Margi sent me this link and I was floored, having both skewered the jewish Democrap Attorney General of Michigan, Dana Nessel and praised the courageous Republican state senator for the Western UP, Ed McBroom. Now, though McBroom has sold his soul — and joined forces with the demonic Nessel!
State Police To Go After Anyone Who Claims Election Was Stolen
Farmer/state senator Ed McBroom, wife, kids and his sister-in-law, his brother’s widow, and her kids — seemingly true “All-American”
I am speechless, just as I was when Henrik Holappa betrayed us in 2011. You cannot believe someone you liked and trusted could sink so low. McBroom was politically an arch-paleo-conservative Republican, a family man and a farmer, who, as a state senator, was investigating the 2020 vote steal and asking the tough questions!
Now, though — bribed? blackmailed? or both? — he has gone over totally to the jew and Deep State enemy.
These three jewesses have done everything in their power to steal elections, and enslave and impoverish Michiganders.
As “Star Wars” would put it, McBroom was a Jedi Knight who “went over the Dark Side.”
All “Yoopers” (UP of Michigan residents) will read this article with nausea, shock, disgust and astonishment.
As Nietzsche would say, “human, all too human.” Every man, the jews snicker, has his price. Not I, but of so many it is true.
It is time for the Aryan religion.
This news item proved it. There is no hope in the Republican Party, not even in the tiny handful of the best, because McBroom was one of the best, but he too folded his cards. I spoke with him on the phone, met him in person, donated, and I liked him. So the shock is personal.
The other blow today was financial.
My $1,239-a-month cancer caretaker check is ending immediately. Margi is doing so well I cannot justify most of it any more. I can get paid to take her to the doctor, but that is it and those visits (thankfully) are now rare.
What this means is I no longer have the means to, in effect, pay a website bodyguard $800 a month to watch (monitor) like a hawk for hackers.
And yet if I do not pay someone to do this, the site will be destroyed.
So the site will go down in a week. There is no way without money to keep it up and intact because of the massive international jewish hacking.
I appealed for donations over and over and over and OVER AND OVER, but not enough were forthcoming. In the end, I had mainly one valiant Frenchman keeping the site afloat.
One, out of thousands of readers.
But that is okay. All that matters is the religion.
The site after Friday of next week will be just a donations page.
When it returns — it will be the religion.
I will publish over the next seven days some articles I have long wanted to publish.
So anyway, the silver lining is that this financial crisis will free me from the burden of blogging (partly to keep donations trickling in) to do the exact and precise task which is the reason why I incarnated here at all.
To change white humans from the animals, the goyim that they really are, cattle, back into what they can be, noble, courageous Aryans. Heaven is Aryan, noble and true, and we come from heaven.
Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens. — Alphonse de Lamartine
Postscript: This religion is this-worldly. I will continue in the future to address issues of practical, burning concern, and the main one now is vaccines and viruses. But I am examining in-depth and conscientiously, as always, the biggest question of them all: do viruses, bacteria and fungi even CAUSE disease, or do they flourish when someone is already sick from living in a completely toxic world?
If you go to a buiniess conference, stay at a hotel, and there is a buffet there, if half the conference attendees get sick, was it a virus or was it SPOILED FOOD?
And, regarding specifically “viruses,” do they EVEN EXIST, or are they ACTUALLY exosomes, protein shells of disintegrating and dying cells whch carry toxins away so new, healthy cells can form there?
Big Pharma says we need not clean up our filthy world, just take another pill or shot to their enormous profit.
I simply must get to the bottom of this issue. IF the radical “terrain” people are right — IF — and the “germ thoery” people are wrong, then this would explain, among other things, why never-vaccinated children (as in ZERO vaccines, nada, nothing, not one single vaccine) in many studies are far, far healthier.
And I personally know a very large family with all the kids completely unvaccinated and two very strict, very loving, very caring parents. All the kids are bursting with health.
BUT it does sound so incredibly radical and even nutty to say the germ theory is completely wrong.
