“Lord of the Rings” author Tolkien woke up to the Jews A-F-T-E-R WWII

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Saruman, in “The Lord of the Rings” the servant of the tyrant Sauron, and very Jewish-looking

JRR Tolkien was of distant German ancestry (the rare name “Tolkien” coming from “Tollkühn”, meaning “extremely bold” in German) and woke up only after WWII to the JQ, the “Jewish Question,” as his private papers and notes revealed.

It was mass immigration into England that revealed the conspiracy to him. A South African, Stephen Goodson, inherited Tolkien’s papers. He knew that a day of valor and battle against Saruman and his orcs must come!

During the war, he did “drink the Koolaid” and saw Hitler just as the jewspapers said, as an enemy of freedom and an enslaving dictator.

But when shiploads of blacks began pouring into England, and the Empire crumbled, he began to awaken.

Tolkien foresaw and hinted in his Ring books (in a prudent, fictional form that the jew-run publishing world did not pick up on, eager only to make big money off Tolkien book sales) a battle between light and darkness, freedom and slavery, bravery and cowardice, loyalty and treachery, noble humans and subhuman orcs.

Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL director

He saw clearly how many are Smeagols, slavish by nature, and obsessed with foolish pursuits!

Alex Kern, Joe Fields and 24 others


  • The Ring Poem read by Christopher Lee
    The Ring Poem read by Christopher Lee

    The Ring Poem read by Christopher Lee

  • Schalk van der Merwe I There is an Tolkien house in Bloemfontein, South Africa, where he lived as a child.
  • Jeffery Hoggat Where are the private papers of Tolkien kept now?
  • Alex Kern Midgard = Inner Earth? Agartha?
  • Duke Reginar Tolkien was never woke to the JQ. He was a jew supporter. His private papers and correspondence with NS Germany prove that.
  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Blocked. I have no patience with people who refuse to learn, or even R-E-A-D what I wrote, and put succinctly, in fact, for busy people.
    I stated clearly that “he woke up a-f-t-e-r WWII to the JQ, as his private papers and notes revealed. It was mass immigration into England from the late 1940s on, A-F-T-E-R the WAR, that revealed the conspiracy to him.”
    People really need to drink less caffeine. And think before they talk or type. 😉
    Same deal as with Rockwell, another brainwashed patriot, who enabled the sinking of a German U-boat as a Navy pilot during WWII.
    It was AFTER WWII that they both saw their white countries being transformed by integration and immigration.
    Rockwell in the Ike-dominated Fifties with his very pretty Icelandic wife, still going with the flow of the Baby Boom, but gradually waking up, too…that something was seriously wrong.
    (Why do I even make posts when people just react by regurgitating their own preconceptions, refusing to READ and LEARN something new? I had an epiphany and realized I am actually a hopeless masochist — LOL!)
Steve Clark You help most of us. Yesterday I was insulted by a troll on one of Margi’s Posts. A joo from Boston, no less.

…..More on Tolkien


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  1. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings: Standing as a literary encapsulation of the world situation (one is tempted to say ‘cosmic reality’) his plots and characters represent the reality that is and was faced by the Aryans against the dark forces of evil which seek their destruction.

    The Hobbits are the ‘little people,’ the common mass who lives their lives oblivious to the surrounding world (though admitting of exceptions to the rule such as the enlightened master Bilbo, Frodo, etc., the neuer Adel or noble caste) who are capable of attaining the higher consciousness and overcoming the pettiness of the daily drudge).

    They are weighted down by the leaden chain of materiality, drawn to the mundane cares of the world, ensconced in the veil of Maya. However their leadership constitutes the new hope for evolutionary development to become like the elves (remnants of the Aryan race, the zenith of humanity) and sojourn over the sea towards the higher states of being (immortality) through the alchemical process and an acquaintance with good and evil on a quest to attain enlightenment (the higher self).

    Instigated from their dogmatic slumber of ignorant bickering and worldly care in the shire (the lower self of the Aryan racial collective consciousness) by the dwarves (which may be interpretations of the Jew and their quest for gain) the initiation begins transmitting itself generationally within the family of the elite (Bilbo to Frodo) who are burdened with the responsibility of gnosis (the ring of invisibility) and who must develop this gnosis to serve the good instead of evil, like Gandalf instead of Saruman (Masonry), white as opposed to black magic, service to others (the white race) as opposed to service to self.

    The former also endures the quest for eternity through overcoming his lower self (the balrog) and developing the diamond body (Gandalf the White) in contrast to the coat of many colours of Saruman, a black magician who hides his true purposes behind the white hand (of Freemasonry) and who serves the dark power in Mordor (Satan, Sauron, the demiurge, Jew-hovah, Saturn) – god of the Jews.

