LOL! The Trumpster sneers Biden is getting ‘big, fat shots in the ass’ so he can speak

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‘Big, fat shots in the ass’: Trump again suggests Biden is on energizing DRUGS

‘Big, fat shots in the ass’: Trump again suggests Biden is on energizing DRUGS
Donald Trump has mercilessly taunted Joe Biden, telling supporters that his Democratic nemesis must be taking performance-enhancing substances and should undergo a drug test.

Trump reiterated previous casual accusations that Biden is too senile to be a good fit for the US president’s office while talking to a crowd of supporters in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Using his nickname for his Democratic opponent, Trump said that “Sleepy Joe” is appearing conspicuously efficient during debates and public events.

“Don’t underestimate [him], he’s been doing this for 47 years. And I got a debate coming up with this guy,” Trump said as he grinned, before suggesting that performance-enhancing substances were behind Biden’s efficiency.

READ MORE: Ahead of a vital election, Trump has called on Biden to take a drug test. Why don’t BOTH old guys take this idea seriously?

“You never know, they gave him a big, fat shot in the ass and he comes out,” Trump claimed as his audience laughed. “And for two hours he’s better than ever before. The problem is, what happens after that,” the Republican president added.

Adding insult to the injury, Trump said offering a drug test to Biden is an option.

Remarkably, this is not the first time the 74-year-old president has accused his 77-year-old rival of being on drugs.

Over a week ago, he fanned the claim while speaking to Fox. “I think there’s probably, possibly, drugs involved,” Trump told host Jeanine Pirro. “I don’t know how you can go from being so bad where you can’t even get out a sentence…” he speculated without finishing the sentence.

The American leader himself has had to battle speculation that a “series of mini-strokes” caused him to be admitted to a Washington hospital last November.

ALSO ON RT.COMJoe HIDEN’: Trump launches Biden nickname in comment on Kennedy-Markey Democrat primaryTrump and Biden are expected to face each other during debates in Cleveland on September 29, in Miami on October 15, and in Nashville on October 22. Their vice-presidential nominees Mike Pence and Kamala Harris will have a one-on-one in Salt Lake City on October 7.


  1. Trump’s campaign rallies are great for his ego, especially in ridiculing Democrat, demented puppet Biden. But Trump has not yet dealt with the on-going insurrection which is still destroying Portland. As has been implied, Trump does not have federal support to enact re-establishing law and order. Do the attendees at his rallies know, or even care about this failure to defend other Americans caught in terrorist power hubs? For conservative residents of Oregon, especially of Portland–victims of Communist violence–the coup takeover is almost accomplished. Mayor Ted Wheeler and Governor Kate Brown are traitors and should have already been arrested by AG Barr and US Marshals. Legal action, not just off-hand critical remarks accomplish nothing to defend Americans under siege. President Trump still has to prove his commitment to protect Americans in our own country. If he can’t do this, his ridicule of Biden is just more showmanship, not courage.

    Riots return to Portland as protesters attack businesses, burn flags and force motorists to pledge loyalty to BLM (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
    20 Sep, 2020 15:08 / Updated 12 hours ago

  2. In Portland, Oregon the violent rioters keep expanding their residential attacks. Their intended agenda is to disrupt and vandalize white residential areas. There is no prevention of this. This has become officially sanctioned terrorism, even by the DOJ and the DHS, because they will not stop it. Maybe after the election, the law might be invoked–too late for the law-abiding victims now.

    Andy Ngô
    This is important in understanding how #antifa develop a cohesive ideology & insurrection strategy across mostly autonomous groups around the country.

    Also, the report provides insight on how Portland antifa are trying to target specifically “white neighborhoods.”

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