“Listen to your heart”!

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I thank a comrade, activist, generous donor and friend for this video.

Anonymously, I can tell you that 15% of heart transplant recipients have vivid memories of the donor including family, spouse, place and type of work, type and color of cars etc. This lasts for 3-4 months and never comes back. Took this to a psychologist & psychiatrist. The answer was that the percentage is mostly twice what is being reported. Like airline pilots who see UFO or weird phenomena in the sky, they don’t want to appear “odd crazy, etc” and in the case of airline pilots, they want to keep their jobs!
As a physician, board certified in 3 specialties, I keep an open mind & indeed found some of these neuronal cells outside the SA, AV nodes and not associated to Purkinge cell or conduction system. (Silver stain for those who know what I am talking about).
So, we do gave what appear independent reverberating system in the myocardium NOT part of the conduction system. I suggest listening to Dr. Hammeroff’s lectures on YouTube & read his peer-reviewed medical publications.
So in short, the microtubules in the axions work as a quantum computer receiving & sending out signals “somewhere”. MY 5 cents for all it is worth, in simple terms , we all have a unique “MAC Address” that communicates with the Universal Conscience.

…..”Listen to your heart” by Roxette (the Swede Marie Fredriksson)




  1. John, do you think in the future more and more evidence will show Jesus was an Aryan ? Maybe he was a son of the Allfather/Allmother, sent to defeat the (evil) ?

    • That is an interesting question.

      My view in my last life, and it remains unchanged now, is that it is impossible to know much for certain about Jesus. He left behind no writings, some of his disciples were illiterate fishermen, and the educated and sincere jews who supported him were way too terrified to write down under their own name: “This is what I [wealthy businessman or farmer X] saw Him say and do.”

      Then the jews agitated the Romans with a huge campaign of slander against all admirers of Jesus.

      So then those few wealthy and educated jews who did love Jesus were also frightened that the Romans could come and get them, too. No one wanted to be set on fire in the Colosseum or fed to the lions!

      Nero, at the instigation of his jew-loving wife Poppaea, had Christians burned alive for entertainment, blaming them when much of Rome burned down and the Romans were irate at losing everything. Jews said to both the mob and the Roman authorities, including Poppaea, that Christians ate babies, drank their blood, and had sex with their siblings!

      This book (in French) lays out in great detail the jewish slander campaign from 30-310 AD against the Christians.

      I agree also today with what I wrote in 1923 (in Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, with Dietrich Eckart): As distorted as the New Testament is, the genuine religious thoughts of Jesus do sometimes shine through the fog, and only an Aryan, a noble, wise and advanced man, could have written such things.


      Then you have the fact that, as Google Images has begun to only recently show in color, that Jesus was always portrayed with blond hair in the catacombs of Rome, and the early Roman Christians were guided by Peter, who was one of Jesus’ first disciples and had been imprisoned in Rome by this very psychopath Nero, who had him too crucified!

      If anyone knew what Jesus looked like, it was Peter!

      Even in Egypt, Jesus (here with Mary and blond angels) was depicted as blond.

      This, however, is what normal Jews back then looked like (from a mural in a Judaean house of that period) — swarthy and evil

      Matthew 4:

      The First Disciples
      (Mark 1:16–20; Luke 5:1–11; John 1:35–42)

      18As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 19“Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” 20And at once they left their nets and followed Him.

      21Going on from there, He saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, mending their nets. Jesus called them, 22and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed Him.

      Jesus Heals the Multitudes
      (Mark 3:7–12; Luke 6:17–19)

      23Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. 24News about Him spread all over Syria, and people brought to Him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering acute pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed—and He healed them.

      25The large crowds that followed Him came from Galilee, the Decapolis,f Jerusalem, Judea, and beyond the Jordan.


      Jesus was clearly a Nordic starseed, a Nordic from a far higher planet in our galaxy who chose heroically to incarnate into jewish society to try to change their horrible and dangerous religion — drastically and totally — from a cult of greed, revenge, hatred, arrogance and murder into a new faith, a beautiful teaching based on peace, caring and love.

      The New Testament itself says no jew was His father. An angel says to the unmarried Mary that she will be come pregnant “by the power of the Most High.”

      Instinctively, Europeans, especially when they met actual jews, have felt that Jesus was not jewish but a noble white man whom the perfidious jews killed.

      The Jelling Stone in Denmark, restored by CGI to its original colors:


      Jesus pretended to be a jew inside and to be their messiah to try to infiltrate and change them from within. This is called subversion. But the big jews saw right through Him and knew he was out to overthrow them completely and entirely change Judaism into something else.

      But you know what any attempt throughout history to change the jews is? And the same goes for any and all attempting to cure psychopaths, whether they are in a group like the jews or are individuals like John Bolton, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, Scott Morrison in Oz or Mario Draghi….;-)

  2. Stavo seguendo le lezioni di religione di Mario.All’improvviso mi ha detto una frase che aveva ripetuto la sua insegnante:”Ha detto che i Farisei hanno pagato qualcuno per bruciare le case e far ricadere la colpa sui cristiani che odiavano”.
    Devo averla letta da qualche parte altrimenti,non ricordo 🙁 non riesco a trovarla ora, ma mi è rimasta impressa per questa vicenda particolare(che in vita mia non avevo mai letto o sentito).
    È stato come un colpo fulmineo.
    Allora è vero:”I Farisei hanno pagato Pietro e i suoi complici per bruciare Roma e far ricadere la colpa sui Cristiani e su Nerone che voleva cambiare tutto il sistema monetario dell’Impero.
    Pietro è morto nel 67DC,Nerone suicida poco dopo.
    Poi c’è la storia di Pietro che è stato imprigionato dal Sinedrio e poi liberato,da chi? Perché?se era un nemico dei Farisei come Paolo,imparentato con Gesù.
    Gesù era stato a Roma come parente degli Imperatori e certamente non era nemico dei Romani.
    Per non parlare dei “traditori” Erodiani..che avevano acquisito già nel 46DC posizioni di potere a Roma.
    Leonardo etichetta Pietro come “Traditore” e non ho nessun dubbio a riguardo sul ruolo del doppiogioco.
    Si,sto salvando la reputazione di Nerone perché i “parenti” di Gesù hanno avuto un ruolo particolare in questa storia,sotto compenso dei Farisei.Per come la vedo io è stato il patto di alcuni romani,alcuni Erodiani con i Farisei del Tempio.
    Alle spalle di Gesù.

