Lies by WN humanimals; lies by Dominion and cowardly silence made Biden president; the number-one liar in our Cause

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We will never beat the jews by lying ourselves.

This story about Dejywan Floyd being George Floyd’s brother is totally false, invented, made up, concocted, and, as I crudely wrote the other day in another case, “pulled out of someone’s ass.” 😉

In other words, this is bullshit. A stinking lie!

But the person circulating it did not care!

To lie to advance your “cause” is exactly what the jews do. What Fauci does! What Gates does! What Biden does!

Shame on any “Aryan” who lies like a jew or any other psychopath!

This is also childish. There are so many, many Floyds in America. (It’s a common Welsh name, like “Jones.”)

This North Carolina negro was not even from the same state as George Floyd (b.,  yes, in NC but raised in Texas), and did not look like him either. Nor is Dejywan listed as a sibling in George Floyd’s obituary.

Why does slander work? Because people do not insist on the truth. They simply “wanna” believe it.

They wanna believe what they wanna believe.

I do get it that readers are angry that this negro killed a white mother of six and some good man’s wife.

But this does not give you or anyone at any time the right to just go and lie!

The end does not justify the means!

The great German philosopher Immanuel Kant had something he called the “categorical imperative.”

I will translate it into plain talk.

Suppose everyone acts this way?

Suppose everyone says lying, stealing, breaking promises, slandering and inventing cheap excuses is okay — if I do it? If it is good FOR ME?

Going back to lying, this is an especially tempting and slippery slope. Once you start lying, it gets easier and easier.

Next thing you know, you are lying every time you get yourself into a jam.

There is a better solution…

You know that lying your way out of a problem is wrong, so try NOT causing the problem!

Therefore, think before you act. And think about others. Develop a conscience, a strong conscience, so you do the right thing, and you help, not hurt, other human beings, who all have feelings and needs just as you do.

Don’t let others down.

Then you will not be a humanimal.

To be a national socialist is to tell the truth.

About the jews, sure.

About race, y ses.

Speak truth about everything. Or be silent as the tomb — around a fool.

“Don’t offer pearls to swine.” — Jesus

Maybe offer them a whip. 😉


Yes,this Dejywan Floyd is a worthless negro.

Hang him.

But he is not the brother of George Floyd.

It is only with truth, and with honor, and with sacrifice and deeds, that we will restore white power in America. Not with tricks and lies.

…..The Stealection happened because hundreds of thousands of American liars lied

Court unseals details of audit on machines in Michigan’s Antrim County

13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin Elsenheimer released the audit report

A Michigan judge has released the bombshell report on the audit of Dominion Voting Systems, revealing that the machines and their software were “designed” to “create systemic fraud.”

The report covers the forensic audit of Dominion’s machines in Michigan’s Antrim County — which received national attention after it was discovered that 6,000 votes for President Donald Trump were “flipped” to Democrat Joe Biden due to an “error.”

13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin Elsenheimer ordered the report’s protective order to be lifted on Monday night, allowing the details of the audit to be unsealed and released to the public. The data firm that conducted the forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems determined that the machines and software in Michigan showed that they were designed to create fraud and influence election results, the report reveals.

“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results,” Russell Ramsland Jr., co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, said in a preliminary report. “The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors.

The ruling is a major blow for Dominion’s CEOs (pictured) who hoped to keep the report sealed.

“The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication,” the report continues.” The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail.

Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan,” he added. “We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.”

Ramsland, a former Reagan administration official who has worked for NASA, and the team of cybersecurity experts examined Dominion products in Antrim County earlier this month as part of an ongoing case.

The team inspected and performed forensic duplication on the county’s election management server, which was running Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5.3-002, compact flash cards used by local precincts in their Dominion ImageCast system, USB memory sticks used by Dominion Voter Assist Terminals, and USB memory sticks used for the poll book.

They used X-Ways Forensics and other tools including Blackbag-Blacklight Forensic Software, and Virtual Box.

Judge Elsenheimer approved the forensic examination in Bailey v. Antrim County, which alleges the infamous vote flip county officials reported last month may not have been the result of human error, as officials had alleged.

Antrim County resident William Bailey filed the lawsuit against the county that challenges the integrity of the election equipment.

On Monday, Elsenheimer ruled that the report on the examination must be published. Elsenheimer unsealed the report after state and county officials withdrew their objections.

Michigan Secretary of State (((Jocelyn Benson))), a Democrat, has attempted to dismiss the report as “inaccurate, incomplete, and misleading.”

*** Three jew Stealection liars: Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and the batlike Attorney-General, Dana Nessel


“The Antrim County Clerk and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have stated that the election night error detailed above by the vote ‘flip’ from Trump to Biden, was the result of human error caused by the failure to update the Mancelona Township tabulator prior to Election Night for a down-ballot race,” reads the report by Allied Security Operations Group. “We disagree and conclude that the vote flip occurred because of machine error built into the voting software designed to create error.”

