A comrade posted on my site:
How Israel Attacked America! Biggest Cover-Up In History Finally EXPOSED On World Stage!The Stew Peters Show
I replied:
John de Nugent
JUNE 8, 2022 AT 1:41 AM
Thanks very much for this.
I am just a bit hesitant about this Stew Peters himself. His content on many issues is outstanding…. But just who is this guy? What is his background? Where is he from? Is he former military, CIA?
Why does he have a hooked nose (which is clearly visible in his interviews with Shafer and Gaber? Maybe he is Jewish, or maybe part-Italian, Armenian, Arab, Greek, or something else from the Mediterranean…..
I have been an activist since 1978 and never heard of the guy and now he has a big show. Is he controlled opposition? I hope not, because he puts out excellent info and has a strong presence. 🙂
The attack on the USS Liberty is already out there. He will be stopped if and when he questions the diary, the shrunken heads, or the human skin lampshades.
One was a ” mistake”…. and the other in engineered for sympathy.
You are absolutely right that the Liberty truth is out there and has been for along time, yet there has been no upheaval in the US against IsraHell.
Nor was there any when the full truth came out via “911 Missing Links” a decade ago that Israel did the even worse 9/11, killing 3,000 Americans and others on our own soil.
The problem is that 90% of Whites are highly egoic, and thus either cowards (80%) or criminals (10%).
William Dudley Pelly saw this by 1942 — unless white people change INSIDE, no truth and no outrage will bestir them to action. Hene a new religion must arise and transform people.
It sure worked with the Arabs, who were absolute Nobodies who were no threat to Alexander or to Rome until in the 600s Islam arose and changed the Arabs into a conquering race.
If I was a betting man, my money would be on Peters being a jew. Before I stopped watching him, I always got an opportunistic, sensationalist grifter vibe from him. You know the type, always blaming “the elite”, the “deep state” and the “nazis (Oy vey it’s another Hollywoodcaust). One final thing that people may think is meaningless but felt like a major red flag to me: his first and last name when spoken together sounds exactly like “stupider.” That just seems to me to be exactly the sort of fictitious name that these twisted jews would think up. That said, he gets a lot of attention so, in my humble opinion, it’s still a net positive that he’s talking about the USS Liberty.
Thanks for your comment.
I was just told that Peters spoke at an event alongside Congresswoman Marjory Taylor Greene, who is sort of “extreme-MAGA,” to use Joe Biden’s word, and nearly got thrown out of the House of Representatives by Pelosi.
Anyway, Peters is said to have trashed her for not being hard-core enough on all the conspiracies, etc. and here she was, a sitting congresswoman speaking at, and supporting, a patriot event with Nick Fuentes as a speaker which all RINO Republicans avoided with a ten-foot pole. (She took a lot of flak for this attendance and participation at a supposed “white nationalist event.”)
This was very unfair to a very nice and courageous lady, who, btw, just won the Republican primary in Georgia by a landslide.
Peters seems to have a lot of ego, sort of hot-shot self image, and I do not like those who cut fellow patriots down.
As regards the Arabs.It’s only thever oil that makes them relevant today. Befor 1914 who gave a shit about the Arab world or Africa or the far East ? Only their mineral wealth or cheap labour made them important .
The big jews financed the Muslims against the Christians and other lands
Jews and Muslims are related by DNA . They split due to religious differences , so a unlimited told me once.
The mass gimmegrant invaision of Christian countries is financed by Jewish Charities, helped by Soros Billions and others.
They pay the politicians to destroy their own homelands and betray their own indigenous people’s.
Look at the White scum Treduea , Blair, Bush,Clinton, Merkle . They can’t do enough for gimmegrants. They can’t do enough to ethnically cleanse their own people
All have financial links to the zionists money scum.
Untold Billions for wars! hospital operations will have to wait.
Another huge migrant caravan of 15,000 low IQ, brown-skinned invaders is on the way:
As usual, nothing will be done to prevent these invaders from entering the U.S., and they will all be given free everything. Those who don’t go on welfare permanently will take more blue-collar jobs from white Americans, and further depress wages for those jobs.
On the other end of the spectrum are the Indian and Chinese H-1B visa holders who are taking high-paying white-collar jobs from white Americans. For instance, if you’re a non-Jewish white male, good luck trying to get a job at any of the Jewish-run tech giants like Google, Twitter, Amazon, etc., even if you have all the necessary qualifications. They don’t want white people, especially white males, working at those companies.
It looks like the American goverment is as useless at defending its borders as every other whitem Christian country. How very strange….
All welcomed by every politician, and there are no real opposition politicians. How very strange….
Then the gimmegrants take over. How very strange….
White people say nothing, do nothing, and know nothing. How very strange again….
White Christian countries have disappeared. How very strange, the way they let it happen…..
Strange indeed, and more than that.
This is a very special planet, where people rebel against what their own eyes are telling them. 😉
Even an amoeba will pull away if you poke it with a sharp object.
But a white man with an egoic mind will welcome in his lethal enemies.
I realized a very long time ago that the old approaches will never work again.