I have to know the truth.
Because not only must we white earthlings evolve, but we must know about whether this vaccine or any vaccines from the jew goverment and jew Big Pharma are necessary at all.
Because vaccines are definitely the perfect way, like a neutron bomb, to kill us humans off while preserving the infrastructure intact for themselves. Vaccines are a life-and-death issue.
…..Recent donations
— 10 July 2021 200 euros [ = US$200] from M in France
— 9 July 2021 50 euros [ = US$200] and cards from S in Germany
— 9 July 2021 50 euros from S in Germany [This was the only donation for a week.]
[edited excerpts]
“…What a fighter Margi is!
Needless to say, 2020 was a terrible year and 2011 will be worse. That is not pessimism but realism.
So Donald Trump is gone and a senile, itchy-fingered crook and a brain-dead. race-baiting hooker are in as POTUS and VP. Nice!
What’s next? Full-blown bolshevism and gulags, probably. They just haven’t gotten your guns — yet.
My modest donation [of 50 euros] will be the last for a long time because I lost my job thanks to a fake pandemic and the illegal measures taken by our accursed government. They are such scoundrels.
Dear JdN, I value your work very highly. I just wish I could support you more often, alas.
All the best for you and dear Margaret,
I will blog a few more times and then be gone until the religion is ready. All my teachings need to be put in one concise and soul-shaking book. I am tired beyond measure of saying donations are necessary! Just do what your heart moves you to do.
And do you have another option? If you become a hermit, a prepper, and go off into the woods, will the Biden-Harris-Lloyd Austin government with its satellites and night-time thermal imaging cameras not find you in those woods?
National socialism is the will to be truthful. Virtus is to know you are an immortal soul seeking your HONOR.
It is now so much like 1932:
poverty, suicidal despair, empty political talk, divisions, and the specter of mass-murdering communism stalk the streets.
I’ll be back. I have suffered too much to not see this through to final and merciless victory. It is time to take out the trash.
Eccellente sintesi per laici istruiti. Ora lo sto leggendo con molta attenzione. Grazie! !
Ho contato 65 persone nel lido al mare.
Puoi notare un cellulare e una cuffia.
Poi tutti Codici 🙂
I counted 65 persons on the beach. You can see a cell phone and a helmet… for all the codes.
Sorry, I do not understand. Where do these codes come from) And were there police on the beach checking for vaccinations?
Il mio cellulare e quello attivo di mio figlio captano gli stessi codici…mio marito ha qualche problema evidentemente.Se riesce a risolvere il problema farà la prova in fabbrica,sono quasi tutti vaccinati.
Non so dirti cosa sono tutti quei codici,di solito i cellulari o le reti wifi hanno il lucchetto per protezione 🙂
My cell phone and my son’s active cell phone pick up the same codes … my [] obviously has some concerns about this. If he can solve the problem he will test this in the factory, where they are almost all vaccinated.
I can’t tell you what all those codes are, usually cell phones or wifi networks have a lock for protection. 🙂
La cuffia dovrebbe essere un cassa audio che funziona tramite bluetooth.Qui non c’è la polizia,ma ho scoperto che in Sicilia fanno le vaccinazioni in spiaggia..a 40gradi!LOL con un siero che doveva stare a meno 70 gradi.Mah.
The headset could be an audio speaker that works via Bluetooth. There are no police here, but I discovered that in Sicily they do vaccinations right on the beach .. at 40 degrees [104F])! LOL, with a serum that supposedly has to be kept at minus 70 degrees……
L’ho rifatto…puoi notare i cellulari!La quantità dei codici è uguale…
Ci vorrebbe un esperto per questa cosa!
It would take an expert to judge this!
Thank you so much. I used this video!
Mia cugina mi ha detto che la calamita non si attacca al suo braccio,le ho spiegato tante cose,può essere anche placebo o forse ci sono fiale che non hanno la nanotecnologia.E’ un grande dilemma.Ora non so se l’MRNA funziona in modo autonomo e non è relazionato ai metalli pesanti e al 5G.La furbizia di questa gente è incredibile per creare confusione.
