A livid Roman general Titus tells the conquered yet arrogant Jews off

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Roman centurion from the HBO series “Rome”

General Titus to the defeated Jews; Emperor Hadrian explodes


What follows are some eternal verities about the jews, spoken by the Roman general Titus, a brilliant, eloquent, humane yet exasperated soldier-statesman. He spoke to the jew leaders on the occasion of his crushing victory over them, this coming after his extremely frustrating, futile attempts to negotiate peace with them, and spare Jerusalem and its temple.

It was the year 70; the Jews had rebelled against the Roman Empire and after four years lost utterly; their semitic deity had not saved them. The city of Jerusalem and the Temple were about to be annihilated — yet the jews spoke insolently in defeat to the victor.

Wikipedia has a fairly vivid  and also accurate account: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Jerusalem_(70)

Wealthy money-lending Jews were spread throughout the Roman Empire and beyond, especially in Babyon (modern Iraq), but there were no mass-media for them to control, and they did not control the currency either.

When the Jews of  Palestine rebelled against mighty Aryan Rome, the legions and the catapults came…sixty thousand white men of Rome, and General Titus, whose father was the emperor Vespasian. Roman legionaries in the tortoise formation. The Jews fought bravely but were no match for Roman technology, discipline and experience.

Roman legionaries in the tortoise formation. the Jews fought bravely but were no match for Roman technology, discipline and experience.

Titus was of the noble family of  the Flavians, from the Latin word flavus, meaning “blond.” He had served with distinction in Britain, Germany and in the four-year reconquest of Palestine. Later he, and then his brother Domitian, served as Roman emperors, ruling the one hundred million subjects of this two-thousand-mile wide empire.

The Flavian Amphitheater, known by another name because of  its colossal size, was built between 70 and 80 to honor Titus’ crushing of the Jewish revolt. A Jewish “queen” named  Berenice (Bernice) took up with Titus after the revolt was crushed, but when the Romans were scandalized at the notion of any Roman leader consorting with a Jewess, he got rid of her.

Roman historians said Titus was a fair and humane general (appealing many times to the Jews to surrrender) and later he proved to be a wise and very good emperor. He also organized rapid relief for the region around Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius infamously erupted and covered the city.

Suetonius  wrote:

Titus…was the delight and darling of the human race; he had such surpassing ability, by nature, art, or good fortune, that he won the affections of all men even while he was emperor, which was no easy task.

But the Holy Talmud (says Wikipedia) informs us that he “had sex with a whore on a scroll of the Torah”…..and the Holy Talmud also claims he died because an insect flew up his nose and grew to the size of a bird, eating his brain out….. Well, gee, if the Holy Talmud says it, it must be true…. 😉 Would the jews ever lie?

Titus did finally become furious that the Jews would not surrender after many entreaties, and then when they finally realized they were utterly beaten, they did not surrender and plead for mercy, but instead demanded free passage out of the city to “go out into the wilderness”!

The  mighty Roman realized to his amazement (as his speech below will show) that the Jews demanded to escape scot-free after a four-year rebellion despite having no bargaining chips at all — except their own massive jew egos and sense of entitlement.

Here is a key excerpt from a book by the ancient Jewish soldier and author Josephus, who actually fought on the jewish side in the Jewish revolt and then had surrendered and changed sides.

In his The Wars of the Jews Josephus transmits to us General Titus’ words to the defeated yet amazingly still arrogant Judaei.

This speech may seem “high-falutin’” to us today, but that is because we Americans have been “dumbed down” and taught, in novelist Tom Wolfe’s words, a kind of “proletarian  chic.” After eight years of George Bush, four of Trump, and three of Biden, it seems a miracle that our leaders know any “big words” at all. 😉 Most U.S.  presidents and senators now speak at a third-grade level.

The ancient Greek and Roman aristocrats, however, were all trained orators — and eloquence was highly admired, especially on important occasions.  Titus was known as an excellent orator in both Greek and his native Latin.

* *  *

Book VI,  Chapter  VI of The Wars of  the Jews:

As for those [Jewish] priests that kept themselves still upon the wall of the holy house [the temple], there was a boy that, in his thirst, desired some of the Roman guards to give him their right hands [handshake] as a security [promise] for his life, and confessed he was very thirsty.

These guards commiserated his age, and the distress he was in, and gave him their right hands accordingly. So he came down himself [outside the walls to  a well], and drank some water, and filled the vessel he had with him when he came to them with water — and then ran off, and fled back to his own friends; nor could any of those guards overtake and catch him; but still they reproached him for his perfidiousness.

