Liar Biden says Atlanta massacre was about “Anti-Asian hate”; no “high winds” either at Andrews AFB; why jews WANT unpopular Kamala as president

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There was NO anti-Asian bias at all. Yet Biden lies and exploits the murders:


A 21-year-old man has been charged with Tuesday’s murders at three spas in and around Atlanta. Investigators said the suspect, who is white, suggested that sexual frustration led him to commit violence. But political leaders and civil rights advocates have speculated the killings were motivated at least in part by anti-Asian sentiment.

Biden’s staff also lied that “high winds” knocked him over on the staircase to Air Force One.


As he headed to Georgia, Biden stumbled [sic] as he climbed aboard Air Force One. White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters he was “doing 100 percent fine” and suggested high winds at Joint Base Andrews near Washington may have been a factor.

One, the winds were not that strong. His suit jacket tails were flapping a bit, but Andrews AFB does not get high winds, not like Boston or Chicago.  (I am familiar with both those cities and with Wash DC.)

If it had been dangerous winds, Air Force One WOULD NOT HAVE TAKEN OFF!

Two, Biden (I can never bring myself to call that creature “President”) stumbled THREE TIMES — while knowing the cameras were rolling, so he surely was trying hard NOT to stumble repeatedly for all the world to see:

Jim Goad sees it correctly:




What the staircase news item means, an incident which the MSM did carry, is that Kamala will be taking over sometime soon. And while she is mentally mediocre, she is not senile, and thus is very, very dangerous.

She has no support base, no popularity of her own (she scored 2% in the Democrat primaries and dropped out very early), so she must do exactly as her jew masters (and hebrew husband) prescribe.

And what the jews want from her is to crush the white race for good.



Get rid of both Biden and the WNs in one fell swoop.

Note the eyes as she laughs. In a real laugh — think about it — people actually shut their eyes. This is malice incarnate.

Kamala held a “rally” in Asheville NC in Oxctober 2020. Note the massive crowd:

This woman MUST do exactly as she is told.

The reason why an Adolf Hitler, John Kennedy or Donald Trump had to be destroyed is BECAUSE they were incredibly popular.

Therefore, they did not need (or want) jew money and support.

The jews only want someone they can control.

And so an unpopular president is, in some ways, the best one for jewry.

Closet jew Lyndon Johnson did not dare run for re-election in  1968 because he was hated.

But betwen 1963-69 he sure got a lot done for the jews:

–murdered the antisemitic Kennedy so Israel could get The Bomb

–ramped up the Vietnam War to enrich his “friends” and kill off the best goyim

–racially integrated white schools, workplaces and housing

–opened the floodgates of Third World immigration


And he despised the minorities he was “helping!”


…..The truth about “LBJ”


As JFK assassination historian Robert Morrow of Alabama and Texas relates:

LBJ called up [segregationist] Gov. George Wallace [of Alabama] to visit him in the White House in 1965.


Wallace vowed to “stand in the schoolhouse door” and block integration of Black school kids into a white school, but the tough-talking little governor wussed out as predicted — and let federal marshals escort the Black children in.


Wallace had brought up north wigh him his righ- hand man, the #1 political operative in Alabama, Seymore Trammell (photo). His son Warren Trammell is one of my [Morrow’s] Facebook friends.

george-wallace-assistant-seymore-trammellHere is how the meeting of Lyndon Johnson and George Wallace went.

This meeting was held on March 13, 1965. It was the following Saturday after the previous “Bloody Sunday” civil-rights march in Selma. [….]

Go to LBJ’s presidential schedule and look up March 13, 1965:

On the diary it says 12:05PM Meeting – LBJ, George Wallace, Seymour Trammell, [the Jewish US Attorney General, Nicholas] Katzenbach, [White House press secretary] Bill Moyers and Burke Marshall.


Jewish US Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach of Philadelphia, who replaced Bobby Kennedy. (Johnson had RFK murdered in the spring of 1968.)


