Major French Deep-State Jew Jacques Attali: Only a pandemic can give us one-world government; Israeli boasts to me the Protocols are true, “we Jews started WWII, and we run the world”; the return of Hitler

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This hook-nosed, ultra-sinister, filthy-rich French Jew, Jacques Attali wants a pandemic to get world government and has openly said so.

He has mentored France’s most nauseating, dangerous, open-borders, “welcome-muslim-rapefugees” and bootlicking politicians for decades, especially:

–President François Mitterrand (1981-95), but also

–the current president, the narcissistic, bisexual, half-jew, Freemason and weirdo Emanuel Macron (2017-present).

Let us never forget that France is a major nuclear power with a large and modern army; nuclear submarines; land-based ICBMs; a huge, modern aircraft carrier (

—  and France has the sixth-largest economy on earth.

France has incredible technology, including bullet trains, as depicted here in a “Mission Impossible” movie starring Tom Cruise:

Unlike the US, a medical hodge-podge of plans and coverage, France has one digital, gold-chipped medical insurance card, the Carte vitale, which I used in 2004 when living there and married to a Frenchwoman.

It covers all medical and drug costs and gives doctors instantly your entire medical record: surgeries, allergies, blood type, etc.  so that even if you are brought to the ER in a coma after a car wreck, they know all they need instantly to save your life. As a result, the white French, though often heavy smokers, live a year longer than white Americans. (Also, they are rarely obese, and despise McDonalds.)

My Norman-Viking ancestors, who in 1066 conquered England, came from Normandy, here:

Back now to Jacques Attali in 2016 with that knowing Jew look: ” We brilliant, cunning jews got it all figured out. We can run mental circles around any goy — except maybe that Hitler guy, but we got the goyim to reject and kill the one man who could have saved them — for us.


Attali and Mitterrand:

Attali supervises as his fellow Jew, Serge Moati, advises Mitterrand what to say and how to say it before a TV debate in 1981.


Serge Moati (born Henry Moati; 17 August 1946) is a French journalist, television presenter, film director and writer. He is the brother of Nine Moati, author of the novel Les Belles de Tunis. As is his sister, Serge Moati is a French citizen, with Tunisian-Jewish origins.[1] He is the father of the actor Félix Moati.[2]

Moati was formerly a political consultant/public relations manager for François Mitterrand.[3]

Attali with open-borders queer Macron as a government minister

….and now with him as a president whose police shoot out the eyes of French working-class demonstrators with the Yellow Vest movement:

Macron’s hook-nosed mother, Françoise Nogues:


…..What Attali said back in 2009 during the (((media’s))) way-overblown hysteria over the “swine flu”

Jacques Attali – une pandémie facilitera la création d’un gouvernement mondial:

“A pandemic will facilitate the creation of a world government.”


In the magazine L’Express of 6 May 2009, Attali wrote (key excerpts, followed by an English translation):

L’Histoire nous apprend que l’humanité n’évolue significativement que lorsqu’elle a vraiment peur :

La pandémie qui commence pourrait déclencher une de ces peurs structurantes.  

Si l’épidémie est un peu plus grave, ce qui est possible, puisqu’elle est transmissible par l’homme, elle aura des conséquences véritablement planétaires [….]

On en viendra alors, beaucoup plus vite que ne l’aurait permis la seule raison économique, à mettre en place les bases d’un véritable gouvernement mondial.

On devra, pour cela, mettre en place une police mondiale, un stockage mondial et donc une fiscalité mondiale. On en viendra alors, beaucoup plus vite que ne l’aurait permis la seule raison économique, à mettre en place les bases d’un véritable gouvernement mondial.

History teaches us that humanity evolves significantly only when it is really afraid [….]

The beginning pandemic could trigger one of these structure-creating fears.

If the epidemic is a little more serious [than the swine flu of 2009-10], which is possible, since it is transmissible by humans, it will have truly global consequences [….]

We will then come, much faster than by economic reasons alone, to lay the foundations of a real world government.

To do this, we will have to set up a global police force, a global repository and therefore a global tax system. We will then come, much faster than economic reason alone, to lay the foundations of a real world government.




