Lessons from reading of 20-year US Army veteran — driven to suicide by wife & mother of his child after she sent him ‘relentless, heinous’ text messages & a video of her having sex with another man

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Mandie Reusch, 35, is accused of aiding suicide, a felony, and harassment, a misdemeanor, and will make her first appearance in court on June 27. He husband Kevin Metzger, 37, served in the US military for nearly 20 years and thought of his daughter as the ‘light of his life’


This story below really hit home with me.

— First, it is from Greensburg, Pennsylvania, a nice, small, All-American city east of Pittsburgh where my own father was raised

— being so typically Middle-American, it was even used for test-marketing new products, such as Miller Highlife beer in its CLEAR, not amber bottle

— both parties in this case below, Reusch and Metzger, were of German heritage, normally a really good thing; the whole American Midwest with its legendary decency, honesty, patriotism, manufacturing skill and strong work ethic (and, sadly, I am talking past-tense at this point in our jew-caused and near total degeneracy!) was vastly impacted for the better by people of German blood

Amanda Seyfried, Vogue model:

Actor/director Ron Howard (real name: “Beckenholdt”) on “Happy Days”

US Marine Corps general Harry Schmidt commanded the successful Marine invasion of the Japanese island of Iwo Jima

German-American John Pershing commanded US forces in Europe in WWI, just as the equally German-American Eisenhower did in WWII


Beautiful actress Karen Dunst in “Spiderman”


Tyler Glockner of Ohio has a truly outstanding, credible UFO channel on YouTube (and two million subscribers), and has gotten strikes against his Channel from the JewTubers for saying politically incorrect things (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCvSCT94pMI)

The great comedian Bob Newhart (still alive) of Illinois (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Newhart) who had two top tv shows from 1972-90, is German and Irish (the best combination there is, IMO, making for, as Newhart himself once joked, meticulous drunks 😉 )


— I and my second wife, Brigitte, from France, encountered a woman (who turned out, over time, to actually be half-jewish via the father and also a bisexual) in Johnston, Rhode Island. K had a business and secretly also had the hots for Brigitte, who was not lesbian at all.

This was during the time when I was dealing with having been sexually abused as a child and was seeing a therapist.

This woman went and paid all Brigitte’s and my bills, and then she made her move.

She began trying to plant in my mind the idea of killing myself…. so, in her mind’s eye, she could “have” Brigitte.


Shocked, we moved away, and when she showed up on our new doorstep one day, I told her there was nothing more heinous than to urge an adult sexual-abuse victim to go kill themself so she could take their mate or their stuff. (And it is a felony.)

This was my experience of Judaism, up-close-and-personal, at its most demonic.

(Shudder. And, btw, there is a huge problem of lesbians in the US military who do not take “no” for an answer from a subordinate in rank who may also be strictly heterosexual and disgusted by gay sex. In the military, your military commander has vast legal and physical power over you, including making you take a lethal vaccine against your will and using devious ways to ruin your career and life, or even get you literally killed in an “accident.” Hundreds of service personnel die every year in crashes and other “accidents” due to “equipment malfunctions” or “friendly fire.”)

— Finally, we see here the effects of functional atheism in today’s crop of white people. You cannot do the things this woman did if you truly believe there is a loving God and an afterlife.

In the true afterlife, the basically decent 3/4s of us go to a temporary heaven, a beautiful place where we are shown a God of genuine love and wisdom, a wonderful parent, and then, in a life-review video, we see in 3-D all we have thought, said and done, and the effect we had on others, all seen and recorded for our benefit and growth by this God who missed nothing.

This is why the interlife is so important, even more so than our incarnations. Nothing is potentially more transformative than seeing the effect — bad or good — which we had on loved ones, friends and colleagues.

A Napoleon, Caesar, or Alexander the Great, in their afterlives, seeing scenes of acres of groaning, dying and dead soldiers and then the crying  of their bereaved mothers, fathers, siblings, wives and kids, might just conclude he did NOT want to come back and be a “glorious conqueror” again in their next life.

Maybe their talents and leadership could be put to some better use?

How Napoleon actually looked, using police software; also, he stood 5’7″ — average height back then — and so he was not the short little pipsqueak the British press claimed 


The retreat from Moscow in October 1812 where 300,000 perished; Napoleon had never communicated any new vision for Europe; it the flavor was always “me-me-me, the great Napoleon, my invincibility as a general, my glory and my ego.”


Believe me, I thought long and hard on the day in 1940 I visited his tomb….how such a great man (and to this day, he is considered by military experts as the greatest general of all times) could fall.


… but I did not think hard enough, or with my heart.

The only way to win against the Russian army, in 1812, or in 1941, backed by an enormous country with every natural resource, was to come to the Russian people, most of them serfs living in miserable poverty, as their great liberator, and to sincerely mean it — not as their conqueror for the glory of — France!

Not just give them a change of masters! For any patriotic Russian will say: “If I will be ordered around either way, then I would rather be ruled by one of my own!”

In the end, nothing is more practical than idealism — than love.

This is the magnet that attracts the best men, the best women and the most passionate effort and self-sacrifice! LOVE!

And, now, finally 😉 onward to this incredibly sad tale of white-on-white savagery in the American heartland.

After reading it, you will better comprehend why we whit earthlings, we Terrans, can have no assurance that any aliens — nordic or other — or the Fourth Reich in the Antarctic will come and save us.

Would saving us even be a good idea — for THEM?


Do we even DESERVE to be saved?