In verità so anche che molti infermieri hanno sostituito le fiale e sono stati poi denunciati.In Brasile hanno fatto finta di vaccinare le persone…buttavano il siero.Ho visto una diretta.
My cousin told me that the magnet does not stick to her arm, I have explained many things to her, how it can also be a placebo or maybe there are vials that do not contain this nanotechnology. It’s a big dilemma.
Now I don’t know if the mRNA works autonomously and is unrelated to heavy metals and 5G.
But the cunning of these people is incredible so as to create confusion.
In truth, I also know that many nurses replaced the vials and were then reported.
In Brazil they pretended to vaccinate people … and then they threw the serum away. I saw a live video of this.
Yes, and thank you — VERY, very, good point! — SOME Covid vaccines may be just salt water, while others are chock-full of heavy metals that 5G can interact with.
Non so cosa dire…ma il terzo colpo può essere fatale.Cosa posso dire ormai?
Visto che odio la Disney e la Marvel totalmente Ebraica.
Il mio Super,Super Eroe 🙂
È vergognoso questo attacco.
Avevano dato per scontata la loro Vittoria.
Quando vengono in Italia si comportano come Barbari.
Un popolo succube di Boris,dei Windsor e dei Rothschild.
La sinistra ha scritto che le squadre multietniche sono più forti.
Ma davvero?
Ho notato infatti, LOL
Questo è solo l’Inizio…
Questi Demoni hanno stancato..
L’Italia deve trovare la sua identità prima che sia troppo tardi.
Quando i Romani attaccavano i Giudei per difendersi, invocavano spesso il Dio della guerra per far capire che il loro Dio Jahweh(LOKI)era un Dio minore(anche se molto astuto).
Questa frase l’ho sentita in un film recente su Gesù.
Questo libro non è disponibile 🙁
Ma guarda il cavallo di Marte.
Cosa ti ricorda…?
Associalo allo stemma araldico inglese dei Rothschild 😉
Trovo “incredibile” le Guerre di conquista tra i figli di Marte e la loro mancanza di rispetto reciproco..a causa di un Dio minore!!!!!
Quando diavolo impareranno!!!!!
Back to the Volksgemeinschaft!
Your entry into physical life, John de Nugent, was strategically planned wisely by your inner self (guardian angel): Insights into and connection to the (power)political network of the USA, via the father * MC ultra-tragedy experience as a lifelong, relentless research urge catalyst to plumb the established thought structures and power structures in their deepest depths and subject them to a comprehensive revision * …
All this was necessary to really understand the world, to get to the bottom of things, to be able to bring forth the John de Nugent material, and to be able to synthesize the findings, only this could make possible your now coming magnum opus on a literary, on a spiritual as well as on a political level.
The German-language National Journal recently used a prophetic song by Marvin Gayes (1971) for the introduction of one of its videos [1].[2][3] The text inevitably reminds of your, JdN, self-imposed task as well as of the present human catastrophe and of the question that was considered unthinkable only a short time ago: Will the majority zombified (remaining) white peoples now also drive their children to the vaccination slaughterhouse, while the non-white peoples vehemently refuse?
Who would have ever believed that the white peoples would annihilate themselves voluntarily in the final phase, due to complete ignorance of warning voices and due to the groveling worship of their voodo doctors in white, whom they were trained to obey, to whom they are in bondage, and due to the completely lost warning inner voice (guardian angel)? What happened and happens now was only possible by a complete training and fixation on outer world instances, by the separation from our ancestral heritage and by the complete separation from the inner world, by a thoroughly materialistic world.