An actual Hanukkah card which I bought in 2007 in Alexandria, Virginia on Mount Vernon Avenue at a drugstore




…..Israeli writes me 1) Yes, the “Protocols” are accurate, 2) Jewry did start WWII as a “kosher goyim slaughterhouse,” and 3) we Jews do rule the world

An antizionist website owner who used the screen name “Blind Light”…. and who was

active on the Australian antizionist website (a screenshot from its forum)



…had a conversation on Facebook about Jewish views with an Israeli diamond cutter named Abraham Levy.…..

…..and Levy wrote him, as he related to the Rebel forum readers, as per this screenshot, the following remarks:


Transcript (edited by me slightly for spelling mistakes, etc., since the writer’s original language is Hebrew):

Abraham Levy:

And about WWII…

It was only a big kosher slaughterhouse for goyim in order to give more money to us, then more power…

….the State of Israel was born, “coincidentally,” AFTER the war, thanks to Rothschild’s money and the decisive Stalin vote [to recognize Israel] at the UN [General A]ssembly — the proof of what I say.

Israeli stamp 1954 honoring Baron Rothschild 1845-1934


We gave weapons even to Hitler in order to prolong the war, and the money was [from] us too….. IG Farben, etc.


Hitler was not able to refuse our weapon[s] because he was fighting a war against other goy[i]m nations influenced by Jews, a war with we pushed against Germany!

Emil Ludwig Cohn said [This was at one time a famous German author of biographies, a Jew — — who did not use his last name, Cohen; he moved to Switzerland and then the US after Hitler came to power]

“Hitler does not want war, but we will force it on him, not this year, but soon.” [from Emil Ludwig Cohn in Les Annales, June, 1934, and also quoted in his book “The New Holy Alliance” (source:]

You goyim are a very good investment when properly squeezed.  LOL!

We are GOD.

Even Hitler didn’t defeat us. What will YOU do?

[Protocols of Zion, chapter 5, section 6]

6. PER ME REGES REGNANT. “It is through me that Kings reign.” And it was said by the prophets that we were chosen by God Himself to rule over the whole earth.

God has endowed us with genius that we may be equal to our task.

Were genius [to be found] in the opposite camp, it would still struggle against us, but even so, a newcomer is no match for the old-established settler: the struggle would be merciless between us, such a fight as the world has never seen.

Aye, and the genius on their side would have arrived too late.

All the wheels of the machinery of all States go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of States is – Gold.

The science of political economy invented by our learned elders has for long past been giving royal prestige to capital. (Protocols of Zion, [chapter] V)

Fort Knox



I decided for verification to write Abraham Levy myself on Facebook, an December 26, 2013, at 9:46 pm US Eastern Standard time, identifying myself clearly via my Facebook page as being a white nationalist.

(The link is to the screenshot and words shown above:

abraham-levy-diamond-cutter-asked- if-he wrote-jews-rule-world-started-wwii

Possibly after checking back with his “superiors,” during which time 18 days elapsed, Abraham Levy-Goldberg wrote me a PM (private message back) on Facebook on January 13, 2014:

abraham-levy-diamond-cutter-admits-he wrote-jews-rule-world-started-wwii

His replay:

Yes, it’s the truth.

We rule the world now.

We should not be afraid to say the truth now… honestly.


Then, however, he asked me to delete the post, and, because he legally has a copyright on his own words (as a WN lawyer informed me), so I acceded — and I deleted the blog .

But then he wrote me back again (at 7:35 pm on Tuesday, January 2014, Pittsburgh time):


“If u want u can post my quotes, but without insults, thanks.

I have nothing to hide.

We rule the world because God wants it.

A.L. [Abraham Levy]”



…….Emergency appeal

I need money to flood in right now.

Now is the hour.

And I cannot possibly start anything without any funds at all.

We have beaten cancer in Margi, and now we must beat the cancer on the whole human race, the jews.

…..the rapists, torturers and genociders of all humanity.

YOU can step up to the plate now, and hit a HOME RUN for our race and yourself. With the count of three balls and two strikes, the blond American Aryan slugger Mickey Mantle hit the big one.

Here he was with US Senator Robert Kennedy, soon to be murdered by the Jews (who had already killed his two older brothers, one in WWII and the other in Dallas….)

Here he belts his 500th home run on May 14, 1967:

In the end, it was 535 steroid-free homers.