To which he made this answer: “I have not broken the agreement; for the security I had given was not to stay with you, but only to come down safely, and take up some water; both of which things I have performed, and thereupon I think myself to have been faithful to my promise.”

Hereupon those whom the child had imposed upon admired his cunning, and that on account of his age.

On the fifth day afterward, the [jewish] priests that were hungry from the famine came down, and when they were brought to [General] Titus by the [Roman] guards, they begged for their lives; but he replied, that the time of pardon was over for them, and that this very holy house [the Temple], on whose account only they could justly hope to be preserved, was already destroyed; and that it was agreeable to their office that priests should perish with the house itself to which they belonged. So he ordered them to be put to death.

The Romans begin to loot and burn the Temple.

The Romans begin to loot and burn the Temple.

2. But as for the [Jewish] tyrants [revolt leaders] themselves, and those that were with them, when they found that they were encompassed on every side, and, as it were, walled round, without any method of escaping, they desired to treat with Titus by word of mouth.

Accordingly, such was the kindness of his nature, and his desire of preserving the city from destruction, plus the advice of his friends, who now thought the robbers [the revolt  leaders] had come to a [better] mood, that Titus placed himself on the western side of the outer [court of the] temple; for there were gates on that side above the Xystus, and a bridge that connected the upper city to the temple.

This bridge it was that lay between the tyrants and Caesar [Titus, who was the son of Emperior Vespasian], and parted them; while the multitude stood on each side; those of the Jewish nation about Sinran and John [the two Jewish rebel leaders], with great hopes of pardon; and the Romans about Caesar, in great curiosity about how Titus would receive their supplication.

So Titus ordered his soldiers to restrain their rage, and to not touch their spears, and appointed an interpreter between them, which was a sign that he was the conqueror, and first began the discourse, and said:

“I hope you, sirs, are now satisfied with the miseries of your country, you who have not had any just notions either of our great power or of your own great weakness, but have, like madmen, after a violent and inconsiderate manner, made attempts that have brought your people, your city, and your holy house to destruction.

You have been the men that have never left off rebelling since Pompey first conquered you, and have, since that time, made open war upon the Romans.

Have you depended on your multitude, while a very small part of the Roman soldiery have been strong enough to defeat you? Have you relied on the fidelity of your confederates? And what nations are there, out of the limits of our dominion, that would choose to assist the Jews before the Romans?

Are your bodies stronger than ours? Nay, you know that the [powerful] Germans themselves are our servants. Have you stronger walls than we have? Pray, what greater obstacle is there than the wall of the ocean, with which the Britons are encompassed, and yet they do adore the arms of the Romans.

Do you exceed us in courage of soul, and in the sagacity of your commanders? Nay, indeed, you cannot but know that the very Carthaginians have been conquered by us.

It can therefore be nothing certainly but the kindness of us Romans which has encouraged you against us; who, in the first place, have given you this land to possess; and, in the next place, have set over you kings of your own nation; and, in the third place, have preserved the laws of your forefathers to you, and have permitted you to live, either by yourselves, or among others, as it should please you: and, what is our chief favor of all, we have given you permission to gather up that tribute which is paid to [your] god with such other gifts that are dedicated to him; nor have we called those that carried these donations to account, nor prohibited them;

till at length you became richer than we ourselves, even when you were our enemies; and you made preparations for war against us with our own money;

nay, after all, when you were in the enjoyment of all these advantages, you turned your too great plenty against those that gave it to you, and, like merciless serpents, have thrown out your poison against those that treated you kindly.

I suppose, therefore, that you might despise the slothfulness of Nero [the previous Roman emperor], and, like limbs of the body that are broken or dislocated, you did then lie quiet, waiting for some other time, though still with a malicious intention, and have now showed your distemper to be greater than ever, and have extended your desires as far as your impudent and immense hopes would enable you to do it.

At this time my father [Vespasian] came into this country [with his Roman legions], not with a design to punish you for what you had done under Cestius, but to admonish you; for had he come to overthrow your nation, he would have run directly to your water supply, and would have immediately laid this city waste.

But instead he went and burnt Galilee and the neighboring parts, and thereby gave you time for repentance; which instance of humanity you took for an indication of our weakness, and nourished your impudence on our mildness.

