Little American boys in the Sixties who felt for Germany

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“Cry in the Ruins” was a 1965 episode of “Combat,” a  somewhat realistic WWII tv series about the US Army fighting in Europe, with a constant “war-is-hell” theme.


A GI  about to shoot his BAR (“Browning Automatic Rifle”) at the Germans (an excellent if heavy weapon, my father used one in WWII and in Korea)

It was phased out after 1957 for the M60, which I carried in the Army National Guard, a 26-pound knockoff (shhhh 😉 ) (and a slow one) of the evil Nazis’ much faster MG42, nicknamed by GIs “Hitler’s buzzsaw.” 😉


My father and I watched the series together, and he yet again noticed with concern my pro-German, or rather, pan-Aryan sympathies.

A comrade and generous supporter who later became a Green Beret, and then a stormtrooper in the Rockwell party, the NSWPP (as did I, where we heard of each other from afar), wrote me after reading this blog:

The call is coming to all who were national socialists in their previous life

The TV show “Combat” was popular at about that same age (5) for me.

There was no special praise in my home for Germany or National Socialism. Yet to my older brother’s frustration, I expressed an affinity for the Wehrmacht opponents in the show.

They seemed to signify a higher order than the slovenly and quarrelsome American GIs.

I replied:

I remember that show, too. War is hell..and in the Sixties, millions of Americans from the WWII generation had been in it.

(And Germany was the dastardly enemy, so Rockwell had some major cojones to hoist the swastika in the face of all these former GIs who had fought Germany, seen their buddies killed, and were now in power as congressmen in their forties, as judges, as chiefs of police, and as businessmen like my dad, etc.

Rocky was truly on a “Mission Impossible,” unlike now, when many Whites, since the rise of BLM, of Antifa, the Cancel Culture and the Stealection, sense something is ominously wrong and Whites are in grave danger. There was little sense of this back in the mid-Sixties in an 89% white country.)

Vic Morrow, the co-star of”Combat,” born Victor Mozoroff ( was a jewish liberal (and gun-hater!) who masqueraded as an all-American grunt.

(The other co-star, “Rick Jason”8(b. Richard Jacobson], was also a jew, and a swarthy one at that. He committed suicide in 2000 after going through five wives. 😉 He had also been expelled from five different prep schools as a kid, a real jewy troublemaker. )

Many top male actors back then appeared in “Combat”:


Going back to the actor Vic “Morrow” (Mozoroff), his head was cut off by a helicopter blade while doing a movie for his fellow jew, Steven Spielberg, and two child actors were killed as well.


I do recall ONE episode that made a big impression on me, and yet again my father noticed me, his weirdly pro-German son 😉 , deeply moved by an incident where Americans and Germans cooperated instead of killing each other.

As I recall it (the series ran 1962-67, so this was a long while ago 😉 )

During fighting in France, a Frenchwoman began kneeling on a pile of rubble, wailing that her baby, still alive, and was trapped underneath — which was actually possible.

There could be pockets of air and intact structures down there that had only partly collapsed — cellars, doorways, etc. Sometimes trapped people would scream and knock on objects, making noise to draw attention to the fact they were still alive.

So you had to listen and locate them as best you could. (The Germans, in their bombed-out cities, always resourceful and taking action to solve problems, had developed special listening devices and ways to snake a microphone in there).

Le Havre, France after an Allied bombing. Americans have NO idea that “we” (Eisenhower) killed 50,000 French civilians in the lead-up to D-Day (6 June 1944). He deliberately turned northern France’s coastal cities into rubble so German tanks could not advance through the northern French city streets to stop the American invasion. Instead, they had to slog through soggy Norman meadows, get over creeks and plow through bogs in damp Normandy  to get near to “Omaha Beach” and other Allied landing sites. Our enemy is totally, entirely ruthless.

Caen — merci for liberating us, Yanks! 

Me in 2004 in Caen —  the capital of Norman duke William the Conqueror, who borrowed money from jews to conquer and brutally enslave England


Then you tried to VERY carefully dig them out without causing the full collapse of whatever was partially shielding them.

It is the same when a mine collapses far underground, and some men — often family men, breadwinners, men with wives and children — have survived under a beam and in a pocket of air somewhere. Their oxygen might be dwindling, and one wrong move could crush them. But you had to try to rescue them, or face the widows with terrible news.

Anyway, both sides, GIs and Wehrmacht, were appalled as they saw the Frenchwoman wailing.

A truce was declared, both wary groups of soldiers laid their arms down, and they began a humane mission of digging together at the rubble to rescue the baby.

What was so sad was that the baby could not be found, and a neighbor came out and told them the truth:

Her baby had died two years before, from a shelling, and the woman had lost her mind over it. She had gone crazy from grief, and she never recovered.

The Americans and Germans then sadly pick up their rifles and head off,  unwilling for the moment, after this close cooperation, to start right in killing each other again.

It was mostly a powerful episode, and my dad saw how it affected me…..

Why were these two great white nations, America and Germany, hating and killing each other?