…..U.S. Army veteran is driven to suicide by girlfriend and mother of his child after she sent him ‘heinous’ text messages and a video of her having sex with another man, prosecutors say

A Pennsylvania woman is accused of driving her estranged boyfriend to suicide after sending him relentless abusive messages while he was at military training

Mandie Reusch, 35, went so far as to tell him that he would never see his daughter again while sending him a video of her having sex with another man

Kevin Metzger, 37, took his own life two days before Father’s Day after Reusch had promised him that he wouldn’t be allowed to his daughter, police say


PUBLISHED: 16:00 EDT, 13 June 2023 | UPDATED: 01:44 EDT, 14 June 2023

[source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12191213/Mandie-Reusch-accused-driving-Army-veteran-boyfriend-suicide.html]

A Pennsylvania woman drove her estranged boyfriend to suicide by sending him ‘heinous’ text messages as well as a video of her having sex with another man while he was training at a US Army academy, prosecutors said.

Mandie Reusch, 35, of Greensburg, 30 miles east of Pittsburgh, was arraigned on Tuesday morning. She’s accused of aiding the suicide of her one-time boyfriend Kevin Metzger in June 2021.

According to a statement from prosecutors, officials have been investigating Metzger’s death for two years.

Officials said that Metzger’s suicide note as well as postings on his Facebook page detailed the turmoil that he was allegedly put through by Reusch. In a press release, prosecutors called the messages she sent Metzger ‘heinous and graphic.’

The messages from Reusch began in May 2021 while Metzger was away at military training. The suspect was at home at the time with the couple’s daughter, the criminal complaint states.

In texts sent via WhatsApp, Reusch said that she was planning to move in with another man, that the man would become their daughter’s new father and that Metzger would no longer be a part of her life.

‘I hope for [their daughter’s] sake that you do kill yourself. She would be better off not even knowing you,’ Resuch wrote, according to documents.

On Mother’s Day 2021, she texted Metzger to say she would be having sex with her new partner as their daughter ‘calls him daddy.’

Another message said that Metzger would ‘burn in hell’ and that she would be dancing on his grave.

Following an argument over money, Resuch then sent Metzger a video her having sex with another man and destroyed some of his belongings.

She was first charged with harassment in June 2021 when Metzger made an initial complaint. Following his suicide, those charges went away.

‘I actually want you to kill yourself because I think you are the worst person on this planet,’ another message read.

‘I will make it my dying wish to make sure you don’t see your daughter and that she knows who you really are,’ read another.

While another read: ‘I hope you burn in hell and my daughter will dance on your grave with her real dad. Never talk to us again. Die slow and suffer.’

During the investigation, older messages surfaced. In 2020, she told him ‘Go kill yourself. You aren’t a real f*****g man.’

Metzger was found dead on June 18, 2021, two days before Father’s Day. He was found after a friend asked police to perform a welfare check.

Messages in the lead-up to Father’s Day show Reusch saying he wouldn’t be allowed to see his daughter. A female friend of Metzger’s told police that he had asked her to ensure that the messages he was receiving ‘get known to the world.’

After his death, Reusch deleted WhatsApp from her home, police said.

‘Mr. Metzger might still be here today if those messages did not influence and encourage him to take his own life,’ Westmoreland County prosecutor Nicole Ziccarelli said in a statement.

Ziccarelli described the messages as being ‘continuous and unrelenting’ only ending when Metzger took his own life at the age of 37.

Metzger, 37, was an outdoor enthusiast who was passionate about live music.

‘We extend our condolences to the Metzger family for their loss and the grief they have experienced since his death. We will not allow or tolerate this kind of egregious behavior,’ the DA added.

In a 2020 feature in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on dining establishments reopening during the Covid-19 pandemic, Reusch is referred to as a ‘booking agent for a multinational alcoholic beverages company.’

The piece notes that at 11:30am on the day bars reopened, she was having a pint of Guinness.’

‘I wanted to go out and have a cold draft. It met all my expectations. It was almost like things are normal again. Except for the masks,’ she was quoted as saying.

According to his obituary, Metzger served in the US Army for nearly 20 years, including a period in South Korea where he worked on the Patriot missile defense system.  Following his time in the US Army, he reenlisted in the Reserve, specializing in water purification.

He’s referred to as a ‘selfless and dedicated friend‘ who loved the outdoors and live music. At the time of his death, he had been working as a bartender.

‘Above all though, he passionately cared for his daughter. He was a devoted father, and she was an extreme light in his life,’ the tribute also says.

Reusch is charged with aiding suicide, a felony, and harassment, a misdemeanor. She will make her first appearance in court on June 27. If you or anybody you know is having suicidal thoughts, you can call 9-8-8 or the National Suicide Prevention hotline at 800-273-8255, or you can text TALK to 741741.



….. What was HIS fault in all this?

I am sure the guy had his faults as a husband and father, but certainly never enough to justify his wife’s sadistic, murderous cruelty.

A comrade and generous donor for years wrote me once:

John, have you ever met a woman who didn’t have the same feelings for you as you did for her?

It’s an awful feeling.

I replied:

It happens to everyone, brother, that love is unrequited.

I met a very nice gal in her thirties, pretty, of German heritage, a few weeks ago, and there was a huge connection, but she never returned my call. I stopped in to say hi and she told me truthfully that she was moving back to her hometown in Wisconsin in a week with her two high-school-age kids, and she has a house and job all lined up there. 🙁

I had to just wish her well.

Yes, it hurts, especially when you get your hopes up. It feels good to love and be loved back.


But should any other person or circumstance have the power to veto your or my happiness? 😉

And why should a monster be able to take over your mind?

We need to, first, love and respect ourselves, and then we can be a fine mate to someone else. And by the time women are in their middle or late thirties, most women have been “burned” by a bad relationship, and now they are looking for a guy who may not look like a movie star or drive a Porsche, but he is a kind, normal man, and fun to talk to and share the stories of life.

Yes, it hurts, whether your wife dies or you get the brush-off.



But life is supposed to be tough. We come here to grow, not just have fun.







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