When Nero was gone out of the world, you did as the wickedest wretches would have done, and encouraged yourselves to act against us during our civil dissensions [after Nero was overthrown, there was chaos and Rome experienced four different emperors in one year], and abused that time when both I and my father were gone away to Egypt to make preparations for this war.

A Roman coin honoring Titus, and showing an Aryan Roman soldier towering over a captive Jew.

Nor were you ashamed to raise disturbances against us when we were made emperors, and this while you had experienced how mild we had been, when we were no more than generals of the army.

[General Vespasian and his son Titus both invaded Judea, but Vespasian left for Rome to become emperor. Titus then finished the Roman crushing of the Jews.]

But when the government [of the Roman Empire] devolved upon us, and all other people did thereupon lie quiet, and even foreign nations sent embassies, and congratulated our access to the government, then did you Jews show yourselves to be our enemies.

You sent embassies to those of your nation that are beyond Euphrates to assist you in your raising disturbances; new walls were built by you round your city, seditions arose, and one tyrant contended against another, and a civil war broke out among you; such indeed as became none but so wicked a people as you are.

I then came to this city, as unwillingly sent by my father, and received melancholy injunctions from him. When I heard that the people were disposed to peace, I rejoiced at it; I exhorted you to leave off these proceedings before I began this war; I spared you even when you had fought against me a great while; I gave my right hand [handshake] as security to the deserters; I observed what I had promised faithfully.

When they fled to me, I had compassion on many of those that I had taken captive; I tortured those that were eager for war in order to restrain them.

It was unwillingly that I brought my engines of war against your walls; I always prohibited my soldiers, when they were set upon your slaughter, from their severity against you.

After every Roman victory I sought to persuade you to make peace, as though I had been myself conquered.

When I came near your temple, I again departed from the laws of war, and exhorted you to spare your own sanctuary, and to preserve your holy house to yourselves.

I allowed you a quiet exit out of it, and security for your preservation; nay, if you had a mind, I gave you leave to fight us in another place.

Yet you still despised every one of my proposals, and have set fire to your holy house with your own hands.

And now, vile wretches, do you desire to treat with me by word of mouth? To what purpose is it that you would save such a holy house as this was, which is now destroyed? What preservation can you now desire after the destruction of your temple?

Yet there you stand, still in your armor; nor can you bring yourselves so much as to pretend to be supplicants even in your utmost extremity.

O miserable creatures! What is it you depend on to save you now? Are not your people dead? Is not your holy house gone? Is not your city in my power? And are not your very lives in my hands?

And do you still deem it a part of valor to die? However, I will not imitate your madness. If you throw down your arms, and deliver up your bodies to me, I will grant you your lives; and I will act like a mild master of a family; what cannot be healed shall be punished, and the rest I will preserve for my own use.” [For the Romans, those who had revolted and lost would be either killed  or enslaved.]

3. To that offer of Titus they made this reply: That they could not accept it, because they had sworn never to do so. But they desired to leave by a gate in the Roman  wall that had been made about Jerusalem, together with all their wives and children; and they would go into the desert, and leave the city to him.

At this Titus felt great indignation, that when they were already his captives, they should pretend to offer their own terms with him, as if they had been the conquerors.

So he ordered this proclamation to be made to them — that they should no more come out to him as deserters, nor have any hope for any further security; Titus would henceforth spare nobody, but fight them with his whole army; and that they must save themselves as well as they could; he would henceforth treat them according to the laws of war. So he gave orders to the soldiers both to burn and to plunder the city…

Jerusalem and its Temple go up in holy smoke……a holocaust in the Greek meaning of  a “total burning”….A million Jews perished and 100,000 became slaves, and as such built the Colosseum in Rome.


Madness –I address you Jews who are reading this blog — is when you keep acting the same way toward our powerful Aryan nations  – utterly hateful — yet somehow you keep expecting a different outcome than AD 70.

The Arch of Titus still stands proudly today in Rome, along with the mighty Colosseum that commemorated the crushing of the Jews.

Inside the archway on the left, the carrying out of the Temple’s Menorah is depicted. The Jews have not had a real temple for nearly 2,000 years, and  have turned, instead of sacrifices, to their endless debates  (”pilpul”) about the meaning of texts in the Talmud and justifications for their hatred of “the nations,” whom they call “cattle” (in Hebrew goyeem) and rather ironically accuse of being afflicted with racism and jealousy.

The  Romans decided simply that they had HAD it with the Jews and as they said in Latin, with their “odium generis humani” (in English, “their hatred of the human race”).

