Lessons from a tragic Italian earthquake

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….A noble and brave female reader and supporter in Italy wrote me:

This is an Italian version of the idea behind that video “We are the World”. 50 Italian artists participated in making this song.

I know very well that the L’AQUILA region here in Italy was purposely hit .. like central Italy years later.

This song has a message for all humanity ..

It is a beautiful message of hope. “United you can Win” because L’Aquila [ = the eagle] always RISES from its Ashes. [end]


My response:

Thank you for this touching video.

Several thoughts came to my mind:

1) how beautiful the southern half of Italy is with its mountains, snow and greenery.

but also….

2) the despicable corruption and laziness in the modern, post-fascist, post-Mussolini Italian state, which led to this huge earthquake damage, which killed 308 people.


Italy used to be a heavily nordic country, racially, between the racial components of:

the Ancient Italics, the Etruscans, the Kelts in the north, and the nordic Ancient Greeks in the south and Sicily.

This is why huge Roman structures are still standing:


The Roman Republic and then the Empire were very, very efficient, almost German: strict, severe, and exact.

Then came all the brown-skinned slaves into Italy, replacing the white Italic farmers and artisans.

And, much afterward, the Arabs also came, as conquerors, with their rapes and their infamous “harems,” where one hook-nosed sheik could engender 200 kids with white women, who were his pitiful sex slaves.

So today, tragically, too many “Italians” (north and south) look like Arabs or Jews. I saw this myself growing up in my American federal state of Rhode Island.

Of course, then the Italian nation in 1920 turned for its rebirth to the great Mussolini, who was also the direct predecessor of Hitler.

What was fascism really? It was an early form of national socialism, one which prudently avoided any divisive discussion of racial differences, which would have split the Italians into the north versus the south. (The same is also true in Germany — blonder in the north, dark-haired in the south, but also a Protestant-Catholic rift, and left-versus-right. 🙁 )

Let us also give Mussolini credit also for crushing the Mafia. The Mafiosi bribe and threaten everyone, including the building inspectors.

The Jew-mericans promised in 1943 to release all the Mafiosi whom Mussolini had imprisoned — if the Mafia helped the US Army and General Patton and the British Montgomery to conquer Sicily and the South of the mainland of Italy for the cause of the “All-Lies.”

When I see this photo from the Abruzzo region, I see the same stupid and sad thing which I saw years ago in photos from Turkey.

Somebody bribed a building inspector to look the other way.

And when the earthquake came: 1) the one building in the foreground came down and many innocents were killed, and 2) the other building, behind it, constructed in conformity with the building code, was still standing. And so everyone was alive, not crying and grieving for the loss of loved ones and their home.

I had many Japanese clients in the 1990s; I taught the American accent in Boston to foreign scientists and medical doctors at Harvard. Japan is, of course, a major earthquake area. But Japan, like the huge American federal state of California, has ordered (my information, I admit, is now 20 years old) that all buildings must rest on huge shock absorbers, which are built into the basement.

And they must have a huge tank of water on the top floor. The water then sloshes in the opposite direction of the earthquake shock wave, then returns, righting the building again.

Someday, our beautiful national socialism will make gorgeous Italy so great again, and restore the spirit of the Ancient Romans. Italians back then were just as efficient as Germans! 🙂 .

…but with much better weather, a fun sense of humor, close family loyalty, delicious food, and more alluring women.

Movie with Sophia Loren about a true story of an Allied atrocity: Semitic, muslim Moroccan soldiers under ALLIED command (and a French general) were rewarded with the “right” to rape hundreds of Italian women.

“Glorious” RAPES by the Allies in May 1944 in Italy – using Muslims already at that time to humiliate the white race

I saw the effect of semitic haremization on Algerians when I lived in the south of France in 2004-05. There are many Algerian Arabs in Aix-en-Provence, and they are incredibly ugly, looking like Jews, but as Muslims, they are like stupid, lazy, women-hating and violent Jews.

Before, the whole area of Algeria was white Berbers.

Then the Arabs came, annihilated the white Berber men and began spreading their horrible semitic genes and mentality.

But I know and love both breeds SO well, our Latins and our Teutons. 🙂

The same rebirth can be true for modern France, modern Spain and modern Greece. Our national socialism will restore their ancient greatness, their genes, their old discipline, pride and an honest, efficient, patriotic state 🙂 — and then 308 white people will not die for absolutely nothing.

……Recent donations

–3 March 2020 50 euros and a card from M in France

(He expressed appreciation for this article:

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