Margi bravely fighting the Big C

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Margi addressing the free-range chicken Volk. 😉  She has been a religious consumer of all things organic, all-natural, free-range, and hormone-free, for decades, and she has never used tobacco or alcohol.  She was even a very successful nutritionist and helped many people in Washington DC with their chronic health problems.

Margi (screenshot from a German TV report) protesting courageously against Scientology outside their Clearwater, Florida headquarters in the 1990s

Margi and Ingrid Rimland-Zuendel in 2006

At the bench where Ernst and Ingrid used to sit, up in the Great Smokey Mountains of Tennessee

With me and Canadian activist Paul Fromm in March 2007

Speaking at the “No More Wars for Israel” conference in southern California in October 2007

With the future traitor Henrik Holappa in the fall of 2008, on whom she spent $2,000 for a lawyer


Her master’s degree in music from one of the top college musical departments in the country


At an Old Timer auto show in Sarver, Pennsylvania in 2008

In December 2012 at our rented cottage in Apollo, Pennsylvania, site of an Israeli nuclear-cancer mega-scandal. The FBI made life miserable for us until we left in September 2014.


Up in the UP of Michigan — at Twin Lakes, near Houghton. Margi is German and Scotch-Irish. 

Well, we’re trying everything.  I am suspicious about both the kind of cancer she has contracted, which is throat cancer, since Margi has never smoked or drunk, and also about the timing of the first symptoms: the very week she got her modest inheritance from many months of selflessly caring for her aging parents.

Making an organic pumpkin pie

I taught German at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland, and the faculty parking lot was across the street from Fort Dietrick, Maryland, where at the orders of FDR, the US began producing poisons of all kinds to kill enemy forces and, of course, also individuals opposed to the NWO.

Former senior FBI official Ted Gunderson told me personally the FBI had devices to trigger fast-acting cancer in targeted individuals.

If my suspicion is true, then this is an attempted murder (as with, IMO, Dr. William Pierce, for whom I worked 1981-84), designed obviously to harm both Margi directly — and indirectly me too, burdened with both grief and the need and desire to care for her. 

But I am about establishing a new, dynamic Aryan religion to make us a match for the Talmudist and Muslims, who are religion-powered. This cancer is both harming someone I love and taking me off my mission for our race.

Others can talk race reality, but I really know, deep-down, that only I can start this new, grounded, keeping-it-real, transformational faith.

It is why I am here. It is MY contribution. And Margi wants our race to make it, too. It’s part of why I love her.






  1. So sorry to hear, much love to Margi and you. I agree about Dr. Pierce’s cancer, especially as he had been calling out 9/11, the same as Matt Hale. I have faith that our people is still to reach its highest greatness. Margi and you have a place in our history, we wish you all the best.

    • Ingrid Rimland told us that it was when Ernst Zuendel began writing about 9/11 in his newsletter that he was arrested.

      As for me and Margi, thanks for your kind thoughts. 🙂

      But we are not riding off into the sunset. This war has just begun. It is not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning.

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