Allied Security Operations Group concludes that the Dominion system “should not be used in Michigan” and the Antrim County results “should not have been certified.”

Last weekend, Judge Eisenheimer ordered Antrim County election officials to preserve all election materials and refrain from operating any of the county’s Dominion Voting Systems machines ahead of a forensic audit by the Trump campaign.

“Antrim County election officials discovered that ‘human error’ flipped 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden after Bailey alerted them to some inconsistencies in the county’s reporting of the vote,” The Daily Wire noted earlier this month. Michigan Secretary of State Benson’s office attempted to dismiss the inconsistencies as “human error.”

In a statement, Benson’s office said that “the clerk accidentally did not update the software used to collect voting machine data and report unofficial results.”

“The erroneous reporting of unofficial results from Antrim county was a result of accidental error on the part of the Antrim County Clerk,” the statement said.

“The equipment and software did not malfunction and all ballots were properly tabulated.”

“However, the clerk accidentally did not update the software used to collect voting machine data and report unofficial results.”

Assistant Attorney General Erik Grill claims the audit analysis is “inaccurate, incomplete and misleading,” The Detroit Free Press reported Monday. “There’s no reason to hide,” Grill said. “There is nothing to hide.”

[Lying] Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, attempted to dismiss the report as ‘inaccurate, incomplete, and misleading’

Benson withdrew her objection to releasing the report, said Grill, because the attorney representing Bailey had given interviews to the press in which he leveled allegations about the election results and Benson, according to The Daily Wire.

“Any attempt to suppress the report now would only incorrectly be seen as an attempted coverup, he said,” the Free Press reports.

“Dominion Voting Systems and the Michigan Secretary of State’s Office continue to urge caution about false information related to Antrim County,” The Detroit News notes.

Dominion said in a statement released Monday that the error was caused when officials did not update the programming, emphasizing that the error was caught in the post-election canvass process.“

The post-election canvass process is designed to catch errors, which is exactly where these errors were discovered,” the company said.

“It is disappointing, though not surprising, that the primary goal of this group is to continue spreading false information designed to erode the public’s confidence in the election,” said Jake Rollow, spokesman for Benson. Trump won Antrim County by about 4,000 votes but “lost” the state by around 154,000 votes.





…… the consummate liar

Once you tell one lie, the next one gets easier. Finally, you lie all day long.


He defends jews, and slanders their Aryan victims.

Now, he even looks like a liar.

But being an atheist, it is okay for him — in his mind — to slander another WN, because it keeps him out of jail in a EU full of hate-speech laws and prosecutors, unlike real heroes Ursula Haverbeck,

Wolfgang Fröhlich,

Hervé Ryssen,


Vincent Reynouard,

and Albert Schaefer, now on his third year in ISOLATION in a Munich prison.




….. French comrade sent this great meme


I replied:

The website Smoloko, which made this meme, was great, but then the two people behind it dropped off the radar.

But, hey, their work of giving out information was done.

The time for action is here.

First, inner action to end our denial and lies.

Then we wake up and realize, as the British poet Shelley said:


Rise, like lions after slumber,
In unvanquishable number!

Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you:

Ye are many — they are few.









    Simon Mago,dopo la caduta, non sarebbe morto subito, ma raccolto da alcune persone,sarebbe stato portato prima a Terracina, poi ad Ariccia, dove sarebbe deceduto e collocato nel sarcofago, che ancora oggi è visibile nel Parco di Villa Chigi.

    b) Dopo essere precipitato al suolo, si sarebbe fratturato e suicidato.

    c) Avrebbe detto di seppellirlo vivo ‘che sarebbe risorto dopo tre giorni’. Lo fecero, ma sarebbe morto senza resuscitare.

    d) Avrebbe fabbricato delle ali come Icaro, per volare, ma sarebbe caduto e così morto.

    e) Durante il suo soggiorno romano,Simone avrebbe risieduto in casa di uno dei senatori più vicini a Nerone, Marcello. Per volere di Nerone, inizialmente Marcello sarebbe entrato a far parte della comunità cristiana per poter riferire all’imperatore cosa vi avvenisse,ma quando si accorse che Nerone ammirava l’insegnamento ‘esoterico’di Simone,sarebbe entrato a fare parte di quest’ultimo gruppo.Scoppiate le tensioni tra l’aristocrazia senatoria e l’imperatore stesso(7),avrebbe fatto bastonare Simon Mago e poi lo avrebbe consegnato ai cristiani che facevano capo a Pietro e a Paolo e,per ordine di Pietro, lo avrebbero buttato giù da una torre.Spezzatosi una gamba in tre punti,Simone venne colpito da lanci di pietre da parte dei suoi avversari e poi ‘ciascuno se ne ritornò a casa e tutti ormai credettero in Dio’. Nella sua sventura, trovò uomini che lo portarono ad Ariccia, dove soggiornò, poi fu trasferito presso un certo Castore, a Terracina, che era stato bandito da Roma con l’accusa di magia. Qui, Simone fu amputato, ma l’operazione-mal riuscita- lo avrebbe condotto a morte.