By the way, like Wallace and the Trammells, I am a native of Alabama, so this is of special interest to me.


On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 5:52 PM, Warren Trammell (photo) wrote to Robert Morrow:

“To Robert Morrow: to whom it may concern….my father’s (Seymore Trammell) memories of his and Alabama Governor George Wallace’s private and not really publicized meeting, with President Lyndon Johnson in his Oval Office, concerning the racial violence in the Southeast in the 60s.

It’s been impossible to nail down the exact day since it was not well publicized.

In the mid 1960s in America, white/black racial unrest had reached the most violent levels the South had ever seen in modern times!

Alabama Governor George Wallace and his number-one adviser, my father Seymore Trammell, had their hands full “managing” the black/white racial violence, which all the Southern politicians thought was caused by the Reverend Martin Luther King and his growing crowds of black followers.

At the same time in a lesser known part of the world, the LBJ’s USA was deeply embroiled in a massive war in North Viet Nam over oil (the real reason we know today).

America’s President at that time, in charge of “managing” these two violent situations, was Lyndon Baines Johnson, affectionately know by his Southern political buddies as just “LBJ” or just “Lyndon.”

Unknown to the public, Southern politicians privately shared Lyndon’s hatred of what he called in private, “niggers”.

Lyndon hated “niggers.” He called them “niggers” in private. He cussed “niggers” every day, my father said, and called them all kinds of vile names! He had his hands full with the Vietnam War, and hated being “bothered by those G–damned niggers” — as my father said Lyndon said.

To rid his hands of those “G-damned niggers” he called my father and Governor Wallace to his Oval Office officially to have a “friendly, informative talk” about the disturbing violence in the South. George and Seymore were very excited. They just knew their buddy Lyndon was going to give the massive help in “managing those niggers,” as Lyndon said.

However, in typical trickster style, when George and Seymore got into Lyndon’s Oval Office, they were shocked! Lyndon began to cuss like a sailor and ask them, “What in the hell are you boys [Lyndon called them “boys”] doing with those G–damned niggers down there?” Shocked and taken back, the “Guvna” said “Well, Mr. President, we’re doing the best we can! What do ya want us to do?”

At that Lyndon began to cuss “niggers” again. They were sitting on either side of a narrow coffee table in the Oval Office and big Lyndon, with his long strong arms and big, powerful Texas rough hands, reached over and slapped both Seymore and George hard on their knees, and held their legs a moment, and said:

“Now you boys, you gotta get your G–damned asses back down to Alabama and make those G–damned niggers act right and calm the hell down! I am G–damned tired of hearing ’bout those G–damned niggers on the G–damned news every night!”

Every night at midnight, I hafta get on that damned Red Phone over there on my desk and give the G–damned orders for the B-52 Bombers to fly over the Ho Chi Minh Trail and all over that G–damned North Vietnam and bomb the the hell outta the whole G-damned country, every G–damned night, and this G–damned war is killing me!”

“You boys got it lucky. Hell, George [Wallace — Lyndon called the governor “George” and “boy”), all the hell you got is those G–damned niggers throwing rocks and totin’ signs!

Hell, here, I had to get the Secret Service to put-up double-thick bullet-proof glass to the White House windows ‘cuz these G–damn niggers and hippies up here are shootin’ bullets at me, and my wife and two little girls are scared to death! I hate those G–damned niggers and hippies.”

At that point my father tried to tell Lyndon something, but again Lyndon slapped him hard on his knee and said “Now, be quiet, boy, here, take this pad and pencil and take some G–damned notes”.

My father gave me the pad and pencil with the Presidential Seal on them!

The short meeting was over and Lyndon lastly said

“You boys go back to Alabama and get them G–damned niggers quiet! And I don’t want to hear nothin’ else on the news about them G–damned niggers!”


At that point Lyndon said to the “Guvna”, “Come-on, boy, we gotta go outside, wave at the press, and tell’em we had a very productive meeting ’bout them G–damned niggers!”

