MacGregor: We are entering an ominous phase: “Biden’s War” with long-range missiles to strike deep into Russia itself; RFK Jr sure has that old Kennedy magic

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…Colonel MacGregor; Jewkraine’s land war has failed; next Biden gives Jewlensky long-range missiles to fire deep inside a nuclear Russia

Zelensky having failed to beat Russia on the ground, now we are entering the “Biden Phase” of the Jewkraine War, with Biden giving the cokehead shrimp Zelensky long-range missiles from the US, UK and soon Germany, too in order to devastate targets deep inside Russia itself.

Then Russia may retaliate by firing its missiles at NATO countries.

OR it may put its missiles into Cuba and Mexico, both anti-American countries, to likewise threaten US territory.

A very dangerous move by Pedo Joe, an insane and senile psychopathic monster! Does he not understand that every country which has ever attacked Russia, after initial successes, has eventually been crushed?


….The advantage of my experience at 69

I really remember John Kennedy, and Bobby (his brother, whom my dad met, chatted with at an important funeral, that of Adlai Stevenson, and was very impressed by).

I recall the electricity, charm, wit, energy and KINDNESS those two men, of Irish heritage, put out.

Even Republicans admired them. We were all Americans, after all.

The U.S. military draft was good in that it brought everyone together.

(In the Kaiser’s Germany they said “die Armee ist die Schule der Nation” — “the Army is the school of the nation.”)

What a beautiful family, and Kennedy was in his forties, full of vigor (pronounced Boston-style as “vigah” 😉 ) . My parents had met Jackie, a fellow Rhode Islander, of French heritage (Bouvier).

Bobby and his brother, U.S. Senator John, went after communists and also organized crime, the Mafia, which was and is just as jewish as it is Sicilian! (The FBI denied there even was any “organized crime,” because the Mob had blackmail photos of J. Edgar Hoover, showing he was a homosexual and a cross-dresser. The Kennedys knew about this and Hoover hated them for it. He collected “dirt” on their affairs with beautiful women.)

I well remember when Democrats, as a party, were not soft on crime back then at all. Democrat two-term president Grover Cleveland had personally hanged murderers 1870-73 when he was the sheriff of Erie County (greater Buffalo), New York State. As mayor of Buffalo and as governor of New York, he fiercely fought corruption, then was an honest and popular US president. Democrats were not liberals; they were just for the little guy!

The old Democrats (I talk from what I experienced and saw in the State of Rhode Island, which one of my ancestors helped found in 1636) were for guns, sports, beer, hunting and fishing, and for capital punishment, and in favor of most of our wars.

Democrats waved the flag; they “joined the service”; They bought American cars; and other US products; and they spanked their kids if naughty. Most Democrats went to church, too.

The old Democrat party just wanted the WORKING MAN AND HIS WIFE also to get a fair shake.

The South was VERY conservative — and for over a century, until 1968, when it went for Nixon,WHO HINTED THAT HE TOO WAS ANTI-BLACK,  it was 100% Democrat.

Senator John Kennedy wrote a bestseller and Pulitzer Prize-winner on courageous Americans who went against the tide, among them (in a whole chapter) Republican US Senator from Ohio Robert Taft, who opposed and denounced the illegality of the 1946 Nuremberg War Crimes Trials (which the jews had concocted to get their vengeance on the surviving NS leaders and on the stomped-on German people)

I thrice met with Mark Lane, a jewish lawyer who fought valiantly for the rights of white nationalists like me and publisher Willis Carto, and attacked the incredibly dangerous CIA in THREE factual, bestselling books.

Senator Bobby Kennedy was extremely anti-communist, but he knew his brother John had been right: Vietnam was a hopeless “quagmire” — this word was constantly used about Vietnam and was accurate.

That faraway war, with our boys 11,000 miles away, though it was a just and noble effort to stop communism, simply could not be won because the South Vietnamese people themselves were not willing to fight, having leaders they saw as corrupt.

And as East Asians they saw us only as their new, would-be, foreign occupiers and colonizers.