    • Non voglio contraddirti ma so che il Denaro,il potere e la paura di morire hanno corrotto i migliori uomini bianchi.Questi maledetti Farisei…
      Banchieri e Stregoni allo stesso tempo.
      E la storia insegna che le Donne possono essere incolpate,demonizzate con estrema facilità (come Poppea che forse aveva cambiato lo stesso Nerone/sua madre voleva davvero dei rapporti sessuali con lui?)gli uomini come il Fuhrer che avevano colpito “di nuovo” il loro modo di corrompere,schiavizzare le masse attraverso la moneta.
      Immagina questa storia…
      Ripetiamo a campana da tempo le stesse stronzate divulgate da questi bastardi.
      Io odio le loro menzogne e il loro veleno.
      Usano tutti i tuoi simboli per demonizzarti ancora,per far credere alla massa che il QCode è stata una tua invenzione,l’invenzione di Hitler e dei Nazisti per schedare gli Ebrei.

  3. https://photos.app.goo.gl/tKJ4ifcPzc98j7Sn7
    Ecco dove finiscono le persone che hanno pestato i piedi ai Demoni.
    Oh, è un classico:
    Psicopatici,ricchioni,drogati,incestuosi 😉
    In realtà rimandano indietro la loro immagine nello specchio;
    Caligola,Nerone,Hitler diventeranno magicamente la loro immagine.
    “Noi vediamo negli altri i nostri brutti difetti quando li critichiamo”.
    Come uno specchio 😉
    Quel famoso specchio di Leonardo!
    E ci sono specchi e specchi…

    • Transl:

      That’s where the people who stepped on the Demons’ feet end up.
      Oh, it’s a classic:
      Psychopaths, rich people, drug addicts, incestuous 
      They actually send their image back in the mirror;
      Caligula, Nero, Hitler will magically become their image.
      “We see our ugly flaws in others when we criticize them.”
      Like a mirror 
      That famous Leonardo mirror!
      And there are mirrors and mirrors …

  4. “Listen to your heart”!

    “Hör auf dein Herz”!


    Hör auf dein Herz, so lautet die Überschrift des obigen Artikels.

    Das hätte sich der Herzarzt Dr. Das sich zu Herzen nehmen sollen, dann würde er noch leben – und eine weitere Person, die er mit in den Tod riß.

    So wie es aussieht, abermals einer der merkwürdigen Zufälle unserer Zeit. Mit anderen Worten: Dr. Das, der als Kardiologe in einer staatlichen Einrichtung tätig war, erlag mit aller Wahrscheinlichkeit den unerbittlichen Folgen einer sogenannten mRNA-Impfung oder einer sogenannten viralen Vektor-DNA-Impfung.

    Man sollte sich heuer tunlichst von Bereichen fern halten, wo sich gespritzte – im Sinne von Geimpft gemäß der staatlichen Doktrin – Menschen aufhalten. Doch selbst das ist lediglich in begrenzten Maßen möglich, da es einen heute wohl überall erwischen kann, also der Schnitter einen überall erhaschen kann.

    (Deutsche Übersetzung der nach genannten Überschrift des Artikels des Covidblog: Dr. Sugata Das: Beunruhigendes Cockpit-Video zeigt die letzten Momente des Lebens des Kardiologen, bevor er sein Privatflugzeug in der Nähe von San Diego abstürzte und eine weitere Person tötete)

    Dr. Sugata Das: disturbing cockpit video shows last moments of cardiologist’s life before he crashed his private plane near San Diego, killing one other person


  5. – Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –

    Auf der Seite des Covidblog ist im oben genannten Artikel ein etwa fünfminütiges Video eingebettet, das den stetigen Sinkfluges des Piloten Dr. Das dokumentiert beziehungsweise dokumentieren soll.

    Was mit aufgefallen ist, ist zum einen ein Bildschnitt während des Sinkfluges, wo zwar ohne Unterbrechung gesprochen wird von den Beteiligten, das Bild jedoch eindeutig geschnitten wurde.

    Zum anderen scheint das Flugzeug, bei der anschließend gezeigten Außenaufnahme des dem Sinkfluges folgenden Absturzes, zu verschwinden, sich quasi in Luft aufzulösen, und zwar ab dem Zeitpunkt, wo das Flugzeug vom Kontrast des Himmels in den Kontrast des Berges/Hügels übergeht – sodann ist aber trotzdem ein Einschlag zu erkennen, offensichtlich mit Rauch und Flammen.

    An der Unfallstelle, die im dritten Video gezeigt wird, sind überdies keinerlei Wrackteile des Flugzeugs – es soll sich um eine Cessna 340 gehandelt haben – zu studieren. Lediglich abgebrannte Autos und Häuser fallen mir als Betrachter ins Auge.

    Wie dem auch sei, meine Beobachtung muß nichts bedeuten, denn vielleicht erfasse ich das zur Verfügung gestellte Bildmaterial nicht richtig respektive fehlinterpretiere es – schließlich bin ich kein Fachmann, sondern nur Laie.

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