A comrade in beautiful San Francisco sent a nice donation and this letter:
Dear John and Margi,
I hope this [$25 Amazon gift card] helps out at least a little bit!
We’re not all parasites who read your work, just struggling people trying to overcome the trials and tribulations of modern society.
The Enemy is getting closer and closer to victory each day, but we mustn’t give up, right?
Thank you again for enduring this struggle with us vanquished Whites.
I hope and pray God will deliver us from these evil psychopaths, if not in this life, hopefully in the next!
Sincerely and respectfully,
S [] from crazy San Francisco
Godspeed, John.
My response:
Thank you, white brother, for your donation and sincere outpouring.
It just so happens that a comrade in Italy was also feeling anxiety, even nightmares.
In reality, now is an hour before a glorious sunrise.
When Whites become Aryans, and invincible. And the other races WANT this.
“Stop the jew from devouring us ALL!”
…..Spiritual reading
January 31
More routing of duality is on the agenda today. Because the polarities are trying to be dissolved, you may fnd it easy to notice that you are observing or feeling one thing and within a very short time, observing or feeling its opposite.
An example: you may be looking at some aspect of nature and find yourself breathless with wonder at the beauty of what you see. Very quickly, you may notice that you are plunged into despair as your mind switches you from the beauty of, say, a bird perched on a branch to the knowledge that all the water that bird has access to is poisoned.
From the serenity of a slow-moving stream to the violence exhibited by the trash strewn along its banks. From the sweet innocence of a baby lying swaddled in its stroller to the intuition that this child will grow up to be a soldier, to kill and die senselessly.
You get the idea. There may be available to you waves of perception, swinging you back and forth from one end of the emotive spectrum to the other.
These energetic and emotional swings give you the opportunity to erase the lines that separate the seeming
opposites. As you watch yourself, tap first into one perception and then another.
You may begin to get a sense of the incompleteness of the faculties you usually employ to “see.” What we encourage you to do today is to reach out and touch what you see with the eyes of your higher consciousness. To grasp what
is before you in its entirety, and utterly without judgment.
This is not a strategy for everyday life, but it is an important pracice, a skill to have at hand. If you are to fnd your way through the times ahead with any accuracy, it is imperative to learn how to see without resorting to the mind or to any tools employed by the mind, such as words.
If you wish to truly know something, you cannot afford to let it pass through your mind. There it will assuredly be reduced and dismembered.
We actually struggled with ways in which we might explain this yesterday, and we continue to try to do the same today. If it were possible to simply explain, we would. But here, we are restricted by our own use of words to communicate with you. We imbue this message with an energetic sense of what we want you to learn, but like many things—riding a bike?—it must be felt to be known.
We also want to suggest that you stay alert to the possibility that your means of perception will affect that which you are perceiving. When you reach out with your higher consciousness, with love consciousness, to understand something before you, it is often the case that the thing becomes less divided. This is most easy to see in another person, or in yourself.
This is an incredible gift to have and to give. It is in this manner today that you will be most able to impact those around you with the continuing unfolding of your energies.
So take advantage of this opportunity today if you can. Or to the extent that you can. We can’t tell you how lovely it feels to leave the mind and its divisive nature behind, but we assure you it is very fine.
Many of you have had glimpses, we know. Watch your reactions and perceptions today, and look for the truth which lies deeper.
Turn off your mind to do this—with it working, you’ll make no progress.
From the wholeness that we hold, we send you all blessings and love. — E. West
Grazie,Come farei senza di te.
Hai ragione quando succedono queste cose una Donna ha solo bisogno di un abbraccio;non di giudizi, critiche,umiliazioni di ogni genere.
Quello che mi è successo dopo 🙁
Ora ho giurato a me stessa che non tenterò mai più di essere compresa.
Mi sono beccata un “Sei una grande egoista e presuntuosa,tutti facciamo brutti sogni e tu te li cerchi in fondo,”non sei speciale e le tue verità non sono verità”.
Io continuerò da sola a combattere e a tenere ogni cosa per me.
Ho sbagliato perché credevo tante cose e invece sento solo la mente Egoica delle persone.
Bastava solo un abbraccio..niente di più.
Nessuno vorrebbe sentirsi come mi sento io, questi incubi non sono una una mia scelta.E non riguardano le persone o i rapporti di questa Vita.
Non ci sono queste persone nei miei incubi e ora sembrano molto reali.
L’unica cosa che mi solleva davvero è la tua vicinanza,non chiedermi come, ma la sento quando sono a pezzi.