Bobby Kennedy dared to say the war was unwinnable.

I saw “Landslide Lyndon” (as his enemies sarcastically called him after he stole his first election) very up-close. It was in 1964 in Providence, Rhode Island. He gave off an aura of absolute evil. He was standing up like a Roman general in a triumph (and it was, ghoulishly, in the very Lincoln in which JFK had been shot — at Johnson’s instigation!) as he rolled up to Meehan Auditorium at Brown University to give a faux-humble speech.
At the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan you can see the Kennedy limo, a Lincoln Continental from Ford with a solid roof on; it also had a glass top, or, in Dallas, it had no top at all. (It was later used by Nixon and Carter.)
Johnson hid his secret jewishness (via his mother Rachelle) from John Kennedy, who had gotten more and more antisemitic, like his father, Joseph Kennedy, Senior) the longer he was the president and saw the arrogant antics of American jews and of the Israelis. Also, he knew the Mob was half-JEWISH!
Bobby (the US Attorney General) was “onto” Lyndon, and was going to take him down in three more days for his murders and taking massive bribes, with Life magazine bringing a devastating exposé, but the assassination in Dallas suddenly made Johnson the president, Bobby’s superior, and he was able to terrify Life magazine with help from the ever-crooked FBI. 

I generated this photo myself from a video. As a former interrogator, I noticed the sinister, malevolent glare on LBJ’s face an hour before he had Kennedy shot.

Johnson comes gangsta-style in 1964 to Providence. His limousine, in black, was prudently the fourth one back.



JFK’s final minutes  — Texans loved him and Jacky, too.


I have published a major article revealing how he was a closet Jew via his mother, Rachelle Baines.

Anyway, as the Pulitzer-Prize winning bio of him by Robert Caro relates (Caro is a vile Jew who admired LBJ for his liberal agenda, but revealed the dark side anyway in order to write a bestseller and make a buck), LBJ horned in on a girl at a dance at the Texas Teacher’s College. Well, her boyfriend was a big, burly, blond Texas kraut named Otto from Fredericksburg, and he chased after that long-legged Lyndon, who ran up into the dorm and into his room. Otto followed him up the stairs and burst right into the room.

Unlike almost all American boys in WWII, sneaky jew-boy LBJ avoided the service and combat, though his mentor, FDR, Frank Rosenfeld, got him a fake two days in the Army Air Corps — as an officer to boot — so he could say he had “served in WWII.”  Just LOOK at that expression. His hair and eyes were jet-black. You could not even see his pupils, so black were his irises, like a Grey alien. 😉


Lyndon, all 6-3 of him, was on the bed in his dorm, kicking and windmilling his legs up in the air, girly-style, the way some girls have been taught to kick to prevent rape.

He would not fight Otto, though he was taller than him by three inches, but instead spun his legs around.

When LBJ beat the Republican Goldwater (whom I would meet in 1968 in Washington through my Dad), my father, a Marine veteran of two wars, went out on the back patio.
He stared up at the stars silently, then rocked back and forth on his heels. He was obviously feeling a powerful emotion. Then he said to me, grimly:

“John, Vietnam will be our next no-win war.”

Johnson, starting in 1965, would get 58,000 young Americans killed (90% of them white; infantry units, the frontline troops, are always mostly white because they are the most steady and reliable) in Vietnam. So many, many more came home messed up physically with wounds or from the toxic Agent Orange. Psychologically, too, it was devastating to fight a war that could not possibly be won — which the troops knew.
The communist North Vietnamese, like all communists, were willing to spend any number of lives to win. They lost two million men. Yes, we Whites were damn good at war, in Vietnam and elsewhere, but so are communists, and their troops are infinitely disciplined, cruel and ruthless. (Maybe we should have let Hitler eliminate communism for us in WWII, hmmm?)
But Vietnam made LBJ’s jew friends at General Dynamics rich, and, “best of all” for a jew, Vietnam killed a lot off a lot of the best goyim and it divided them at home too — one goy against the other — which is another eternal jew goal. From 1967 to 1973, America split into “hawks and doves,” either pro- or anti-Vietnam War.
And now I come to Robert Kennedy, Junior….. the son of Bobby and the nephew of John.
He was just the target of an assassin, posing as a US Marshal!
Here now is the latest video from the courageous Bobby Kennedy, Junior, who has denounced the CIA, the Covid death jab, and the MIC (Military-Industrial Complex.)  Biden has denied him Secret Service protection!
It is nice for me to see the old Kennedy magic still at work, and once again a man named Kennedy who hates the atrocity that is WAR. 🙂 Be sure to see the video.




