly what the jews want.” As you analogously described it, the slightest criticism of multiculturalism and Judaism is immediately followed by social ostracism, while the self-dissection of white peoples is propagated and promoted in every conceivable way.

    Your work, John de Nugent, is unique because you act as a hinge between peoples.

    You also plead for (emergency) alliances between peoples and races. And this is what makes you so dangerous for the background powers, because you think holistically (awakening of spiritual forces), are multilingual and recognize the good in each individual, completely independent of his group affiliation. You know about prevailing tendencies within different races or peoples and groups, you address them openly, but you also name the social engineering factors (targeted stultification, etc.), one always knows where one stands with you. And this does not fit at all into the distorted stereotype of the isolated pro-white justice fighter.

    All of humanity is now on the precipice. New alliances will be forged.

    Amen. 🙂


    In German:

    Die Schönheit des ursprünglichen Amerikas

    “Reclaim the elegance we lost”: Ja! Amerika war immer Amerika, mit all seinen einzigartigen Eigenheiten und Schönheiten, es war nicht einfach ein zweite Version Europas.

    Und dennoch war es gleichzeitig immer auch ein zweites Europa, mit seiner großartiger Eleganz und Schönheit, in allen Lebensbereichen, mit großartigen technischen Innovationen, mit klassischem zeitlosem Design und Kulturgütern in jedem Lebensbereich. Es war es selbst, und dennoch lebte der Geist der weißen Völker Europas in ihm, in einer neuen, großartigen Synthese, in einer neuen Volksseelenausprägung, so, wie Rhodesien eine einzigartige Hochkultur war, mit entsprechender Seelenprägung.

    Der weiße Schöpfergeist erschuf sogar einen einzigartigen Naturwanderweg mitten in einer Beton- und Asphaltwüste: “Great Museums: Elevated Thinking: The High Line in New York City”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CgTlg_L_Sw

    Die europeiden Völker werden ihre angestammte Heimat zurückerobern. Und: Jeder informierte Nichtweiße durchschaut die antiweiße Propaganda und weiß, daß das Selbstbehauptungsrecht auf Existenz nichts mit Haß zu tun hat, wie die Hintergrundmachtpropaganda unentwegt verkündet.

    Niemand will zur Minderheit in der eigenen Heimat gemacht werden, das wissen auch viele informierte Nichtweiße in Europa und in den USA, die teilweise auch verzweifelt sind, aufgrund der NWO-Abschaumauslese aus Afrika, dem Orient und Osteuropa. Es gibt übrigens schon seit langem auch schwarzafrikanische LePen-Wähler in Frankreich, deren Vorfahren bereits vor mehreren Generationen nach Frankreich kamen, die das weiße Frankreich erhalten sehen wollen, die entsetzt sind über das, was seit Jahrzehnten durch die Flutung Europas geschieht.

    Es wird zu einer ethnischen Entflechtung kommen, dann werden wieder die weißen Völker mehrheitlich in Europa leben, und ein paar der kulturkompatiblen Multikultigruppen werden vermutlich bleiben dürfen. In den USA wird es analog ablaufen.

    Sie schrieben neulich: “White-on-white hatred is in fact exactly what the jews want.” Wie Sie es sinngemäß beschrieben, erfolgt bei der kleinsten Kritik an Multikulti und Judentum sofort die sozialer Ächtung, das Selbstzerfleischen der weißen Völker hingegen wird in jeder nur denkbaren Weise propagiert und gefördert.

    Ihre Arbeit, John de Nugent, ist einmalig, weil Sie wie ein Scharniergelenk zwischen den Völkern wirken.

    Sie plädieren auch für (Not)Allianzen zwischen den Völkern und Rassen. Und das macht Sie so gefährlich für die Hintergrundmächte, weil Sie ganzheitlich denken (Erweckung spiritueller Kräfte), mehrsprachig sind und das Gute im jeweiligen Einzelmenschen anerkennen, völlig unabhängig von seiner Gruppenzugehörigkeit. Sie wissen um vorherrschende Tendenzen innerhalb verschiedener Rassen bzw. Völker und Gruppen, sprechen diese auch offen an, benennen aber auch die Social-Engineering-Faktoren (gezielte Verdummung, usw.), man weiß immer, woran man bei ihnen ist. Und das paßt so gar nicht in die verzerrten Stereotpye des isolierten proweißen Gerechtigkeitskämpfers.

    Die gesamte Menschheit steht jetzt am Abgrund. Es werden neue Allianzen geschmiedet werden.

    Amen. 🙂

  3. I worked with an ”ex”-Marine a few years ago, who told me that all the Marine sniper teams were former skinheads, and had the tattoos to prove it.

    • Hmmm. Well, the Marines do ban at least visible tattoos. I know that from a local who was rejected over a big patriotic “We the People” tattoo on his forearm!

      I knew one Marine sniper whose mother, believe it or not, was a Klan leader.

      What was appalling to me was he hated blacks and muslims, like many in his area, but hadn’t any inkling of the Jewish threat.

      The anthrax vaccine, btw, had made him sterile, a tragedy since he had a young, cute, natural-blonde wife who wanted kids. He had had three children with his previous wife. When they broke up, he re-enlisted in the Marines, went to sniper school, and was then forced under threat of court-martial to take the anthrax vaccine, which felt like an electric eel in his blood, he said, and made him unable to father children. He had to sign a paper acknowledging it could “temporarily” sterilize him.

      So to keep his Marine career, he got it. And any veteran knows you do not want a dishonorable discharge, which can be a curse when applying for good jobs after one becomes a civilian again.

      “Land of the free”. ..

  4. A comrade wrote me:


    The Jews of Hollyweird ruined Marilyn Monroe, defiled her, and ultimately destroyed her.
    In an alternate Universe, she would have married a moral, successful man, and raised five healthy children, while enjoying a quiet life in the suburbs or some small town.
    Her legacy would have had infinitely more impact on this world as a mother of beautiful white chidlren than ALL of the movies that she ever appeared in.

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