“After I hit a home run I had a habit of running the bases with my head down.

I figured the pitcher already felt bad enough without me showing him up as I rounded the bases.” — Mickey Mantle.

Even on a milestone home run, Mantle ran humbly with his head down and no gloating or celebration.

What an Aryan thing to do, to be magnanimous in victory!

This is why Americans loved Mickey Mantle —  his lack of arrogance and ego, even as a huge sports hero and winner. (I wish his fellow New Yorker Donald Trump could pick up something of this, but unevolved people both cannot and do not change.)

And this is how we will win — by moving the human heart.

So our victory is the victory of all races, not just ours.

I never  stop emphasizing the importance of this: in a 2014 German movie “Look Who’s Back,”  Hitler shows up on the streets of modern Berlin, and is welcomed by people of all races. These scenes were NOT scripted, and this is what shocked the producers and the  director of this anti-Hitler movie, and the libtard newspapers.

Blacks, Muslims, East Asians and Whites — everyone greeted the hero who stood up for the world against the Jews. For all the brainwashing, on the very deepest level the people KNOW they need the liberator.





Especially important blogs

If  you ever thought of donating to me, or making a big donation, the time is right now.

You are at the plate, just like Mickey Mantle.

You cannot hit a home run with a cautious little swing.

You gotta take the risk of striking out – and just belt it. 🙂



    • I would change your sentence as follows:


      This virus CAN sink the NWO and bring back nationalism. Everyone sees this. It could be good for us that this has happened.


      Or it can be the absolute death knell of our race.

  1. Knowing how the worldwide Jewish-run media and Jewish-run governments of the world (including communist China) LIE constantly about everything to serve the Jewish NWO agenda, I still think this coronavirus may be a huge PSYOP hoax. What triggered me was seeing a video from Wuhan, China at the start of the coronavirus hysteria, which was apparently filmed from the slightly higher level of an apartment building, and showed a Chinese man at street level wearing a white face mask, standing on a street corner, doing nothing. The man then suddenly wobbled back and forth a bit, and did a comical pratfall, falling face-first to the ground. I said to myself, “This is fake as hell! I wonder how much (((they))) paid him to do that?” Prior to his comical pratfall, the man was just standing there doing nothing, as if waiting for his cue.

    So, I still have a great deal of skepticism about this supposed coronavirus epidemic, despite the nonstop media propaganda barrage. Jeff Rense (Jewish) is going crazy on his site – every article is about the coronavirus, with his hysterical comments added to the title of each article. Rense is the same guy who said that the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico would cause the Earth’s crust to crack, and lead to the Earth literally cracking apart in space. Absolute nonsense and fear-mongering, which Rense specializes in.

    How do we know that any of this coronavirus propaganda from the lying Jewish-run media is true? Supposedly thousands have died in China, Iran, and Italy, but how can we verify that? The Jew media can claim anything, and people will believe it without questioning. Communist China, of course, was founded by Jews in 1948, and is still Jewish-ruled behind the scenes today, so nothing coming out of China should be believed or trusted. I also recall the photos of Iran’s former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who was supposedly “anti-Semitic,” giving the “devil-horns” hand sign, just like G.W. Bush and many other NWO flunkies. This was lamely explained away as being his expression of support for some obscure Iranian political group known as the “Grey Wolves” – give me a break. And I’ve read that the top-level Iranian leaders like former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, current president Ali Khamenei, and Ruhollah Khomeini, who in 1979 ousted the last Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, are all secret Jews installed by the (((British government))) after the 1979 “Islamic” revolution. The Jews know that the easiest way to bring down a country is to control its leaders. So, just because Iran is claiming thousands dead from the coronavirus doesn’t make it true. And Italy is ruled behind the scenes by the utterly corrupt and satanic Vatican, which in turn is ruled by the Jews. So, Italy may also be lying to serve the Jewish NWO agenda. I also note that Britain (home of “Lord” Rothschild”) is taking no special precautions against the virus, and plans to just let it spread, to “give a herd immunity” to the British population. Right. And “Lord” Rothschild, who is the real ruler of Britain, is not worried about catching the virus?

