Major 1969 movie w/Jack Nicholson & Dennis Hopper let out a lot of UFO truth

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The hit 1969 movie “Easy Rider” contains a scene where a lot of UFO truth is leaked out, but with a big, fat lie added as well. Supposedly, the government would LIKE to spill the beans, but we humans could not handle it…. Ahah….

A comrade sent this along:


Truth bomb in a Hollywood movie — Dennis Hopper, Jack Nicholson and Peter Fonda discuss UFOs in “Easy Rider.”

Wow, excellent, and thanks! Will blog on this.

I had never seen this movie before, or at that time, being such a conservative and non-rebel type back then, and not really into pot, or Jack Nicholson, or UFOs either for that matter.

Even when I saw a big freighter-type UFO in 1989, along with a client, in McMinnville, Oregon, a cigar-shaped vessel, I did not get interested in the topic. My viewpoint was to simply be cautious and stay away from them.

Later on, I came to realize that malevolent ETs have been deeply involved in the US Deep State since the Eisenhower years, and now it is all very relevant.

And I came to understand that benevolent ETs, both human and just humanoid, are rooting for our survival and our evolution from our current enslaved and barbaric state… which also endangers their interests since 1945, when earthlings acquired nuclear weapons.

Here is the key thing to understand: other planets in our solar system are inhabited,  but not on the surface, which is too hot or too cold,  or even has a poisonous atmosphere.

No, they live deep underground.

And a major nuclear war on OUR planet would cause them serious problems on THEIRS.

The b-s that is mixed into this jewish, Hollywood film and into Jack Nicholson’s  disquisition is the reason WHY the government hides UFO truth.

It hides it because the US Deep State is in bed with very dangerous and anti-human aliens for the weapons and tech help they dangle out, slowly, in small tidbits, to  the Pentagon. In effect, these are alien arms dealers, and just as ruthless as human arms dealers.

And these aliens are at war with benevolent human aliens called Nordics, from whom we Northern-European Whites descend in whole or in part.



….See also

(Many photos became unlinked by a very sophisticated hack in the 11 days my site was hacked and down in February.)



$750 raised so far toward $1,600 monthly donation goal

— 8 April 2022 200 Australian dollars ( = US$150) from F in Australia, sent wrapped up properly in aluminum foil to “foil” nosy and greedy postal clerks

— 7 April 2022 $150 bank wire from P in Australia

— 7 April 2022 $50 donation and $200 loan from S in Florida

— 1 April 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 31 March 2023 $12 cash from X in Florida

— 26 March 2022 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 26 March 2022 200 euros via PayPal from M in France

–- 21 March 2022 $60 from M in Ontario, Canada

–20 March 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 19 March 2022 $260 ($10 and then $250) from B in Georgia/USA

— 15 March 2022 $150 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

Historic downtown Boston — I lived nearby 1971-74 and 1994-2003

— 14 Mar 2022 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Chicago 😉

— 12 March 2022 $50 from M in Texas via PayPal

— 11 March 2022 200 euros from M in France via PayPal

$200 just came in, which is great, and appreciated highly, amounting to $450 so far this month, but not nearly enough. I still need $950 more!

— 10 March 2022 $150 via bank wire from P in Australia

— 9 March 2022 $50 via PayPal from V in Denmark

— 5 Mar 2022 100 euros from M in France



— 1 March 2022 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 26 February 2022 $34 via PayPal from V in Denmark
— 26 February 2022 $100 check from K in California


— 26 Feb 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 23 Feb 2022 $80 via PayPal from J in San Francisco

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Duran coffee mug from P in Florida

A friend in Florida who also assiduously follows the Dynamic Durans, the best World-Figure-Outers Ever, bought me this elegant and sturdy Duran mug. This is the mug shot. 😉 Soon it will be full of hot coffee as a reward for a morning of snow-blowing (just off Lake Superior in Upper Michigan).


— 22 Feb 2022 $150 by bank wire from P in Australia


I raised the monthly donations goal in the middle of March to $1,600, and donations reached $1,782.


The initial goal of $1,400 did not include repairing the eleven-day February hack. 36,000 images are missing. 13 years of blogs have no photos.

This was a hack at the highest  level. Margi is now helping me restore my key articles, and I am paying her $5 an hour, which gives her a sense of working, of advancing our Cause, and of not thinking about her liver cancer.

New address is 801 Michigan Street, and the rest is the same, Ontonagon MI 49953.

CashApp is a great way to send funds instantly.

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