Local Antifa threatens slander campaign

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This was the threat, couched in faux helpfulness:


I replied:

Dear H (or whoever this may be):

I will address each of your points:

–1) my discharge,
–2) income tax,
–3) “hateful” and
–4) “grifter”


I am happy to dig out and publish my DD-214. Actually, I have never heard of anyone recently doubting my Marine Corps Reserve Service or honorable discharge. I made corporal (E-4) in one year, then my politics prevented further promotions.

As you can see, my DD-214 shows an honorable discharge:

Anyway, by using the Freedom of Information Act, a major in the Marine Corps Reserve, William Fox, already obtained my papers.

It was a discharge to another branch, to the Virginia Army National Guard, where in 1981 under infantry captain John Holt I made sergeant (E-5) and was “Guardsperson of the Year” for 1980.

Here is what Major Fox got, and I have published this online myself (except for the FOIA ltr to Fox):

Jewtube trolls mobilize against JdN

I sent a copy of my DD-214 to USAA for car insurance. As you may know, they only insure honorably discharged veterans like me.

My checking account with USAA:

I doubt the Ontonagon Herald is interested at this time in publishing my DD-214 — I can ask Maureen G.

(Btw, I legally changed my name back to its original French form in 2004, thus defying symbolically the French-bashing (including “freedom fries,” “freedom toast,”and much worse, including a physical assault on my then wife, 5’2”, who was from France) that happened during the buildup to our unjustified 2003 attack on Iraq. It was a war of naked aggression in which France correctly refused to participate. Saddam had NO Weapons of Mass Destruction. And the armed invasion by the US was not authorized by the UN Security Council.)


As for filing income tax, there is no requirement to file federal or state income tax if single, as I am, and income was less that $12,200 a year, which has been the case with me.

(See page 9 here: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1040gi.pdf)

My income, if that is even the right word, has been early-retirement Social Security since August 2016, now about $740 a month, though lately it has been more due to my being her Michigan-approved cancer caretaker.

Gifts, which are not income, amount to around $400 or so a month, and do not enable any Hollywood lifestyle, but merely aid me in paying my monthly website bills and other expenses, such as caring for my significant other, Margaret, who is recovering from what was terminal throat cancer, thanks to the Mayo Clinic and additional natural therapies. These therapies are all out of my pocket.

Many people know me in Ontonagon after six years here, and they know my lifestyle. Until the recent lockdown, it was an occasional burger without fries at Roxey’s (left) and a few drinks at the Shamrock (right). Hardly the “Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous.” 😉

I drove a 24-year-old 1996 Crown Victoria with a deer-damaged left headlight back when I could afford Michigan car insurance, which has been only for about a year total out of the last six years I have been here. The deer damage is still unfixed because I have lacked the funds.

I rent a small house at 306 South Steel Street for $350 a month plus utilities.

My mansion 😉


This slander is the invention of a white nationalist in Britain who, to escape hate-speech prosecution and prison, cut a deal with the British jews and defames me.

Libelous accusations online against JdN

Now, if I were in it for the easy money, I would have played it safe, studied history at Georgetown, done four years as a Marine Corps officer, then joined my father’s multi-million-dollar insurance brokerage in Providence, Rhode Island — Davis, Bateman & Nugent.

Then my father would have talked to his Republican friends, and I might well have become, over time, the US senator from Rhode Island, which my colonial ancestors helped found in 1636, and maybe more.


…..The price of not selling my soul

As I said recently, the attractive Jewess Natalie Portman (Oscar and Golden Globe winner as Best Leading Actress!!!) is committing career suicide in Hebrewwood by her bold remarks on the Palestinians and the Holo. (Two smarmy idiots whom I just blocked — after several clear warnings — had denigrated her courage.)
This woman will lose MILLION$ and be on a blacklist forever.
Do you faux “FB-post heroes” understand what is it like to give up your whole career — and your life’s dream — for the truth?
I do — I probably would be a US senator or even the President of the US today myself — instead of this undignified, tweet-o-manic and erratic Trump — if I had just toe’d the line as my dad urged on me repeatedly!
My father with Ronald Reagan 
With President Ford in the Oval Office
With Henry Kissinger and the Republican mayor of Providence 
His mansion overlooking Narragansett Bay and the Rhode Island Country Club
He and I in front of his house in a gated community in Vero Beach, Florida, on the Atlantic
Vero Beach


And as for “hate,” honestly, H., what is this? Do you approve of hating all whites like these leftists?

I think and hope, H., that it is still possible in America at this late date to disagree politically but remain civil.

I think this country will not survive if we forget that we all have a right to our beliefs and to peacefully express them.

As you know, never have I harassed you, H., either privately or in front of others.

FACT IS THAT you and I have the same rights, and agreeing to disagree is just part of living in an orderly, civilized country called America. 🙂

My family has been in it, and fought for it, since 1636, 15 generations.

As President John Kennedy said (appealing for world peace after the horrible Cuban Missile Crisis was over), we are all just human beings, we all have kids, and we all are mortal.

I hope this helps.


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