Lin Wood tweets the pedophilocracy forces politicians at gunpoint to rape and kill kids; martial law far better than popular uprising

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A German comrade sent me this – nine Lin Wood tweets, sent out on Monday, January 4, 2021,  followed by a German translation:


Of course, as a victim and survivor myself, I do find what he says possible.

In fact, I was writing and doing videos about all this already in April of 2015….

A lady comrade wrote me:

(((They))) are ready to eliminate all of us that don’t want them in control. Trump isn’t a fighter. He won’t even try. At least Lin Wood has risked his own life to expose the worst corruption. It seems that Pence does not intend to be in Congress to keep electoral integrity. Biden will be accepted and the Communist genocide will begin in the streets of D.C.

Americans not prepared to resist have been suckered into believing Trump will finally invoke the Insurrection Act to save the country. He wouldn’t even try to save Steve King! Almost all of Congress should have been arrested for sedition and treason. But most Americans will not risk themselves and families to save even themselves.

Fictional Hollywood American wild west sheriffs do not exist in this lawless country. Apparently, neither do loyal US Marines sworn to defend and protect Americans from domestic Communist enemies.

I replied:

My experience at the US Army Corps of Engineers hearing on the Apollo NUMEC radioactive clean-up was a severe warning to me, as I watched the masses, though highly affected by cancer in their own loved ones, just stare at me, almost drooling in incomprehension. I saw, in a kind of epiphany, that the masses do NOT respond immediately to mentally forbidden truths.

And they were already zombies way back in the year 2012. Now it is even worse, many chemtrails later, and with people more obese, more effeminate, and more used than ever to sitting there at some plastic keyboard instead of doing something in the real world.

I suspect at this stage that the military has made it clear to Trump he will not be obeyed if he declares martial law, and large units will move on the White House to eject him should he not leave the White House by January 20.

Insanely, Trump made this russophobic madman, Mark Milley, the Chairman in 2019 of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


It would even start with this –-the very hostile, black-run DC government prosaically turning off the water and power.

As to an uprising, it would be far preferable if the Commander-In-Chief led it. The man got at least 80 million votes, many literally love him, and he has many supporters in the lower military ranks.

When the Americans rose up against King George III, he did not have satellites, killer drones and the ability to locate and identify enemies via their smartphones. Nor did Abraham Lincoln in his war against the “rebelllion” by the South. It was basically rifles against rifles, cannons against cannons, and horses against horses.

Now say the entire UP of Michigan rose up under my leadership against the regime….

A killer drone from some Air Force base located 1,500 miles from here could tail my car and fire one single smart missile from a position in the air a mile behind the vehicle, blowing the car up just as the Pentagon did with the Iranian general Suleimani a year ago.

It would not matter if everyone in the tri-state region loved me.

The drone would just fly over those people.

If any planned uprising were to be discussed online, or by phone or even by old-fashioned letter, sent using the US Postal Service, or if cars began converging on some meeting place, the feds would find out, and do a series of night-time raids at 3 and 6 am BEFORE all that, and decapitate the whole leadership, which is what the bolsheviks did, hitting the individuas they feared when they were sleepy and groggy.

Beyond that, the regular US military has vast experience in house-to-house fighting, both in WWII in Europe and in Vietnam and Iraq.

If my goal were only to die heroically, the Pentagon could gladly arrange for that, and it would be a one-day little “burst of glory.”

Should I run for the hills? Thermal detection drones would tell the Pentagon exactly where the heat sources would be located even in the deepest forest, such as people with body heat, vehicles with warm engines, and, of course, hot gun barrels. 😉

NO, it has to be a mass movement, highly spiritual, and embued with suicidal determination — or it will flop before even Day One, because there will be pre-emptive mass arrests and thus no action at all, just preliminary talk.

Clearly, Trump has toyed with declaring martial law, and heard about it from close advisors such as General Flynn and General McInerny, plus others.

He fired his previous defense secretary, Esper, for another man, Chris Miller, who then put all US Special Forces under his direct command, an unprecedented move. Normally, Navy SEALs are under the Navy, Marine Force Recon undef the Marines, Delta Force under the Air Force, and Green Berets under the Army.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, left, and others, applaud during a full honors welcoming ceremony for Secretary of Defense Mark Esper at the Pentagon, Thursday, July 25, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Why did Miller put them under his direct control?

We shall see what happens, but I will not wait much longer.

One thing is for certain: were I to do nothing, that would not remove the huge target that is painted on my specific back already.

The nightmarish eight years of Obama-Biden would resume in spades for me under Biden-Harris.

They could make “hate speech” a federal crime or “spreading dangerous disinformation about Covid-19 and the vaccine.”

My goal is, however, to win, not to merely “go out in a blaze of glory,” though that might be exactly what happens.

I ask for your prayers for great wisdom and courage. That is not some empty phrase. I am asking for your fervent prayers to God.


1 Comment

  1. I doubt that Trump has ever considered being a martyr. He has known Epstein as part of his past, as well as the Clintons. Is he not so innocent? If Trump could somehow publicly declare that he is invoking the Insurrection Act, that would be an act of defiance and resistance whether the legal powers would carry it out, or not. A callout to Americans would redeem him from seeming to be a coward and could be a signal to any Patriots in the military ready to fight for Trump. Can trained commandos be as tough at home
    Like in Arlington
    as they have been elsewhere? For this is a time when good men are needed to resist the devil himself with God’s divine help.

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