Funny how some things stay with you. 😉

I found it was this episode, “Cry in the Ruins” (broadcast 23 Mar. 1965)

My memory was pretty accurate about the main point:
Here it was, and boy, was that sound track incessant, over the top, Pavlovian and irritating — gotta tell the goyim you are programming at every second along the way exactly what to feel in each scene:

……Why do people “crack up”?

When people get PTSD or have a nervous breakdown, it is not normal. It is because of their egoic mind.

The egoic mind is when you refuse to accept what is, what is real.

Babies and small kids have been dying (leaving this earth for an interlife and then a new incarnation) for thousands of years, and life goes on. It has to.

It is said that 80% of kids used to die before age five.  As a tour guide on the Freedom Trail in Boston in the late 1990s,I would take tours through the old colonial cemeteries, such as the Old Granary Burial Ground — and, sure enough, there were many tombstones of very young children….

“Sarah, 1702-1704”

The great English playwright and poet Ben Johnson (1572-1637) wrote this moving sonnet on the death of his first son, Ben, Junior:

On My First Son

Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy;
My sin was too much hope of thee, lov’d boy,
Seven years thou wert lent to me, and I thee pay,
Exacted by thy fate, on the just day.

O, could I lose all, Father, now. For why
Will man lament the fate he should envy?
To have so soon escaped the world’s and flesh’s rage,
And, if no other misery, yet still age?
Rest in soft peace, and, asked, say “Here doth lie
BEN JONSON, his best piece of poetry.”
For whose sake, henceforth, all his vows be such,
As what he loves may never like too much.

So, yes, it hurt, but their souls go on, and they watch over us whom we loved and who love us back.

I know this is true because my own grandfather (the first one to discuss race with me!) has watched over me.
…..My wonderful British grandfather and his eery “return”

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

I have run this video many times, a recording of me speaking to the BDM, the Federation of German Women. Among other things, I discuss why women should not serve in combat because even many men “crack up” from the horrors of war.

I saw them in WWI “dragging themselves to the rear, TREMBLING AND SHAKING! And I said “and for a woman, war is even more horrific than for a man.”


But, really, no one should crack up at all under any stress.

That is only your own egoic mind, rebelling, usurping your power, taking over — and then being sadistic to you!

Torturing you! Your mind becomes a demon!

It should only be your tool! Useful and helping you!

Something you can switch on like a radio and switch off again!

If your buddy’s head is blown off, well, okay, it is just meat now; his soul is gone to a place of rest, peace, reflection and and new learning, with loving guardian angels and relatives caring for him.

Are you really surprised a bullet flying at 2,000 feet a second damaged his head?? 😉

You are only freaking out because you are in denial of the proven facts of 1) the afterlife and 2) we all have a loving heavenly Father!

If a soldier dies as a hero, then Patton was right:



……Hitler reincarnating?

As our race is exterminated, and our women and children are raped and molested, do you really think HE is just sipping pina coladas in the afterlife and thumbing through TV Guide? 😉

A German named Klaus in Hamburg told me he visited the ruins of the Berghof and said “If only the Führer were back!”

His wife suddenly stopped, looked at him, and said:

“Klaus, he IS back. He is in America, and very busy.”

She shrugged.

“I don’t know where that came from… but this I know.”

Some men are very logical, but there are women who have a sudden psychic power.

At such brief moments, they are no longer just your wife, mother, aunt or sister. At such brief moments, listen to them. It might be the voice of God.


Remember Calpurnia, who urged her husband, Julius Caesar, after a nightmare, to NOT go to the Roman Senate on the day he was assassinated, the Ides of March.

Remember Pontius Pilate’s wife, who urged her husband to NOT crucify “that righteous man.”


Remember Josephine, who urged Napoleon to NOT invade Russia!

Sometimes, women can be flighty, illogical and moody, but at other times they speak great wisdom. You, as a man, should then stop and ask yourself:

“Does this warning feel right?”

It is a calm power, a gentle pushing, a tap-tap-tap, and a solid little energy.

It does not force you, or panic you; it nudges. 😉

Women can have this power, and when they do, they have to speak.

Up to you to listen.


Especially important blogs




…..Recent donations

— 22 February 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from W in Wisconsin

It costs me US$250 a month for webhosting and a top-flight webmaster, so you get info that you can find nowhere else.

Governments trying to hack me on a typical day, 3o January  2021:


What other English-speaking blogger speaks two foreign languages fluently (German and French) and is conversant in four more (Spanish, Swedish, Greek and Russian),

–has lived twice in Europe (Austria and France)

–had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions,

–had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and

–combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism and the vital extraterrestrial context of our whole problem



I am also paying a European professional writer, “François Arouet,” who has a child, a former Princeton student, to add top material on current events and culture to my site.


I thank those who responded to my very urgent request for funds.

I now have in François a paid, full-time writer cum website monitor who watches for hackers, reporting intruders to my Russian webmaster, who is also paid by me.