As they stepped up to the mike, Lyndon said kind words about the blacks in the South and indicated that the “Guvna” agreed with him, and was going back to Alabama to help them get their justice.

Lyndon grabbed George by the arm before he could speak, turned him around and with his huge hand on the Guvna’s back, pushed him back into the Oval Office and out the door to get on one of the presidential planes back to Alabama! The “Guvna” and Seymore were sadly disappointed, and grumbled all the way back to Alabama, the Guvna angrily chewing on his cigar and Seymore clutching his blank Presidential note pad with great frustration.”




…..Jew AG Nicholas Katzenbach on LBJ’s real racial attitudes and his telling of “nigger jokes” at his Texas ranch

“After that, he would get on an old fire engine that some admirers had presented to him, and drive me around – me sitting beside him in my Brooks Brothers suit and tie, LBJ driving in his ten-gallon hat, flannel shirt, and blue jeans.

He would point out sights of interest, and when he saw one of his black workers in a field he would stand up (the fire engine still moving), wave his hand, sound the siren, and shout, “Come over here, boy, and meet your Attorney General.”

I would cringe beside him. It was almost as if he did not associate any of his workers with the civil rights leaders he regularly met with in Washington, although I am sure in fact he did.

LBJ signs the 1965 Voting Rights Act


In 1964 LBJ signs the Civil Rights Act, with MLK directly behind him, the same man LBJ would later have murdered.


In Act of State, MLK friend, lawyer and author William Pepper details how the FBI (which worked hand-in-glove with Johnson, with J. Edgar Hoover and LBJ living literally as neighbors right across the street) clearly murdered MLK.

Act of State

The King family itself met with and exonerated James Earl Ray as the killer. The real killers were LBJ, the blackmailed transvestite J. Edgar Hoover — and snipers from the FBI. The innocent Ray was bullied by the FBI into a confession with the threat of a certain death penalty hanging over him, then renounced it and STOOD BY HIS INNOCENCE UNTIL THE DAY HE DIED DECADES LATER IN PRISON.



It was just a southern way of life that he was used to, and that he felt comfortable with, just as he often did with the stories and jokes he told about blacks.

They made me feel uncomfortable, but this president who did so much to secure equal rights saw no impropriety and no inconsistency between his stories where blacks were the butt of a joke, and his convictions about racial equality.”

[Nicholas Katzenbach, “Some of It Was Fun: Working With RFK and LBJ,” p. 207 ]

…Daughter Luci Baines Johnson a “chip off the old block”

Luci Baines Johnson screams:

“Damn you! You go find my nigger right now!”

I wonder where Luci got that from?

See the bottom of page 33, and top of page 34, in Inside the White House

Lynda Bird Johnson and her sister Luci Baines Johnson; I never understood, as a boy in 1964, how these girls, of supposedly English and German ancestry, looked so “Mediterranean” — but that is how most Jews look.


Jewess Lady Bird Johnson, Jew LBJ and LBJ’s mother, the Jewess Rachel Baines


See my:

Dr. Ray Hagins on “the illegitimate people” and the great White leader who opposed them



  1. Biden and Harris are being used by the J team as conduits for global civil unrest. American gimmegrants and blacks will take by force what they can’t get by work. It will then spread globally like BLM . What’s that smell in the White house (soon to be renamed)? Is it Harris? Or Biden’s incontinence pads?

  2. I watched the video and thought it very good. I am familiar with the subject of ritual murder, having been introduced to it by Dr. Ed Field’s newspaper, _The Truth At Last_. I think it is a very important subject, and should be given publicity.

  3. http://Www.JRBooksOnline has 3 books for sale that deal with the subject of Jewish ritual murder: (1) Zamyslovsky’s book about the ritual murder in 1911 of Andrei Yushchinsky in Kiev, (2) an anthology of writers who have written about ritual murder, and (3) a book about ritual murder written by an English monk in the 12th century.

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