    The orc hordes (non-white beastmen) are unleashed against the ‘little people’ and even the einherjar/viras of Rohan and Gondor who constitute the tribe of Judah (Germany) from Tolkien’s perspective, defenders of ‘Middle Earth’ (Midgard).

    These animal/beast hordes are the slaves of both Saruman and Sauron, servants of the Jewdeo-Masonic pact for global dominion. In the citadel of technocracy of Orthunc (the headquarters of Saruman), the metropolis prison of J.O.G., these beast people are perversely hybridized through technological gene-splicing with the men (White Aryans of Middle Earth) creating beastman,k monstrosities to serve the J.O.G. as more intelligent and unfeeling slaves than the orcs, yet divested of their identity and moral sense, malleable puppets of their masters, molded to suit their agenda of earth devastation and totalitarian control, slave soldiers in the wars against Middle Earth (the Aryan race).

    Through the heroism of the Aryan race, the evil of the world is negated once it is struck at its heart through Orthunc being destroyed by the Ents (the roots or race soul of the Aryans) smashing the technocalypse of the metropolis.

    The shire had been flooded with the orc hordes who were then rooted out by the now fully aware denizens of the shire. The[y have gained] ur-consciousness of the Aryan collective soul, its foundation in the peasantry who had not attained adeptship and initiated the change of the tide to cleanse the land for themselves and their posterity.

    Given that this is almost inevitably what must result, the story of Tolkien is a revelation of the method prognosticative of the destiny of the Aryan and of his foe, the dark lord (Demiurge).

  2. Poi c’è Dario Argento che fa l’esatto contrario;creare degli Horror come “Suspiria” per plagiare le masse.
    Una trilogia demoniaca sulle tre madri.Esse hanno tre nomi latini: la prima, la maggiore, si chiama Mater Lacrimarum, “Nostra Signora delle Lacrime”; la seconda delle sorelle è Mater Suspiriorum, “Nostra Signora dei Sospiri”; la terza, la più giovane, è Mater Tenebrarum: “Nostra Signora delle Tenebre”.
    Guardando il video musicale di Robert Miles(Fable)mi sono resa conto che queste tre donne sono fonte dei suoi INCUBI notturni,una stanza con pareti blu e divano rosso(Massoneria deviata?).
    Ho visto questo primo film di Dario Argento..non ho parole!
    Basta guardare sua figlia Asia poi.
    Questa storia di queste tre donne malvagie che sembrano dominare tre città,Friburgo,Roma,New York.
    Il film di Guadagnino(Suspiria)sembra ambientato proprio in Germania con i suoi colori dominanti,Rosso,nero e bianco.
    Dobbiamo ricordare alla gente(continuamente)che la Germania è fonte di tutti i mali!Dagli Avengers(un Iron Man ebreo che di sacrifica per salvare la Terra dal cattivo Tanos)anche Transformers da questa idea.
    Oggi Gabriele Salvatores sembra guadagnarsi il titolo di Revisionista fantasy(con il suo “Ragazzo invisibile”)..dove alcuni nordici con poteri speciali vengono sottoposti a Mk-Ultra da parte di un’Elite.Nel film viene sollevata la loro VENDETTA finale.
    Povero Salvatores..non ha avuto tanti apprezzamenti.

  3. Una settimana fa ho rivisto(dopo 11anni circa)il film Avatar.Ma lo sai che nella scena iniziale le persone indossano la mascherina?E non ricordavo neanche questa scena!
    Gli Avatar sono come la razza bianca o gli antichi Nordici con la loro magica Pandora.Ho rivisto la storia degli Aesir in realta’,della quercia sacra e quella del cavaliere eletto che domina il drago Fafnir 🙂
    Sono certa che cambieranno tante cose ora 🙂

    • Transl:

      A week ago I reviewed (after 11 years or so) the movie “Avatar,” but do you know that in the opening scene people wear masks? And I didn’t even remember this scene!

      Avatars are like the white race or the ancient Nordics with their magical Pandora. I have reviewed the story of the Aesir in reality, of the sacred oak and that of the chosen knight who dominates the dragon Fafnir.

      I am sure that many things will change now.

  4. Si può davvero fare finta di arrendersi?(in fondo anche il Fuhrer ha messo in scena la sua “resa”)per il colpo finale del Futuro.
    Io adoro i colpi di scena John-Soprattutto il tuo 🙂
    La vendetta si può gustare davvero così…
    Ora lascia che tutti i vermi traditori restino a galla,uno per uno…

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