“Save The Children Marvin Gaye”,
Text excerpts, with omissions: Who really cares to save a world in despair? There’ll come a time, when the world won’t be singing, flowers won’t grow, bells won’t been ringing. Who really cares? Who’s willing to try, to save a world, that is destined to die? […] What a shame. Such a bad way to live. […] We can’t stop living. Live, live for life. But let live everybody. Live life for the children. You see, let’s save the children. Let’s save all the children. Save the babies. […] But who really cares? Who’s willing to try, to save our world. [..] Save our world, that is destined to die.
[1] “158 Offene Fußballstadien für das Leben unserer Kinder?”,
[2] Here with captioned images “Save The Children Marvin Gaye”, or here only the song: “Save the Children”,
In German:
Ihr Eintritt ins physische Leben, John de Nugent, wurde strategisch weise von Ihrem inneren Selbst (Schutzengel) durchgeplant: Einblicke in und Anschluß an das (macht)politische Netzwerk der USA, über den Vater * MC-Ultra-Tragikerfahrung als lebenslanger, unnachgiebiger Forschungsdrang-Katalysator, um die etablierten Denkgebäude und Machstrukturen in ihren tiefsten Tiefen auszuloten und einer umfassenden Revision zu unterziehen * …
All das war notwendig, um die Welt wirklich zu verstehen, um den Dingen auf den Grund zu gehen, um das John-de-Nugent-Material hervorbringen zu können, und um die Erkenntnisse in einer Synthese zusammenfassen zu können, nur dadurch konnte Ihr jetzt kommendes Magnum Opus auf schriftstellerischer, auf spiritueller sowie auf politischer Ebene ermöglicht werden.
Das deutschsprachige National Journal verwendete kürzlich für die Einleitung eines seiner Videos [1] ein prophetisches Lied von Marvin Gayes (1971).[2][3] Der Text erinnert unweigerlich an Ihre, JdN, selbstgestellte Aufgabe sowie an die jetzige Menschheitskatastrophe und an die noch vor kurzem für undenkbar gehaltene Frage: Werden die mehrheitlich zombifizierten (rest)weißen Völker nun auch noch ihre Kinder zur Impfschlachtbank treiben, während die nichtweißen Völker sich vehement weigern?
Wer hätte denn jemals geglaubt, daß sich die weißen Völker in der Endphase freiwillig selbst vernichten würden, aufgrund völliger Ignoranz warnender Stimmen und aufgrund der kriecherischen Anbetung ihrer Voodo-Doktoren in weiß, denen zu gehorchen sie dressiert wurden, denen sie hörig sind, und aufgrund der völlig verschütt gegangenen warnenden inneren Stimme (Schutzengel)? Was jetzt geschah und geschieht war nur möglich durch eine völlige Dressur und Fixierung auf Außenweltinstanzen, durch die Trennung von unserem Ahnenerbe und durch die völlige Trennung von der Innenwelt, durch eine durch und durch materialistisch geprägte Welt.
“Save The Children Marvin Gaye”,
Textauszüge, mit Auslassungen:
Who really cares to save a world in despair? There’ll come a time, when the world won’t be singing, flowers won’t grow, bells won’t been ringing. Who really cares? Who’s willing to try, to save a world, that is destined to die? […] What a shame. Such a bad way to live. […] We can’t stop living. Live, live for life. But let live everybody. Live life for the children. You see, let’s save the children. Let’s save all the children. Save the babies. […] But who really cares? Who’s willing to try, to save our world. [..] Save our world, that is destined to die.
[1] “158 Offene Fußballstadien für das Leben unserer Kinder?”,
[2] Hier mit unterlegten Bildern “Save The Children Marvin Gaye”, bzw. hier nur das Lied: “Save the Children”,
Vielen Dank, lieber Kamerad. ::-) 🙂 🙂
Tja, der arme Marvin Gaye wurde vom eigenen Vater erschossen! 🙁 Das war der Inbegriff des Menschenwahns!
Thank you so much, dear comrade.
Well, this poor Marvin Gaye was shot dead by his own father. A fitting example of human insanity!
Jews want that you watch degenerate porn: