Major Iranian study of UFO buzzing their nuclear reactor

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Arak nuclear reactor, Iran. Advanced species are infuriated at earthlings for using nuclear energy and weaponry, violating an absolute taboo among civilized races. This inconsiderate practice can cause severe damage to non-participants living far down in our earth and also both on and inside nearby planets in our solar system. When higher species go to war, their weapons are of pinpoint accuracy and do not devastate the environment for 10,000 years.


This 2004 episode is used to raise and debunk the theory that “all UFOs-are-US-Deep-State-secret-projects.”

Some are indeed, but why would US craft be buzzing US nuclear sites as well???

I note the craft over the Iranian site “disappeared” several times. This is what I myself experienced as well in McMinnville, Oregon on 1989. The craft flew very slowly over the treeline and then just dematerialized.

Btw, part of quantum physics is the amazing fact that electrons simply dematerialize on an inner orbit of the nucleus of an atom, and instantly reappear further out, with no time elapsing at all……

……New York Times and Washington Post finally concede UFOs may be very real after two US Navy commanders step forward with 2004 incident that they saw and filmed with their F-18s



…..UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet


Knowing after Stalingrad that the war would likely be lost, AH evacuated the top scientists and elite troops in 50 U-boats with snorkels to the Antarctic. They dug in deep under a mile of solid ice and there await WWIII and the mutual destruction of Russia and the US. They have no choice; they are not strong enough to liberate us.


After WWIII, the German Reich, with a population of just 5 million, will re-emerge and rule whatever is left of this planet. Not a pretty picture — but better than total white genocide.

And Israel, New York, L.A. and other major capitals full of Khazars are gone.

In 100 years, under the Reich, the whole planet will be blooming again under NS, and all races will live under wise, firm, caring Aryan rule, and accept the white man wholeheartedly as the best and most natural leader of this planet.

There is no question whatsoever for me that the Third Reich, knowing it would probably lose the war, evacuated its top scientists in over 50 U-boats between 1943-45 down to the Antarctic, equipped with the German invention of the snorkel (to get air in to the crew while staying submerged for thousands of miles). Note the final sentence: “Many of the original 118 Type XXI submarines were captured and dismantled after the end of the war, but countless others still remain missing.”

This vast, secret undertaking (comparable to the American Manhattan Project) is called in German the Absetzbewegung, which is a military term meaning “disengagement movement.” It means you strategically withdraw — conduct a planned, organized retreat — so as to fight and win on another day.
One could also call it a badger strategy — dig a hole, a burrow, and go into it.

A badger can be killed only if he leaves his hole. And you will be killed if you choose to go down into the burrow after him.
The wise badger waits patiently for his enemies to KILL EACH OTHER. Then he emerges again.
It is this military-scientific remnant of the Reich, a nuclear power, that will survive the destruction of the West in WWIII, dug in in the Antarctic and in the Andes mountains of South America.

(Hitler did kill himself to fool the Americans that the “Nazi danger” was over, and because the remnant of the Reich did not really need politicians like him, just scientists and generals, to survive underground.)

Excellent video by Robert Sepehr:


B: wondering if they will ever come back
John de Nugent After the dust settles from WWIII, when Russia and America are both gone.
They lack the power for anything but a dug-in, “badger” strategy. They are waiting for the two giants to destroy each other, which is all they can do.
B: I don’t even know for sure if they still exist.  
John de Nugent Look at this testimony by Russian air force generals in uniform. Does this general look like he’s “kidding”? Or that “Nazis” with super-weapons is a laughing matter to him?


–Two comrades were joking on Facebook about aliens and nuclear codes. One of them also friended me. I interjected: “Actually, while I enjoy reading this jocular banter, that part about aliens and nuclear codes is literally true. See the Malmstrom AFB incident in 1967 and the Ukrainian-Soviet ICBM incident in 1983 “back in the USSR.” Here is some factual information on that subject. PS Aliens do not view this planet as being “ours,” but instead see us as barbarians who are ruining a good planet which THEY have long used — and very much need intact today — so they can keep on extracting the raw materials they need, such as copper, hydrogen (from water), gold, titanium, etc.

…..The founders and rulers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were nordics

The scribe Sakkara (Aryan Egyptians put an ochre-colored powder  on their skint to prevent sunburn)

The very early Pharaoh Ka; ruled around 3,000 BC


A blond harpist (right) 

Circa AD 500, Egyptians depicted Mary and Jesus as blond, and a red-haired and a blond angel as protecting them

……Jesus an Aryan Galilean?

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