— 21 February 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Illinois

— 20 February 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from R in Louisiana

I know what you do is hard work that takes a lot of bravery, creativity, concentration, dedication, focus and brain power. Good tidings to the health of Margi, and to you as well, sir!

— 16 February 2021

–15 February 2021 $10 via Amazon gift card from S in Texas

–13 February 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 11 February 2021 20 euros, cash, and a nice ltr from S in Germany

–10 February 2021 100 Euros via PayPal from C in Austria

–9 February 2021 $100 cash and ltr re Battle of the Bulge from B in Florida


–8 February 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

— 6 February 2021 $600 donation by check from P in Florida (actually, it was the forgiveness of $600 on a $1,000 loan by a former Marine Corps officer to support my work)

–5 February 2021 100 euros and card from M in France

–30 January 2021 gift of a “Frame Lock” pistol holster (, “Made in USA”) from M in Texas, which I now use to open-carry my .40 Smith & Wesson

Inside — loops for your trouser belt


Ready for attacks by BLM, Antifa, local thugs or anyone else who lusts to harm me and my loved ones 


–30 January 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card and letter from R in San Francisco, California

–29 January 2021 100 Euros ( = US$100) from M in France

–28 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–27 January 20201 $233 via PayPal from T in Australia

–23 January 2021 100 euros and card from M in France

–21 January 2021 $40 and as ltr from N in Tennessee

–20 January 2021 100 euros from M in France


–14 January 2021 100 euros from M in France

–14 January 2021 $5 via Amazon gift card from S (a belated birthday gift on the sixth-month anniversary of my 66th birthday)

Created with GIMP

–13 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–13 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

–12 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–6 January 2021 200 Euros (like US dollars in value) from C in Germany

–4 January 2021 $160 cash from K in Massachussetts


  1. Thank you for the very interesting information. Also Harold A. Covington told once that already as a child, when war was played, he was always on the side of the Germans.

    And in France, the more critical, thoughtful forces criticized the chutzpah of the “Greatest Generation” and their string-pullers even then, including in a cartoon: “Nimbus libéré (1944) – IMDb”

    Nimbus libéré (1944) – IMDb

    “Nimbus libéré (1944) – (Animation , Short, Comedy, Family)”

    With English subtitles, on Youtube, “Hilarious Vichy Propaganda: Mickey bombing France.”,


    In German:

    Danke für die hochinteressanten Infos. Auch Harold A. Covington erzählte mal, daß er bereits als Kind, wenn Krieg gespielt wurde, immer auf Seiten der Deutschen war.

    Und in Frankreich kritisierten die kritischeren, nachdenklicheren Kräfte schon damals die Chuzpe der “Greatest Generation” und ihrer Strippenzieher, u.a. in einem Zeichentrickfilm: “Nimbus libéré (1944) – IMDb”

    Nimbus libéré (1944) – IMDb

    “Nimbus libéré (1944) – (Animation , Short, Comedy, Family)”

    Mit englischen Untertiteln, auf Youtube “Hilarious Vichy Propaganda: Mickey bombing France.”,

  2. At least sometimes “enemy” white nations’ soldiers take time to stop the madness for a brief time for a nobler purpose.
    There is the known report story of british and german troops stopping shooting at each other in christmas day.
    Theere was a christmas song in germans’ trench (i think it was “Silent Night, Holy Night, a truly sublime and noble song).
    Then the soldiers of both trenches went out and fraternized for a while, to the chagrin of their superiors.
    Another story:
    This one was told me by my late father as narrated to him by a Dutch friend.
    Ww2 in Holland. The two sides shooting at each other both stopped the shooting…to let a woman pass in her way home.
    Yet another, also in Holland:
    There was fighting and people took refuge in their homes, since Germans respected homes and didn’t make any move to shoot at them or worse destroying them. Well, one dutchwoman got hastily into her house only to discover that her son wasn’t inside but at some distance in the out. A German soldier risking his life took the little boy and brought him safely to his anguished mother’s arms! I don’t remember the town but you can search in the web since this report was there. I don’t know the fate of that noble soldier but a statue was made in his honor ( in Holland) and should still be there if not yet removed by some vile jewish initiative.
    By contrast, jewish “fighters” are known by their sadism cruelty and cowardice (all three said “virtues” normally com together).
    They prefer ambushes, killing from a safe distance, or killing helpless prisoners.

  3. Another great one John. Thanks for the spiritual sustenance and motivation to be strong and fearless through this glorious, endless battle called life!

    • It IS! But I remember even as a kid that name “Rosenman.” (And, btw, a comm-symp, Judge Rosenman, wrote FDR’s “greatest” speeches.)

      The happy-jaunty sound of the theme song almost made it seem as if combat against the “Nazis” would be heroic fun, and almost a cake-walk of kicking Kraut ass.

      Each episode, of course, belied that, showing the Germans as tough opponents (as did the series “Rat Patrol”). The “Greatest Generation” guys were in their late thirties by then and recalled all too well how the “Krauts” (imbued with national socialism) were tough as nails.

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