The Arch of Titus, praising Titus for subduing the Jews, inspired the later Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The Arch of Titus, praising Titus for subduing the Jews, btw, inspired the later Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

Titus reportedly refused to accept an olive-leaf victory wreath from his soldiers, growling that there was “no merit in vanquishing a people who have been forsaken by their own god.”

The Arch of Titus provides the only contemporary depiction of sacred articles from the Temple, such as the Menorah, trumpets and the “Table of Showbread.” Horrified Jews refuse to walk under this arch to this day, remembering how they lost their base of operations.


Then came in AD 115-117 the Kitos Revolt by the jews: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitos_War


The 4th-century Christian historian Orosius records that the violence so depopulated the province of Cyrenaica that new colonies had to be established by Hadrian:

The Jews… waged war on the inhabitants throughout Libya in the most savage fashion, and to such an extent was the country wasted that, its cultivators having been slain, its land would have remained utterly depopulated, had not Emperor Hadrian gathered settlers from other places and sent them thither, for the inhabitants had been wiped out.[8]

Dio Cassius states of Jewish insurrectionaries:

Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins for clothing. Others they would give to wild beasts and force still others to fight as gladiators. In all, consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand perished. In Egypt, they also performed many similar deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. There, likewise, two hundred and forty thousand perished.

For this reason, no Jew may set foot in that land, but even if one of them is driven upon the island by the force of the wind, he is put to death. Various persons took part in subduing these Jews, one being Lusius, who was sent by Trajan.[9]

Fifteen years later came the Bar Kochba revolt, also crushed.

After Trajan another wise and humane emperor, Hadrian, had arisen in this “century of the five good emperors.” At the beginning of his reign the gifted, sensitive, artistic, poetry-composing, bearded (and even bisexual) emperor, a huge admirer of Hellenic culture, offered generously to rebuild their destroyed Temple……

But Jewish misbehavior so enraged him that he cancelled the plan.  When the Neanderjews then rebelled under their skillful general, Bar Kochba, Hadrian personally saw to it that the Jews’ power base in Palestine was utterly destroyed.

He also banned circumcision as an illegal mutilation of the human body, banned the Torah, changed the province’s name from Judaea to Syria Palaestina, slaughtered 500,000 Jews, wiped out hundreds of cities and villages, annihilated Jerusalem itself — and renamed the new Roman city built on its site “Aelia Capitolina,” with big statues of Jupiter and of himself standing where once the Jews’ temple had stood.

I’d say he was pretty angry…..


Hadrian,  in some ways the ultimate wine-and-cheese leftist, after being very pro-Jewish initially ended up personally leading the armies that annihilated Judaea as an affront to all the values of civilization.

He was a man of peace who built a vast wall, named after himself, across northern Britain to keep the Scots out rather than fight them.

But Hadrian became militantly anti-Jewish. Aelia Capitolina was the Roman city that Hadrian built to replace the pulverized Jerusalem. It was known as this for 600 years, until the Muslim Conquest.

Aelia Capitolina, the Roman city that replaced the pulverized Jerusalem

Remember — we are the race that three times crushed the jews.



  1. Another well-informed educational article from JdN.
    On FB I’ve been dueling with jews; most do NOT live in Israel.
    Their comments and replies prove what an arrogant, sick, psychopathic, mongrel breed they are.
    Some actually boasted of the USS LIBERTY attack. “So what ! It was a spy ship, spying on Israel.”
    They didn’t deny the Stern gang asking the Nazis for weapons to kill British personnel.
    Some even said Britain would be destroyed by Hamas if we didn’t help exterminate the muslims with Israel.
    Whilst others refused to believe the YouTube clip of Barbara Lerner Spectre calling for more gimmigrants into europe.

    I can understand how Titus felt about the jews’ arrogance especially after reading their replies. They are only brave with American support. The jews don’t care about anyone except jews.
    There are some good jews, but they are outnumbered by the arrogant psychopaths.
    Most of the world’s problems are caused by this tribe .Time to expose them for what they are. Good jews have nothing to fear, so long as you distance yourselves from the actions of the locust jews: Dr Alan Shatter, Barbara Lerner Spectre, George Soros and that ilk.

  2. Great and interesting article… I could feel Titus’ energy and personality when reading his speech. If he could have known then about the jewish crimes and conspiracies over the next 2000 years, he would have given the order to exterminate all the jews right then and there.

    I’m very interested in the greatest and noblest generals and leaders of ancient Rome and Greece. Can you recommend me a few good books?

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