Margi news — and mine; it won’t kill us, but make us stronger

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As you know, Margi beat Stage III throat cancer in 2018-19 with my massive help, which unfortunately entailed drastic cutbacks in my time for this website, which used to come out daily also in French and German.

This was a video from September 2019. Her voice was already deeply affected, and she was in LOTS of pain, but the tumor was shrinking.


Between many 370-mile trips to the Mayo Clinic in those years, plus taking natural anti-cancer supplements, which generous donations paid for, she beat the odds.


The Mayo, Number-One in the world, was amazingly judenrein, with only about 5% jewish doctors. None one is seen here on this personnel board. Compare that with any big-city American hospital!

The Mayo doctors initially gave her only a “twenty-percent chance of survival” — see the ping-pong-ball-sized tumor on her carotid artery on the PET scan on the right. But, as the scan on the left showed, all the Mayo’s massive chemo and radiation (the max), plus, IMO, the natural supplements, proved victorious!

You can see how above each yellow dot which I added was the tumor’s location and size from July 2019 (r) to March 2020 (l).


I wish to thank again two caring individuals who made constant Amazon gift card donations at that time, a Floridian and an Illinois comrade. We bought supplements with them. Since chemo and radiation at the max level themselves, being both overtly toxic therapies, can weaken and kill people, and since the Mayo docs only gave her a 20% chance, I must ascribe her survival to those donors whose Amazon gift cards paid for those supplements.



Anyway, beating or beating BACK the cancer ended a long agony for us both.

I noticed my own expression at the very end of the video of me and Margi above, as I clicked the camera off. You feel hunted, day and night, by this monster.


Margi for her part was in severe physical pain, as well as in emotional dread of a totally undeserved death from throat cancer. She had never smoked or drunk alcohol, and she ate only health foods for decades.

Plus she lost her beautiful hair, and the radiation scorched her throat.


For me, it was months of seeing a loved one being, in effect, tortured, and by some mindless, stupid THING.

At the end of WWII, Red Army troops forced German husbands to watch while they raped their wives, brothers saw their sisters violated, and sons their mothers. Twitch just one muscle, and the gloating Red Army would shoot you.

The same has happened in post-apartheid South Africa, when negroes burst at night into an isolated farmhouse and raped the wife in front of the husband. Again, if the man made one move, they killed him, and then the wife is not just raped but also a widow and alone.

In my last life, my mother died in agony of breast cancer. Our family physician was a jew, but a really decent one. (When he left Austria for America, though he was a jew he refused to slander me to the jewspapers, and said he had never seen more grief in any son than I had shown when my mother, Klara, died.)

Later on, I let a famous jewish doctor stay on in Germany and continue his research from the beginning in 1933 right through to the end in 1945 because he was doing excellent work on cancer.

It is AGONY.

And yes, the jews love giving gentiles cancer.

Anyway, from the fall of 2020 through 2021, Margi got healthier and stronger. Even in the winter, she has planted and harvested herbs during our six-month winter here in the house, on the enclosed porch. We might still have snow up here on Lake Supremacist 😉 until mid-May!

Well, this is the latest.

MARGI. Well, it does turn out that Margi has cancer again…in the liver, which is not good even compared to other cancers, but it is only 2 cm, less than an inch, and the doctor feels radiation will zap it.
I had hoped for this cancer thing to be behind us so that my NS work, which now MUST go high-profile, or we will all be incinerated, would not affect her quality of care.
Last time Margi had cancer, in her throat, in the 2018-19 period, we had a black oncologist locally and a jewess and a Chinese fellow at Mayo (both of whom were very good, btw.)
And Margi is just as much of an active WN as I am, with speeches given and 62 Barnes Review articles published.
So I do hope we can zap this tiny tumor fast and get it.
As before, I ask myself why Margi has gotten this cancer. She has gotten the finest anti-cancer OTC supplements from me all throughout her last cancer battle and since the Mayo discharged her in 2020 also.
I cannot prove this liver cancer was caused by the Feds, but they 100% have this capacity to slow-kill people this way.
And it is once again devouring our time and money. But I will start my movement nevertheless. Time is running out. Either the Great Reset or WWIII is now “ante portas.”
Nuclear War/Nuclear Winter –History Channel
With Trump, once the neo-cons got to him, a nuclear war was possible.
With Biden, it is certain.
Unless I stand up, shock and shake the world awake.


If you are a repeat donor, or otherwise meritorious, I would invite you to get a free, encrypted, Swiss account.  On Yahoo and Gmail there are (((prying eyes))).
Much to discuss, dear friends.
We will get better, not bitter, and this test ahead will make us, not break us.
Also, I have raised the monthly donations goal to $1,600. $1,400 did not include repairing the eleven-day February hack.
36,000 images are missing. 13 years of blogs have no photos. This was a hack at the highest  level.
Margi is now helping me restore my key articles, and I am paying her $5 an hour, which gives her a sense of working, of advancing our Cause, and of not thinking about cancer.

I am still being hacked daily. And every two days (((they))) succeed in temporarily locking me out of my own site!


Umm, the “site owner” is me,”WordFence.” 😉

.…Comment from a Texan

Thoughtful cinematic symphonic music for our zeitgeist:


Every day I suffer mentally in great anguish because I feel like our lives are liquidated and wasted by antiWhites and their implicit or explicit hatred of God and creation. I can’t grasp why we have to live this way with these people, but my faith is that there is a reason for it, even if we may not like it when we learn it.

I tell my daughter that “God does not just throw people away. ” I think he may section us or humble us, but always leaves us a way to elevate.

Thanks for so much faith in God and creation even though you have suffered so much here, and apparently in more than one lifetime.

It matters to me, and I’m sure it will to many millions, once what you are struggling to describe is spoken into the mass consciousness of our people.

I care!

I am glad Margaret has you. I had her as a Facebook friend long ago and knew little about her other than she seemed calm and kind. I know she is out of the public and may not even remember me, but I wish her healing and comfort. Even if she forgets me I send my regards.



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It works in seconds, and you get an email confirmation!

If in Canada or overseas, set up a TransferWise account! Same basic idea.
Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!




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