    Remember Hitler’s often-misrepresented words about the Jews and their colossal lies. The Bible starring “God’s Chosen People,” the “Holohoax,” the JFK and RFK assassinations committed by “lone nuts,” the hoaxed Apollo moon landings, Sandy Hoax, etc., etc. have convinced the Jews that they can tell the most colossal lies and get away with it. So, lying about the coronavirus would be child’s play for them.

    If the coronavirus is real, and was deliberately released by the Jews to kill off the goyim and bring about an NWO police state, why would the Jews put themselves at risk like that? It would end up killing millions of Jews worldwide as well, and they couldn’t all get secret vaccinations for it. While it’s true that the “big Jews” often sacrifice “little Jews” to further their NWO agenda, without the millions of “little Jews” to carry out their agenda, they would fail. So, I remain very skeptical about the coronavirus being real.

    The hysteria created by the Jew-run media is definitely real, however, and that’s what really matters to them. The Rothschilds and their ilk are probably rubbing their hands and chuckling with delight at the gullibility of the goyim.

  2. Here’s a quote supposedly from Attali:

    Jacques Attali is a jewish Freemason, Bilderberger.

    This is what Jacques Attali wrote in 1981, who was then an advisor to François Mitterrand: “The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically. Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself. ” [The future of life – Jacques Attali, 1981] Interviews with Michel Salomon, Les Visages de l’avenir collection, éditions Seghers. “…

    Also, the virus has never been isolated-even a Chinese doctor from the Chinese CDC admitted this:

    Here’s a NZ doctor explaining the “isolation” scam that virology has been playing:

    And I highly recommend that book over her shoulder, Virus Mania, as well as Fear of the Invisible (free online), both of which outline the virology scams that have been played on humanity (DDT actually caused polio sickness, and Burroughs Wellcome’s “poppers,” which were used by the extremely promiscuous segment of the gay population, caused AIDS, and Zika was caused by an experimental vaccine given to pregnant women in S.America–the virus is the cover story to protect industry from being sued)

  3. Interesting that Attali’s quote was just posted on someone’s FB page. And my search for “Jacques Attali Jewish” led me to this page.

  4. This all comes from the rabbis, especially the lubavitchers who are the most rich influential powerful evil and wicked (but in their own sight saints, of course). They are those who surround massively presidents in their offices like black-robed vultures.
    Get them first.

  5. Zum Video “Er ist wieder da”:

    Gerüchten zufolge soll der Oberjude vom Zentralrat sich an einer Matze verschluckt haben als er dies sah 😉

  6. John, I would like to give a response to that Israeli’s claims that they controlled Hitler, and would appreciate hearing your thoughts on the matter (specifically, if you believe what I’m saying to be correct, or if i’m leaving something out).

    I.G. Farben, as conclusively proven by professor Henry Ashby Turner Jr. did NOT fund the NSDAP’s political campaign, and in fact were vehemently against the National Socialists up until 1933. Professor Turner literally combed through corporate archives from Farben as well as other various industrialists in order to ascertain this. Once the National Socialist economic program was implemented (work treasury notes) there was literally no need for Hitler to accept foreign currency, since his own currency was debt-free and inflation proof.

    The Israeli then claims they “gave weapons to Hitler” but of course fails to specify in what capacity they did. Is he saying I.G. Farben gave him weapons? because even a basic connoisseur of history knows Farben only manufactured chemicals, not munitions. Is he saying Rockefeller Standard Oil gave them fuels for their aircraft? because it is also a fact that the Germans had developed their own domestic synthetic fuel conversion process (Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis) from coal.

    Also, someone should have told that arrogant Israeli that a handful of their most powerful Zionist banking magnates, the Rothschilds, ended up in concentration camps. Two of them didn’t even survive (Elizabeth de Rothschild and George Mandel Rothschild). That was round one, and Hitler was playing nice with the Jews.

    I suppose it is part of their arrogant nature to claim they control everyone and everything.

  7. Dear John,

    this was a genius move, to write him. He could not resist the temptation to boast about it.

    Share the quote (with proof if needed) here:

    “Yes, it’s the truth. We rule the world now. We should not be afraid to say the truth now… honestly. — Abraham Levy

    So that more people may find it, when they are on their own way to discover the truth.

    Keep up the good work, and much respect.

    With best regards

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