UPDATED Margi beating her cancer — you face it too — how she did it!

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…..Recent donations


–15 September 2019 $500 via PayPal from R in Holland

–15 September 2019 $500 via PayPal from R in Holland

I want to thank Walter from New York State, Jayne from Washington State, Mike from California and especially Franklin from Holland in Europe for a big donation to Margi via PayPal to mhuffstickler@outlook.com.

We likewise appreciate the donations of Stephen in Scotland, Charles in Washington State, Ross in Michigan and Rubine in Germany.

Thanks so much for your donation to Margi’s recovery from cancer! 🙂

She is not just the woman I love but also a great fighter for our people!

If you help Margi, you are also helping me in my mission! She is as dedicated to our people as am I, and when she is again healthy (which now seems very possible), I will be freed up to complete my work on a new faith to active and unite our people and end our discouraged defeatism! The clock is ticking toward Caucasian genocide!

I interview Margi about successfully using additional therapies (out of pocket) to potentiate chemotherapy and alleviate its very dangerous side effects:

I interview Margi on Lake Superior (6 min.) about beating cancer! (Her voice is soft, and the surf is a bit loud.)

Posted by John De Nugent Aufdeutsch on Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Mayo Clinic doctors (four oncologists and an cancer surgeon) showed Margi with a tiny camera, which was threaded down her nostril on local anesthetic, the actual tumor on her carotid artery. Here they were showing her the entrance to her throat.
Y’all are cool. I like the hat. You should be famous tour guides or hosts. 🙂
Mark, thanks! Heh-heh, I WAS a tour guide for four years on the Freedom Trail in Boston.

Margi reading a beautiful Hitler poem she translated “In a thicket of the forest at Artois” at the 2007 “No More Wars for Israel” conference  in southern California, which we helped save when venue after venue canceled on us at the last second under Khazar pressure.

The poem is found here, 2/3rds down: “Hitler’s moving WWI poem, composed in French Flanders, in the Artois forest, in the spring of 1916” .https://johndenugent.com/a-spiritual-moment-for-corporal-hitler/

A spiritual moment for Corporal Hitler


In September 12th we had posted this on VK and FB:

On the 13th this went up:

Margi’s doctor was amazed, but Margi, who has a nutrition degree and had a flourishing nutrition practice in downtown Washington DC,   is doing lots of natural therapies (some expensive) on the side to aid the effectiveness of the chemotherapy and reduce its potentially fatal side effects! (One woman on her Facebook page about cancer died of a blood clot the day after chemo.)


Here is the US postal money order receipt ($410) to Margi’s Michigan-licensed caregiver for Rick Simpson Oil (full THC and CBD). I whited out his full name and address because marijuana idiotically — even for medicine and terminal patients!! — is still banned on a federal level. Bill is a former US Marine (like me), but a younger guy who did two tours in Iraq and contracted PTSD from seeing his buddies ripped to shreds by roadside bombs. He said it was the only thing that helped.

Rick Simpson Oil is a sticky resin that comes in little tubs. You fish it out with a flosser end and stick it in capsules, then down it in water.  It 1) shuts down one of the cancer pathways, 2) lessens the horrible pain and 3) reduces anxiety — and those are three “biggies”…..




Heart-rending pic of a little sister comforting her little brother with leukemia, hairless like Margi (who wears a nice wig) and about to vomit from the chemo:

The pain got really bad a few months ago. Even the strongest painkillers cannot fully alleviate the pain of this “neoplasm” (“new growth” in Greek, meaning the tumor) growing and pushing steadily on pain nerves. All they do is zonk you out and you cannot do anything. (A friend of mine told me his niece killed herself after months of worsening cancer pain.) 

Well, on the right is the “before” photo — the July PET scan… on the left is “after”, the PET scan a few days ago after two sessions of chemo and Margi’s additional therapie$$$, but all are out of pocket! AS A RESULT, I HAVE NOT PAID MY WEBHOSTING BILL FOR THIS WEBSITE FOR MONTHS, NOR HAVE I PAID MY WEBMASTER THIS MONTH, WHO DEFENDS THIS SITE AGAINST CONSTANT HACKING. You can donate to Margi for these meds saving her life via PayPal at mhuffstickler@outlook.com!

Maximized photo – the huge mass under her chin on the right in July has shrunken tremendously by September. It has been 16 months of hell, worries, stress and growing bad news until thism — and for me, IT HAS DEVOURED MUCH OF MY TIME NEEDED TO START A NEW RELIGION FOR OUR PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT RISING UP EVEN AS OUR DOOM NEARS.

Afterward — we were all smiles 🙂 sitting in the waiting room at the Gonda building at the Mayo Clinic while Margi waited to go in and do her next five-hour intravenous chemo session. 

I will be blogging on what we have learned fighting cancer. 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will get it!

But for today this:

 John Tiffany To what do we attribute this victory?? Maybe melatonin?

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch After reading Jane McClelland’s book https://www.howtostarvecancer.com/ on closing off all possible cancer “pathways” (the MANY different ways cancer, a resourceful and determined disease, tries to feed off you), we have been hitting the cancer with many, many, things, including, yes, melatonin.

We saw over the course of this 16-month battle that the cancer, which is like a semi-intelligent being that “wants” to win its war on you by KILLING you, figures out your strategy, If you just have the one approach, within about three weeks or so it makes a counter-move.
So you have to hit it with everything simultaneously, and yet the insurance covers only the chemo and radiation.
Everything else you do is out of pocket. This is why it was almost criminal of revisionist Fred Leuchter to welsh on his personal loan of $20,000 from Margi.

John Tiffany thanks for your interesting response. I think fasting is a key weapon.

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch to John Tiffany She did that, and went from 115 to 88 pounds. But the cancer figured out what she was doing. It is “in it to win it.” Getting cancer is like getting in the boxing ring with Mike Tyson. It studies your tactics and it adjusts.

with Canadian WN activist Paul Fromm in 2007 in Lansing, Michigan


Margi and I in 2007 at the Nathan Bedford Forrest monument in Memphis, Tennessee


In 2008 in Sarver, Pennsylvania at an Old Timer car and truck show with our then dogs, Spike and his mother Carmen

Margi-John-Old- Timers-Car-Show -Sarver-Pa-Sept- 2008

In 2012 before the cottage in Apollo, Pa. which we rented and were driven out of due to political pressure in 2014


About to sit down to work again, writing for The Barnes Review magazine (http://barnesreview.org) in 2013 ¦. This is one of Margi’s articles, Cattle Kate, on the lynching (yes, Whites got lynched too) by cattle barons of an innocent White farmer couple in Wyoming in 1889, an outrage which led to the US Cavalry being sent in (by the Republican president, naturally to protect the rich cattle barons) and the Wyoming Civil War, with 50 gunslingers brought up from Texas ¦.


Cooking up a storm as usual, and this is her favorite, pumpkin pie


With me in 2014 after a hard move 587 miles from Apollo, Pa. to Ontonagon, Michigan (Upper Peninsula), with Lake Superior as a backdrop


Relaxing at the Twin Lakes State Park near Toivola (a Finnish name!), UP of Michigan (http://www.michigan.org/property/twin-lakes-state-park/)




…..Reactions on VK and FB


Peter Sabatini, Marcus Stewart and 193 others



    • Thanks! Well, God helps those who help themselves. Prayer, donations and intelligent self-education about cancer do help.

      As for the MDs, the doctors, they just follow the playbook, and are all obedient hospital employees. They never told Margi about any of these things that potentiate the chemo and reduce its side effects.

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