Lyin’ Biden said women should buy shotguns for home defense, not the AR-15

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Dainty young white girl literally knocked over by a shotgun blast. Biden sez women should have shotguns, not the low-recoil AR-15…..


Fascinating 2015 (?) video in so many ways: 1) Joe Biden is a lying POS (but we knew that); women, and wussy guys, should be warned before they fire how powerful the recoil on a shotgun is; this is one more reason why average women should not be in the infantry — their much softer and more tender nature.

If even a shotgun makes them shriek, how about seeing a human being’s head explode, or their brains or leg fly past their ear?

Btw, listen to the faggoty voice on this “male” interviewer.

A woman should be warned how powerful a double-barreled shotgun is.

There is no shock-absorbing spring inside the stock to accept the force that is kicking back. It is just solid wood or plastic.

An assault rifle has this spring and far less “kick,” which the vile Biden deliberately does not mention.

An assault rifle is far better for a woman, a girl, a boy or a small man to fire! A shotgun held at the shoulder will literally punch you and give you a bruise!


…..Adolf Hitler, a highly decorated veteran of WWI, on women serving in the military


The way his mother was, a person whom Adolf Hitler absolutely adored, he felt that women should not even serve on juries which were deciding death penalty cases, such as murder, because of their excessive compassion.

He talks about how even men can emotionally buckle under the horrors of war and vows that, for this reason, women must never be sent to the frontlines.

As for the female drill instructors, such as this gal, about 10% of Marines are women. Traditionally, they serve in the rear doing various tasks of a non-combat nature so the men can actually go forward and do the bloody work of killing.

The Israelis tried having women in combat and stopped the experiment. The men would freak out if a women was injured, and insist the wounded woman must be evacuated and all fighting must stop until she is safe.

So we see that a man’s programming is to fight and protect, and a woman’s role to BE protected and in turn do the many other vital things for which she is designed and excellent, such as homemaking, having and raising children, the next generation.

Of course, Joan of Arc, who was a French war hero in the Middle Ages,  was a woman, but she is famous largely because women warriors are so rare. 😉

Frontier women had to be brave in case of Indians, bears, etc., but this was for moments only.

To ask a woman to go for long days, weeks and months of combat, gore, suffering, fear and death would be unimaginable cruelty and wrong policy as well.

Women are designed by their high estrogen levels to be, in effect, “natural liberals” — strong on compassion (which makes them good mothers and soothing wives) and weak on physical conflict.


…See also

Honoring “The Female Brain,” especially after it is “rewired” by motherhood — insights from Dr Louanne Brizendine


  1. Ironie:

    Ich persönlich habe bei der Bundeswehr am liebsten die MP (((UZI))) geschossen.

    Sie ist besser als ihr Ruf. Im Einzelschuss und im Feuerstoss sehr präzise bis 25 Meter. Im Feuerstoss gut zu handhaben, auch mit einer Hand.

    Aber auch Frauen können mit Schrotflinten schießen.

    Zur Selbstverteidigung im Haus ist eine kurze Pumpgun nicht übel, man muss sie nur richtig festhalten.

    Und auch auf die Entfernung ist eine Schrotflinte eine Waffe, mit der man eine ganze Gruppe von Menschen mit einem Schuss niederhalten kann. Klar: gegen Gegner mit Schusswesten kann man nicht viel ausrichten, aber selbst aus 50 Meter ist ein Geschosshagel aus 3 MM Schrotkugeln ziemlich unangenehm 😉

    Ich kannte mal Einen der mir das beigebracht hat: Taktisches Schiessen mit der Flinte. Der nannte das Blendschuss.

    GruSS vom Waffennarr

  2. PS:

    Obwohl und auch gerade weil ich gut Englisch schreibe, verwende ich ungern Anglizismen.

    Das deutsche Wort für eine Pumpgun lautet verwaltungstechnisch korrekt:

    – Vorderschaftrepetierflinte –

    Noch ein schönes Wort:


    Ich liebe die deutsche Sprache, aber manchmal…;)

  3. A shotgun is a terrible weapon said the old man in the gunshop.
    My 6 yo son handled a winchester defender like a pro, because he was taught how. To just buy any “Gun” is foolish. Go to a range and I’m sure many there would let you try out some of their goods.

    • Yes, and a girl can learn it too.

      However, it is so obsolete that shotguns still have that awful recoil, which slows re-aiming.

      In this movie clip, Keanu, with a semi-autiomatic shotgun with small recoil, uses its huge stopping power to take down a lot of bad guys:

      • At least you don’t just delete the comments you don’t like, as some other sites do. Here are some books you might like to recommend : Fast and fancy revolver shooting By Ed McGivern and The complete book of knife fighting by Cassidy and Lovelace.
        Taught me and the kids a lot.

        • Thanks. I do delete comments by many trolls (or juvenile, disrespectful and inebriated commenters) but I publish some undesirable comments to show psychopaths on parade. 😉

          And I often publish death threats, too.

          And my response.

          One leftist said he might come and spray red swastikas on my house. I ran it and replied: “Try it, but watch out for lead poisoning.” 😉

  4. I forgot to mention that you also get shotguns in 16 and 20 gauge, as well as 410. I don’t know whether you get 410 in pump-actions.

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