“Peace For All Time” | Running on Truth | Episode 3

Is it any wonder that as America has waged violence around the world, violence has overtaken our own nation? What will be the wages of peace instead? RFK Jr. carries forward his uncle JFK’s vision.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:

“Waging endless wars abroad, we have neglected the foundation of our own well-being. We have a decaying economic infrastructure. We have a demoralized people and despairing people. We have toxins in our air, our soil and our water. We have deteriorating mental and physical health. These are the wages of war…What will be the wages of peace?

I would also urge you to watch this video below of JFK’s peace speech. This was a true Aryan, highly intelligent, sincere, educated, witty, articulate and always setting a high moral tone and aiming for noble goals.

And remember — this was a US Navy war hero! He saw war; he was in the war; his older brother Joe was killed during a heroic mission in the war!

JFK saved his men himself after his PT boat was cut in half at night by a Japanese destroyer. He swam through shark-infested waters twice to get to another island and get a native to get to civilization and contact rescuers. The excellent, factual movie “PT-109” (with Cliff Robertson as the young Kennedy) tells the story with scrupulous accuracy.

John F. Kennedy (played by Cliff Robertson) is a lieutenant, junior grade, in command of a PT-109 boat during World War II in the Pacific, fighting Japan.
Jack Kennedy, far right, was an outstanding officer, he was worshipped by his men, and he saved several lives at extreme danger to himself when a Japanese destroyer deliberately rammed and sank his Patrol-Torpedo boat, during an ordered radio silence, on a pitch-black night in the waters of the Pacific in 1943.
In Leslie H. Martinson’s excellent dramatization, with constant humor thrown in,  of the future president’s war efforts, John Kennedy uses his famous family name not to get OUT of combat but to put himself in the line of fire.
Assigned to battle in the Solomon Islands, he leads his crew on treacherous rescue missions. When their ship is cut apart, Kennedy and his men must swim to an island for survival.
Release date: June 19, 1963 (USA)
Before John F. Kennedy was President of the United States he was a hero of World War II. Assigned to command a small, swift, PT boat in the South Pacific, a young Lieutenant Kennedy leads his men in a daring rescue of American Marines stranded on a small island inside the area of Japanese control.
But on another mission, a Japanese destroyer slices the small boat in half. Now, miles from the nearest island, Kennedy proves himself a hero with his efforts to save the crew of PT 109. When his boat exploded and sank in the early morning darkness. Kennedy responded heroically. He swam miles across open ocean from one remote island to another to save his crew, and towed one wounded man through the sea with a belt clenched in his teeth. Finally, he used a coconut to bring rescue!




Compare now a John Kennedy speaking — a truly presidential person, a true leader, with spectacular nordic, Aryan features  — with the inarticulate morons they have given us such as Bush, Trump or Biden.

By being 69 years old, or 69 years young, I can tell you this — America, “once upon a time,” was in truth a proud, healthy white nation — with lots of good-paying jobs, with big families and little divorce, with masculine he-men and feminine women who were dedicated mothers and wives — and it must and will be great again, and a blessing, not a curse, on the world!





  1. Hero worship of Bobby Jr. fails to mention that Bobby has obeisance to the Tribe. He’s beholden to the jews and needs them and their money to gain admission to the club.

    Sorry, I can’t vote for a jew sympathizer. Neither should you.

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