    Comunque Nerone, era affranto e infuriato al pensiero che Pietro avesse fatto rompere le gambe al suo favorito Simone. Alla notizia della sua morte, l’imperatore avrebbe ostentato il suo corpo per tre giorni, per tributargli gli onori che si meritava,altri dicono per ‘venerarlo come un dio’. Un culto che sarebbe proseguito anche in tempi successivi. Esistono voci relative ad una statua che sarebbe stata voluta dall’imperatore Claudio, e dedicata a Simone quale Dio e che recita “Simoni deo Sancto” o “Semoni Sanco deo fidio sacrum”, ma non era dedicata a Simon Mago, ma al dio sabino Semo Sancus (8).

    Nerone sembra che iniziasse una repressione verso coloro che avevano voluto la morte di Simone ma non così ampia come descritta dagli Storici, bensì circoscritta agli autori materiali del fatto. Ben presto, scoprì che Pietro era stato il mandante dell’omicidio di Simon Mago e, su consiglio di Agrippa, il prefetto, lo condannò alla crocifissione, mentre a Paolo fu recisa la testa, secondo la tradizione, ‘fuori le mura’ della città.

    “Fece crocifiggere Pietro a testa in giù e da qui si stabilì la credenza del soggiorno di Pietro a Roma, del suo supplizio e del suo sepolcro”. In effetti, non vi sono prove certe della presenza di San Pietro nell’Urbe.La tradizione (la prima notizia ci perviene da Origene,che ci tramanda che Pietro fu crocifisso per sua volontà a testa in giù),pone la data del ‘martirio’ all’anno 67, secondo altri 64 d.C.,quando dell’incendio di Roma vennero incolpati i cristiani e,tra questi,vi era anche Pietro,che fu inizialmente imprigionato nel carcere Mamertino e poi crocifisso sul colle Vaticano nel circo Neroniano. Il suo corpo sarebbe stato sepolto a destra della via Cornelia, dove fu poi innalzata la Basilica Costantiniana.

    Ho fatto questa ricerca.
    Giacomo era un seguace di Simon Mago.
    Giacomo fu ucciso da Paolo,nipote di Gesù,e secondo Giuseppe Flavio fu coinvolto anche suo fratello Gesù,che sposò per lavirato Marta nel 63.
    Giacomo e Gesù litigarono a quanto pare.
    Queste sono le scoperte di Alessandro sulla figura di Simone Mago nella sua realtà.
    Ecco che le due chiese si divisero in questo senso.
    Ecco perché il nome Giacomo compare nel dipinto di Leonardo.

    • Interessante e grazie. Questo dipinto raffigura un Pietro spirituale e ariano che affronta un Simone semitico e mercenario:

      Tutte queste storie di magia, contraddizioni e conflitti, tutte non verificabili, mi stancano. Ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno è riconoscere e distruggere la mente egoica, che causa tutta questa follia.

      • Si, questo è certo(la nostra mente Egoica).
        Noi viviamo in un mondo al contrario dove le bugie sono diventate Verità da troppo tempo.
        Simone Mago è stato fatto passare per uno stregone solo perché Zoroastriano.
        La narrativa è sempre la stessa.
        I bugiardi millenari sono diventati Santi..oggi sono tutti al Vertice come Religiosi, come medici, come politici, come Benefattori.

  2. Alessandro è stato di nuovo censurato da Fb(30 giorni).
    Ora usa telegram.
    Questo dimostra che le sue scoperte stanno minando il “potere millenario dei Gesuiti e del Vaticano”.
    È davvero ritornato lo Zoroastrismo 🙂
    Il potere spirituale degli gnostici.
    E la sacra svastica.
    I Religiosi Bigotti non accetteranno tutto questo, non accetteranno questa verità.Figurati.
    Non possono calpestare i loro padroni Giudei.

      Perdonami, è lunghissimo.

      Qui dice:

      Libro dei Giudici 10, 6-8: « Gli Israeliti continuarono a fare ciò che è male agli occhi del Signore e servirono i Baal, le Astarti, gli dei di Aram, abbandonarono il Signore e non lo servirono più. Allora l’ira del Signore si accese contro (Israele) e li mise nelle mani degli (Etei) [degli Hatti]. Questi afflissero e oppressero gli Israeliti per diciotto anni ».

      Ma quello che è davvero incredibile(per me)è il culto di Mitra che è sopravvissuto a tutto e si è sempre DISTINTO tra tutti.
      Mitra è identificato con la costellazione di Orione, con la sua compagna Sirio,con la sua lepre,i suoi cani maggiore e minore e i Gemelli Castore e Polluce.
      Questo è incredibile 🙂
      Perdonami ma dovevo approfondire.

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