Liberticidal Demoncrats just lost two major Congressional elections in Cali and Wisconsin

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The Washington Post let slip a comment that can be best described as creepy.

The citizens of Wisconsin [by voting in an anti-lockdown Republican] were celebrating, as Gov. Tony Evers (D) knew, “the apparent end of his power over them — at least for now,” the Bezos-owned paper crowed. Say what? […]

Meanwhile, back in sunny California, the city of Los Angeles woke up to the news that stay-at-home orders will continue for another three months. Specifically, don’t think of trying to get some sun on the beach to help with lockdown paleness: “Face coverings will be required when not in the water, and sunbathing won’t be allowed… Coolers, chairs, umbrellas and any of the other accessories that typically dot the shoreline should be left at home,” the LA Times sums up the ‘new normal’ rules.

Incidentally, Los Angeles County, the epicenter of the coronavirus in America’s most-populous state, has just 1,300 deaths out of a population of about four million. Yes, every life is precious, but an increasing number of people seem prepared to accept the risk of those odds, especially as it is becoming more difficult for them to meet the monthly rent payment and grocery bill.

Let them eat ice cream

Granted, it’s not only the Democrat-controlled states that have seen the ‘natives getting restless,’ so to speak. Earlier this month, Texas hair salon owner Shelley Luther was sentenced to a week in jail for keeping her salon open in defiance of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s lockdown orders. Amid huge public outcry, Luther was quickly released after Abbott said prison sentences could no longer be punishment for defying social-distancing regulations. At least the Republicans seem to be learning from their mistakes.

Meanwhile, the Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was happy to have an on-screen Marie Antoinette moment, showing off her collection of top-shelf ice cream, filling a freezer which was probably worth more than several US school tuition loans combined. That’s her way of “dealing” with the lockdown.

It’s this sort of tone-deaf attitude from so many Democrats that could see them losing voter support in a critical election year. If current political trends continue, the Democrats’ apparent enthusiasm over excessive rules and regulations will cost them not only the US presidential elections, but the House as well.

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